BT0051 To BT0055 All in One BScIT SMU Assignment (Complited)

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BT0051 – 01

Marks –30

1. Using the following Directory tree structure, if IT is your Home directory,:



BSc-IT Finance


 Which command do use to navigate to: Bsc-IT directory?

 Which command is used to display your current directory?
 Which command is used to directly navigate to root directory from BSc-IT
 Which command is used to create a new directory in BSc-IT called UNIX?
 Which is the command to remove directories?
 Which is the command used to move UNIX directory to Marketing directory?

Ans ->
1 cd /IT/BSc-IT
2 pwd
3 cd
4 mkdir /IT/BSc-IT/UNIX
5 rmdir
2. Use cat command to:
Display text “Welcome Home” on your screen
Redirect the text “Welcome Home” to file called file-1
Append text “Friends” to the contents of file-1

Ans-> $ cat >file-1

Welcome Home
Crlt +d
$ Cat >>file-1
Crlt +d

3. Which command is used to search following patterns in file by name file-1:

“TENDULKAR,” “tendulkar,” “TeNdUlKar”?
Ans -> $ cat file-1|grep TENDULKAR
$ cat file-1|grep tendulkar
$ cat file-1|grep TeNdUlKar
BT0051 – 02
Marks –30

1. Define Process. Which is the command used to find out currently executing Process
in UNIX?
Ans-> A process is simply an instance of a running program. A process is said to be born
when the program starts execution and remains alive as long as the program is active.
$ Ps -e
2. What is the output of :
$ ps-e
$ ps-a commands
1 All processes including user and system processes
2 Processes of all user excluding process not associated with terminal

3. Which command is used to transfer a Foreground process to Background? Give one

Ans-> nohup sort emp.lst &
$ bg find / name a.out –print

4. Say you have three Process P1, P2 and P3 running in background. You want to
assign priorities to them, which command is suitable give its syntax?
Ans-> $ nice

5. Which command is used to:

Fetch names from a file Name.txt sort them and remove any duplicate entries.
Ans-> $ sort –u Name.txt
6. Which commands are used to carry out following operations in vi- Editor:
 To save a file
 To start editing a file
 To save and Quit a file
 To quit without saving (Forced quit)
1 :w filename
2 :i
3: wq
4: q!
B.Sc – IT (New) V Semester Assignments for August 2008 Session

Subject Code : BT 0052 Assignment No: 01

Subject Name : Client Server Architecture Marks: 30
Credits :2

1. Explain in detail the Distributed Computing Environment.

Ans – The distributed computing environment (DCE) is an integrated
distributed environment which incorporates technology from
industry.DCE developed and maintained by the open system
foundation (OSF). The DCE is a set of integrated system services that
provide an interoperable and flexible distributed environment with the
primary goal of solving interoperability problems in heterogeneous,
networked environments.
OSF provides a reference implementation on which all DCE products
are based. The DCE is portable and flexible- the reference
implementation is independent of both networks and operating
systems and provides an architecture in which new technologies can
be included, thus allowing for future enhancements. The intent of the
DCE is that the reference implementation will include nature, proven
technology that can be used in parts-individual services- or as a
complete integrated infrastructure.
The DCE infrastructure supports the construction and integration of
client/server applications while attempting to hide the inherent
complexity of the distributed processing from the user. The OSF DCE is
intended to from a comprehensive software platform on which
distributed applications can be built, executed and maintained.
2. Write a short note on Asynchronous Transfer Mode of
Ans: - ATM is cell and multiplexing technology that combines the
benefits of dedicated circuits (invariant transmission delay and
guaranteed capacity) with those of packet switching (flexibity and
efficiency for intermittent traffic). The fixed length of ATM’s cells(53
bytes—48 bytes for the “payload” and 5 bytes for headers)facilitates
high speed implementation that can support isochronous (time critical)
application such as video and telephony with constant flow rates, in
addition to more conventional data communications between
computers where fluctuation in packet arrival rates typically not
problematic (7). ATM standards define a board range of bandwidths –
from 1.5 mbps (via t1 or DS1) to 622 mbps (OC -12) and above – but
most commercially available ATM products currently provide 155.52
mbps (OC—3 ) or 100 mbps (TAXI). ATM is currently implemented over
fiber connections to and various twisted pair wiring alternatives.
All devices in an ATM network attach directly to an
ATM switch. Multiple ATM switches can be combined in a fabric
sometimes called an “ATM cloud” and virtual circuits can be
dynamically created between any two nodes on one or more ATM
switches so long as the switch can handle the aggregate cell transfer
rate, additional connections to the switch can be made.

3. Write short notes on Structured Cabling.

Ans: - By the time “collapsed backbone” topologies became
feasible (early ‘90s), most large sites had implemented twisted-pair
(UTP (3)) wiring for Ethernet UTP is less expensive and more
reconfigurable than thick-and thin-net.
By simply moving a UTP cable from a port on one hub to another
port another hub, a computer systems “network drop” can be
quickly relocated to a new sublet. Many larger networks consolidate
their hubs for all subnets in telephone closets, and “patch” between
them as needed.
A hub is essentially a “network in a box,” eliminating the daisy-
chaining of a coax- based network. Some types of hubs have
enhanced capabilities. An intelligent hub might have a management
interface, be able to respond to remote network monitoring tools,
and/or isolate ports where problems have been detected.
UTP cabling is virtually always implemented with hubs.
In the case of FDDI (fiber-optic or copper (4)), hubs are sometimes
called concentrators (functionally, they are equivalent).
4. Write a Java Program to implement a simple web server.
Ans: - uses a server socket to wait for a connection, then opens a
socket to the client to return an HTML document with HTTP headers.


Class websrv {
Public static void main (String args []) {
Serversocket srvsock = null;
Socket clisock=null;
Int connection = 0;
Try {
Srvsock = new serversocket(60337, 5);
While (connects <3) {
clisock = srvsock.accept ();
Serviceclient (clisock);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println (“error in simple webserver: “+e);
Public static void serviceclient (socket client)
Throws IOException {
Datainputstream inbound = null;
Dataoutputstream outbound = null;
Try {
Inbound = new Datainputstream (client.getinputstream());
Outbound = new Dataoutputstream
StringBuffer buffer = prepareoutput();
String inputLine;
While ((inputLine = inbound.readline()) !=null) {
If (inputline.equals (“”)) {
Outbound.writebytes (buffer. to string ());
System.out.println (“wrote buffer to “+ client);
//sleep (500); for slow win 95
} finally {
System.out.println (“cleaning up connection: “+ client);
Outbound.close ( );
Inbound.close ( );
Client.close ( );
Client.close ( );
Public static stringbuffer prepare output ( ) {
Stringbuffer outputbuffer = newstring buffer ( );
Outputbuffer.append (“<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Test HTML
Document </TITLE>\n”);
outputBuffer.append (“</HEAD>\n”);
outputBuffer.append (“</BODY>\n This is a
<STRONG>test</STRONG>HTML Document!\n” );
outputBuffer.append (“</BODY>\n”);
outputBuffer.append (“</HTML>\n”);
stringbuffer headerbuffer = new stringbuffer ( );
headerBuffer.append (“HTTP/1.0 200 ok\r\n”);
headerBuffer.append (“content.type: text/html\r\n”);
headerBuffer.append (“content-length: ” + outputbuffer.length( ));
headerBuffer.append (“\r\n\r\n”);
headerBuffer.append (“outputbuffer.tostring() );
return headerbuffer;

5. Explain Booth Multiplication Algorithm with a suitable


Ans – Booth algorithm gives a procedure for multiplying binary

integers in signed-2’s complement representation. It operates on
the fact that strings of 0’s in the multiplier require no addition but
just shifting, and a string of l’s in the multiplier from bit weight 2k to
weight 2m can be treated as 2k-1 . For example
The binary number 001110(+14) has a string of 1’s from r to 21
(k=3, m=1).

Numerical example of binary Multiplier

Multiplicand B = 10111 E A Q SC
Multiplier in Q 0 0000 10011 101
Qn =1; add B 10111
First partial product 0 10111
Shift right EAQ 0 01011 11001 100
Qn = 1; add B 10111
Second partial product 1 00010
Shift right EAQ 1 00001 01100 011
Qn =0; shift right EAQ0 01000 10110 001
Qn =0; shift right EAQ0 01000 01011 001
Qn =1; add B 10111
Fifth partial product 0 11011
Shift right EAQ 0 11011
Final product in AQ = 0110110101

The number can be represented as rk+1 – 2” = 2n-2’ = 16-2=14.

