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com | Best quotes from first two days of SONA

ParliamentThe two-day State of the NationAddress debate has been filled with so-called fairy tales,
nursery rhymes,below-the-belt punches and angry exchanges.
Here is a compilation of some of the best quotes:
"It is not honourable, it is someone who runs abrothel."Congress of the People MP Deidre Carter
after ANCchief whip Stone Sizani referred to her as 'madam'.
"On the 9th of December 2015, President Jacob Zumapressed the red button and dropped what
amounted to a nuclear bomb on theeconomy in South Africa."DA MP David Maynier on
Zuma'sdecision to fire Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene.

"I would like to congratulate the minister of economicdevelopment on his appointment as

ambassador to China."DA MPDavid Maynier's response to Economic Development Minister Ebrahim
"All Julius's are created equally."DeputyMinister in the Presidency Buti Manamela on the DA's
Jacques Julius.
"The honourable leader of the red brigade did not wantto go in to see [Fikile] Mbalula because he
was not prepared to compromise hisboyhood and did not know what would happen to him at that
point intime.Now where is the bravery in that?"Manamela on whyhe does not believe EFF leader
Julius Malema is brave.
"One thing for sure I'm not a monkey and I don't seemonkeys in front of me"Deputy Agriculture
Minister Bheki Cele.

"One faction is made up of two or three parties withthe presiding officers, and a smaller faction is

trying to keep the executiveaccountable."Cope leader Mosiuoa Lekota on factions inParliament.

"In the Northern Cape you know what we called a juveniledelinquent? Someone who moves from
ignorance to decadence without passingthrough civilisation. You have missed out a phase in your
life."EnergyMinister Tina Joemat-Pettersson speaking about Malema.
"Don't be drawn in by a juvenile delinquent, don'tcompete with a juvenile delinquent. Please, we call
you copycats, man." -Energy MinisterTina Joemat-Pettersson referring to Malema.
"They live on a planet of their own making where theirleader composes fairytales full of monsters
that are a figment of hisimagination. He tried to use fairytales as his 'let's pretend I will rule
oneday'." - Science and Technology Minister Naledi Pandor referring toMaimane.
"Now I understand why they built the buses that are toobig for the BRT lanes in Nelson Mandela
Bay. This is to ensure that Zuma hadsomething big enough to throw people under." - DA chief whip
"Madam Speaker, Jacob Zuma is not an honourable man.Because, if he was an honourable man, he
would do the honourable thing andresign." - DA leader Mmusi Maimane.
"They are the equivalent of snake-oil salespeopleoffering a quack remedy that doesn't work." - Trade
and Industry MinisterRob Davies on promises by other parties that they would fix South
"We do not recognise him due to his incapacity, lack ofdirection, association with criminal elements,
unaccountability." - Malemaafter referring to Zuma as an illegitimate president.

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