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| BATETTINE OF REPORT ] 11/25/10 @ 2231 His COFFENGEANGIOENT — BARRINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERAL CASE REPORT “COMPLIANT NOMEER—) 011-1803 Domestic Violence / DAYDATETTNE OF mc TYPE PRERESES — 1425/10 @ 2230Hrs__| Residence _ 7 ‘REPORTED BY | Mader, Colleen | icra DUSMESS |Mader, ColleenE Ne fs —— SE Barrington, |i - re TRANSPORTED EY TRRISFORTED TON See Narrative / Refused medical treatment 7 _ a [SUVENILE PAREN CONTACTED ‘GEN | HORE RORESS PE None i "PERSON Wo BISCOVEREDNMTNESSED ] RCE” GEN ~ WWE ADDRESS — | None ‘WITNESS AE | RAGE] GEN] HOME ABoRESS ~~ — None eae a 7 WITNESS AE RAGE] GEN HOE ADRESS None I ‘NAME AND ADDRESS OF SUSPEEY — | Kenneally, Patrick D. | Eyes - Domestic bo} RAGE, DESCRIPTION, RELATIONSHIP WITH COWPLAINANT OR WATHESS) ite - Male QS Tall Qa Red Hair - Blue ‘ie HOW DONE, FORGE USED ] TOOL OR WEAR ~ FRE TS OR TRADE — See Narrative None [Venous nvon YEAR CR, WARE MODEL; BOBY WHEL WO STATE" YES [_] NOB UNK[} ‘BOCUMENT COLOR” | GOCTYPE ~~] DOCUMENT DATE] BOC WUWSER | Fit WANE GH DOCUMENT 85 | same an mE oF és -“—— 53 | RexsonnornovoneD TST g S04 ary Ee | goo EL | Type of criminal activity codes ~ NOT APPLICABLE DZ Aggravated Assaultfhomicide circumstances Reiationship of victim to offender SE-Spous: Bias Motivation REPORTING OFFICER” BARRINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT NARRATIVE [ORRRSE Toa WERT *Y CRT ER] Domestic Violence 1011-1503, | | couecaneanT ARREST wera er | Mader, Colleen E. | arose jenyy summary, R/O received a report of a domestic in progress at the above listed address. Dispatch relayed to R/O thal the caller was a female named Mader, Colleen E. | Mader had = to the TC that the altercation between her and her husband, Kenneally, Pat | suprise cownmuarin & | PAGE OF D, had become physical. Mader stated that Kenneally was heavily intoxicated and thathe was a McHenry County Assistant States Attorney. Mader then went on to tell the dispatch | | TC that she had locked herself in the bathroom out of fear because Kenneally was “acting crazy". Mader stated fo dispatch TC, for an unknown reason, that she wished to cancel a response by the | police department. | RIO arrived at the location and found Kenneally outside of the house. R/O began speaking with Kenneally and immediately noticed a very strong odor of aloohol on Kenneally's | breath/mouth. Kenneally was slurring his speech and was having problems walking. R/O went | inside and spoke with Mader. Mader stated to R/O that she and Kenneally had been having problems regarding Kenneally’s alcoholism. Mader stated that Kenneally keeps a stash of alcohol | in the back yard hidden from her arid accesses the alcohol when he thinks she is not aware. Mader stated that she had gone to bed and was attempting to sleep when Kenneally had come | into the bedroom and began to pick a fight with her. Mader stated that she wished fo go to bed but | | Kenneally was preventing that from happening, j | R/O asked Mader ifthe argument had become physical. Mader replied only “I don't want fo get him in trouble. if you guys (R/O) arrest him he will lose his job.” R/O told Mader this didn’t constitute a response and was looking for a yes or no answer. Mader again responded coyly by stating “if | tell you yes he (Kenneally) hit me then you're going to arrest him, so no he didn't it me." R/O could not determine based on the available light and skin Mader was wiling to allow R/O to look at if any physical violence had occurred. R/O then went to talk with Kenneally. Upon speaking with R/O Kenneally immediately | became belligerent and insulting. Kenneally told R/O on several occasions to “get out of my house, you don't have a warrant and | don't want you here so you are trespassing.” Mader had | told R/O on several occasions while speaking with her that she was glad R/O was here to help the | situation and keep Kenneally away from her. While Officer Hanson was speaking with Mader, | Kenneally attempted to get around R/O and confront Mader. R/O blocked this attempt so Kenneally then began to walk around to another entrance. R/O again blocked this access and | instructed Kenneally to sit down in a chair so as not to disrupt Officer Hanson and Mader. Kenneally again became extremely belligerent and insulting, calling R/O a “fat piece of shit” and ‘disgusting’. Kenneally began insulting Officer Streff commenting on his glasses by calling him “four eyes” and ‘fucking retarded”. ‘After Officer Hanson spoke with Mader he began speaking with Kenneally in R/O's presence. Kenneally immediately became belligerent and insulting towards Officer Hanson and again to RIO using expletives and physical epithets. On several occasions R/O instructed Kenneally to relax due to his hyper active state and physically threatening stance as well as his threatening words. | (Continued) ~ Keir | i | ‘After not being able to calm Kenneally down to a normal level Mader stated she did not j wish to pursue any type of charges or want R/O's there any longer. R/O asked Mader why and he stated that it was due to what Kenneally may possibly do to get himself in trouble. FYO verified | that Mader wished the police, which she called the emergency 911 for because she stated she | had been physically assaulted by Kenneally, to leave. Mader stated she did not want an.’ Officer | present. RIO left but before doing so R/O made sure that Mader was leaving so as not to leave. | Per within the abusive environment. Mader stated she was going to stay at a friend's house and | was Jeaving shorlly after R/O was gone. | VO attempted to leave with Mader the domestic violence forms but she refused. R/O then | eft them in the mailbox at the end of the driveway. R/O instructed Mader to call police no matter | what the outcome may be for Kenneally because her safety should be paramount, Mader | responded by asking R/O again to leave. R/O complied and left the scene. mere ~~ Toff A Sa — DvP Rete won OE ieee i (Off. D. Kiuth, 31

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