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The Constitution of 1956

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Thr first constitution was introduced in Pakistan on 23 March
1956.23rd March as you know is an important day in the history of
Pakistan. You would recall that on 23 rd March 1940 The Lahore
Resolution was presented for approval in the annual session of ML
held at Lahore. So when this constitution was introduced it was
decided that it should be introduced on such a day of historical
importance. Therefore on 23rd March this constitution was introduced.
The 1956 Constitution of Pakistan had 234 articles and 6 schedules in
which the whole constitutional framework and principles for
governance and power management have been outlined.This
Constitution describes Pakistan as Islamic Republic of Pakistan that is
the official title of the Pakistani state. If we look at the provisions of
the constitution we will find that there is an impact of Govt of India
Act1935 and the 1st Interim constitution of 1947 on this
constitution. Some of the articles of the Indian Act of 1935 and the
1st Interim constitution have been incorporated in this constitution
with some adjustments and modifications here and there and in
certain cases language is very similar if not the same. So in a way
there is some continuity from the previous document to this document.
Although it is different from the previous one in most respects but
there in some continuity.
And now we will discuss the basic features of The 1956 Constitution,
so that you had an idea of what kind of constitutional system came
into being with the introduction of the Constitution. What kind of state
institutions were created, what kind of relationship
Of different state institutions with each other with the public at large,
how the power was distributed and how the power was to be
Parliamentary System:

The 1st significant feature of the 1956 Constitution is that it provides

for a parliamentary system of govt.under the parliamentary system of
govt the executive authority is vested in the president but he
exercises the executive authority on the advice of the PM except in
the matters which are left to the discretion of the president. To
simplify this statement, under the parliamentary system you draw a
the functions
of the head of the state
and head of the govt.President
of the
state and his powers are
he performs certain limited functions underhis discretion but most of
his powers are exercised by the head of the govt and that is the PM So
the PM and his cabinet are the executive heads of the state. He is the
PM is the headof the govt.
and he exercises these powers as prescribed in the constitution
although in theory those powers may be assigned to the president.
There are certain functions which head of state performs usually
these are limited functions cerem-monial functions
The prcised nature of the powers of the president under
parliamentary system may vary from constitution to constitution;
give more
to the
president and
someconstitutions less. However the guiding principle is that the
powers of the president would be limited and in most cases
ceremonial with the exception of certain discretionary powers( a
power in his own judgment)which he exercises i.e. certain non
controversial appointment are made by the president, key and
important appointments and certain other powers; but the real
authority of govt of running the administration day to day affairs of the
state is the job of the PM.The runs the govt and that is what was
provided in The 1956 Constitution of Pakistan.
In this case the president was to be elected; there was an elected
president and he was to be elected by the members of the NA and Pas
for a period of 5 years. And the minimum age for the president was 45
years. And under this constitution the office of the president could
only be held by a Muslim that was a condition provided in the
constitution. The president was part of the legislative process of the
state. All laws passed by the parliament were to be presented to the
head of the state that was president for his approval. He

could sign those; he could refuse or reject those laws. If he signs then
those laws become part of the constitution.
He can return the laws for reconsideration to the NA.He has the power
to reject a law passed by the NA.and in that case the assembly can
again pass that law with or without changes. Then the options of the
president in parliamentary system is limited to say no
Prime Minister:
The real power is exercised by the prime minister who was appointed
under this system by thepresident. But there was a condition on
that the constitution provided that the president would appoint a
person as PM who in his opinion commanded the support of the
majority in the NA.So if in the NA a party has got a clear majority then
the president is bound to ask the leader of that party to form a
then president has some discretion in inviting theleader of a party or
of a coalition to form a govt.But the overriding principle is that the
person who is appointed PM must command the majority support in
the NA. A follow up of this principle is that if the PM looses majority in
the parliament that PM cannot hold on to his office as PM.
Under the 1956 Constitution the president could remove the PM but
this power was to be exercised only if the president was sure that the
PM doesnt have the majority in the NA.
In this respect that is whether the PM has the majority support or he
has lost the support the president was to be the sole judge. If
president is convinced that for one reason or the other the PM has lost
the confidence of the NA then he could ask the PM to resign. But there
is a convention constitutional convention that he could ask the PM to
demonstrate his support on the floor of the house. But under 1956
Constitution, President was not obliged to ask him to show his
strength. He could if he convinced can remove the PM.
PM was the person who would run the govt under the 1956
Constitution with the help of a cabinet, cabinet of ministers and whole
cabinet ministers some time there are state ministers or deputy
minister so the cabinet as a whole including PM were responsible to
the NA,It mean that they were answerable to the NA,the members
could question them about their policies and in the ultimate analysis
the PM and his cabinet must enjoy the support of the majority
members and if that is not the case the NA could remove the PM and