Therefore, the multiplication M*14, where M is multiplicand and 14 the
multiplier, can be done as M*24 – M*2*. Thus, the product can be
obtained by shifting the binary multiplicand M four times to the left and
subtracting M shifted left once.
As in all multiplication schemes booth algorithm requires examination
of the multiplier bits and shifting of the partial product. Prior of the
shifting, the multiplicand may be added to the partial product,
subtracted from the partial product, or left unchanged according to the
following rules:-
1. The multiplicand is subtracted from the partial product upon
encountering the first least significant 1 in a string of 1’s in the
2. The multiplicand is added to the partial product upon
encountering the first Q in a string of 0’s in the multiplier.
3. The partial product does not change when the multiplier bit is
identical to the previous multiplier bit.
The algorithm works for positive or negative multipliers in 2’s
complement representation. This is because a negative multiplier
ends with a string of l’s and the last operation will be a subtraction
of the appropriate weight. For example, a multiplier equal to -14 is
represented in 2’s complement as 110010 and is treated as -24 + 22
= -- 14.

6. What is meant by Remote Method Invocation? Explain

with a suitable example
Ans - Remote Method Invocations (RMI):-
Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) allows you to write
distributed objects using java. This paper describes the benefit of RMI,
and how you can connect it to existing and legacy system as well as to
components written in java.

RMI provides a simple and direct model for

distributed computation with java objects. These objects can be java
objects, or can be simple java wrappers around an existing API. Java
embraces the “Write Once, Run Anywhere model. RMI extends the java
to be run everywhere.”

RMI connects to exiting and legacy system using the

standard java native method interface JUI. RMI can also connect to
existing relation database using the standard JDBC? Package. The
RMI/JNI and RMI/JDBC combinations let you use RMI to communication
today with existing server in non-java languages, and to expand your
use of java to those server when it make sense for you to do so RMI
lets you take full advantage of java when you do expand you use.
RMI is java’s remote procedure call (RPC)
mechanism. RMI has several advantages over traditional RPC system
because it is part of java’s oriented approach. Tradition RPC system
are language-neutral, and therefore are essentially least-common-
denominator system- they cannot provide functionality that is not
available on all possible target platforms

*The primary advantages of RMI:-

Object oriented, Mobile
behavior, Design patterns, Safe secure, Easy to write/easy to use,
Connects to existing/legacy system, Write once, run anywhere,
Distributed garbage collection, parallel computing, the java
distributed computing solution

B.Sc – IT (New) V Semester Assignments for August 2008 Session

Subject Code : BT 0052 Assignment No: 02

Subject Name : Client Server Architecture Marks: 30
Credits :2

Each question carries five marks 6 x 5 = 30

Book ID: B0036
1. Explain the different types of Client / Server Architectures
Ans – different types of client/server architectures are:-
1. Two tier client/server architecture
2. Three tier client/server architecture

Two tier client server architecture: - @-tier architecture, RPC’s or SQL are
typically used to communicate between the client and server. The server is
likely to have support for stored procedures and trigger. These mean that the
server can be programmed to implement business rules that are better suited
to run on the client, resulting in a much more efficient overall system.
Since 1992 software vendors have
developed and brought to market toolsets to simplify development of
application for the 2-tier client/server architecture. The best known of
these tools are Microsoft’s visual basic Borland’s Delphi, and Sybase’s
power Builder
These modern, powerful tools combined with literally million of
developer who to use them that the 2-tiered client/server approach is a
good and economical solution for certain classes of problems.
The 2-tiered client/server architecture has
proven to be very effective in solving workgroup problems.
“Workgroup”, as used here, is loosely defined as a dozen to 100 people
interacting on a LAN. For bigger, enterprise -class problems and/or
application that distributed over a WAN, use of this 2-tier approach has
generated some problem.

Three tier client/server architecture:- The client can deliver its request
to the middle layer, disengage and be assured that a proper response
will be forthcoming at a later time. In addition, the middle layer add
synonymous in this context .There’s no free lunch, however, and the
price for this added flexibility and performance has been a
development environment of 2-tiered applications.
The most part type of middle layer (and the oldest, the concept on
mainframes dating from the early 1970’s) is the transaction processing
monitor or TP Monitor.
TP monitor as a kind of message queuing service. The client connects
to the TP monitor instead of the database server.
The transaction is accepted by the monitor, which queues it and then
takes responsibility for managing it to correct completion.
The net
result of using a 3-tier/server architecture with a TP monitor is that the
resulting environment is FAR more scalable than a 2-tier approach with
direct client to server connection. For really large (10, 00 user)
application, a TP monitor is one of the most effective solutions.

2. Explain various LAN topologies

Ans - Two types of LAN TOPOLOGIES.

(a) A Physical topology describes the geometric arrangement of

components that comprise the LAN. The topology is not a map of the
network. It is a theoretical construct that graphically conveys the
shape and structure of the LAN.

(b) A logical topology describes the possible connection between pairs

of networked end point that can communicate. This is useful in
describing which endpoint can communicate with which other
endpoint, and whether those pairs capable of communicating have a
direct physical connection to each other. Here we focus only on
physical topological description.

*Basic Topologies:-
There are three basic physical: bus,
ring and star. Each topology is dictated by the LAN frame technology.
For example-
Ethernet network, by definition, have
historically used star topologies. The introduction of frame-level
switching in LANs is changing this. Frame-switched LANs, regardless of
frame type or access method, are topologically similar. Switched can
now be added to the long-standing triad of basic LAN topologies as a
distinct, fourth topology.

*Bus topology:-
A bus topology feature all networked
nodes interconnected peer-to-peer using a single, open-ended cable.
These ends must be terminated with a resistive load- that is,
terminating resistors. This single cable can support only a single
channel. The cable is called the bus. For example-
One exception to this was the IEEE’s
802.4 Token Bus LAN specification. This technology was fairly robust
and deterministic, and bore many similarities to a Token Ring LAN. The
primary difference, obviously, was that Token Bus was implemented on
a bus topology.

*Ring topology:-
The ring topology started out as a
simple peer-to-peer LAN topology. Each networked workstation has
connections: one to each of its nearest neighbors. THE interconnection
had to form a physical loop, or ring. Data was transmitted
unidirectional around the ring. Each workstation acted as a

repeater, accepting and responding to packets addressed to it, and

forwarding on the other packets to the next
workstation”downstream” .For example-

These primitive rings were made obsolete

by IBM’s Token Ring, which was later standardized by the IEEE’s 802.5
specification. Token Ring departed from the peer-to-peer
interconnection in favor of a repeating hub. This eliminated the
vulnerability of ring network due to workstation failure by eliminated
the peer-to-peer ring construction. Token Ring network, despite their
name .are implemented with a star topology and a circular access

*star topology:-
Star topology LANs have
connections to networked devices that radiate out from a common
point- that is, the hub. Unlike ring topologies, physical or virtual, each
network device in a star topology can access the media independently.
These devices have to share the hub’s available bandwidth for
A small LAN with a star topology features connections that
out form common points. Each connected device can initiate access
independent of the other connected devices. Star topologies have
become the dominant topology type in contemporary LAN’s. They are
flexible, scalable, and relatively inexpensive compared to more
sophisticated LANs with strictly regulated access methods. Star have
all made buses and ring obsolete in LAN topologies and have formed
the basis for the final LAN topology: switched.

*switched topology:-
A switch is a multiport data layer
(OSI Refer Model Layer 2) device. A switch” learns” MAC addresses and
stores them in an internal lookup table.
Temporary, switched paths created between the
frame’s originator and its intended recipient, and the frames are
frames are forwarded along that temporary path.
The typical LAN with a switched topology features multiple connections
to a switching hub. Each port, and the device it connects to, has its
own dedicated bandwidth. Although originally switch forwarded
frames, based its upon the MAC address, technological advances are
rapidly changing this. Switches are available. Today that can switch
cells (a fixed-length, Layer 2 data-bearing structure).Switches can also
be triggered by Layer 3 protocols, IP addresses, or even physical ports
on the switching hub. For example-
A switched Ethernet hub with 8 port contains 8
separate collision domains of 10Mbps each, for an aggregate of
80Mbps of bandwidth

3. Explain WAN Connectivity in detail.

Ans – A frequently overlooked aspect of a LAN’s topology is its connection
to the wide area network. In many cases, WAN connectivity is provided by
a single connection from the backbone to the router.
The LAN’s connection to the router that provides WAN
connectivity is a crucial link in a building’s overall LAN topology. Improper
technology selection at this critical point can result in unacceptably
deteriorated levels of performance for all traffic entering or exiting the
building. LAN technologies that use a connection- based access method
are highly inappropriate for this function.
Networks that support a high degree of WAN to LAN and
LAN to WAN traffic benefit greatly from having the most robust connection
possible in this aspect of their overall topology. The technology selected
should be robust in terms of its nominal transmission rate and its access
method. Connection- based media, even on a dedicated switched port,
may become problematic in high usage networks. This is the bottleneck
for all traffic coming into, and trying to get out to the building.

