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Bumps a Daisies Days

January &
February 2016

Bumps a Daisies offers Daisy Birthing and Daisy Baby

in Cardiff & the Vale of Glamorgan and works closely

with several local companies offering services for expectant
new parents in South East Wales.
hope you enjoy reading our newsletter. Once you have
finished reading it, please feel free to pass it on to anyone
that you think would also enjoy it!
this edition we look at ways to enjoy your bump, find out
about the benefits of baby massage for you and your baby
catch up on the latest birth announcements from our
Daisy classes.

If you know about something that would be of interest to

new families in the area events, services, products
etc, please do let me know, so that I can include it in the next






Blog Spot How to have

a Happy Pregnancy

Birth Announcements
from our classes

The many benefits of

Baby massage

Pregnancy Announcements how did you share your news?

Who remembers last years cute pregnancy announcement

Tom Fletcher and his Daisy Birthing wife Giovana?


I love seeing the innovative ways that expectant mums and dads are now
choosing to share their exciting news; and pregnancy announcements have
come a long way since I found out I was pregnancy with my first

baby. I didnt even own a mobile phone and as for smart phones with
facebook and you tube. these were still several years away!

McBusteds Tom Fletcher and Daisy Birthing

wife Giovana, publically announce their new

So I, somewhat anxiously, announced my first pregnancy to family and

friends by carrying our 12 week ultrasound scan picture around with me,
and whipping it out at the first suitable opportunity! Or for those a little
further afield, a phone call had to suffice.

I love seeing these glad tidings of great joy popping up in my social media newsfeeds, but I like to think that I would
have still told my nearest and dearest in person, and experienced first hand their immediate reaction, whether it be
surprise, shock, joy, excitement or disbelief (or all of the above in the case of my Dad - who definitely wasnt ready to
hear that his youngest daughter was about to make him a grandparent!!).
Did you do anything special to announce your new pregnancy? Here are a few that I have come across recently on
Facebook and Instagram - which are your favourites?!
Card Trick: We made a card for our parents that said: Cost of the paper for this card25 cents. Cost to print this
card...10 cents. The price of gas to come see you$25.00. Inside of the card had picture of two [pregnancy] tests we
took and read: Being able to see your face when you find out we're pregnant...PRICELESS."
Good Fortune: To tell our parents, I took a tweezer and pulled out a fortune from a fortune cookie and replaced it with
one I typed. Since we were due in September, it said With fall will bring new grandchild. I then got a small take-out
box from the party store and some crinkle tissue and set the cookie inside. They loved it!

Daisy Birth Announcements

Once you have announced your pregnancy, its just a matter of waiting to announce the birth of your baby!
Congratulations to all our new Daisy Mummies whose little ones have been born over the past two months
Katherine Griffleson
Kate Williams
Siobhan Forsyth
Rachel Gronow
Jenny Wagner
Eleanor Evans Morris
Carla Jewell
Helen Hennon
Rhiannon Moss-Lister
Victoria Hillier
Lynsey Griffin
Kate Gee
Carrie Satherley
Christine Barcello
Stephanie Foley
Beth Burns
Tamzin Matthews
Sarah Bloomfield
Ceri Welchman
Heather Jones

Gruff (9lb 5oz)
Eli (6lb 14.5oz)
Iwan Zac (6lb 1oz)
Jude Isaac (8lb 11oz)
Daniel Rhys (6lb 1oz)
Martha (8lb 10oz)
Rosie (8lb)
Ashley Paige
Joseph (8lb 4oz)
Daniel (7lb 7oz)
Paige (8lb 10oz)
Clara (6lb 10oz)
Grace Iris (9lb 3oz)
Nicole (7lb 7oz)

Born On
1st December
7th December
8th December
10th December
14th December
17th December
21st December
24th December
26th December
26th December
27th December
30th December
1st January
8th January
12th January
15th January
19th January
22nd January
24th January
28th January

Daisy Birthing Class

Boulders Climbing Centre
Village Hotel
Copthorne Hotel
Copthorne Hotel
Village Hotel
Village Hotel
Village Hotel
Village Hotel
The Now, Penarth
Boulders Climbing Centre
Copthorne Hotel
Village Hotel
Village Hotel
Village Hotel
Village Hotel
Copthorne Hotel
Village Hotel
Copthorne Hotel
Copthorne Hotel
Copthorne Hotel

