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Human Resource Department Strategy Planning

1. Introduction
Molganic was founded in 1955 and is a high- quality components factory that can be used in
the computer industry.
Molganics operational structure is concentrated in one key area - Molganic Portugal which
develops components for supply mainly in Portugal but also in Africa.
Aproximately 835 people work for Molganic in a variety of departments one of which is the
Human Resource Department with 5 subdivisions :

Management of Safety, Hygiene and Health
Recruitment and Selection
Rewards and Benefits
Employee Relations

Molganic depends on having employees with high level of skills in externally facing roles
such as Sales, Marketing, Customer Service as well as in internal roles as IT and Finance. The
recruitment of specialist employees and training those who are already employed are essential
to Molganics growth.
It is said that the most important resources of an organization are its employees and that is
because the organization depends on the skills and capabilities of its employees. They need to
be motivated, captivated and developed. It is throug such processes that the organization can
meet their business objectives and increase their employeess capabilities to creata
competitive advantage.
This case study is focused on the Human Resource Management within Molganic.
2. Human Resource Objectives and Strategy overall view
As we all know, the organization relies on its employees more than to reach the organizations
objective. Strategic human resource managemment has a very important place in developing a
sustenaible, fit for purpose, improving and maintaining high-quality workforce for the
Molganics succes. Competitiveness requires a business to be efficient and productive and
achieving this is difficult unless the workforce is well motivated, has the right skills and is
effectively organised
3. SWOT Analysis of the Human Resource Management Deparment

Experienced workforce dedicated and commited to the mission
Diversity of experience

Availability of diverse trainings including genger discrimination, respect for

minorities, sexual harassment and safety procedures
The creation of the practical comunities
Informal meetings snack and chat
The blog from the company ultranet
The program of wellfare anual meeting about the immune system and
assesment of risk factors for healh
Reimbursment for participating in program of weight loss and smoking
cessation and participation at workrelated courses
Uneven participation
Insufficient supervision and direction
Lack of proper recognition
Lack of accountability of managers and employees to achieve clear and
measurable performance levels
Budget constrains
Low morale
High turnover
Availability of information about the best practicies in human resources
Development of new managers
To bridge the gap regarding communication, cooperation and support between
departments and between top management and employees
Consistent application of policies acress all departments
Improving effectivity and productivity
IV. Threats
Human Resource not recognized properly by the top management
Budget cuts
Distraction from core business
Retention of key staff
Possible negative publicity
Cost of recruitment, training and replacement
4. Planning
Objective 1 : To implement regular staff and performance evaluations

Strategy 1 : Enforce the expectation that the evaluation will occur at least once every 6
Goals : - improve job performance
- encourage preffesional growth
- comunicating and understanding job description
Methods of evaluation : - discuss job performance, expectations and
- set goals for professional development
- establish job expectations
- periodic formal evaluation such as observing, collecting

- Strategy 2 : Measure department confirmity and provide feedback to top management for
analysis and planning
Goals : - monitor impact of profesional development on job performance
- department reorganization

Methods : - periodic reports regarding employee performance

- recomandations for realocating, necesary trainings or lay-offs
- recomandations for rewards

Objective 2 : Reorganization of the Human Resource Department and Staff Realocation

- Strategy 1 : Communication

Goals : Transparency
Methods : - communicate clear and comprehensive about the reasons for changes
- open communication about the process used for making decisions
about reorganizations and possible layoffs
- allowing employees to add their imput
- open review of the Molganics status, values, goals

- Strategy 2 : Probation period

Goals : - give the employee a chance to evaluate his/her position and accomodate with
the possibility of realocation
- give the employee a chance asses the skills needed for that specific job
description and try to improve
- for the manager to have the opportunity to observe if an improvement can be
made in order to maintain his/her position in the company and also meet the
companys needs
Methods : - clear and ferm communications about the job description and expectations
- clear statement obout the fact that the probation period that this probation
period doesnt necesarily imply lay-off but primarily maching the right
employee with the right job in order to improve the work quality whithin
the department
- establishing a time frame for the probation period maximum 6 months
Proposed employees for probation period and motives :
o Joe Vasques missing deadlines on important reports
- he is not fully pepared for managing the entire Department of
Hygiene, Safety and Health
- lacks time management skills
- has a good attitude and enthusiasm and with proper training and
a chance to improve his work quality, he can become an asset
Carla David cant undertake a project to the end
- delegates her work to other employees
- controls and receives rewards every year without beeing a
proper candidate
- sugestion : contract termination at the end of the probation period if
impovements arent made or downsizing her status and
realocation on the Employee Relations Deparment

