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Pictographic Vocabulary of the Words used in the texts from the Thracian Artifacts and some related Ideograms

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(R 8)*


(A40; R 8)*



The Son-God, The Son of God (1)

(R 8A)*

The Thre e -O ne God (the Trinity, the gods) (2)

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(O 29v)*

Gre at

(O 4)*

Te m ple (pronounce d O rphe i, Erphe i), O rphe us; also le tte r h in late rEgyptian

(R 8 & O 4)*

Te m ple of God; God, who is in his Te m ple


I spe ak , say, de clare


true , truthful, witne ss

(2 & 14)*

I spe ak truthfully, I witne ss in truth, I prom ise

(O 38A)*

a hiding place , de fe nce


I hide , I am hidde n (safe )

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build, fortify, building, wall

(O 14)*

Fortification, De fe nce wall

(O 119)*

built hiding place (de fe nce structure )

(O 14 & O 119)*

fortifie d de fe nce structure (hiding place ),

fortre ss


give (offe rings), gifts


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phone tic le tte r n, ide ogram m e aning

of, to, unto (3)


Truth, Justice

(U8: X1)*

The Truth, Justice

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Lie , False hood, Injustice , Ine quity


I praise , glorify, praise s


Guardian (hum an)


Divine Guardian (ange l, divine be ing)

(B43; C 210 &


R ule r re igning with the C rown of the

Uppe r W orld

(C 185A; C 188)*

R ule r re igning with the C rown of the

Lowe r W orld


Earth, the Earthly (Lowe r) W orld (R e alm )

(R 70; R 14A)*

De ath, Hade s (land of the de ad), the


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(R 7)*

Fire , the fie ry (Uppe r) W orld be yond


walk around, trave rse , indwe ll, te rritory

(W 17A; U126,
S15A, O 133)*

Thrace , Tze r (Tiras), (Maje sty = se re k h)

(Z2, O 133)*

Thrace , the pillars (Atlants) supporting the world

(F37I; T114)*

Thrace , Tze r (Tiras), Back -bone of the world


Thrace , Tze r (Tiras), Thracian, the spinal colum n (in anatom y)


Thrace , Thracian, the spinal colum n

(S43; S15)*

Thrace , Thracian, Divine W ords, Sce pte rs

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Thrace , Thracian, Land of Divine W ords

(O 199)*

Thrace , Thracian, Me galiths (m e galithic te m ple s) (5)


The Fathe r-God (God-the -Fathe r)

(M17; 1:U15;

The Fathe r-God (God-the -Fathe r)

(M17; X1; 19)*

Fathe r

(M17; X1)*

Fathe r

(M17; 1)*

The Fathe rs (from all four dire ctions)

(M17; F37A;

The Fathe rs of Thrace (from all four dire ctions)


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bre ad, phone tic le tte r t, ide ogram for

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the article a, or the in the fe m inine (4)

Lord, Maste r (R ule r)

(V30(4);F37A)* The Lords of Thrace (from all four dire ctions)

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(F37A; V30(3);

All the Lords of Thrace


cre ate , cre ation, foundation


city, se ttle m e nt

( 1)*

House (pronounce d e i, e ia), or Te m ple

(Q 6)*

coffin, shrine , ark , or sacre d che st


hand, palm of hand, to tak e

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m e asure of a palm (of hand), m e asure , (palm -)span


m e asure (that is due ), te nth m e asure (part), te n

(V20; N11;

C ove nant, contract, frie ndship pact (found in Thrace ) m e asure -for-m e asure ,
tak e -for-tak e (not typical in Egypt)


frie ndship, frie ndship pact, m ak ing frie nds

(R 2; R 1B;R 1)*

Altars with various offe rings to God


to fight, m ak e war, warrior


in (inside )

(O 30)*

support, prop (pillar)

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(O 30; Aa15)*

in support, in assistance

(V208B N5

e te rnity ("infinite - cosm ic e te rnity")

(A73 C 11)*

e te rnity (finite , hum an" - "m ilion ye ars")


e te rnity (finite e arthly e pochs- zillion ye ars)


one , The O ne , O ne ne ss (Totality), The O ne God


W ord, Mouth, Spe e ch, Door

(D21; N35; B5)* bre ast-fe e d, nurse , suck

(D21; N35; A2)* nam e , true e sse nce

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(Aa1; D52;X1)* think , m e ditate , conce ptualize , conce pt

(D52; X1)*

e nge nde r, be com e the fathe r of, proge ny


wolf, jack al, wild-dog


she phe rd-dog, guardian ( - dog)


She phe rd, R ule r, Prie st-King


he art

* All hie roglyphs have be e n pre se nte d he re with the ir alphabe tical & num e rical indice s according to the GAR DINER classification.
(1) - Typically from Thracian origin, the phrase My son, m y falcon (hawk ) has be e n pre se rve d in the m ode rn Bulgarian idiom . The word is
pronounce d
in C optic Egyptian and is also translate d Son of God, and this is how it is be ing use d, from the ancie nt C optic Egyptian
C hristian liturgy, e ve n to this ve ry day!
(2) - In the He bre w Bible the word m e aning God is also in the plural form (Elohim = Gods), but it is always by de finition translate d as
God (The O ne God). In the Arabic Koran, God also spe ak s always in the plural W e , your God, but it is always m e ant The O ne God (as
Allah is accurate ly translate d from Arabic). In the C hristian Tradition, the above visible contradiction (pl. vs sg.) is e x plaine d by the
Doctrine of The Holy Trinity (i.e . God is O ne , but IS thre e pe rsons: Fathe r, Son, and Holy Spirit)
(3) - It is notable that the phone tic value n of the above hie roglyph (standing for of, and for to, unto in the English language ) has be e n
re taine d the sam e (n, or na) in m ode rn Bulgarian, which be trays linguistic conne ctions to the ancie nt spe e ch of the Thracians.

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(4) - It is also of inte re st, that the phone tic value s of t, ta of the above hie roglyph, standing for the de finite and inde finite article s in the
fe m inine ge nde r (corre sponding to a and the in English), have be e n re taine d in the re spe ctive pre fix e s and/or suffix e s in the m ode rn
Bulgarian language , which de m onstrate s once again, a visible influe nce from the ancie nt Thracian spe e ch.
(5) - It is quite curious a fact, that e ach and e ve ry classical m e galithic com ple x com prise s of at le ast 2, 3, or 4 ve rtical stone pillars, and a
horizontal stone slab on top, which can be se e n as the hie roglyph of Thrace , m ade of stone ! C ould this m e an that the e ntire ancie nt
m e galithic culture in Europe was a signature of sorts for the vast pre se nce of the Thracians, that He rodotus wrote about? The re m ay actually
be a Thracian conne ction be twe e n the Bulgarian Pe rpe rik on, the Minnoan C re te and the British Isle s Stone He nge afte r all!

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