Once your little ones have been born, please do get in touch to let us know. We love hearing how you are getting on
and all about your new babies. Its great to see you all swapping you baby news in your class Facebook groups. We
are very much looking forward to meeting lots of your new babies in our Daisy Baby Tinies sessions, where you can
continue your Daisy journey, with the mums that you met in your birthing classes.
Many congratulation to Jude March (Village Hotel classes), who emailed to
let us know about the birth of her daughter, Cara. Heres her birth story:
"I'm delighted to announce Cara Emilia arrived at 2:35am on 5th February weighing
7lb 14oz. My labour started at about midnight and was very quick - I kept in mind
the need to keep breathing to keep oxygen going through my body and my baby
and used a TENS machine along with the escalator breath and positive
visualisation of 'opening' to get through the first stage with no drugs.
I got to hospital at about 1:30am, was in the pool by 1:45 and was fully dilated by
2:30. My midwife said it was the most beautiful birth she had ever seen! I kept any
noise I made low frequency and used the out breath (more of an 'oooow' or 'down'
for me) to get the baby out in just a couple of contractions. The positive
affirmations you suggested were actually really really helpful, as was the need to
just go with it and do what my body needed to do. After having Cara I had a natural
third stage, delivering the placenta within the hour, then had a blissful shower and
was home again by 6am. I couldn't have wished for a nicer, more positive

Baby Massage - the many benefits of

Positive Touch for you and your baby
For babies, touch is vital to their development and well being.
Positive touch, experienced through activities such as holding,
feeding and massaging your baby, will help to induce a sense of
well being and contentment, and provides huge emotional and
development benefits for both you and your baby.
Many babies will find it very soothing to be massaged, and when
used as part of a bedtime routine, it can help to release tension
in both baby and mum! Massage also improves circulation and
helps to deepen and regulate breathing, increasing blood
oxygen levels, which can aid deeper and more restful sleep.
Regularly massaging your baby, will introduce them to welcome and reassuring positive touch, which provides an array
of additional physiological benefits. These include:

strengthening and supporting the digestive system;

alleviating the discomfort of colic, wind and constipation;
helping to boost the immune system;
improving skin condition, muscle tone and bone growth, through improved circulation;
alleviating nasal congestion and teething pain.

There are also a host of cognitive and emotional benefits associated with positive touch and baby massage, such as
supporting brain development, as massage strokes help to wire neural synapses and stimulating the release of feelgood hormones and endorphins.
Research has shown that babies who receive
regular massage and experience positive touch
are more likely to have good weight gain, cry
less and have lower levels of stress than non
massaged babies. Whats not to love?!
You can find out more and enjoy these benefits
with your baby at our Daisy Baby Tinies class.
Suitable for babies from 6 weeks old and a
great way to also meet up with the other mums
from your birthing classes! For more information
or to book your class, just visit

Enjoy your Bump! 6 Suggestions for a Happy Pregnancy

Lots of us have mixed feelings about being pregnant. Whilst some women seem to breeze through their pregnancies,
glowing with luscious hair, glowing skin, and seemingly boundless energy. for many, its a very different story, with
nausea, pelvic pain, indigestion and swollen ankles all common pregnancy symptoms that can leave us feeling
blooming awful, rather than blooming marvelous!!
Morning sickness, uncertainty about your future and
adjusting to your changing pregnant lifestyle, combined
with fluctuating hormone levels that play havoc with your
emotions, all play a part in making pregnancy a potentially
turbulent and uncertain time in your life. But, whilst it is not
unusual to experience negative feelings about your
pregnancy, the good news is that there are many things
that you can do help yourself and make the next few
months a little easier!
Whatever your pregnancy
experience, here are some suggestions to help you adjust to your growing bump and make the most of this precious
and exciting time!