Objective 3 : Improvement of retention of employees, training and development

- Strategy 1 : A path between top management and employees

Goals : - gain trust from the employees

- consistent application of Molganics policies
- colaboration and communication
Methods : - increasing the presence of management among the employees and
providing verbal support and encouragement
- allowing and encouraging employees to contribute with creative ideas
- acknowledgement of trust concerns and work effort
- periodically individual meetings to find out whats motivating them and
whats demotivating them
- keeping the program Talk with the Boss and encouraging employees to
talk with anyone from the top management he/she is confortable relaying
all kinds of management problems, without fear of reprisal
- eliminating the program Discuss with the Bosss Boss implemented by
Esteves Luis it is confusing, restrictive, intimidating for employess and
maybe ofensive for the imediate supervisor
- eliminating the Human Resource line HR Answers budget consuming
- offering effective leadership and supervision

- Strategy 2 : Increasing morale and productivity

Methods : - providing relugar employee recognition

- providing feedback and coaching
- giving awards such as diplomas in order to recognize performance
( otstanding effeort and achievement on a specific project)
- implementing employee-of-the-month program
- small creativity contests where the owner of the most creative ideea or
project benefic to the company in a month can receive diploma/small
plaque displayed in a common area for the next month
- implementing casual Friday
- supervisers/managers have to be a positive role model

- Strategy 3 : Development

Goals : - increase work quality

- increase level of participation
- encouragind development opportunities
Methods : - keep the practical communities where employees can meet to resolve
variuos problems and exchange ideeas especially because other
departments such as Research and Development, Engineering and
Production have joined and encourage other departments to join too
implemented by Constana
- keep the informal meetings snack and chat on Fridays where employees
could speak freely about their work implemented by Constana
- implement brainstorming meetings whenever a difficult solution is

needed and every ideea is taken into consideration

- close the blog on the company intranet : with the other 2 ways of sharing
and exchangind ideea it can be distracting and confusing
- continuing with the employee involvment team - implemented by Esteves
- continue with reimbursment for enrolment in work related college
- Strategy 4 : Trainings

Goals : - develop the skills needed for the effectivenes of the company
Methods : - keep the encouragement to participate in training seminars
- continue with the regular internal training regarding discrimination,
respect for minorities, sexual harassment and safety procedures
- adding new profesional trainings such as :
a) Developing a Reward Strategy
- main intended employees : Joao Covas, Esteves Luis and managers
- estimated period of training : 2 days
- possible days of training : 1 weekend, 2 consecutive Saturdays
- brief content : objectives and success measures, understanding the reward
environment (organizational needs and values, employee motivation), reward
strategy design ( strategy development, links with other HR programmes,
developing the plan, tools, communication), evidence-based strategy design
(understanding the framework, evidence-based success criteria,measures),
implementing the reward strategy ( barriers to succes, enablers )
- location of the training the Molganics meetingss office
- possibility of discount for attendance of more that 5 members
b) Compensation and Benefits Management
- main intended employees : Joao Covas, Esteves Luis and managers
- estimated period of training : 3 days
- possible days of training : the trainer can adapt to the organization needs and time
- brief content : types of rewards, payment structures and strategies, salary surveys
and using data for reward strategies, group rewards, performance evaluation,
managing promotions and regular employee engagement
- location of the training the Molganics meetingss office
- affordable price if participates mor than 3 employees because the payment is for
the event, not for the number of participants
- various intern training with the colaboration of Constana such as :
analytical skills, action orientation, communication, decision making,
innovation, interpersonal skills, establishing objectives, planning,
results orientation, teamwork
- estimated period of time for each : 1-3 hours
- possible days of training : Friday afternoon, Saturday

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