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St. Ignatius College Preparatory

Teachers Name: Eric Castro

Department: Social Science

Observation Date: 2/8/16

Observer: Elizabeth Alexander

The purpose of the collegial observation is to provide teachers with the opportunity to
visit other classrooms and learn from their colleagues. These observations are collegial, not
supervisory, and are intended to promote collaboration.


-freak of the week bipolar story

-flow chart explanation
- video- somatoform disorders

Use the space below to record what happens during your visit.

freak of the week

+ moved around the room as telling the story

+ all students but one student turned and watching
+ some side conversation at points but very engaged
? no notebooks out a few computers
+ so animated-- story leading into disorders (give a concrete example)
+ after story gave background and broke down symptoms
? lots of chatter at random points
? child came in late- so interested in policy, know there is one
+ kids so interested, talking and asking questions

Flow chart explanation

+I feel like I have learned a lot in 20 minutes

? see students goggling words mentioned x2is this a class expectation?
+ already had a chart on the board- you referred to through out the class
raised hand I
not raised II

Video: somatoform disorders

warned about content is disturbing

Big take away:

It felt at points almost chaotic but yet completely organized and on task- how did
you set up these norms and create this class culture?**
Story hooked the kids- how can I better hook kids before I start?


In light of the principles of culturally responsive teaching, what activities, resources, or strategies did you observe
that you might be able to use in your class?

Students' cultural connections

are affirmed.
How are concepts/activities made
relevant to students

story that highlighted symptoms of bipolar

teacher gave relatable example
disorders cross all cultures

shared personal story

students were allowed to ask questions and give comments as related to the story
teacher shared personal story symbolizing a trusting relationship

How are multiple perspectives

included in curriculum?
How does the teacher show
appreciation for students
knowledge of their cultures?

Teacher is personally inviting.

How does the teacher demonstrate
open and trusting relationships?
How does the teacher value student
input and perspectives?
How does the teachers tone of
voice demonstrate care and

Learning environments are

physically and culturally
How is student work showcased in
and out of classroom?

students all sit in rows in which they are easily able to share
over heard students discussing an upcoming project

Are multicultural images, photos,

artwork, dcor displayed?
Does the classroom ambiance
exude recognition and appreciation
of culture?

Other CRT Principles

Students are reinforced for
academic development
Instructional changes are made to
accommodate differences.

students were asked to think back about their knowledge to fully engage in story
verbal story, visual aid to reference about disorders
clear classroom control and attention at all points

Classroom is managed with firm,

consistent, and caring control.
Interactions stress collectivity as
well as individuality.


After your observation, please email or meet to discuss questions or comments.

do the right thing rule** students do the right thing

all slides given
reassessment experiment (only 7 days)
more somber for disorder to respect all

A copy of the completed observation should be placed in the Year-End Portfolios of both the observer
and the teacher. Additionally, the observer needs to provide a copy to Jeannie Quesada.

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