4. How will you develop a simple web client in Java using

Ans –
Public class webc
Public static void main (String args [ ])
Socket cSock1 = new socket ( “”,80);
System.out.println( “client1 : “ + cSock1);
getpage (cSock1);
catch (UnknownhostExeception e);
System.out.println (UnknownhostExeception: “ + e);
catch (IOExeception e)
System.err.println(“IOException: “+e);
Public static void getpage (socket c sock)
Dataoutputstream outbound = new dataoutputstream
( cSock.getoutputstream());
Datainputstream inbound = new datainputstream(cSock.getinputstream
Outbound.writebytes(“GET /~cslab/cpsc591/test.htm HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n”);
String responseLine;
While ((responseline = inbound.readline()) !=null)
System.out.println (responseLine);
If (responseline.indexof(“</html>”)!=-1)
Outbound.close( );
Inbound.close ( );
cSock.close ( );
Catch (IOexception ioe)
System.out.println (“IOException: “+ ioe);

5. Explain TCP/IP Protocol in detail.

Ans- TCP/IP, an acronym for transmission control protocol,
corresponds to the forth layer of OSI reference model. IP
corresponds to the third layer of the some model. Each of the
protocols has the following features:
TCP: it provides a connection
types service. That is a logical must be established prior to
communication. Because of this, continues transmission of large
amount data is possible. This ensures a highly reliable data
transmission for upper layers using IP protocol. The sender keeps on
sender data at constant intervals until receives a positive

A negative acknowledgment implies that the failed

data segment needs to be retransmitted.

The TCP header includes both source and destination port fields for
identifying the applications for which the connection is established.
The sequence and acknowledgment number fields under the
positive acknowledgement and retransmission technique. Integrity
checks are accommodator using the checksum field.
IP: In contrast to TCP, it is a connectionless type service
and operates at third layer of OSI reference model. That is prior to
transmission of data, no logical connection is needed. This type of
protocol is suitable for the sporadic transmission of data to a
number of destinations. This has no functions like sequence control,
error recovery and control, flow control but this identifies the
connection with port number.

6. Explain Transaction Processing Monitor Technology in detail

Ans – Purpose and origin
Transaction processing (TP) monitor a technology provides the distributed
client/server environment the capacity of efficiently and reliably develops,
run, and manage transaction application. TP monitor technology controls
transaction application and performs business logic/rules computations
and database updates. TP monitor technology is used in data
management, network access, security systems, delivery order
processing, airline reservations, and customer service. Use of TP monitor
technology is a cost-effective alternative to upgrading database
management systems or platform resources to provide this same
Technical detail
TP monitor technology is software that is also referred to as middleware. It
can provide application services to thousands of client in a distributed
client/server environment. TP monitor technology does this by
multiplexing client transaction requests on to a controlled number of
processing routines that support particular services. Clients are bounds,
serviced, and realized using stateless servers that minimize overhead. The
database sees only the controlled set of processing routines as clients.
A variation of TP monitor technology is session based technology. In the
TP monitor technology, transaction from the client is treated as messages.
In the session based technology, a single server provides both database
and transaction services. In session based technology, the server must be
aware of clients in advance to maintain each clients processing thread.
The session server must constantly send messages to the client to ensure
that the client is still alive. Session based architectures are not as scalable
because of the adverse effect on network performance as the number of
clients grow.
Another alternative to TP monitor technology is remote data access (RDA).
The RDA centres the application in client computer, communicating with
back – end database servers. Client can be network- intensive, but
scalability is limited.
A third alternative to TP monitor technology is the database server
approach, which provides functions and is architecturally locked to the
specific database system
BSc – IT (New) V Semester Assignments for August 2008 Session

Subject Code : BT 0053 Assignment No: 01

Subject Name : Java Marks: 60
Credits :4

1. Explain the main features of Java language

Ans. Java is a simple language that can be learned easily. A java
not know the internal of java. The syntax of java similar to c++. Unlike
c++, in which the programmer handles memory manipulation, java
handles the required memor5y manipulations, and thus prevents
that arise due to improper memory defines data as objects
with methods that support the objects. Java is purely objects-oriented
and provides abstraction encapsulation, inheritance and
polymorphism. Even the most basic program has a class. Any code
that you write in java is inside a class.
Java is tuned of web. Java program can access data across the web as
easily as the access data from a local system. You can build distributed
applications in java that use resources from any other network
computer. Java is both interpreted and complied. The code is complied
to a bytecode that is binary and platform independent. When the
program has to be executed, the code is fetched into the memory and
interpreted on the user’s machine. As an interpreted language. The
java complier compiles the code to a bytecode that is understood by
the java environment. Bytecode is the result of compiling a java
program. You can execute this code on any plateform. In other words
due to the bytcode compilation process and interpretation by a
browser java programs can be executed on a varity of hardware and
operating systems. The only requirement is that a variety of hardware
and operating systems. Yhe bytecode supports connection to multiple
database. Java code is forces you to handle unexpected
errors. This ensures that java programs are robust and bug free and do
not crash.
Java is faster than other interpreter-based language like BASIC since it
is compiled and interpreted.

2. Write a simple Java program to display a string message and

explain the steps of compilation and execution in Java
class test()
void show()
System.out.println("Hello world");
public static void(string arg[])
test T=new test();;

1 Open any text editor and write above code and save this file with
extension .java.
2 A compiler converts the java program into an intermediate language
representation called
Byte code(file.class).Using javac filename on command prompt.
3 on command prompt write java file.class after calling this command
all control take under
JVM(java virtual Machine).with the help of jvm your program
successfully run.

3. Define and explain the following concepts with appropriate

♦ Superclass
♦ Subclass
♦ Inheritance
♦ A Kind-Of relationship
♦ A Is-A relationship
♦ A Part-Of-relationship
♦ A Has-A relationship

Ans-> Super class:-

It is a parent class. It is a class that inherited by other, more specific
classes, each adding those that are unique to it. In the terminology of
java, a class that is inherited is called a Super class.
The class that does the inheriting is called a subclass. Therefore, a
subclass is a specialized version of a super class. Java provides a
mechanism for partitioning the class name space into more
manageable chunks.
Inheritance is one of the cornerstones of object-oriented programming
because if allows the creation of hierarchical classifications. Using
inheritance, you can create a general class that defines traits, common
to a set of related items. This class can then be inherited by other,
more specific classes, each adding those things that are unique to it.
A Kind-Of relationship:-

Taking the example of a human being and a elephant, both are Kind-of
mammals. As human beings and elephants are Kind-of mammals, they
share the attributes and behaviors of mammals. Human being and
elephants are subsets of the mammals class. The following figure show

Human Being Mammals

Is A-Relationship

Let’s take an instance of the human being class- peter,who ‘is-a’

human being and,
Therfore, a mammal.

Peter Human


Heart is a part of Human being. This is a part of relationship.

Human Being Heart



A human being has a heart. This represents a has a relationship.

Human Heart

4. Explain the concept of interfaces in Java with a suitable

example for the same.
Ans -> with the help of interface you can fully abstract a class’ from its
That is using interface, you can specify what a class must do but not
how it does it. Interfaces are syntactically similar to classes, but they
lack instance variables, and their methods are declared without any
body. By providing the interface keyword, java allows you to fully
utilize the “one interface, multiple methods” aspect of polymorphisms.

5. Write a program to explain the Exception Handling

mechanisms in Java using the keywords: try, catch and finally.
Ans -> When an unexpected error occurs in a method java creates an
object of the appropriate exception class. After creating the exception
objects, java passes it to the program, by an action called throwing an
excetion. The exception object contains information about the type of
error and the state of the program when the exceptinon-handler and
process the exception.
Following keywords are use in exception-handling in java:
a) try
b) catch
c) finally
The try block :-
The statements that may throw an exception in the try block.
The following skeletal code illustrates the use of the try block.
//statement that may cause an exception

The try block governs the statements that are enclosed within it and
defines the scope of the exception handlers associated with it. In other
words if an exception occurs within try block the appropriate
exception-handler that is associated with the try block handles
The exception. A try block must have at least one catch block that
follow it immediately. The try statement can be nested. That is a try
statement can be inside the block of another try. Each time a try
statement is entered, the context of that exception is pushed on the
stack. If an inner try statement does not have a catch handler for a
particular exception the stack is unwound and the next try statement‘s
catch handlers are inspected for a match.
Class Nesttry{
public static void main(String args[])

int a =args.length;

int b=42/a;



if(a==1) a=a/(a-a);

if (a==2){
int c[]={1};

catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e )

catch(ArithmeticException e)

System.out.println(“Divide by 0:” + e);

6. Write a simple GUI based program to prepare a similar interface as

shown below:

Ans ->

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class FrameMaker extends JFrame
JPanel FirstPanel,LastPanel,MainPanel;
JTextField Num1,Num2,Result;
JButton Badd,Bsub,Bmul,Bdiv,Bexit;
JLabel Lnum,Lnum1,Rslt;
Color c;
public FrameMaker(String x)
Lnum=new JLabel("Enter First Number",JLabel.CENTER);
Lnum1=new JLabel("Enter Second Number",JLabel.CENTER);
Rslt=new JLabel("The Result",JLabel.CENTER);
Num1=new JTextField(20);
Num2=new JTextField(20);
Result=new JTextField(20);
FirstPanel=new JPanel();
LastPanel=new JPanel();
FirstPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,2,40,40));
LastPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(7,1,40,20));
MainPanel=new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
FirstPanel.add(new JLabel(""));FirstPanel.add(new JLabel(""));
FirstPanel.add(new JLabel(""));FirstPanel.add(new JLabel(""));
Badd=new JButton("Add");Bsub=new JButton("Sub");
Bmul=new JButton("Multiply");Bdiv=new JButton("Divide");
Bexit=new JButton("Exit");
LastPanel.add(new JLabel(""));
LastPanel.add(new JLabel(""));
Dimension d=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
c=new Color(120,120,240);

public static void main(String[] s)
FrameMaker ss=new FrameMaker("Calculator");
public Insets getInsets()
return new Insets(100,80,80,80);

BSc – IT (New) V Semester Assignments for August 2008 Session

Subject Code : BT0053 Assignment No: 02

Subject Name : Java Marks: 60
Credits :4

1. Define the concept of Java Byte code and its importance

Ans-> A Java compiler converts the Java source code that you write
into a binary program consisting of byte codes. Byte codes are
machine instructions for the Java virtual machine. When you execute a
Java program, a program called the Java interpreter inspects and
deciphers the byte codes for it, checks it out to ensure that it has not
been tampered with and is safe to execute, and then executes the
actions that the byte codes specify within the Java virtual machine. A
Java interpreter can run standalone, or it can be part of a web browser
such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer where it can
be invoked automatically to run applets in a web page.
Translating a java program into byte code helps make it much easier to run a program in
a wide verity of environment. The reason is straightforward only the
JVM needs to be implemented for each platform.
Because your Java program consists of byte codes rather than native
machine instructions, it is completely insulated from the particular
hardware on which it is run. Any computer that has the Java
environment implemented will handle your program as well as any
other, and because the Java interpreter sits between your program and
the physical machine, it can prevent unauthorized actions in the
program from being executed.
In the past there has been a penalty for all this flexibility and
protection in the speed of execution of your Java programs. An
interpreted Java program would typically run at only one tenth of the
speed of an equivalent program using native machine instructions.
With present Java machine implementations, much of the performance
penalty has been eliminated, and in programs that are not
computation intensive – which is usually the case with the sort of
program you would want to include in a web page, for example – you
really wouldn't notice this anyway. With the JVM that is supplied with
the current Java 2 System Development Kit (SDK) available from the
Sun web site, there are very few circumstances where you will notice
any appreciable degradation in performance compared to a program
compiled to native machine code.

2. Write a program to perform the basic arithmetic operations:

a) Addition
b) Subtraction
c) Multiplication
d) Division
Use 4 different methods for the above and invoke them as
necessary from the main () method.
Ans -> import*;
import java.util.*;
class Arithmetic
void add(int a,int b)
System.out.println("Sum of " + a + " And " + b + " is " + (a+b));

void sub(int a,int b)

System.out.println("Subtraction of " + a + " And " + b + " is " + (a-b));
void mul(int a,int b)
System.out.println("Mutiplication of " + a +" And " + b + " is " +
void div(int a,int b)
System.out.println("Divison of " + a +" And " + b + " is " + (a/b));

class Main
public static void main(String arg[]) throws IOException
InputStreamReader byteIn= new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader kbin= new BufferedReader(byteIn);
System.out.println("Enter First Number");
int n1=Integer.parseInt(kbin.readLine());
System.out.println("Enter First Number");
int n2=Integer.parseInt(kbin.readLine());
Arithmetic a=new Arithmetic();
System.out.println("1 For Add");
System.out.println("2 For Subtraction");

System.out.println("3 For Mutliplication");

System.out.println("4 For Divison");
System.out.println("Enter your choice");
int ch=Integer.parseInt(kbin.readLine());
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
System.out.println("Nemurator is Smaller then Demurator");
System.out.println("This is invalide choice");
3. Write a program using the switch case statement to find the
mobile service provider given the phone number. For Example:
Given 9242012345 denotes the service provider is Tata
Indicom, and so on.
import java.util.*;
class Arithmetic
int manuplate(String s)
int a=s.length();
if(a<10 || a>=11)
return 0;
return 92;

class Main
public static void main(String arg[]) throws IOException
InputStreamReader byteIn= new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader kbin= new BufferedReader(byteIn);
System.out.println("Enter 10 digit Number");
String nm=kbin.readLine();
Arithmetic a=new Arithmetic();
System.out.println("Please enter 10 digit number");
case 92:
System.out.println("TataIndicom Service provider");
case 98:
System.out.println("Reliance Service provider");
case 97:
System.out.println("AirTel Service provider");
case 99:
System.out.println("Idea Service provider");
System.out.println("Invalied service provider");

4. Define Access Specifier. Explain the following Access

Specifiers with an example for each:

a. Public
b. Private
c. Protected

Data member and function access inside as well as out the program
i.e. within a package or outside the package.
Data member and function access only within a class.
Data member and faction access only through inheritance outside the
5. Explain the following Exception Types in Java:
a. Arithmetic
b. Null Pointer
c. ArrayIndexOutofBounds

This exception is thrown when an exceptional arithmetic condition has occurred.
For example, a division by zero generates such an exception.
Null Pointer
This exception is thrown when an application attempts to use null where an
object is required. An object that has not been allocated memory holds a null value.
The situations in which an exception is thrown include:-
*Using an object without allocating memory for it.
* Calling the methods of a null object.
* Accessing or modifying the attributes of a null object

ArrayIndexOutOfBounds: -
The exception ArrayIndexOutOf Bounds exception is thrown when an
attempts is made to access an array elements beyond the index of the array. For
example, if you try to access the eleventh element of an array that’s has only ten
elements, the exception will be thrown
BSC-IT (NEW) V Semester Assignments for August 2008

Subject Code : BT0054 Assignment No: 01

Subject Name : Basics of e- Commerce Marks: 60
Credits : 04

Books ID: B0035

Q- 1: What is e-commerce? List the advantages of e-commerce.

Ans: E-commerce means Electronic commerce in which
individual customer can conduct business online through internet.
Electronic commerce include transactions that supports revenue
generation, such as generating demands, offering sales &
support etc. along with the transactions including buying and
selling .
Advantages of e-commerce are following:-
* Better departmental interactions: this could be the
information sharing within the companies or between the
companies working together for better performance.
* Improved customer relations: commercial activities on
electronic network eliminate time, place and principal
constraints. Networking facilities the customer and the
manufacturers to come closer (have one-to-one relation)
wherever they area by eliminating the middle man hurdles.

Q-2: What is Firewall? Explain how it works as a packet

Ans: Firewall is a mechanism used to protect a trusted network
from an untrusted network, usually while still allowing traffic
between the two. When TCP/IP sends data packets on their merry
way, the packets seldom go straight from the host system that
generated them to the client that requested them. Along the way
they normally pass through one or more routers. In this, TCP/IP
transmissions differ from LAN communications, which broadcast
over a shared wire. Basically, routers look at the address
information in TCP/IP packets and direct them accordingly. Data
packets transmitted over the internet from the web browser on a
PC in Florida to a web server in Pennsylvania will pass through
numerous routers along the way, each of which makes decision
about where to direct the traffic.

Q-3: What are the similarities between EDI & internet?

Write the importance of EDI.
Ans: Similarities between EDI and Internet are:-
* Like the Internet, relies on the atandereds to guarantee that
information can be passed between the trading partners
regardless of the computer and the software that is used by
each trading organizations, and also it is a nonprofit
* The ANSI manages the development and publishing of EDI
Following are the importance of EDI:-
EDI is a system that encompasses more than just making
payments. It offers more capabilities and options than the
payments system. Much of EDI can be implemented to handle
purchase orders, inventory, and shipping information, without even
touching on the matter of transferring funds. One use of EDI, called
financial EDI or FEDI, specifically deals with making payment
systems. Small-sized and medium-sized businesses should find it
easier to utilize EDI because of the facilities. Businesses can use EDI
to automate the transfer of information between corporate
departments, as well as between companies

Q-4: Explain the role of intermediaries in e-commerce.

Ans: Main roles of intermediaries are given below:-
* Support buyers in identifying their needs and in finding
an appropriate seller.
* Provide an efficient means of exchanging information
between both the parties.
* Execute the business transactions.
* Assist in after sale support.
Q-5: Write a note on Online catalog.
Ans: Online catalog allow companies to bypass the need for
costly printed catalog, easier to keep up-to-date, and can also be
linked directly to the purchase process. For the consumer market,
sales through online catalogs are usually tied to credit cards for
payment. Online catalog are easily updated, and can be
integrated with the purchase process. Online catalog is
graphically presented to customers as series of product
categories, offered by the company. These categories then lead
to new phases continuing graphic lists of the items in that
category, along with ordering information. These pages are
dynamically generated from the product database to ensure up-
to-date data for customer.