his cabinet through what is known as vote of no confidence. This

means that if majority of the members of the NA voted against the PM
he could not continue either he would resign or the president remove
him and ask the person who now command the majority to form the
govt.and if no govt can be set up then the president can go for general
So this was the situation under the 1956 Constitution that was the
parliamentary system of govt.In fact, this was the system functioning
before 1956 Constitution was enforced that is under the 1947 Interim
One House Parliament:
The 2nd important feature of this constitution is that it created one
house parliament which was named as the National Assembly. It had
one chamber one house, traditionally in federal systems of govt there
are two houses one for the representation of the constituent units of a
federation and 2nd for the representation of the people. However under
the 1956 Constitution one house that is NA was provided; the reason
was that with the integration of the province of West Pakistan in
October 1955 that we have already discussed that there were two
provinces of Pakistan East Pakistan and West Pakistan. So since there
were two provinces they decided to form one house the other principle
agreed to was parity or equality between the two provinces or which
are describe sometime two wings of Pakistan. Parity means that both
provinces have equal representation in the NA.So because of
integration of East Pakistan and because of the principle of parity only
one house was created
NA consisted of 310 members out of these 300 were general seats and
10 were reserved for women and the general seats were to be elected
directly on the basis of universal adult franchise and on that time it
meant that the people of age 21 or above have the right to vote and
ultimately in 1957 the NA opted for joint electorate previously
separate electorate as inherited from the British India, but in 1957 he
principle of joint electorate was adopted.
This single house Assembly had all legislative powers in law making in
respect for the subjects that were either assigned to the federal govt
or were in the concurrent list. That we will discuss slightly later and
after law has been passed by the NA it would go to the president for
his signatures and as I have describe couple of minutes ago president

could either sign it return it or reject it. But the Assembly has all the
legislative powers.
So for as financial powers are concerned the budget that is the income
and expenditures for the federal govt had to be passed by the NA.and
the NA had the powers o accept or reject it or reject particular request
for funds in the budget it had the power to do that with the exception
of consolidated fund list. There are certain items of expenditures for
the state of Pakistan. That cannot be changed through simple majority
that is consolidated fund list and I give you couple of examples for
example salary of the president under the 1956 Constitution was the
part of the consolidated fund list, salaries of the judges of the
Supreme court and the high court that is superior judiciary, salaries of
the members of the federal public service commission and there are
certain other you know important offices for which funding is provided
and if they want to change these there had to be a special procedure.
So with the exception of this consolidated fund list rest of the budget
could be rejected straight away if the assembly wanted. The general
tradition in the parliamentary system is if the budget is rejected by the
NA, it is consider to be a vote of no confidence in the cabinet and
consequently govt collapses. So the assembly had the financial
powers to assert its authority.
The overriding authority of the assembly was that it had the control
over the executive that is the PM and the cabinet and I have describe
that how the NA could remove the PM from the office and had the
powers to ask questions, move resolutions, adjournment motions,
criticize the govt or make suggestions or proposals for the govt.So the
govt was responsible to the NA by the Constitution of 1956.
Federal System:
The 3rd feature of the 1956 Constitution was the federal structure. This
constitution established federation in Pakistan and this federation at
that time comprised two provinces which were East andWest
Pakistan plus other areas which were under the direct control of the
federal govt.
The powers were distributed between the centre and the provinces.
Three lists of powers or subjects were given in the constitution one
which consider the federal list of conclusive items which were the
exclusive concern of the federal govt.which means that the NA can
legislate all the subjects which mentioned in the federal list.

