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January 28, 1981

TO. : Mr . Howard Smith

FROM : J . P . : McGeady

SUBJECT : Progress Report on SociallyAcceptableCigairette~Pro j'ect_

The concept of developing a new cigarette product having

some positive, desirable, social attributes has led to furthex
investigation,of a novel type of ciqarette construction which
alters basic smoke delivery characteristics . The double-wrap
cigarette, although not a totally new innovation, dramatically
reduces mainstream (CPM)~ and sidestream,smoke (SPM) to a degree :
recognizable eveniby the non-smoker . .

A number of double-wrap test samples have been produced

within the recent pa~st which indicate that the development of
such a product is .feasible although several major problems
concomitant with this .construction have yet to be resolved .

Someprelimvin~ary attempstols tolproduce sa product andl theiiraccompaning analyrical data were reported previously (',see memo
to A . B . Hudson on 10/29/79) .

An obstrusive flaking ash, together with undeirsirab]le

taste as was indicated in the previous report, together with
occasionally highicarbon!monoxide levels in mainstream smoke
were the primary problems encountered . Several additional specially
treated cigarette papers have been evaluated more recently which
partially : alleviate the ash pr'oblem but unfortunately did li .tt]e
toe improve undesirable taste . A brief description of dll the
cigarette papers evaluated to date is as follows :
In~May 1980' a Triumph,85 cigiarette using the TOD 08216
outer and inner wrap combiination was made inian attempt to
produce a 1mg . product . The CPM delivered by this sample was
1 .27ng . The Triumph ta~ste characteristics were modified butt
acceptable .

More recently double wrap sample no . 1792-8'A1(GL-8'5

construction) with TOD' 09303* outer and 08216 inner wrap wa~s .
prodhced~and submitted for a complete vapor phase and normal
smoke analysis . Adiditionallysample 1787'-8'0' with a single-wrap
(TOD' 093'0.13) of GL-8!5 constructiion was similarly evaluated .

The resulting data is attached . Bothithese samples

demonstrated a dramatic decrease in virtually every smoke
component except carbon monoxide ., The analytical datalfor the
previous samples is attached to the memo of 10/2'9/79 .

All of these samples produced had unforunately'some lesss

than desirable taste characteristics . Sample 8363'using GL-85
construction,, 08216 outer wrap and 29626 inner wrap delivered
the least undesirable taste characteristics of the GLr-85
samples made thus far .

In conclusion determining the types~of cigarette papers

which, in combination will deliver a more acceptable ash together
with favorable taste and smoke characteristics is of prime
improtance for the successful completionlof this proj'ect .

*See accompanling Table .,

JPM/'s ac

Xc : Dr . F . J . Schultz .
Mr . C . L . Tucker
Mr . A . B' . Hudson .
Type of Cigarette Paper used' in Double-Wrap .


l)~~~. TOD08216 7 .5mm x 100'0'.' Magnesium Electrostatic n double wrap

xide & Sodiu m ~ Pexforations onstruction with item!
1 Acetate (21)~ yieldalong flaking
ksh .

2'), TOD08216' S!ame as (',l) Same as (1), ouble wrap constructio

5 .Omm x 1000 ith ( . 1) same as (l)'

3) TOD08'316 I25 .Omm x 500 60% Carbon, None laking Ash wheniused'
ith 0'8'2'1i6 outer wrap . .

4) TOD29626* 2'5 .0mm x5000' None Porous Reduced flaking Ash .

~compared to (1) when
used with 08 2',16-2'7 . 5mim

5) TOD29'626* 27 .5mm x 5000' None Porous when used with 08216

inner wrap~-yieTds lonc
flaking Ash .

(6)~ TOD 09121 Hand Sheets Magnesium t1Tone Long Ash, but reduced
3I x 8 inches Oxide and laking used with
Sodium Acetat 410-HC' inner wrap, .,

7) TQD' 09123 Hand Sheets .agnesiumi None LonqAsh but reduced

3 x 8 inches Oxide and f'1aking . Burn time
Aluminum aster than 0'9'121 when
Silicate Fibe s ~ised with 514'0-HC inner
and Sodium ~'rap .

8) TOD'09303 i2'7mm x, 2500M Magnesium None Single wrap

Oxide and construction yields
"'Fiberfrax, long Ash : with little o'
Fibers°' O noiflaking and larae
C.J reduction in SPM . Doub1
~r wrap with 08216 inner .
CAi wrap gave minimum side
W, stream' Long Ash, .
* Id I'nitiical
I to 626 - plug wrap
M Little, fl'as,king .

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