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Workplace Support in Federal Law

What is the "Break Time for Nursing Mothers" law?

Effective March 23, 2010, this federal law requires employers to provide break time and a place
for most hourly wage-earning and some salaried employees (nonexempt workers) to express
breast milk at work. The law states that employers must provide a "reasonable" amount of time
and that they must provide a private space other than a bathroom. They are required to provide
this until the employee's baby turns one year old.
This law is part of Section 4207 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act under the Fair
Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 2011. Download the text of Section 4207 only.

Questions About the "Break Time for Nursing Mothers"

You or your employer may have questions about how the "Break Time for Nursing Mothers' law
applies to you. Many common questions and concerns are addressed in the following sources:

United States Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division (WHD):

o Statutory language: full text of the "Break Time for Nursing Mothers" law
o Fact Sheet #73: includes information on general requirements, time and location
of breaks, and coverage and compensation requirements under the "Break Time
for Nursing Mothers" law
o FAQs: answers many of the questions about the law

United States Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health
o Supporting Nursing Moms at Work: Employer Solutions: online resource to
support employers of breastfeeding women at work, searchable by either
"industry" sector or "solution" type
o "Supporting Nursing Moms at Work" Presentation Platform: assists breastfeeding
coalitions and educators with advocacy and outreach to employers
o Business Case for Breastfeeding: a comprehensive program developed to educate
employers about the value of supporting breastfeeding employees in the

o provides tips, suggestions, and important

information and resources for breastfeeding women

Online Guide:
What You Need to Know About the "Break Time for Nursing
Mothers" Law
This guide compiles the above resources in an easy to understand format to ensure all moms
have the information they need to make working and breastfeeding a success. It was designed to
help employees understand their rights as a breastfeeding mom in the workplace and serve as a
break time resource for families and employers with questions about the law. Click the topics
below to learn more:
1. Are the breaks paid or unpaid?
2. Who is covered by the law?
3. What if your state already has a law?
4. Who is in charge of enforcing the law?
5. What are the benefits to employers?
6. How should you prepare to go back to work?
7. How should you talk to your employer about nursing breaks?
8. What does the undue hardship exemption mean for employees?
9. What are the space requirements?
10. How much time is "reasonable"?
11. How often can you pump during the workday?
12. How long do you have the right to pump at work?
13. How should you store your breast milk?
14. What equipment and supplies do you need?
15. What are creative solutions for break time and space?
16. What do you do if your employer refuses to comply?

17. Where should you go for help?

18. How else does the Affordable Care Act impact breastfeeding families?
19. What other resources are available?
20. What about helpful breastfeeding tips?

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