Books ID: B0045

6 Q. Explain the following security attacks.

a. IP Spoofing b. Denial of service Attack
Ans. IP Spoofing :- A technique where an attacker attempts to gain
unauthorized access through a false source address to make it appear
as though communications have originated in a part of the network
with higher access privileges. For example, a packet origination on the
Internet may be masquerading as a local packet with the source IP
address of an internal host. Firewall-1 and VPN-1 gateways protect
against IP spoofing attacks by limiting network access based on the
gateway interface from which data is being received.

Denial of Service Attack :- There are many types of denial of

service (dos) attacks One type of DOS attack is a synchronized Data
Packet (SYN) flood the new type of attack that came out late last year
which disabled internet service providers. The SYN flood is not an
intrusion attack, it does not attempt to access or modify data, instead
its purpose is to disable servers and thus it is classified as a denial of
service attack.

7 Q. Explain any two Random Key Generation algorithm.

Ans. A practical and secure crypto system needs keys that cannot be
guessed. There should be no way for an outsiders to predict what keys
are being used, or even to guess approximately which keys might have
been used. A good key generator will produce keys that cannot be
guessed even if attackers know how the generator works.

Many procedures called pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs),

which generate hard-to-predict sequences of numbers. For true
randomness you must seed these procedures with initial value. A good
PRNG is not enough by itself to produce effective keys. The generation
process must be seeded by a random number that is sufficiently hard
to guess. We need a random technique to generate a random seed
value so we can generate a series of fandom numbers. In practice
there are three computer-based approaches for producing truly
random data:
1. Monitor hardware that generates random data.
2. Collect random data from user interaction.
3. Collect hard-to-predict data from inside the computer.

But we will discuss here about only two methods.

Hardware based random number generation is the best though most
costly approach. The generator is usually an electronic circuit that is
sensitive to some random physical event. Like diode noise or cosmic
ray bombardment, and converts the event into an unpredictable
sequence of bits. However their rarity makes it expensive to add them
to a system.
User interaction is a very good source of random data, though it can be
inconvenient. People are notoriously bad at doing the same thing
twice, and random data can be collected by tracking interactive human
behavior. For example PGP e-mail package collects keystrokes from
the user and measures the time between keystrokes to produce a
random seed value.

8 Q. Explain with an example how an ATM fraud takes place.

Ans. Many frauds are carried out with some inside knowledge or
access, and ATM fraud turns out to be no exception. Banks in the
English speaking world dismiss about one percent of their staff every
year for disciplinary reasons, and many of these sackings are for petty
thefts in which ATMs can easily be involved.

In a recent case, a housewife from Hastings, England, had

money stolen from her account by a bank clerk who issued an extra
card for it. The bank’s systems not only failed to prevent this, but also
had the feature that whenever a cardholder go a statement from an
ATM, the items on it would not subsequently appear on the full
statements sent to the account address. This enabled the clerk to see
to it that she did not get any statement showing the thefts he had
made from her account.

Most thefts by staff show up as phantom withdrawals at ATMs in the

victim’s neighborhood. English banks maintain that a computer
security problem would result in a random distribution of transactions
round the country, and as most disputed withdrawals happen near the
customer’s home or place of work; these must be due to cardholder
negligence [BB]. Thus the pattern of complaints which arises from
thefts by their own staff only tends to reinforce the bank’s
complacence about their system.

9 Q. What are the basic key issues in security key

management? Explain in brief.

Ans. Any key management scheme that can scale to the number of
nodes possible in the internet must be based on an underlying
authenticated public key based infrastructure. These public keys can
be authenticated using a variety of mechanisms, such as public key
certificates, a secure directory server, and so on . ITU standard X.509
provides an example of authentication public keys using certificates.
Secure domain name security (DNS) provides an example of
authentication public keys (and other resources) using a secure
directory service. Still another example of authentication public keys is
the web-of-trust “introducer” model, best exemplified in the pretty
Good Privacy (PGP) secure e-mail software package.
There are two ways authenticated RSA public
keys can be used to provide authenticity and privacy for a datagram
protocol, such as IP.
1. Session-oriented key-management or authenticated session key
2. Stateless key-management scheme
The first is to use out-of band establishment of an authenticated
session key, using one of several session key establishment protocols
prior to communication. This session key is the used to encrypt or
authenticate IP data traffic. This secure management of the Pseudo-
session State is further complicated by crash recovery considerations.
Session-oriented key-management, implemented at the IP layer,
breaks many of the properties that have made IP successful as an
internet protocol.

An alternative design could utilize authenticated RSA public keys in a

stateless key-management scheme. This might work through in-band
signaling of the packet encryption key, where the packet encryption
key is encrypted in the recipient’s RSA public key.

10 Q. Explain Disturb Flat Key management approach.

Ans. The main concerns with centralized approaches are the danger of
implosion and the existence of a single point of failure. It is thus
attractive to search for a distributed solution for the key management
problem. This solution was found in completely distributing the key
database of the Centralized Flat approach, such that all participants
are created equal and nobody has complete knowledge. As in the
Centralized Flat approach above, each participant only holds keys
matching its ID, and the collaboration of multiple participants is
required to propagate changes to the whole group. There is no
dedicated group manager; instead, every participant may perform
admission control operations.

Since there is no Group manager knowing about the IDs in use, the IDs
need to be generated uniquely in a distributed way. Apparent solutions
would be to use the participant’s network address directly or to apply a
collision-free hash function. This scheme is the most resilient to
network or node failures because of its inherent self-healing capability,
but is also more vulnerable to inside attacks than the others, it offers
the same security to break in attacks as the schemes discussed above;
thanks to its higher resilience to fail8ures, it can be considered
stronger against active attacks.

BSC-IT (NEW) V Semester Assignments for August 2008


Subject Code : BT0054 Assignment No: 02

Subject Name : Basics of e- Commerce Marks: 60
Credits : 04

Q-1: Explain two major classifications (method) of encryption

Ans: Two methods of encryption process are:-
• Secret key or symmetric encryption
• Public key or asymmetric key.

Secret Key: In this scheme both the sender and recipient possess the same
key, to encypt and decrypt the data. The most popular secret-key crypto-
system in use today is known as DES, the Data Encryption Standard. In secret
key, some drawbacks are available, that is:-
Both parties must agree upon a shared secret key.
If there are “n” correspondent one have to keep track of n-different secret
keys. If the same key is used by more than one correspondent, common key
holders can read each other’s mail.
Symmetric encryption schemes are also subjected to a authenticity problems.
Because, sender & recipients have same secret key identity of originator or
recipient cannot be proved. Both can encrypt or decrypt the message.

Public Key: This scheme operates on double key called pair of keys, one of
which is used to encrypt the message and only the other one in the pair is
used to decrypt. This can be viewed as two part, one part of the key pair,
called private key known only by the designated owner, the other part, called
the public key, is published widely but still associated with owner.

Q-2: What are the roles of virtual private network (VPN).

Ans: Virtual private network is a low cost and flexible alternative to closed
and leased line connections between remote company sites or between
vendors, suppliers, and mobile employees and the company using public
network internet. As all of us know the internet is not that very stable all the
time and reliable, to bet on this method for e-commerce business without
proper security measures involves high degree of risk. Most of the VPN
implementations vendors use a specialized form of encrypted internet
transaction. This allows a secure channel to be established between two
systems for the purpose of electronic data interchange using complex and
proprietary encryption and authentication techniques. Although VPns can be
implemented on the top of ATM(or frame relay), an increasingly popular
approach is to build VPNs directly over the Internet.

Q-3: Explain how internet payment process is different from

traditional payment process.

Ans: Internet payment is different from traditional payment.

Traditional payment methods are: cash, debit cards, Traveler’s cheque,
Credit cards, money orders, barter system, personal cheque, bank draft,
tokens etc.. these modes of payments are used these days by customers,
organizations, have their own instruments, including purchase orders, lines of
credit etc. the requirements of financial transaction include confidently,
privacy, Integrity and authentication for both form of commerce. Established
traditional mode of payment schemes are designed to meet this requirement.
But the task of e-commerce to provide electronic payment system to meet all
the requirements and yet users must find it traditional and on the internet
must look alike, even though the implementation (media) is totally different,
so that the user’s adaptability is good. Methods for meeting all these
requirements on the internet are not yet in place.

Q-4: Write a note on SET and JEPI.

Ans: SET:-It stands for Secured Electronic Transactions. Developed by a
consortium led by master card & visa. It is a combination of protocol
designed for use by other applications (such as web-browsers) and
recommended procedures (standards) for handling credit card transactions
over Internet. It is designed for cardholders, merchants, banks and other card
processors. It uses digital certificates to ensure the identities of parties
involved in purchase and also encrypts credit card and purchase information
before transmission on the internet.
JEPI:- It stands for Joint Electronic Payments Initiative. By World Wide Web
consortium and commerce net it is an attempt to standardize the payment
negotiations. It is used on client and merchant side. On client side, it serves
as an interface that enables web-browser and wallets, to use a variety of
protocols. On the merchant side(server side), it acts between the network
and transport layers to pass off the incoming transactions to the proper
transport protocol, like E-mail vs. HTTP, and proper payment protocol, like

Q-5: Explain internet v/s Private nets.

