Once Upon A Time

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Once upon a time, there were two butterflies, Teri and Roni. They are friends.

Teri and Roni had the

same crown. One day, Kodi a frog, saw Teri and Roni quarelling You took it! said Roni. No, I did not! said
Hey, whats the matter? asked Kodi.
Teri stole my crown! said Roni.
No, I did not! said Teri.
Yesterday, I still had my crown when she came to visit me, said Roni.
Today, I cannot find the crown! Look! She is wearing it! Roni shouted.
My mom gave me this crown, Teri explained. Kodi suggested they all to g to Ronis house.
Where did you put it? said Kodi to Roni.
I put it on the table, Roni answered. They didnt find the crown.
May be it fell down. Kodi looked under the table. Nothing was there.
It was my favorit crown! Roni sobbed.
I didnt steal yours, but if you like it so much you can have mine, Teri gave Roni the crown.
Its here! Kodi saw the crown behind the curtain.
Roni stop crying, Thank God, Kodi found it!
Sorry, Teri, I accused you. Im a terrible friend!
Its OK, said Teri. Lets say hanks to Kodi!
1. Where did Kodi find the crown?
a. under the table
b. On the table
c. Behind the curtain
d. In the house
2. II put it on the table. What does the underlined word refers to?
a. The crown
b. The house
c. The table
d. The curtain
3. From the story we can learn that
a. trusting each other is very important
b. the goodness is always be the winner
c. a wise friend can be trusted
d. we shouldnt accuse of ather without proof.
4. From the story above we can conclude that Kodi is a friend.
a. wise
b. good
c. polite
d. happy
5. Rearrange these sentences to make a good narrative text.
1) Once upon a time, there reigned in East Java a king named Sindureja.
2) Sidupaksa had a very beautiful wife.
3) He had a prime minister named Sidupaksa.
4) They lived in complete happiness.
5) Each day she tried to think a way to separate Sidupaksa from his wife.
6) Sidupaksa loved his wife deeply.
7) However, Sidupaksas mother didnt like her daughter- in law
The best arrangement is
a. 1 3 2 6 4 7 5
b. 1 4 6 3 7 5 2
c. 1 2 4 7 6 3 5
d. 1 6 5 3 2 4 7
6. Arrange the following sentences into a good narrative text
1) The five-footed bear like to help other animal.
2) One afternoon, when the five-footed bear went home, he found a rabbit under a mahogany tree.
3) But all animals who lived with him didnt feel strange.
4) Once upon a time there was a strange bear who lived in the jungle.
5) Then, the five footed bear brought him to his home.
6) His home was open for anyone who wanted to stay.
7) He had five feet.
8) The rabbit looked hungry
The best arrangemennt is
a. 4 7 3 5 6 8 2 1
b. 4 7 1 3 8 6 5 2
c. 4 7 3 1 6 2 8 5
d. 4 7 3 1 5 2 6 8
Once upon a time, in a village of Central Java there was apoor farmer and his son named Jaka Tarub.
Jaka Tarub was very handsome as well as kind, honest and brave. He liked to help other people. He always
sympathized with those who wee weak but innocent and those who were poor but honest.
One day, when he was returning home from hunting, he saw seven beautiful young women bathing in
the lake amid a dense jungle. As he was thinking hard of way to get aquainted with anyone of them, he
caught sight of their clothes, which were piled up under a tree at the bank of the lake. He decided to steal the
clothes of one of the women.
After fifnishing their bath, they walk ashore to where they had left their clothes. One of them, however,
screamed suddenly and wept as she found out that her own clothing had vanished. While they were
searching for the lost clothing, a rainbow appeared on the sky and glided down towards the lake. It was time

for them to go back to heaven. As the one women climbed up the rainbow on their way back to the sky, the
one who had lost her clothing was left alone, weeping for she could not enter the heaven without her
heavenly clothing.
Seeing this, Jaka Tarob was astonished greatly, because he then knew that they were certainly not
ordinary women, but nymph. He felt sorry for the poor nymph and decided to approach her.
How surprise the nymph was when suddenly he saw a young man standing before her. She at once
thought that he must have been the thief who had stolen her clothes, so she blamed and scolded him. He
begged her pardon for what he had done and told her his reason. She forgave him. She begged the God as
well to pardon him and the God blessed him and the God blessed them. The two soon fell in love each other.
Later on, Jaka Tarub and the nymph, who had been changed by the God into a very beautiful ordinary
maiden, got married, and lived happily ever after.
7. Paragraph 1 is the of the text.
8. What did Jaka Tarub do in order to get acquainted with one of the women?
a. identification
b. orientation
c. evaluation
d. compliication
9. Why was Jaka Tarub astonished greatly? Because he knew that
a. He hid their clothes
b. He piled their clothes under the tree
c. He approached one of them
d. He stole the clothes of one of them
10. One of them (par 3) The word them refers to
a. nymphs
b. rainbow
c. clothes
d. Jaka Tarub and his father.
11. as she found out that her own clothing had vanished. The word vanished means
a. lose value or strength
b. make slow or late
c. disappeared suddenly
d. knowing somebody personally
One day a hungry crow was looking for food. He flew here and there and came to field. In the
field he found some sheep were grazing. Suddenly an eagle flew down and carried off a small lamb with its
powerful claws.
Just look at that eagle! the crow exclaimed.
He has plenty to eat. I must do the same and catch a lamb for myself. He thought for a while and
decided on something else. No, Ill catch a big sheep instead, and I will be able to eat even more!
He flew toward the flock of sheep. He watched and searched which one was the biggest. When he had found
the prey, he pounched on it with his claws. He tried to carry it off, but it was too big and heavy. He tried again
and again, but he could not lift the sheep.
The shepherd saw what the crow was trying to do. He rushed toward the crow with his stick and
shouted, Go away, you silly crow! Leave my sheep alone or you will die!
The crow was scared. He tried to fly away, but his claws had gotten stuck in the sheeps wool. The
shepherd caught the crow and put him into a cage. The shepherd wanted to teach him a lesson.
12. Why was the shepherd ale to catch the crow easily? Because
a. the crow didnt fly high
b. the shepherd had a stick
c. the shepherd wanted to teach a lesson
d. the crows claw had gotten stuck in the sheeps wool.
13. When he had found the prey, he pounched on it with his claws. What does the word it refer to ?
a. the eagle
b. the crow
c. the sheep
d. the claw
14. What can we learn from the story above?
a. be brave
b. Be ourselves
c. Be creative
d. Be confident
15. The cro was scared. The synonym of scared is
a. surprised
b. shock
c. afraid
d. patient
A fox saw a crow fly off woth a piece of cheese in its beak and setle on a branch of a tree. Thats for me,
as I am a fox, said Master Reynard, and he walked up to the foot of the tree. Good day, Mistress Crow,
he cried. How well you are looking today; how glossy your feathers how bright your eyes. I feel sure your
voice must surpass that of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I
may greet you as the Queen of Birds. The crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the
moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to go snapped up by master
Fox. That will do, said he. That was all I wanted. In exchange for your cheese I will give you a piece of
advice for the future: Do not trust flatterers.

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