Walk in The Park

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Walk in The Park

February 19th of 2016


Let it be concise,

The worlds hardest task is not to fight against a tiger nor is it to bend a spoon. For revolutionaries
especially modern day revolutionaries, the hardest tasks is to gain practical knowledge and to convert the knowledge of other people into more practical knowledge. Too often members of even Azadidome have read great books from interesting and knowledgeable people. However, they are unable to provide the knowledge from the book to both themselves and others in a way that is useful. !

With our walk in the park series we aim to provide you with a couple of pages of Cornell notes,
which take you a 15-minutes or a stroll in the park to read.

Cornell Method Process:

This will be written in steps which should be followed with small adaptations depending on the context that you are in. "

Convert the broad topic that you have selected into a question beginning with how eg. If you are
reviewing the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, then a possible question may be, How to get rich?
Tips: Make your question as simple as possible."

2. Keep a small space for introduction/preface. This would be completed later."

3. Write down a note on the right hand column of the Cornell Sheet."
4. In the left hand column, write a question preferably starting with why related to the note."

Is your question relating back to the original topic question? If so go to 6. If not go to 7."

6. Is our response answering the question correctly. If not edit the question."

Edit your question so it relates back to the original topic. "

8. Repeat 5-8 until you are happy with your note and question. "
9. After you complete all of your notes and questions, write arguments under the summary column.
Unlike the conventional Cornells method. In Azs Cornell, you will focus more on contextualizing
the information see CAP or PAC. "


Walk in The Park

February 19th of 2016

Best illustration that we have will become the front cover"

Title of original article

by . in X Newspaper

Suggested Time Spent:(How much time should a reader spend on this arti-

(Background: Done by person who chose the article. Preferable one or two paragraphs )"

Copy past the article"


Walk in The Park

February 19th of 2016

(Analysis /Discussion of article. Make this as long or short as it needs to be. Done by the person who
chose this article)(Suggested Reading time:..)"

(References: Under this section write down all the resources that you have used)"
(Further reading/watching I"
Further reading


Walk in The Park

February 19th of 2016

Pranchada Traps: Reading an article or a commentary and an analysis provokes critical
thinking. However, too much thinking without the implementation of concrete action
leads to Pranchada-like revisionism.
(Pranchada trap-Done by person who didnt choose the article after reading analysis. This is like a
mini commentary based on the article and analysis. warn the reader against possible ways to become
revisionist by the rhetoric present in the 10 bullet points)Suggested Reading Time:"

Walk in The Park

February 19th of 2016

(Bullet points on what are the important facts that need to be taken into account. Done by
person who didnt choose the article)

For further Discussion: If you are trying to learn about a topic or idea that is present in
this analysis or are interested in increasing political consciousness within your own community you should raise these questions for debate with your comrades.
(By person who chose the article. In this section, write possible questions which the reader might debate.By person who chose the article. ):


Possible Tasks: In this section we have listed some possible tasks people of various professions might do in order to promote the general ideas present in this particular pamphlet.

(Under this section give possible things that a writer, artistWhatever you want might be
able to do. )


Student(High School):


Walk in The Park

February 19th of 2016

Creative Activity: (Create like some kind of activity which may help a reader. eg. Puzzles,
Coloring in, Crossword.Anything related to the activity. Done by the person who
searched up the article. Say some nigga was trying to explain the main topic of the article
say nationalisation to little kids. Give some kind of creative activity which might possibly
help someone to explain )


Walk in The Park

February 19th of 2016


Walk in The Park

February 19th of 2016

provided to you by"
Bringing you the truth"
You may use any part of the brochure provided you cite that it comes from www.azadidome.com

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