Ans: The protocols are being developed to allow Internet users to reserve
bandwidth for applications, and for prioritized traffic, for example, the
Resource reservation Protocol, or RSVP, has been developed to help reserve
bandwidth for multimedia transmissions such as streaming audio, Video and
video conferencing , this same protocol can be used to priority e-mail for EDI
messages or FTP for file transfers. Routers supporting RSVP are only now
becoming available it’ll be some time before a great deal of the internet
routinely supports RSVP. ISPs are also starting to offer their own end-to-end
networks across the United States independently of the Internet’s main
backbone, but still link to it is needed. Aimed at businesses, these networks
can be used to speed along summer Internet traffic. These private
commercial networks also make it easier for companies to form virtual
private networks (VPNs) with added security; replacing private corporate
networks can be less costly than leased-line net-works, even with the
additional rates incurred. Private networks also offer another advantage that
they link to the internet, allowing for communication with other partners and
customer without requiring special set ups.

Books ID : B0045

6 Q. What is security Attack? What is the communication

security goal?
Ans: - An essential problem in security is that you can make no
assumptions about data you send or receive over the Internet. Data
you send could be modified by a subverted routing host before it
arrives at its destination. The data could be stolen or rerouted to a
different destination, never arriving at where it should. Data you
receive could be completely forged or simply modified in transitive
your data is important and there is a real risk of someone interfering
with it, then you need crypto protections on it.
Communication Security Goals:-
Economy in both procurement cost and ease of use: - this is the
principal trade-off for most organizations. Expensive and hard to use
solutions are unrealistic for many organizations. However some
organizations accept hi8gher costs for better security.
Easy communication with multiple hosts: - This usual case today: Each
host in the organization needs to communicate with a growing
community of there hosts. This generally implies that each host is
connected to at least one LAN.
Generic Internet access: - Some user’s job duties routinely require
reference information from the World Wide Web and unprotected e-
mail exchange with the members of Internet community. This is
another important trade-off.
Vending products to outsiders over the internet: - current and potential
customers need to access your host, browse for the desired products,
and sagely close a sale. Both the buyer and the seller want to identify
the other participant reliably and protect the transaction from outside
interference. However there is no way to know beforehand if visitors
are new or potential customers, or if they are intending to attack your
Strong secrecy: - Confidentiality is most important for most
organizations, but to some it is really crucial. In such instances, leaking
a single message can seriously compromise the organization’s goals
and cause damage from which it is very difficult to recover. Strong
secrecy is very expensive to achieve.
Strong Authentication of messages: - The organization needs to
associate messages with particular individuals or authorized agents,
and do so very really. The organization faces serious loss or damage if
important messages are gorged.

7 Q. Explain how ATM encryption works?

Ans: - Most ATMs operate usi8ng some variant of a system developed
by IBM. This uses a secret key, called the ‘PIN key’ to derive the PIN
from the account nuber, by means of a published algorithm known as
the data Encryption Standard, or DES. The result of this operation is
called the ‘natural PIN’; an offset can be added to it in order to give the
PIN which the customer must enter. The offset has no real
cryptographic function; it just enables customers to choose their own
PIN. Here is an example of the process:

Account number : 88071458700155458715

Result of DES : A2CE126C69AEC82D
Result decimalized : 0224126269042823
Natural PIN : 0224
Offset : 6565
Customer PIN : 6789

It is clear that the security f the system depends on keeping the PIN
key absolutely secret. The usual strategy is to supply a ‘terminal key’
to each ATM in the form of two printed components, which are carried
to the branch by two separate officials, input at the ATM keyboard, and
combined to from the key. The PIN key, encrypted under this terminal
key, is then sent to the ATM by the bank’s central computer.

These working keys in turn have to be protected, and the usual

arrangement is that a bank will share a ‘zone key’ with other banks or
with a network switch, and use this to encrypt fresh working keys
which are set up each morning. It may also send a fresh working key
every day to each of its ATMs, by encrypting it under the ATM’s
terminal key.

Keeping keys secret is only part of the problem. They must also; be
available for use at all times by authorized processes. The PIN key is
needed all the time to verify transactions, as are the current working
keys; the terminal keys and Zone keys are less critical, but are still
used once a day to set up new working keys.

8 Q. Explain the transaction on the World Wide Web.

Ans: - The WWW is one application that has brought the Internet
within everyone’s reach. While some point out that Internet e-mail and
file transfers have for years carried the most Internet traffic.
Documents retrieved from the web typically contain hypertext links,
which in turn refer to other documents on the web. If you click on a
hypertext link the associated document is immediately retrieved and
displayed for you. Practically every important specification document
regarding the Internet is available via the web, and the most computer
vendors provide their latest product description through the web, too.
There are four essential elements to the web: - 1.BROWSERS (the
client software that people use to access the web.) 2. URL (Uniform
Resource Locator, which identifies each web page) 3. SERVERS
(Contains web pages containing the information for which the users
can ask.) 4. PAGES (A written document by HTML).

Traffic between the server and the browser follows a protocol called
HTTP which uses the TCP transport protocol. Retrieving a page always
starts with the browser being given the URL. Typically a URL comes
from a hypertext ink on a previously retrieved web page. Each URL
contains three major fields: the protocol field, the server name and the
page’s file name on the server.
The protocol field could indicate one of the several one of the several
TCP/IP application protocols, but it will way “http” if are retrieving a
web page. When the user with the browser selects a URL (possibly via
a hypertext link). The URL is passed to the web server for retrieval. The
server sends the page back. Each file is retrieved via a separate
connection. The browser uses the server name to open a TCP
connection to that server. Once the connection is open, the browser
sends an HTTP GET command that includes the URL and a list of data
formats the browser will accept. If the server can fulfill the browser’s
request, it sends web page back to the browser via the same TCP
connection. The server closes the connection as the entire page has
been sent. Many pages include references to the graphical files to be
displayed on the page. The browser retrieves these files by repeating
the connection process for each file.
9 Q. Write a note on Centralized Flat key management scheme.

Ans. Instead of organizing the bits of the id in a hierarchical, tree-

based fashion and distributing the keys accordingly, they can also be
assigned in a flat fashion (). This has the advantage of greatly reducing
database requirements, and obviates the sender from the need of
keeping information about all participants. It is now possible to exclude
participates without knowing whether they were in the group in the
first place.

The table contains 2W KEYS, two keys for exact bit, corresponding to
the two values that bit can take. The key associated with bit b having
value v is referred to as kb.v(“Bit keys”). While the keys in the table
could be used to generate a tree-like keying structure, they can also be
used independently of each other.

The results are very similar to the tree based control from, but the key
space is much smaller: for an id length of w bits, only 2W+1 key are
needed, independent of the actual number of participants. The number
of participants is limited to 2w, so a value of 32 is considered a good
choice. To allow for the separation of participants residing; on the
same machine the id space can be extended to 48 bits, thus including
port number information. For ipv6 and calculated ids, a value of 128
sh8ould be chosen to avoid collisions. This still keeps the number of
keys and the size of change messages small. Besides reducing the
storage and communication needed, this approach has the advantage
that nobody needs to keep track of who is currently a member, yet the
group manager is still able to expel an unwanted participant.
10 Q. What is Digital Signature? Explain how digital signature
is produce.

Ans. The digital signature is the most novel mechanism provided by

modern crypto technology. It is mechanism that does not involve
secrets but it protects data from undetected change. Moreover, the
digital signature associates the data with the owner of a specific
private key. If we can verify the signature with the Sushma’s public
key, we can e certain that the data was signed with Sushma’s private
key. Experts will feel this technique will from the bedrock of electronic
commerce by providing digital credentials that are hard to forge.

Digital signature uses a private key to produce a crypto checksum.

Crypto checksums based on conventional secret key techniques can
only be verified by people, who are trusted with the secret key, and
the technique cannot tell which key holder actually produced the
crypto checksum. Digital signatures are tied to a particular private key,
so we can safely assume that only the private key holder could have
produced the corresponding digital signature. Anyone with the
corresponding public key can validate the hash or checksum
themselves, tying the message’s contents to the holder of the
corresponding private key.

We produce a RSA digital signature for a data message by hashing the

message contents and then encrypting the hash with the author’s
private key. We include the hash type in the digital signature for both
cryptographic security and compatibility reasons.

The recipient validates the data by check8ing the encrypted hash

value. The recipient decrypts the digital signature with the author’s
public key, yielding the hash type and value. Then the indicated hash
function is applied to the data received. This hash result is compared
to the one protected by digital signature.