The 2nd was the provincial list and provincial assembly could make
laws for provincial list. Third list was concurrent list which included
the items for which the NA and provincial assembly could legislate.
However if the NA had made a law it had priority over the law made by
the provincial assembly. This principle of division of subjects into
three categories was adopted from the 1 stInterim Constitution and the
Govt of India Act 1935.But the only difference was the subjects have
three lists.
Provincial Structure:
This constitution provided for a provincial structure, each province had
a provincial legislature elected directly by the people and even in the
provinces parliamentary system was introduced that is the CM would
be the head of the govt.CM is to be responsible to the provincial
assembly. The way through PM is responsible to the NA.The governor
would be appointed by the president in consultation with the PM.This
governors functions were ceremonial; the provincial executive power
was exercised by the CM not by the governor.
In this federal that Pakistan adopted centre was strong although
provincial autonomy was given to the provinces but centre was strong.
Traditionally centre in Pakistan has been strong going back to the
British period. So the tradition of the strong centre was existed
because there were certain powers with the centre that enabled it to
step in the provincial domain. For example emergency powers, if there
were a threat to political or economic stability due to internal or
external reasons let say war from outside or for certain development
within Pakistan that threaten stability of the country the federal govt
could exercise emergency powers. It means that if federal govt
exercises emergency powers the domain and the autonomy of the
provinces could be restricted.
There was another power which allowed the centre to step in the
provincial domain or in the provincial field. If for some reason there is
a constitutional breakdown in a province that the provincial govt
cannot function or central govt has come to the conclusion that
provincial govt and CM cannot function in accordance with the
constitution then president could ask the governor to take over the
administration. So sometimes this could be called as presidential rule
and the federal govt in Pakistan did exercise this power to change

govt.Although provincial autonomy was there but centre was strong

under the 1956 Constitution.
Independent Judiciary:
The next feature of the constitution was the establishment of an
independent judiciary. When you have a written constitution as was
the case with the 1956 constitution and when you have a federal
system of govt then you need an independent judiciary. The judicial
system started with the Supreme Court on the top then each province
had a high court then there are lower courts under the high courts but
the term superior is used only for SC and provincial high courts.
The superior judiciary had to play an important role so far as the
interpretation of the constitution was concerned, if there was any
problem, if there is a dispute between various govts, provincial govt
central govt or different provincial govts then the matter could be
taken to the high court or the SC of Pakistan. Superior judiciary also
have powers with reference to fundamental rights given in the
constitution or if some citizen have complaints against govt the
superior judiciary have power to issue writs which means that it could
order the govt to do certain things or it could order the govt not to do
certain things, it could order the govt through Hybeas Corpus to
produce the person before the court. So that the court can adjudicate
the matter. So there was an independence judiciary in the 1956
Fundamental Rights:
Another important feature of the constitution pertain to Fundamental
Rights under the constitution every citizen irrespective of caste creed
or area, they are provided with certain basic and civil and political
rights, certain protections and securities are offered by the
constitution to all citizens. The constitution provided for certain
political rights civil rights for example some of the rights like freedom
of press, personel freedom, freedom to express your views ,freedom of
religion to practice a religion and to form political organizations, these
are all basic rights which are provided in the 1956 Constitution.
However Fundamental Rights are not unconditional because the rights
of the one person become the obligation of the other person, rights
and duties go together, my right is your duty and your right is my duty.

