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Project Report
Consumer Behavior in Rahamautuallah Restaurant
Submitted to
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
In Partial fulfillment for the Degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration (Sem-V)
Mohsin Inamdar , Rayis Solapure.
Roll no: 09,34.
Under the guidance of
Prof. Jyoti Joshi

The Director,
Deccan Education Society's
Chintamanrao Institute of Management Development & Research,
In the year 2015-2016
Signature of teacher

We are going to do this project to study the consumer behavior in
Rahmatullha Restaurant.
The consumer visiting to Rahmatullha Restaurant has their different
psychology related to the specific service provided.

Restaurants often have many customers buying their services or at least
too many to get to know each personally.
Customers are all different in many instances, brains are prone to react
in a similar manner, and understanding these subtitles in consumer mind
can help business to create ways to ethically move.
Research has been shown that people like being labeled and they are
more inclined to participate in their groups message if they feel
People who are labeled has superior consumer tends to spend more
and those in regular class arrant affected.
the purpose of paper is to explore the relationship between restaurant
attributes and consumers willingness to patronize.
Current research shows that the most common factor affecting
restaurants guests while making decisions are food quality, service
quality, and over all restaurant environment.
A dynamic comparison method using scenario based experimental
primary research has been used for the current study. It s a 2x2x3
experiment with two types of restaurants. (full and quick service) two
level performance high and low and three major attributes (food,
services and ambience).

Customer in both upscale and quick service restaurants are willing to

spend more if the restaurants resources are focused on attributes that are
appropriate for the segment.
In order to continue the trend of increasing sales in the restaurants
industry, overall guest satisfaction and repeat business must be a priority
for organization.
There are different types of main course and snacks items in
Rahamtuallah Restaurant. So to identify the customer & their buying behavior
have been the focus of a number of main course and snacks items. The result of
these studies have been useful to provide solution to various unsatisfied
Understanding consumer behavior is not enough without understanding the
composition and origin of the customer. Today most of the customers are
attracted by the good taste of dishes because of their high quality.
So the objectives of the study are

How can we stand out in a highly competitive market where

consumer have so many choice?.
How we can provide best service to our customer while earning a
fair profit?
It is said to be that consumers demand is up to sky, means every new and
modern technologies and so in Rahmatullha hotel it is studied about the
consumer behavior in Rahmatullha hotel.

James .t. Heimbach food and drug administration.
Abstract some of the major data gathering approaches used by the fedral
government in its examination of consumer perceptions of food labeling are
described as well as some of overall findings.
The primary finding are discussed in terms of their implication for
redesigning food labels to make then more appropriate to consumer
needs and are efficient communication tools.
Food is an uniquely important commodity. It is an absolute necessary
one no one can avoid consuming it and very few people in this country
can avoid buying at least some of their food through the
manufacturing(distribution network).
Buying food is complex activity because the appearance the texture even
the task will not usually tell us much about its important characteristics.
The primary medium of course is the food label food label carries a truly
incredible amount of information about the contents of the container.
What it is how such is there, how much it costs who made it what whole
ingredients are in it.
A problem however is that we often to do not know what information
consumer really want or why they want it. There has been extensive
speculation to example- that people are becoming increasingly
integrated in the nutritional value of their food as one aspect of the more
general involvement with physical fitness.


The systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis,

dissemination, and use information for the purpose of assisting management
in decision making related to the identification and solution of problem and
opportunities in market.
When an Restaurant comes in the competitive market then the main
problem comes in front of him is, how can survive in the market. For this
purpose they have to know about their food process, employment process,
Quality process, consumer needs and consumer behavior. The main purpose of
the Restaurant is to satisfy the consumer needs. Their all function rounds
around the customer, they try to know the behavior of the customer and fulfill
their goal and to know about the customers behavior they do Demand
research to analyze consumer behavior.
We can say it is the internal research of an Restaurant. There are some
external factor which affects the growth of the Restaurant like customer
behavior and the political, technological, economical, and legal environment.
And the most important factor is consumer buying behavior because this
factor is responsible for the utilization of the Dishes and various items. So
Restaurant also needs the research on the consumer buying behavior.
When we do the research on the consumer behavior we should know
the entire factor which affects the consumer buying behavior. Social
environment, education, culture and traditions, income, society are the factors
which affect the buying behavior of the consumer. We can also divide it into
geographic, demographic, psychological factor. The main objective of this
study are
To understand why customer buy a particular dish or item.
To know the marketing opportunities.
To know about customer acceptance of the product.

To analyze the customer expectation from the Restaurant.

In the marketing research we firstly design our research. Our research
can be Descriptive, explorative and casual research design.
Casual research design is based on survey and observation. In this research
process we are selected descriptive research design.

