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The data and message

integration software
for the global financial services industry


About Volant
Volante is a global provider of innovative financial data and
messaging integration software for the financial services industry.

We believe that

Volante is focussed on helping clients to navigate, integrate and manage the

automation of the labour intensive aspects of development

is one of the most important issues facing financial firms,

and protocols throughout the lifecycle of every financial transaction.

diverse, complex and ever-expanding mass of data message formats, standards

We handle the management of message complexity to enable

and that the pressure for

firms to take full advantage of their commercial opportunities. By

faster development and deployment

is going to become more intense.
Vijay Oddiraju, CEO, Volante

improving their straight-through-processing (STP) rates, customers can

increase operational efficiency and reduce cost and risk
Volante was founded in 2001 by a team of messaging experts, which saw
the opportunity to reduce work, time and costs for financial institutions by
automating the integration of financial data (such as SWIFT messages), to and
from back-office systems and market data pouring into trading platforms.
Volante is a privately held firm, headquartered in New York City with offices

For more than a

decade, Volante
has worked with
commercial and retail
banks, corporate
treasury departments,
buy and sell side
custodians, clearing
houses and financial
industry utilities.

in London, New Jersey, Dubai, Mexico City and Chennai, India.

We shortened our development cycle from

How we work

nine months to three and a half months, and

completed the project 50 per cent under budget.

Whatever the data management or integration

Volante paid for itself in that first project and has been
multiplying its ROI as our enterprise integration technology.

challenge, Volante always finds the most

straightforward approach to the ideal solution.
We work with a wide variety of organizations and
corporate functions. Whether they require Service-

SVP of Global Products, International Investment Bank

Oriented Architecture (SOA) integration, SWIFT message

management or low-latency data input Volantes proven
approach is fast, reliable and delivered to the best
possible practices and highest possible standards.
Drawing on our ever-expanding goldmine of information
and experience about data elements, formats and
transformational processes, we help firms reduce their
development time and costs by half, if not more.
Our plug in development team continually monitors industry
updates for new standards and changes and ensure that
our approach accommodates the latest developments.

Our areas of expertise

Volante specialises in serving the financial
services industry. If you work with the prominent
data vendors, exchanges and trading venues,
popular middleware, SWIFTNet, or the most
advanced processing engines, so do we.
We categorise our areas of expertise
in the following areas:

Capital Markets

Trade Services

(Treasury, Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP)
and Bank On-boarding

(pre-trade, trade and post-trade)

(Trade finance, supply chain finance,

We work with a wide range of capital

Bank Payment Obligation (BPO), foreign

exchange, money market securities,

markets organisations helping

cash management, Enterprise Resource

Increasingly, corporations are

them manage multiple messaging

Planning (ERP) integration)

evolving from a history of internal

and data requirement challenges

focus on process efficiency, to

across a wide range of asset

The global trade industry seeks common standards to

one of intercommunication with

classes, including equities, fixed

enable greater transparency and price discovery. Firms

Data Integration

the external world. Cross border

income, derivatives and funds. These

are realising their competitive potential of adopting

procurement networks give

challenges are at three interlinked

greater automation to maintain customer stickiness

We work with a wide variety of organisations and

electronic access to thousands

yet distinct, phases of the trading

throughout the system-to-system integration process.

corporate functions. Whether they require Service-

of globally dispersed suppliers,

lifecycle. At pre-trade, firms must

Automation offers the potential for faster processes and

Oriented Architecture (SOA) integration, SWIFT message

ERP systems export de facto

use and receive exchange and

reduced costs. These can be fed directly into pricing and

offer a competitive advantage.

management or low-latency data input, Volantes

trade and shipping documents

trading venue market data; pricing

proven approach is fast, reliable and delivered to best

that can automate the physical

information, vendor data (Bloomberg

possible practices and highest possible standards.

supply chain and today the

and Reuters) and reference data

As the Supply Chain Finance (SCF) suite, Volante

world of supply chain finance is

which creates both real time and

plug-in components allow the rapid take-on of new

(Interbank, corporate to bank, bank to bank and/or
corporate to utility payments; corporate on-boarding)


automating the links between

historic challenges. At trade, firms

message standards and processing including, but not

treasury, banking and payments

need to exchange data and send

limited to, all Bank Payment Obligation (BPO) related


order information using FIX and

standards, all ISO 20022 payments standards, all SWIFT

FpmL which places similar demand

MT standards and all SWIFT TSU message standards.