Therefore grant of FR doesnt mean that a person can do what he

wants, within the parameters of the constitution FR are to be
exercised and under special circumstances the state can suspend
those rights. If there is state of emergency due to any reason the govt
through the president can suspend the civil and political rights and to
exercise extraordinary power. So in other word FR are to be exercised
but within the defined limits. And if a person thinks that his rights are
violated by a person or by the govt he can go to the judiciary for the
rehabilitation and restoration of the rights. So in away judiciary also
play the role of a protector of civil and political rights; primarily it is
the duty of the govt to look after the rights of the citizens.
Directive principles of State policy:
There are certain principles given in the constitution as the guidelines
as the directives for state policy making for the rulers who are holding
state positions in govt.There are certain principles which should serve
as guidelines. This constitution provided these principles I may
mention one or two here to show that what kind of these principles
were one basic principle was that the state would create conditions to
enable the Muslims to live in accordance with the teachings and
principles of Islam.
There were other principles for providing employment, jobs and
looking after the interests of the people. These directive principles
were only advisory in nature that is one could not go to the courts that
one or two principles are not implemented and court should issue an
order. So these could not be challenged in the courts. But these were
only guidelines and advisory in nature.
Islamic Character:
The next feature was its Islamic character. The name of the state
under the Constitution of 1956 was The Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
The preamble of the constitution is based on the Objective Resolution.
The Objective Resolution had outlined the basic principles of those
constitutional framework and all those principles are incorporated in
the preamble. Preamble of a constitution outlined the goal, objectives
and the aspirations and desires about the political system you want to
Therefore like the OR the preamble which is always in the beginning of
the constitution, in fact any constitution starts with a preamble where

you declare your intention as to the type of system you wish to create,
So preamble therefore is very important to understand the ultimate
goals. The sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty
Allah alone and then you find the texts of the OR in the preamble
where the framers tried to put together the basic notions of Islamic
polity as well as the modern state notions like the democracy and
So the sovereignty of Allah was in the preamble of the constitution of
1956 and it continued to be in the subsequent constitutions. You also
have several other provisions in the constitution which link Pakistani
political system and constitution to the principles and teachings of
Islam. The constitution says that there will be no law in Pakistan that
is in conflict with the principles and teachings of Islam and all the
existing laws were to brought in conformity with the provisions of
Islam. For this purpose a commission was to be appointed that was to
look into the existing laws and see if they are in conflict with the
existing laws and teachings of Islam. If found some conflict that law
has to be changed. So the emphasis on Islam was very clear.
So for as the issue whether any law is Islamic or not the NA had the
ultimate power to make or not to make a law. There was no supra
national assembly body to decide that ,the assembly was to make
laws and make sure that the existing laws would not violate the
teachings and principles of Islam. The other alternative was that one
could go to the superior if one finds that there is a conflict between
the Islamic laws and the ordinary laws of the state of Pakistan. This
emphasis reflected the nature of the Pakistan Movement and the
desire of the Pakistani leadership as reflected in the OR to identify
that the state of Pakistan with Islam.
Working of the Constitution:
Before I conclude let me say a few words about the working of the
constitution. This constitution was introduced on 23rd March 1956 and
functioned till 7th October 1958.OnOctober 7th the military took over
power under the leadership of the then commander in chief General
Ayub Khan who abrogated the constitution along with the then
president Iskander Mirza and assume power under martial law and this
brought an end to the 1956 Constitution. This brings an end to our
discussion about the 1956 Constitution.

2. Islamic Provisions of Constitution of 1973

1.Islamic Republic of Pakistan
2.State Religion
3.Sovereignty Belongs to Allah
4.Definition of a Muslim
5.A Muslim to be a President and Prime Minister
6.Islamic way of life
7.Promotion of Social Justice and Eradication of Social Evils
8.Teachings of Holy Quran
9.Strengthing Bond,with Muslim World
10.Council of Islamic Ideology
11.Error Free Publication of Quran
12.Oath to Project and Promote Islamic Ideology
13.Ahmadi's A Non Muslim Minority

