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How to write an essay

An essay has three main parts: an introduction, a body and a conclusion.

The introductory paragraph consists of two parts:

o General statements
Introduce the general topic of the essay
Capture the readers interest
o Thesis statement
States the specific topic
May list subtopics or subdivisions (for instance providing
examples and demonstrations)
May indicate the pattern of organization of the essay

The body paragraphs

They are the place to develop your topic and prove your points. You
should organize body paragraphs according to some sort of pattern, such
as chronological order or comparison/contrast.
The thesis statement can indicate the number of subtopics that will be
discussed in a separate paragraph in the body
E.g. Native Americans have made valuable contributions to modern U.S.
culture in four main areas
Another very simple way to organize the body paragraphs is to provide
pros/advantages in one paragraph, and cons/disadvantages in another

The concluding paragraph has three purposes:

o It signals the end of the essay
o It reminds your reader of your main points, indeed you can
summarize your subtopics or paraphrase your thesis
o It leaves your reader with your final thoughts on the topic. This is
your opportunity to convey a strong, effective message that your
reader will remember.
Here are some good ways to write a memorable conclusion:
- make a prediction
- suggest results or consequences
- suggest a solution, make a recommendation or call for action
- quote an authority on the topic

Remember, one paragraph = one idea!


Introducing a point
In my opinion
I think that
It is clear that
As far as Im concerned
According to
In my view

On the contrary
On the other hand
Despite this

Developing an


In addition to this
It is also true that
The first(reason, cause,
step, etc.)
Indeed/ in fact
In other words
In particular

As well as
In addition
Apart from that
Not only... but also

To give a result

To conclude

As a consequence
As a result
For this/these

To summarize
To sum up
In conclusion
In short
For these reasons
To conclude

Punti da tenere presente mentre si scrive un saggio in inglese:

Use of good vocabulary Lessico

Appropriate register Registro linguistico adeguato
Relevance to topic Pertinenza degli argomenti
Use of linkers Utilizzo di leganti (congiunzioni, avverbi ecc..)
Grammar accuracy Correttezza grammaticale
Spelling Ortografia

Se largomento non ti coinvolge, non ti suscita interesse o se vai nel

panico ripiega sulla struttura pi semplice per un saggio, ossia:
- Make an essay plan with notes, it will help you
Introduction (present a topic)
Three points in favour
Three points against
Conclusion (your opinion)

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