Agility to stay abreast of these

on technology capabilities. At

changes is crucial. Electronic

post-trade, firms must contend with

messages will be the medium

interaction and communication with

and vehicle of inter-party

multiple counterparties; clearing

communication, heterogeneous

houses, settlement depositaries,

Industry and regulatory change is constant and keeping

in the short-term but evolving

corporate and reconciliations

abreast and updating payment systems, messages

both at a market level and

teams as well as interface with

and processes can prove costly in terms of time, risk

between trading parties.

matching and exceptions software

and resource. Firms have to manage and transform

Payments messages, the new

in addition to meeting the regulatory

message types, from legacy ISO 15022 to ISO 20022,

BPO instrument, and many more

drive for increased transaction

MT to MX accessing service bus technology from

. This is Volantes core business,

reporting. Using Volante helps

IBM, Oracle and other popular brands. In applying

equipped to help corporates

client overcome these challenges

our experience and expertise, these transformations

quickly adapt and take

and avoids the excessive costs

become off-the-shelf implementations as opposed to

advantage of the electronic world,

of having to invest in or manage

difficult, costly and risky upgrades to older systems.

all on a mutualised cost basis.

multiple data integrations.

This is the only means

weve ever seen
to get such granular, reality-based
data governance and visibility
of data across the enterprise.
Top technology analysts covering
data virtualisation.

Our partners
Of one thing every financial services organisation

reporting processes and procedures. Whatever

can be certain: regulatory change.

the outcome, new processes will invariably require

Volante partners with leading data vendors, developers

and implementation specialists, and hardware, software
and services suppliers to the financial services industry.

new communications and instructions which may

Our partners benefit from our go-anywhere technology, because it

MiFID II, EMIR, Dodd Frank, SEPA, BASEL III whether

take on different data message formats. Firms

dramatically reduces implementation time for them and their customers,

imposed by the EC, SEC or domestic country

will have to re-tune their existing systems and

while delivering high-speed results. We work closely with our partners to

regulator, is set to change the way in which

processes to adapt.

develop shared opportunities through marketing and sales support.

business, across many different functions and

Not if you work with Volante. Whatever the

For a full list of the partners with which we work, please visit our website

many different asset classes.

outcome, we will most likely have a plug-

www.volantetech.com or scan the QR code to the right.

the financial services community conducts its

in or be able to develop one quickly. We

Regulation may create new entities, such as a

mutualise the cost, minimise the risk and roll

Swap Execution Facilities (SEFs) or Organised

out the changes quickly to ensure that our

Trading Facilities (OTFs). These may create new

customers are compliant in good time.

Data Management
(Reference Data and Reporting)
As a consequence of compliance and regulatory

each of which will need identification. The

changes, reporting requirements will likely

costs of changing to address the new rules will

change and data will need to be managed in

be considerable. Volantes approach to data

a different way. Manual processes will need to

integration and management ensures that all

be automated, new identifiers may be required

our clients will be able to minimise both their

for counterparties new and old; new instruments

costs and risks and accurately report accordingly

and asset classes will need tagging, all of

with changing compliance requirements.

There were three key concepts

on which we based our decision
to incorporate Volante

accelerated time to market

ease of development
to drive down our costs
and leveraging Volantes
third-party maintenance
which enables us to remain
focussed on our product.

which can be traded across many markets,

We have been able to deliver

SWIFT, ISO 15022, ISO 20022, SEPA, ACH, FIX, FpML, proprietary, national or global.

Whatever the message standard or protocol,

Volante ensures that we are enabled, compliant
and agile for whatever might come next.
SVP of Global Universal Bank

new solutions to our clients

in less time and lower our
development costs.
Vice President, Product Development
Global Software and Services Vendor

Our technology
We start every
client engagement
by identifying the
communication and
business challenge
the firm is seeking to
address. This may be
to strengthen a client
relationship by building
in automation, to
reduce cost or minimise
risk by eliminating
manual processes
or reconciliation
activities, meet a
regulatory requirement,
or, all of the above.
By understanding the existing



Volante Format Plug-ins further simplify

Volante Designer is a suite of

Volante Composer sits at the core of the Volante

the design process. They enable users

modular software tools capable of

Designer suite of integration and data management

of Volante Composer to design data

handling the most complex data

products. Volante Composer captures the message

integrations quickly without the necessity

integration and management

definitions and applies any validation rules transforming

to learn the complexity of data standards

challenges. From arrival, through

messages between different formats, adding any

and rules. Providing message libraries

process workflows, downstream

functions such as filtering and enrichment, and

and related validation rules, Format Plug-

integrations, persistence into

defining the message routing. Using a smart spread

ins provide built-in domain awareness

databases, metadata-based

sheet-style interface, users can easily map message

of major financial industry data formats

governance, and model-based new

definitions from source to destination and build mini-

including SWIFT, FIX, FpML, EDI, Reuters, etc.,

development; each component offers

applications called models or cartridges. These

as well as more generic formats such as

a new and better way to address the

transform the data by using code generation to convert

XML, ASCII, CSV and Cobol Copybook.

challenges of data management.

the message to code and direct it to its destination.