On 7th April,1972 the national assembly of Pakistan appointed a committee to prepare a draft
of the permanent constitution of Pakistan.A bill to provide a constitution was introduced by
the committee in the Assembly on February 2,1973.The Assembly passed the bill on 19th
April,1973 and at last the constitution came into force on 14th August 1973.
The present constitution (1973) provides for the protection and preservation of Islamic
Concept of life.It also attempts to propagate and implement the basic teachings of Islam.
The following are the Islamic provisions of 1973 constitution based on the principles of Holy
Quran and Sunnah.
1.Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Pakistan shall be known as "Islamic Republic of Pakistan".
2.State Religion
Islam shall be the state religion of Pakistan.
3.Sovereignty Belongs to Allah
Sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to Almighty Allah and the authority bestowed by
him on men is a sacred trust which the people of Pakistan will exercise with the limits
prescribed by Quran and Sunnah.
4.Definition of a Muslim
The constitution also gives the definition of a Muslim.A person who believes in Tauheed or
Oneness of Allah,and in the prophet hood of Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) as the last prophet of
Allah has described as aMuslim.
5.A Muslim to be a President and Prime Minister
The constitution laid down that only Muslims shall be elected president and Prime Minister of
Pakistan.Non non-Muslim could hold these offices.
6.Islamic way of life

Steps shall be given to enable the Muslims of Pakistan to order their lives in accordance with
the fundamental principles and basic concepts of Islam.
7.Promotion of Social Justice and Eradication of Social Evils
The State shall take necessary steps for prosecution of social justice and eradication of
social evils and shall prevent prostitution,gambling and taking of injurious
drugs,printing,publication,circulation and display of obscene literature and advertisements.
8.Teachings of Holy Quran
The state shall try to make the teachings of Holy Quran and Islamiat compulsory to encourage
and facilitate the learning of Arabic language.
9.StrengthingBond,with Muslim World
The state shall endeavour to strengthen fraternal relations among Muslim countries in order to
promote Islamic unity.
10.Council of Islamic Ideology
There is a councel of Islamic Ideology which shall guide the government in respect of Islamic
teachings,their implementation and propagation.Its chairman and members are appointed by
President.Although its advice is not binding on the government yet it is not easy for any
government to ignore or over rule its suggestion or opinion regarding any law.
11.Error Free Publication of Quran
The government shall endeavour to secure correct and exact printing and publishing of the
Holy Quran.
12.Oath to Project and Promote Islamic Ideology
The federal and Provincial Ministers,the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the National and
Provincial Assemblies,the chairman of the Senate and the Governors and Chief Ministers of
the Provinces also take oath to preserve and protect the Islamic Ideology.
13.Ahmadi's A Non Muslim Minority
According to the second amendment of 1973 constitution,theQadiani group or the Lahori
group who call themselves "Ahmadi's " were declared as Non-Muslim minority.
The 1973 constitution enlisted the main principles of State Policy Maximum efforts were made
to improve the character of this constitution.Like other constitutions,1973 constitution of
Pakistan also provides for the protection,propagation and enforcement of Islamic Ideology.

3.Economic Factors in the making of

Posted by: HistoryPak

(Author: NaureenTalha)
Publisher Oxford University Press
Pp: 220

Reviewed by Qammar Abbas

This book is the PHD thesis of the author NaureenTalha. She has done her masters in
Economics while she got her PHD degree from NIPS. With her background in
economics the author has tried to trace out the economic factors which ultimately
created the sense of Muslim separatism in India. The major argument of her is that it
were the economic factors which prompted Muslims to launch a movement for their
rights first and gradually it grows into full fledge political movement, which
ultimately ended into a separate Muslim state. She has divided the period of Muslim
political consciousness in four phases. The first phase which started after the war of
independence was a time in which Muslims were facing the hardest time in their
history in India. They were backward in educational field, and British had put the
whole responsibility of the war of independence on Muslims. So all the doors of
progress were closed to Muslims, Hindus on the other had adapted to new
environment very quickly. In this first phase Muslims tried to realize the Government
of their backward situation, and asked for more rights and representation in












backwardness by putting a lot of statistical information. From 1921 onwards the












backwardnesss. So they tried to overcome these deficiencies by improving their

education standard and also by economic uplifting of the Muslim community. They
started exerting their demands from the Government in the same style as Hindus
were doing. The whole scenario created strife between two communities as well as
the sense of competition. The third phase which started from 1935, in this phase the
Muslims experienced the clash of economic interests with the majority community.
Especially under the Congress rule when the Muslims were crushed economically.
The Muslims realized that their interests would not be safe in Hindu dominated India.
There was an obvious clash of economic interests between the Hindus and the
Muslims, which ultimately turned into the demand of separate nation by the latter
The final phase was a phase in which Muslims started building themselves as a
separate nation. The educated and well of Muslim classes started promoting the
cause of Pakistan. The Muslim industrialists started shifting their industries to the
Muslim majority areas and the business classes also promoted the Idea of Pakistan
as it was in there better interest. So in creation of Pakistan the efforts of an
educated middle class, consisted of salaried class, students, business classes and
industrialists were quite obvious.