BT0055 – Internet Technology & Web Designing – 4 Credits

Set-I – 40 Marks

Book ID: 1) BO217 2) BO022 3) BO020

1. What is MODEM?
Ans: Modems have become so common that they are standard
equipment on most computers sold today. Indeed, anyone who
has ever used the Internet or a fax machine has used a modem.
In addition to modems, several devices are used to connect small
LANs into larger wide area networks (WANs). Each of these
devices has its own function along with some limitations. They
can be used simply to extend the length of network media or to
provide access to a worldwide network over the Internet. Devices
used to expand LANs include repeaters, bridges, routers, and
A modem is a device that makes it possible for computers to c
ommunicate over a telephone line.
Basic Modem Functions
Computers cannot simply be connected to each other over a
telephone line, because computers communicate by sending
digital electronic pulses (electronic signals), and a telephone line
can send only analog waves (sound). Figure 7.1 shows the
difference between digital computer communication and analog
telephone communication.
2. What is Router and Gateway?

Ans: Routers
In an environment that consists of several network segments
with differing protocols and architectures, a bridge might be
inadequate for ensuring fast communication among all
segments. A network this complex needs a device that not only
knows the address of each segment, but can also determine the
best path for sending data and filtering broadcast traffic to the
local segment. Such a device is called a "router.
Routers work at the network layer of the OSI reference model.
This means they can switch and route packets across multiple
networks. They do this by exchanging protocol-specific
information between separate networks. Routers read complex
network addressing information in the packet and, because they
function at a higher layer in the OSI reference model than
bridges, they have access to additional information.
Routers can provide the following functions of a bridge:
Filtering and isolating traffic
Connecting network segments
Routers have access to more of the information in packets than
bridges have and use this information to improve packet
deliveries. Routers are used in complex networks because they
provide better traffic management. Routers can share status and
routing information with one another and use this information to
bypass slow or malfunctioning connections.
Gateways enable communication between different architectures
and environments. They repackage and convert data going from
one environment to another so that each environment can
understand the other environment's data. A gateway repackages
information to match the requirements of the destination
system. Gateways can change the format of a message so that it
conforms to the application program at the receiving end of the
transfer. For example, electronic-mail gateways, such as the
X.400 gateway, receive messages in one format, translate it, and
forward it in X.400 format used by the receiver, and vice versa.
A gateway links two systems that do not use the same:
Communication protocols.
Data-formatting structures.
Gateways interconnect heterogeneous networks; for example, they
can connect Microsoft Windows NT Server to IBM's Systems Network
Architecture (SNA). Gateways change the format of the data to
make it conform to the application program at the receiving end.

3. What is Event handling?

Ans: An event is a state that triggers a specific action on the

object. The easiest example is a button, whose definition
includes the words on Click=function (). The one Click event
occurs as it is clear by name that when user click on button.
There are many more events that includes on Mouse Over, on
Mouse Press, on Focus, on Load, on Blur etc.
Event handlers are embedded in HTML tags, typically used as a
part of forms but are also used as a part of anchors and links.
Anything that can do by a user is covered by event handlers. It
ranges from moving a mouse to leaving the page.
4. Briefly explain VB Script variables.

Ans: Variables are just boxes in memory that are used to store
data. Each variable need a unique name. Variables are classified as

Explicit -In this type of declaration variables are declared explicitly

by dim statement before its use. Example- Dim rolls as Integer.
Implicit- In this type of declaration variables are not declared they
are just used. VB automatically declare as data type Variant. It can
store any type of data. But it will create ambiguity in program
Variables can be declared by Dim, Public and Private. Example -
Dim salary as integer.
Public salary as integer.
Private salary as integer.
Naming of variables-
Must begin with an alphabetic character.
Can not contain an embedded period.
Must not exceed 255 characters.
Must be unique in the scope in which the variable is used

Procedure level variable- When a variable declared within a

procedure and it exists as long as the procedure execute then
this is called procedure level variable.

Script level variable- When we declare a variable outside the

procedure that is recognized by all the procedure then it is called
script level variable.

Array- To assign more than one related values to a single

variable array are declared. It contains a series of values. This is
called an array variable. To declare a series of 11 elements.
Dim a (10)
We can now assign data to each element of the variable.
A (0) =256
A (1) =212
A (2) =125
A (10) =340
We can initialize arrays at runtime also by ReDim key word.
Declare array as
Dim rolls ()
Now we want to give size to it then we declare it as
ReDim rolls (24)
If there are twenty five students in class.
5. Explain naming rules of XML markup language.

Ans: Naming rules are follows:

A name consists of at least one letter: a to z, or A to Z.
If the name consists of more than one character, it may start
with an underscore () or a colon (:).
The initial letter (or underscore) can be followed by one or more
letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, full stops, and combining
characters, extender characters, and ignorable characters.
Comments: In XML, comments have the form
<! - - This is a common text -- >
The tag <!—and -- > must be used exactly as shown.
Entity Declarations:
The declaration of an internal entity has this form:
<! ENTITY name “replacement text”>
Now every time the string & name; appears in your XML code, the
XML processor will automatically replace it with the replacement
6. How do add Java Scripts in HTML page?

Ans: JavaScript can be added to HTML page by two methods in

first method we simply write the codes in the head tag in the script
tag and second method is to create a JavaScript file and link it to
the script tag.
Welcome to JavaScript
Function Hello ()
Document. Write (“Hello student welcome to JavaScript”);
<H1>See the JavaScript function</H1>
<FORM METHOD=”post”>
<INPUT TYPE=”Button” on Click=”Hello ()”/>
7. What is “for each” statement?

Ans: A for Each …Next loop is similar to a for…Next loop. Instead

of repeating the statements a specified number of times, a for
each…Next loop repeats a group of statements for each item in a
collection of objects or for each element of an array. This is
especially helpful if we don’t know how many elements exist in a
In the following HTML code, the contents of a Dictionary object
are used to place text in several text boxes:
<HEAD> <TITLE> For-Each-Next</TITLE> </HEAD>
Sub cmdchange _On Click
Dim d ‘Create a variable
Set d = create object (“Scripting Dictionary”)
d.Add “0”, “Athens” ‘Add some keys and items
d.Add “1”, “Belgrade”
d.Add”2”, “Cairo”

For Each l in d
MsgBox d.Item (1)
End Sub
<Input Type = “Button” NAME=”cmdchange”
VALUE=”Click Here”><p>

BSC-IT (NEW) V Semester Assignments for August 2008


Subject Code : BT0055 Assignment No: 02

Subject Name : Internet Technology & Web Designing Marks:60
Credits: 04

1. Explain Ethernet and IEEE 802.x local area network?

Ans. TCP/IP can operate over a vast number of physical networks. The
must common and widely used protocols are, Ethernet. Two
frame formats can be used on the Ethernet coaxial cable:
<1>.The slandered issued in 1978 by Xerox Corporation, Intel
Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation, usually called
Ethernet (or DIX Ethernet).
<2>. The International IEEE 802.3 standard.
The difference between the two standards is in the use of one of
the header fields, which contains a protocol-type number for
Ethernet and the length of the data in the frame for IEEE 802.3.
<3>. The type field in Ethernet is used to distinguish between
different protocols running on the coaxial cable, and allows their
coexistence on the same physical Cable.
<4>. The maximum length of an Ethernet frame is 1526 bytes.
This means a data field length of up to 1500 bytes. The length of
the 802.3 data field is also limited to 1500 bytes for 10 Mbps
networks. But is different for other transmission speeds.
<5>. In the 802.3 MAC frame, the length of the data field is
indicated in the 9802.2 headers. In practice, however, both
frame formats can coexist on the same physical coax. This is
done by using protocol type numbers (type fields) greater than
1500 in the Ethernet frame. However, different device drivers are
needed to handle each of these formats. Thus, for all practical
purposes, the Ethernet physical layer and the IEEE 802.3
physical layer are compatible. However, the Ethernet data link
layer and the IEEE 802.3/802.2 data link layer are incompatible.

2. Write a short note on:

Ans. - Internet Control Message Protocol:-

When the router or a destination host wants to inform the
source host about errors in datagram processing, it uses the
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).ICMP can be
characterized as follows:-
* ICMP uses IP as if ICMP were a higher level protocol
.Howerver; ICMP is can integral part of IP and must be
implemented by every IP module.
* ICMP is used to report errors, not to makes IP
reliable.Datagrams may still be undelivered without any
report on their loss. Reliability must be implemented by the
higher level protocols using IP services.
* ICMP can not be used to report errors with ICMP message.
This avoids infinites repetitions.ICMP response is sent on
response to ICMP query message.
* ICMP Message:-ICMP message are sent in IP datagram. The
IP header has a protocol number of 1 (ICMP) and a type of
service of zero.
* Code:-contain the error code for the datagram reported by
this ICMP message. The interpretation is dependent upon the
message type.
* Checksum:-contain the checksum for the ICMP message
starting with the ICMP Type field. If the checksum does not
match the contains, the datagram is discarded.
* Data:-Contain information for this ICMP message. Typically
it will contain the portion of the original IP message for which
the ICMP message was generated.
* Address resolution protocol:-The ARP protocol is a network
specific standard protocal.The address resolution protocol is
responsible for converting the higher level protocol addresses
to physical network addresses
* Bootstrap protocol:-The bootstrap protocol enable a client
workstation to initialize with the minimal IP stack and request
is IP address, a gateway address, and the address of a name
server from a BOOTP server. If BOOTP is to be used in your
network, then the server and client are usually on the same
physical LAN segment. BOOTP can only be used across
bridged segments when source-routing bridges are being
used, or across subnets, if you have a router capable of
BOOTP forwarding.
* SLIP: - The TCP/IP protocol family runs over a variety of
network media: IEEE 802.3 and 802.5 LANs, X.25 lines,
satellite links, and serial lines,. Standards for the
encapsulation of IP packets have been defined for many of
these networks, but there is no standard for serial lines. SLIP
is currently a de facto standard, commonly used for point-to-
point serial connections running TCP/IP.

