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GRADE 9: Science Safety Test


For the following WHMIS symbols, enter the letter, which is the
correct definition for each symbol.

A. Dangerously reactive material


B. Materials causing other toxic effects

c. Compressed gas
D. Flammable and combustible material
E. Oxidizing material
F. Materials causing immediate and
serious toxic effects
G. Compressed gas

H. Biohazardous infectious material

I. Corrosive material


9. The acronym SAFE means:

A) Stay clean, Always wash hands, Follow directions, Easy lifting
B) Spot the hazard, Assess the risk, Find a safer way, Everyday
C) Slow down when angry, Ask yourself why, Find a friend, Empty your mind
10. The purpose of a WHMIS label on a container is to:
A) identify the hazardous material in the container
B) warn you about its hazards
C) all of the above.
11. WHMIS requires that all employees/students must receive training in:
A) the hazardous materials they work with
B) what to do in case of an emergency
C) all of the above.
12. Who must receive WHMIS training?
A) professors and graduate students
B) caretakers and other support staff
C) anyone who is exposed to or likely to be exposed to hazardous materials
13. Where are the MSDS's located in your area?
A) in the multi-purpose room
B) in the chemical room
C) in the school office
14. The MSDS program is designed to:
A) inform lab owners of problems
B) change peoples ideas about chemicals
C) inform everyone of hazards
15. The diagram to the right indicates:
A) lab sign for business
B) open for business
C) possible dangers
16. When using a fire extinguisher, be sure to:
A) aim high
B) aim through the fire
C) aim low (at the base of fire)
17. If you refuse to work because you believe that the work you have been given to do is unsafe,
your employer cannot suspend or fire you.
A) True
B) Fals
18. If you see a safety hazard, you should do any of the following except:
A) Tell your teacher about the problem so that it can be fixed.
B) Do nothing but hope that someone else will report it.
19. Lab safety is:
A) your teachers business
B) everybodys business
C) the other persons worry
20. Where is the first aid kit located for room 209?
A) in the office
B) at the front of the room on the right hand side under the first aid sign.
C) locked away

21. The most detailed information about a hazardous material can be found by
A) the MSDS
B) the WHMIS label on a product container
C) the WHMIS symbol
22. Before using any chemical for the first time, you should at least read
A) the MSDS
B) the WHMIS label on a product container
23. All injuries, no matter how minor, should be reported to your teacher, or another adult.
A) true
B) false
C) depends on how minor the injury
D) depends on what part of your body was affected.
24. The last thing you should do before you finish a lab is
A) wash your hands
B) turn off the lights
C) put away all chemicals and equipment
D) hand in your lab report.
25. Which of the following General Safety Rules is False?
A) Listen to or read instructions carefully before attempting to do anything.
B) Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from chemicals, heated materials, sharp objects, or
things that might be able to shatter.
C) Notify your teacher if any spills or accidents occur.
D) After handling chemicals, always wash your hands with soap and water.
E) During lab work, keep your hands away from your face.
F) Tie back long hair.
G) Roll up loose sleeves.
H) Know the location of the fire extinguisher, fire blanket, eyewash station, and first aid kit.
I) Horseplay is limited to those persons with experience.
J) Keep your work area uncluttered.
26. Which of the following Glassware Safety Rules is False?
A) Chipped or cracked glassware should not be used. Show it to the teacher.
B) Broken glassware should not be disposed of in a classroom trashcan. There is a special glass
disposal container for it.
C) When pouring liquids into glassware, make sure the container you are pouring into is resting
on a table at least a hands width from the edge.
D) If a piece of glassware gets broken, do not try to clean it up by yourself. Notify the teacher.
E) The glassware in labs is tough and can be mishandled without any consequences.

27. Which of the following Chemical Safety Rules is False?

A) Wear protective goggles and a lab apron whenever handling hazardous chemicals.
B) Never mix chemicals together unless you are told to do so (and then only in the manner
C) Never taste any chemicals (you should never taste anything in the lab).
D) Sometimes we can tell by a chemical formula that a chemical is safe regardless of the
warnings on the label.
E) If you need to smell the odor of a chemical, waft the fumes toward your nose with one hand.
Do not put your nose over the container and inhale the fumes.
F) Follow the instructions of your teacher when disposing of all chemicals.
G) Wash your hands after handling hazardous chemicals.
28. Which of the following Dissection Safety Rules is False?
A) Do not engage in horseplay! Common sense should rule here when working with sharp
B) Your specimen should always remain in the dissection tray. Never dissect while holding the
specimen in your hand(s).
C) Wear safety goggles and a lab apron in case of splashing and spills.
D)Remove any contact lenses so chemicals can not be trapped in your eyes by them.
E) Point sharp objects or tools away from yourself and others.
F) Do not use excess force when working with a sharp instrument such as a scalpel.
G) Use dissecting scissors instead of a scalpel whenever possible. It tends to cut more efficiently
for most work and is less dangerous to use.
H) Make certain to return your dissection tools to their appropriate container. Care for and
dispose of your dissection in accordance with the directions given by your teacher.
I) All surfaces must be clean after a dissection lab is completed.
J) You should not eat or drink in a laboratory where a dissection is occurring.
K) Dissection specimen are dead so they can be needlessly mutilated.

Science Safety Test Answer Sheet




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