(3).A lot of factors affecting

Pakistans economy
May 14, 2012/ 1 Comment

Salman Faiz - I have been quiet, quiet for so long that my mind often
riots with my inner instincts on my reticence. It has been long since I
have been longing to pen down my feelings. The war inside my soul
often stifles my body and my whole being cries within. Putting my
feelings to ink might not satisfy my soul, but a part of it might feel
relieved that I have at least said something. This may begin another
war in the outer world of my being, but I have a hope that some day a
door will open accepting it.
Pakistans economy is a developing one we believe. But as there are
so many factors that are affecting growth of an economy, one being
the human resource which plays a pivotal role to build the industrial
sector of the country. We have been shackled to slavery since long.
But after independence the impact can still be felt, not physically bur
rather mentally.
In the words of Uncle Sam United we stand. One big reason the
economy of USA is the Worlds largest & soundest.
Our available human resources are misused. Probably it is because we
dont stand united. We think individually, focusing on individual
benefits & mere words. We dont pave the way to create resources.
The world here is a jungle where might is right, the one with power
wins & becomes the god. The talent is often ignored, where a talented
person has to strive to make others believe that he or she exists.
Is It not affecting the growth of our industrial sector internally? I am

not claiming to be an economist but committing a crime to shed some

light on reality that I have faced.
In our organizations where we work, we often come across the word
favoritism, a funny and odd word to many. But as we look around we
see certain people favoring certain people for promotion. Deserving or
not, who gives a damn?
One other reason for lack of unity is hatred among religions, sects and
even the common people in our homes and offices. Hatred has shaken
and divided the Nation to fall. The increasing crime rate in the country
is a follow up to hatred in our hearts. We must not leave our
responsibilities in lurch. As we are continuously lagging behind as a
Another reason is because we have rules implying different meanings
for different people, here again the god wins.
We have forgotten the pain, we have forgotten the sacrifices. Our land
requires blood other wise we will not recall the pain .We have no
common cause, nothing but turmoil in our hearts and minds, killing our
Oh God! Where are we headed for?
Child hood days are the best period of life one can remember. As for
me, I was a serious boy observing and feeling things a little more, a
little more sensitive then others. I remember a long play Taleem-ebalighan (a play from the time of our ancestors). A well written,
directed & acted play, morally an eye-opener making us realize where
we stood at that time in the1960s.
One line which touched my mind and soul the most was when the
Master dictating letter to the student focuses on three pitchers Unity,
Faith, Discipline. Where he mentions that Discipline was broken by
students when they quarreled, Unity damaged and remaining Faith
was the lesson to be learned the only one left behind.
But that was then, what is now?
Lets question ourselves, where our faith lies now a days. Our souls
need more accountability than ever before. Its our minds & souls
taking us to deeds. The soul needs revival. Now is the time we must
awake the very true parts of it. If a soldier lies somewhere in our
hearts to revive, we are lucky.

As far as I am concerned, I refuse to quit. By Gods will I will never

quit. I pity those who say we are doing fine & praise the ones who
believe we can do it, we can win.
Even in the drastic hard times my hope has prevailed. People say its
the sign of an awakened soul and I feel that there are people among us
feeling almost the same as I am. We therefore should be learning from
our past, improve the present and hope for tomorrow. I also believe
that I am an optimist, a strong one. My strength lies in bearing 12
years of my career corporal damage, all that I have been facing in the
organizations and their ambience, but I am standing tall. A soldier
ready to fight for good all the time.
The soldier within me standing tall,
No matter how hard, hell never fall