Volante Simulator provides safe, offline end-to-end testing






Data Governance

Domain Specific

(Metadata Model)

Debugging is simplified and with sensitive messages, such





messaging infrastructure of
the firm, we can identify and



best practice approach.

Message Flow


as SWIFT payments, validation testing can be built in.

Testing Application


then apply the appropriate

We follow a rigorous and

for any transformation logic, integration and updates.

Data Generation

Volante Code Generators automatically convert Cartridge

models into runtime libraries in native code for virtually any
infrastructure environment (C++, C#, Java (POJO/EJB)). The
generated code can also be invoked from within applications,

comprehensive approach in

eliminating latency and unnecessary transformation hops.

designing the right solution for

clients; this is demonstrated


in the diagram to the right.

Volantes approach offers a





Java/EJB C++ C#

Message Definition
xml csv


Volante Director is the metadata

compelling combination of

archive that enables a host of

industry experience and off-the-

enterprise objectives, including

shelf toolsets designed to find

data standardization, governance

the most effective solution to

and advance data-driven

Run Time

deliver a return on investment

as quickly as possible.


Find out more about

Volante technology:

initiatives such as SOA and data

virtualization. For many of our

On any middleware
ESB or CEP engine

Within any application

(Java/C++/C#) as library

On any app server,

web server or in JVM

customers, the metadata repository

has been key to achieving
ambitious enterprise-wide goals.

Common challenges
Volante offers features and flexibility to address virtually
any messaging or data management challenge.

SWIFT Implementation
SWIFT support includes current and historic formats, libraries and validation rules
for projects from MT-MX coexistence to large scale treasury systems.
Low Latency messaging
Proven in one of the largest exchanges in the world, Volantes Market data handlers feed
trading platforms, high-speed data engines, complex event processing systems, and
downstream applications. Volantes unique architecture scales easily and handles the
highest volumes without bottlenecking or stalling at data bursts or re-run requests.
DAAS for business architectures, SOA, cloud computing
For data as a service (DAAS), Volante provides easily deployed, standardized integration
architecture. Metadata-based integration of any source to any destination means that the code is

Volante can help you navigate,

integrate and manage the diverse,
complex and ever-expanding mass
of data message formats, standards
and protocols throughout the lifecycle
of every financial transaction.

reusable, the data elements are traceable, and the data layer becomes a manageable resource.
Speed and cost of new development
With domain-aware plug-ins, automated generation of high-quality integration
code and easy offline testing, time and costs are cut dramatically.
Governance and messaging management
Nothing is more granular than the live metadata captured from Volante translations and
the robust archive enables every level of standards support and change management.

For further information please contact

us on info@volantetech.com, call our
regional offices listed overleaf or visit
our website at www.volantetech.com

Delays or dependency on vendors or individual knowledge

Volante adapts. Format changes are easily handled in Volante Composer,
and one-to-many change management means it only has to be done once.
Automated documentation is always available if the platform changes, Volante
generate new platform-specific code with no additional design work.
Corporate / Bank / Trading / Settlement / Reporting On-boarding
Providing the agility to consume or generate any industry standard or proprietary
standard and transform it into any format to be consumed enables new cost
effective channels and revenue streams to be realised at lower initial costs and
minimises the cost of ongoing maintenance as both sides formats evolve.
STP Improvement
By ensuring that not only are data and messages correctly constructed by applying
business rules, but also that your information exchange is automatically processable
and where it is not, the issues can be effectively and visibly reported.



New York NY

9 Devonshire Square, London, EC2M 4YF

41 East 11th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10003

+44 (0)20 3178 2970

+1 (212) 905 6231

New Jersey


2386 Morris Ave. 2nd Floor, Union, NJ 07083

Jumeirah Lake Towers, PO Box 943303, Dubai, UAE

+1 (908) 810 0220

+971 (0)56 681 5561

Mexico City
Gmo. Gonzlez Camarena 1450 P-7, Santa Fe,
Mexico, DF, 01210
+52 (55) 1105 0536


Copyright Volante Technologies Inc. 2013. All Rights Reserved. Volante Technologies,
41 East Street, 11th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10003, USA.

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