3. What is OSPF protocol? Explain its features.

Ans. The Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol is another example
of an interior gateway protocol. It was developed as a non-
proprietary routing alternative to address the limitations or RIP.
OSPF provides a number of features not found in distance vector
protocols. Support for these features has made OSPF a widely
-deployed routing protocol in large networking environments. In
fact, RFC 1812-Requirements for IPv44 Routers, lists OSPF as
the only required dynamic routing protocol. The following features
contribute to the continued acceptance of the OSPF standard:
* Equal cost load balancing: The simultaneous use of multiple
paths may provide more efficient utilization of network
* Logical partitioning of the networl: This reduces fthe
propagation of outage information during adverse conditions. It
also provides the ability to aggregate routing announcements
that limit the advertisement of unnecessary subnet information.j
* Support for authentication: OSPF supports the authentication of
any node transmitting rout advertisements. This prevents
fraudulent sources from corrupting the routing tables.
* Faster convergence time: OSPF provides instantaneous
propagation of routing changes. This expedites the convergence
time required to updated network topologies.
* Support for CIDR and VLSM: This allows the network
administrator to efficiently allocate IP address resources.
* Backbone area and area 0: All OSPF networks contain at least
one area.
This area is known as area 0 o9r the backbone area. Additional
areas may be created based on network topology or other design
* Intra-area, area border and AS boundary routers: There are
three classifications of routers in an OSPF network.
Intra-Area Routers: This class of router is logically located
entirely within an OSPF area. Intra-area routers maintain a
topology database for their local area.
Area Border Routers (ABR): This class of router is logically
connected to two or more areas. One area must be the backbone
area. An ABR is used to interconnect areas. They maintain a
seprate topology database for each attached area. ABRs also
execute separate instances of the SPF algorithm for each area.
AS Boundary Routers (ASBR): This class of router is located
at the periphery of an OSPF internet work. It functions as a
gateway exchanging reach ability between the OSPF network
and other routing environments. ASBR’s are responsible for
announcing AS external link advertisements through the AS.
4. What is a packet? Show the process of Packets.

Ans. All IPv6 nodes are expected to dynamically determine the

maximum transmission unit (MTU) supported by all links along a
path MTU. IPv6 routers will therefore not have to fragment
packets in the middle of multihop routes and allow much more
efficient use of paths that traverse diverse physical transmission
media. IPv6 requires that every link supports an MTU of 1280
bytes or greater.
There are processes of packets:-
1. Extension headers
2. Hop-by-hop header
3. Routing header
4. Fragment header
5. Authentication header
6. Encapsulating Security payload
7. Destination options header

5. What is Style Sheets? Explain its purpose.

Ans. Here is an example. Consider the following:

Here is a simple test
To write this short sentence in HTML, you have to use many
commands, such as CENTER, FONT COLOR, FONT SIZE etc.
Suppose you need to write this sentence 10 times, won't it be
easier to specify what you want only one time and simply write
one command instead of six. This is possible with Style
A style sheet is a definition of how content should be rendered
on the page. The purpose of a style sheet is to create a
presentation for a particular element or set of elements. Binding
an element to a style specification is very simple; it consists of
an element followed by its associated style information within
curly braces:
Element {style specification}
Suppose that you want to bind a style to the <H1>
element so that a 12-point courier font with bold style is always
used. The following rule would result in the desired display:
<style type="text/css">
H1 { font-size:12 pt;
font-style: bold;
font-family: courier}
It's not as hard as tit might seem at first. Here is the explanation:

H1 - It means that this style sheet will affect every text that is in
HEADING1 format, so, now you don't have to write the same
commands obvert and over again.

!--:- These tags ensure that the styles won't cause errors in older
browsers. Older browsers that do not support style sheets will
simply ignore it.
Font size - This is one of the attributes of the style sheet. I think
that you know what it means.
Font-style & font-family - two other attributes of this style sheet.
Altogether they will make the text size 12, font courier, and style
To make it easier to remember you can use this pattern:
TAG {attributes; attribute; attribute}
In general, a style sheet specification or style sheet is simple a
collection of rules. These rules include an HTML element, class or
id, more generally called a selector, which is bound to a style
property such as font-family, followed by a colon and the value(s)
for that style property. Multiple style rules may be included in a
style specification by separating them with semicolons. Currently
there are more than 50 properties specified under CSS1 that
effect the presentation of an HTML document. Unfortunately, not
all of them are supported consistently across the major browsers.
Style sheets alone do nothing; first you must bind the rule to a
tag(s) or class of HTML objects.

6. Briefly explain user datagram protocol (UDP).

Ans. UDP is basically an application interface to IP. It adds no

reliability, flow control, or error recovery to IP. It simply serves as
a multiplexer/demultiplexer for sending and receiving
datagram’s, using ports to direct the datagram’s.
UDP datagram format: - Each UDP datagram is sent within a
single IP datagram. Although, the IP datagram may be
fragmented during transmission, the receiving IP implementation
will reassemble it before presenting it to the UDP layer. The UDP
datagram has a 16-byte header that is described:-
* Source Port: Indicates the port of the sending process. It is the
port to which replies should be addressed.
* Destination Port: The length (in bytes) of this user datagram,
including the header.
* Checksum: An optional 16-bit one's complement of the one's
complement sum of a pseudo-IP header, the UDP header, and
the UDP data. The pseudo-IP header contains the source
and destination IP addresses, the protocol, and the UDP length:
The pseudo-IP header effectively extends the checksum to
include the original (unfragmented) IP datagram.
UDP application programming interface: It provides for:
* The creation of new receive ports.
* The receive operation that returns the data bytes and an
indication of source port and source IP address.
* The send operation that has, as parameters, the data, source,
and destination ports and addresses.
The way this interface should be implemented is left to the
discretion of each vendor. Standard applications using UDP
* Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
* Domain Name System (DNS) name server
*Remote Procedure CAll (RPC), used by the Network File System
*Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
*Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

7. What is the use of Network Address Translation?

Ans. Network Address Translation (NAT) is also known as IP

masquerading. It provides a mapping between internal IP
addresses and officially assigned external addresses.
Originally, NAT was suggested as a short-term solution to the
problem of IP address depletion. Also, many organizations have,
in the past, used locally assigned IP addresses, not
expecting to require internet connectivity.
The idea of NAT is based on the fact6 that only a small number of
the hosts in a private network are communicating outside of that
network. If each host is assigned an IP address from the official IP
address pool only when they need to communicate, then only a
small number of official addresses are required. NAT might be
a solution for networks that have private address ranges or
unofficial addresses and want to communicate with hosts on the
Internet. In fact, month of the time, this can also be achieved by
implementing a firewall. Hence, clients that communicate with
the Internet by using a proxy or SOCKS server do not expose
their addresses to the Internet, so their addresses do not have to
be translated anyway. However, for any reason, when proxy and
SOCKS are not available, or do not meet specific requirements,
NAT might be used to manage the traffic between the internal
and external network without advertisings the internal host

8. How to Turn Off Friendly HTTP Error Messages in Internet


Ans. HTTP messages consist of the following fields:

. Message types: A HTTP message can be either a client request
or a server response. The following string indicates the HTTP
message type:
HTTP-message = Request| Response
*Message headers: HTTP message header field can be one of the
* General Header
* Request Header
*Response Header
* Entity Header
* Message body: Message body can be referred to as entity body
if there is no transfer coding has been applied. Message body
simply carries the entity body of the relevant request or
*Message length: Message length indicates the length of the
message body if it is included. The message length is determined
according to the criteria that are described in RFC 2616.
* General header fields: General header fields can apply both
request and response messages. Currently defined general
header field options are as follows:
* Connection
* Date
* Pragma
* Upgrade
* Via
Request: - A request message from a client to a server
includes the method to be applied to the resource, the
identifier of the source, and the protocol version in use. A
request message field is as follows:
Request = Request-Line
*(general-header | request-header | entity-header)
Response: - An HTTP server returns a response after evaluating
the client request. A response message field is as follows:
Request = Request-Line
*(general-header | request-header | entity header)
Entity: - Either the client or server might send Entity in the
request message of the response message, unless otherwise
indicated. Entity consists of the following:
* Entity header fields
* Entity body.

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