4.Failure of Democracy in Pakistan: Causes and Solution

Pakistan came into being before 60 year almost but still endeavoring
to develop the institution of politics in its society. The founding father
of this country, Mr. Jinnah, achieved this country democratically and
constitutionally. Unfortunately destiny did not give enough time to him
to draw the socio economic, religious and political map of newly
born state. During early 21 years of its life - 1947 to 1969 - Pakistan
was governed by civil military bureucracy under oligarchic and
authoritarian traditions. This was first chapter of dictatorship. Second
and third one were during 1979 to 1988 and 1999 to 2007 under
military dictators.
First democratic election held in 1970 and a uninanimous constitution
was passed by parliament in 1973 in which, democratic parliamentary
government system was introduced. So here started first democratic
phase (1970 1979) under the inspiring leadership of Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto. Second and third phases of democracy were between 1988 to
1999 and 2007 to the present date. So democratic era in Pakistan is
almost 24 years. During this time, elected leaders proved themselves
as a comprehensive failure and they were and they are failed to
deliver to the public. Why democratic traditions are not developed in

Pakistan up till now? What were and what are the major causes
behind failure of democracy here? Now I will explain it.
Causes of failure of democracy in Pakistan lies in our socio - political
system. Feudalism, illiterate and apathetic people, self imposed
leaders and inherited politics are a few salient features of this system.
It's a feudal state where we are living and most of our political leaders
are just feudal lords and they and have assumed and established their
identity as political leaders. Feudalism has been leading towards the
traditions of inherited politics as well in this country. In this feudal
culture, millions of people are landless and illiterate peasants and
their social status is not more than a slave. In addition to this, such
landless peasants community is living in acute poverty. Auctoritas of
this community is not even accordance with the minimum standards
of human rights. How can such impoverished, deprived and
economically marginalized peasants community can express their will
freely in a democratic process? The essence of democracy lies in the
general will of the public. So during election, such community is
supposed to express the will of the feudal lords. May be due to their
lack of knowledge or the fear of the landlord, landless peasants do so.
In such circumstances, can we expect from landless rural peasants
that they are able to evaluate the credibility of their so called
leaders and the manifesto of political parties before voting? I don't
think so they are able to do this. Almost 70% population of Pakistan
leading life in such feudal and rural traditions. Consequently, general
election becomes a selection of a few based upon the will of a few
who are powerful and leading a privileged life. In this way, democracy
has been reduced to oligarchy and aristocracy in our country.
In our democratic set up, our elected leaders even visit their
constituencies for a for a few times as they have no any concern with
the welfare of the deprived communities. As a result, firstly they don't
want to know about community problems at grass root level and
secondly, they are unable to find out solutions of them.
So far as illiteracy is concerned, it is also a major root cause behind
the failure of democracy in Pakistan. Literacy is the very first and the
most important pre requisite for democracy. Accordingly the Census

of 1998, literacy rate of Pakistan was 43.92%.and literacy rate among

rural community of Pakistan was 33.64% in 1998. But these are
official and manipulated statistics which are unable to paint the real
picture of our population. Actual literacy rate is even below than these
figures particularly in rural areas. So maximum part of our population
is still suffering in the vicious cycle of illiteracy and they are unable to
contribute anything towards the development of Pakistan. Illiteracy
also leads to poverty. An illiterate and economically impoverished
community has only concern with bread and butter and they cannot
comprehend and follow the true spirit of democracy. As a result, such
community gives guns in the hands of monkeys by electing irrelevant
persons who are not competent enough to cope with the
contemporary national and international challenges. On the other
hand, our leaders are always busy in pillaging the national resources
and throwing dust into eyes of ignorant and slave people. Another
beautiful manifestation of illiteracy is that most of our politicians
contest election on the base of fake degrees. In such morally corrupt
and illiterate nation, how democracy can flourish and become
functional here?
I discussed two major causes of failure of democracy in Pakistan. So
far as current democratic government is concerned, it has been failed
comprehensively to deliver as well. Democracy is here now but in a
failed and a flopped form. It has become just a slogan of exploitation
in Pakistan and nothing else. A democratic government is required to
do provide justice, social welfare and security to the public. But in the
present setup, government has not perceived or made any such
integrated package for the nation. On the other hand, corruption and
embezzlement are in full swing now. There is no security for the
citizens and people are being killed like rats on the name of target
killing. Suicide due to poverty and unemployment has become so
common now. Now in 2011, in Pakistan, maximum population
comprising youth. But there is no jobs and employment for them and
they are being underutilized. The sovereignty of our country and land
has been simply auctioned to the Uncle Sam and Pakistan has been
reduced to a colony of Ammerica. In such a way, all the state
departments and institutions have been failed from bottom to top.
When Pakistani public is fed up with the governance of corrupt