Research problems: To study buying behavior of consumer for having a
lunch and dinner in Rahamtuallah Restaurant.
Data source: Primary data and secondary data
Research approach: Survey approach
Research methodology: Exploratory method
Research Instruments: Questionnaire

Population Definition

Sample: Restaurant and its item

Extent: Miraj.

Sample Methods
Sample size

Random Simple Sampling


Primary data

Questionnaire and Interview


While deciding about the sample of research, it is required from the

researchers point to pay attention to these under mentioned points:
a Sample Units: A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit
before selecting a sample, sampling unit may be a geographical one
such as state, district, village Etc. so in this research sampling unit is
b Source list: It is also called sampling frame from which sample is to
be drawn ,it caters name of all the items of a universe (in case of finite
universe only).Researcher has to prepare it.
c Sampling size: This refers to the no. of items to be selected from the
universe to constitute a sample. This is a major problem before the
researcher. The size of sample should neither be excessively large not
too small, it should be optimum. This size of population must be kept
in view for this also limits the sample size .Sample size in this research
is 25 customers.
d Sampling procedure: Finally the researcher must decide the type of
sample he must be .That is he must decide about the technique to be
used in selecting items for the sample .In fact this technique or
procedure stands for the sample design itself. In this we used the
random sampling on the basis of first survey results, which is from 25


We collected primary data through sample survey or census surveys from the
selected elements from Rahamautuallah restaurant . So for this purpose we
have used the most popular tool of primary data collection through direct
communication with respondents. The tools we used are questionnaires.
Source of data: Data required for the study was collected through primary
sources i.e. Rahamtuallah Survey.


Actually data is of two kinds so researchers should keep in mind both types
of data.
a Primary Data: Primary data are those, which are collected afresh and for
the first time and this happen to be original in character.
b Secondary Data: Secondary data are those data which have already been
collected by someone else and which have already been used as per
There are basically two sources to collect secondary data
a Internally: Provided by the company/organization
b Externally: Various


Books, magazines, newspapers







After only keeping in mind one can think about what type of data has to be
collected during research as our research is concerned we have to gather
primary data for Customer behavior

Table No 1 :- Persons like to go for having food

No. of Respondent

Percentage of Respondent







Five stars



Table No 2:- Satisfied with the dishes available in Rahamautuallah Restaurant


No. of Respondent

Percentage of Respondent







This method is more popula .The questionnaire is sent to the person concerned
to answer the questions formatted and return the same soon.
A Questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed or typed in definite
order on a form or set of forms. The Questionnaire is sent to the respondents.

In order to achieve the research objective it is necessary to collect accurate

and relevant data, secondary data are already published data collected for
purposed other than the specific research needs at hand.
Primary data that are collected specifically for the research situation at hand,
were collected by surveys ,using respondents surveys is one of the ways of
collecting primary data namely observations, experiments and surveys .


Questionnaire on Customer survey

Topic:-Consumer behaviors in Rahamtuallah Restaurant.
1. Where do you like to go for having Lunch/Restaurant?
a) Hotels

b) Restaurants

c) Dhabas d) 5 Stars

2. How many time you like to visit this place?

a) During weekends
c) Daily

b) Monthly

d) Rarely

3. Are you food conscious?

a) Yes

b) No

4. Are you satisfied with the variety of dishes available in Rahamtuallah

a) Yes

b) No

5. If yes you prefer?

a) Snacks b) Main course
6. Do you think Rahamtuallah Restaurant provide easy availability of items?
a) Yes

b) No

7. Which parameters effect your decisions?

a) Quality

b) Price

c) easy availability

8. What type of dishes you prefer?

a) Veg b) Non- Veg
9. Which type of Items you prefer mostly?
a) Biryani

b) Gravy Item(Murg Musslaam).

10. How you like the Service in Rahamtuallah hotel?

a) Satisfied

b) Dis Satisfied

As our project title is to find the market behavior of the customer in
Rahamautuallah hotel . Accomplish this project and to make report we survey
all type of customer behavior in Rahamtuallah Restaurant. We gather data and
after data analysis, we conclude that the market behavior of the customer
bases on customer satisfaction. At a present time mostly customer like a style
and social status and brand conscious in the society.

As the research has shown the comparison between customer buying
behavior regarding having food lunch, dinner. Since the consumer buying
behavior is the important factor to forecast the satisfaction of customer in a
particular way. So Restaurant should keep close eye on the customer
satisfaction. yet, customer were price sensitive, but the changing demand and
customer view and preference shown that

customer are now quality

sensitive .They want quality product, good services, easy availability and
better service by the Restaurant .


News paper: -

The Economic Times.

Business Standard.

Journals: -

Business World, Business Today.

Website: -

Book: -

Kotler Philip , Principle of Management

Khothri C R , Research Methodology

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