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Weekly Technical Quiz

Issue Number 37
37 (8
(8th to 12th November 2010)
Thought of The
The Week

We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to
the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. Jawaharlal Nehru
Questions for This Week
Q.73) The photos shown below are

a) Prof. Fritz Leonhardt (Expert of Prestressed concrete) and Prof. G. W.

Housner (Expert in Earthqauke Engineering)
b) Dr. Karl Terzaghi (Expert in Geotechnical Engg) and S. P. Timoshenko
(Expert in Structural Mech)
c) Jorg Schaich and Mick Schlaich (expert Structural Engineers from
d) Non of the above

Q.74) The earlier name of Sri Lanka was



Answer of the Last Weeks Questions

Q.71) The water obtained from tube well is known as ANS: Sub-Surface Water

surface water
subsub-surface water
potable water

Q.72) The lowest part of a structure which transmits is the load to the soil is known as ANS: Foundation


Reason for failure?

You can name it all. First it was underdesigned, poor detailing, then bad construction
with less cement, silty sand, corroded steel,
hardly any curing, combined with overloading
and poor maintenance. Surprise, how this
building stood for so long?

Jawaharlal Nehru was born on November 14, 1889, in Allahabad,

India. He was the son of Swaroop Rani and Motilal Nehru, a
wealthy lawyer and a prominent leader of the Indian independence
movement. The Nehru family belonged to the saraswat Brahmin
caste. Nehru graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge University
and came back to India in 1912. In 1916, by his parents'
arrangement, he married seventeen-year-old Kamala from a
Kashmiri business family in Delhi. He became the top political
leader of the Indian National Congress Party along with his
associate Mahatma Gandhi.
Nehru and his family made transformations in their upper class lifestyle. They followed Gandhi
and abandoned fashionable British clothes and expensive possessions. Nehru and his family
adopted the native language of Hindu, or Hindustani for their common use. Nehru also wore a
khadi kurta and a Gandhi cap as an Indian nationalist uniform. When Nehru's father joined the
Swaraj Party in opposition to Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru did not join his father and stayed with
Mahatma Gandhi. Together they led the nation of India to independence in 1947.
Nehru signed the first constitution of independent India in 1949. He was an outstanding public
speaker. He served as the first Prime Minister of India from 1947 until May 27, 1964, the day he
died. He was one of the founders of the international non-aligned movement.

As a tribute to Nehru and his love for children, Childrens Day is

celebrated on his birth date.
This day reminds to each and every one of us, to renew our
commitment to the welfare of children and teach them to live by
their Chacha Nehrus quality and dream.

Think You Know Everything?

Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
There are 293 ways to make change for a

A shark is the only fish that can blink with

both eyes.
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

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