democratic government, then sometimes they propagate that there

was enough prosperity during previous military regimes and there is
no doubt, military coups of the past were the consequence of failed
democratic governments.
But issue is that our democratic rulers are not divine and we as a
nation elect them. How we can challenge their aunthticity? Yes we
cannot and they are our representatives. When general public will be
socially impoverished, deprived and illiterate, it will produce
incompetent, opportunist and corrupt leadership. Such leaders just
exploit people and they secure their vote bank on the name of
democracy. Our leaders assert that they are for the people but
actually, they entertain their vested interest only. Provision of social
welfare, education and justice is not their priorities. The priorities of
our gluttonous leadership are to secure Swiss Bank Accounts, flats in
London and Saray Mahal only. Unfortunately such attitude has become
modus operandi of our politicians.
At the end, I want to give some recommendations and accoutrements
which are inevitable to make democracy a successful saga in Pakistan
and to strengthen the fraternity of the nation in general. Sweatshops
of feudalism should be closed and traditions of inherited politics must
be abolished. Education and social liberty should be given to the all
nation in general and to the rural community in particular. There
should be social equality, justice and rule of law across the country.
Irrespective of their social status and level of wealth, all the citizens
should be considered equally accountable of their deeds. Youth must
be promoted and young, energetic and educated people should be
encouraged in every sphere of life. When our nation will be literate
and social freedom will be there, then genuine and competent
leadership will emerge from bottom of our society and it will focus on
the social welfare and security of general public and sovereignty of
our land. A successful execution of all these pragmatic measures may
can lead towards a strong democratic Pakistan in true sense and this
task is not insurmountable. Otherwise game of Chess between
politicians and Military will continue as it was in the past.

5. Nationalization under Bhutto

Posted by: HistoryPak

ationalization is the term used when the

government takes the control of anything that
was owned private previously. Nationalization
was the policy that was implemented by

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Bhutto according to his promise restored

the economic order that was badly shaken by the war,
attracted towards it.
In the Ayub regime wealth was concentrated in few hands
that led to a visible class difference in the society. It created
hatred for the upper class among the masses Bhutto tried to
overcome the situation by Nationalization.
The party had programmed in their manifesto to nationalize
the industries gradually. After two months of Bhuttos
resuming office, under the Economic Reforms order that was
passed in January 1972, the government took over 32
industries from the private sector. The industries were put
under to basic categories 1) Iron and steel industries 2)
Basic Metal industries 3) Heavy Engineering industries 4)
Heavy Electrical Industries 5) Assembly and Manufacture of
Motor vehicles 6) Tractor Plant Assembly and Manufactures
7) Heavy and Basic chemicals 8) Petrol chemical industries
9) Cement industries 10) Electricity, gas and oil refining.

It was first step towards the policy of nationalization in

September 1973, 26 vegetable ghee units were nationalized.
Banks were also nationalized in 1974. They were in placed
the hands of government on the financing of Banks.
In 1976 the 300 small units of cotton ginning, rice husking,
flour milling were also taken in control. The exports and
imports were also taken under the control of government
through trading corporation. They wanted to ensure the
distribution of wealth and the prosperity of lay man.
However the policy of nationalization started by Bhutto had
many defects. It caused a great damage to the private
sector. Investment in the private sector was almost finished.
After the military coup in 1988 Chief Marshal Law
administrator denationalized the industries.

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