1. Keep a Pregnancy Photo Diary: Create a photobook of your pregnancy and build a special keepsake
for you and your partner that in years to come your unborn child will love looking through too. Make a note of the special
moments and how you felt, from your dating scan to hearing your babys heart beat for the first time, through to your baby
shower and choosing your nursery furniture.
(cont over)

2. Look after your body: Its easy to forget

about yourself when you are pregnant, and to focus only on
your baby. But your physical wellbeing is also vital to your
babys wellbeing, so it is important to listen to your bodys
needs too. If you are getting tired, review your schedule and
cancel some of the less important activities or arrangements
- maybe book yourself a relaxing and soothing pregnancy
massage. But remember to make time for the things that
are important too! Making time for your birth preparation,
relaxation and gentle exercise in your Daisy Birthing class is
an investment in yourself as well as your baby.

3. Plan a weekly treat for yourself:

40 weeks is a long time, and particularly in the third trimester
when you are feeling bigger and getting impatient to meet
your baby, this time can drag! So schedule a weekly treat
for yourself - whether its meeting your friends for coffee and
cake or a pampering facial - and give yourself something to
look forward to, that isnt months in the future!

4. Listen to music to help you relax:

Several studies have shown the importance of prenatal
music stimulation for babies, but music can be useful for
mums-to-be too. Choose a soothing track and make some
time to relax and listen to music just 10 minutes can help
you to feel calmer and more in tune with yourself. Its a good
idea to use the same music to help you relax during your

labour you can download the Daisy Birthing Silver Lake

music from the Daisy Foundation website at for just 3.99.

5. Connect with your baby: Using simple

visulisation techniques can help you to bond with your
unborn baby. Choose a quiet time to relax and focus,
such as in the bath or before you go to sleep, put on your
Daisy Birthing music and close your eyes. Visualise
yourself releasing any stress or anxiety as you exhale and as you start to relax, just bring your thoughts to your
baby. Feel their presence, enjoy being with them and
focus on the positive times ahead. This can really help
you to feel more positive about your pregnancy, especially
after a tough day, when your pregnancy symptoms have
left you feeling exhausted or in pain.

6. Go on Date Nights!: Just as it is easy to

forget about yourself as you focus on your new baby, its
also easy to forget about your partner when you are
pregnant. Take time to schedule a regular date night with
your other half it doesnt need to be an expensive night
out, just taking time to prepare a special meal together,
that you sit down to eat at the table, instead of on your lap
in front of the TV will allow you some protected time
together to communicate, have fun and prepare together
for becoming new parents!

Your Daisy Birthing and Daisy Baby Classes

Daisy is more than just a birth preparation or baby massage class. It is a journey into parenthood and all our courses are
designed to support you through pregnancy and the first year of your babys life. We support all birth and parenting choices
our aim is to provide information so that you have the confidence to make informed decisions, in the best interests of all
your family.
So, whether you have just discovered that you are pregnant, or have a wriggly 6 month old Daisy has something for you!




Baby Classes
Morganstown Village

Baby Classes
Boulders Climbing

Tinies -11am
Wrigglers 10am
New courses starting:

Tinies -12pm
Wrigglers 11am
New courses starting:


24 February
13th April


25 February
14 April



Couples Birth
Village Hall at 10am


27 February
16 April
21 May

Birthing Classes
Copthorne Hotel at

Birthing Classes
Boulders Climbing
Centre at 6.45pm

Birthing Classes
Village Hotel at
5.30pm and 7pm

New courses starting:

New courses starting:

New courses starting:


16 February
5 April


10 March
28 April


6 March
8 May

New Daisy Baby classes will be starting in Dinas Powys after Easter (just confirming details!) if you would like to resgister
your interest for this new venue, please just let me know. To find out more, or reserve your place on a forthcoming course,
please contact Laura on 07775 876907 or email
Discounts are available for booking a package of courses, and we also offer convenient monthly payments to help spread the
cost. You could have your baby classes paid for before you start your maternity leave! Or why not suggest a course of Daisy
Birthing or Daisy Baby classes as a gift, instead of another baby blanket or cuddly toy that you (and your baby!) dont need.
We offer Gift Vouchers for full courses, or as part payment (multiples of 10).
All Daisy Birthing and Daisy Baby courses can be booked online at

07775 876907

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