Other, Others, Another, The Other & The Others

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Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with another or the other
1. There are many kinds of animals in the world. The elephant is one kind. The tiger
is ..................... .
2. There are two colors on this page. One is white, ..................... is black.
3. Alexs bicycle was run over by a truck and destroyed. He needs to
get ..................... one.
4. The Smiths have two bicycles. One belongs to Mr. Smith. ..................... bike
belongs to Mrs. Smith.
5. There are three books on my desk. Two of them are dictionaries. ..................... one
is a telephone directory.
6. The puppy chewed up my telephone directory, so I went tot he telephone company
to get ..................... phone book.
7. Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia. Thailand is .....................
8. It rained yesterday, and from the looks of those dark clouds, were going to
have ..................... rainstorm today.
9. Nicole and Michelle are identical twins. The only way you can tell them apart is by
looking at their ears. One of them has pierced ears and ..................... doesnt.
10. Of the fifty states in the United States, forty-nine are located on the North
American continent. Where is ..................... located?
11. I have two brothers. One is named Nick. ..................... is named Matt.
12. There are five names in this list. One is Adam. ..................... is Greg. .....................
is Nick. ..................... one of the names is Eric. ..................... name on the list (the
last of the five) is Jessica.
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with other(s) or the other(s)
1. There are many kinds of animals in the world. The elephant is one kind.
Some ..................... are tigers, horses, and whales.
2. There are many kinds of animals in the world. The elephant is one kind.
Some ..................... kinds are tigers, horses, and whales.
3. There are three colors in the U.S. flag. One of the colors is red. ..................... are
white and blue.
4. There are three colors in the U.S. flag. One of the colors is red. .....................
colors are white and blue.
5. There are four seasons. Spring and summer are two. ..................... are fall and
6. There are four seasons. Spring and summer are two. ..................... seasons are
fall and winter.
7. There are many kinds of geometric figures. Some are circles. ..................... figures
are squares. Still ..................... are rectangular.
8. There are four geometric figures in the above drawing. One is
square. ..................... figures are a rectangle, a circle, and a triangle.

9. Of the four geometric figures in the drawing, only the circle has curved
lines. ..................... have straight lines.
10. Some ships are fueled by petroleum. ..................... are propelled by atomic power.
11. Some boats are used for pleasure. ..................... boats are used for commercial
12. Many people like to get up very early in the morning. ..................... like to sleep
until noon.
13. Out of the twenty students in the class, eighteen passed the exam. .....................
14. Out of the twenty students in the class, only two failed the exam. .....................
students passed.
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with correct forms of other: another, other,
others, the other, the others.
1. Jake has only two suits, a blue one and a grey one. His wife wants him to
buy ..................... one.
2. Jake has two suits, One is blue, and ..................... is gray.
3. Some suits are blue. ..................... are gray.
4. Some suits have two buttons. ..................... suits have three buttons.
5. Our physical education class was divided into two groups. Half of the students
stayed inside and played basketball. ..................... students went outside and
played soccer.
6. If you really hate your job, why dont you look for ..................... one? You dont
have to be dishwasher all your life. There are lots of ..................... jobs in the world.
7. An automobile consists of many parts. The motor is one, and the steering wheel
is ..................... . ..................... parts are the brakes, the trunk, and the fuel tank.
8. Some people keep dogs as pets. ..................... have cats, Still .....................
people have fish or birds as pets. Can you name ..................... kinds of animals
that people keep for pets?
9. When I was a kid, I had two pets. One was a black dog. ..................... was an
orange cat.
10. When I walked into the classroom on the first day, the room was empty. I sat down
at a desk and wondered if I was in the right room. Soon ..................... student
came and took a seat. Then a few ..................... followed, and the room slowly
began to fill.
11. The students in our class had two choices: basketball or soccer. Half of the
students played basketball. ..................... played soccer.
12. Here, children. I have two coins. One is for you, Tommy. ..................... is for you,
13. My boyfriend gave me a ring. I tried to put it on my ring finger, but it didnt fit. So I
had to put it on ..................... finger.
14. People have two thumbs. One is on the right hand. ..................... is on the left
15. The telephone and the automobile are twentieth-century inventions. .....................
are the computer, television, and the airplane. Can you name .....................
twentieth-century inventions?

Exercise 4: Choose the correct completion.

1. Summer is one season. Spring is ___________ .
A. another
B. the other
C. the others D. others
E. other
There are four seasons. Summer is one. ___________ are winter, fall and
A. Another
B. The other
C. The others D. Others
E. Other
Whats your favorite season? Some people like spring the best. ___________
think fall is the nicest season.
A. Another
B. The other
C. The others D. Others
E. Other
My eyes are different colors. One eye is grey and ___________ is green.
A. another
B. the other
C. the others D. others
E. other
One color I like a lot is blue. ___________ colors that I think are nice are
green and yellow. Purple is a pretty color, too.
A. Another
B. The other
C. The others D. Others
E. Other
There are five letters in the word fresh. One of the letters is a vowel.
___________ are consonants.

A. Another
B. The other
C. The others D. Others
E. Other
Alex failed in his English exam, but his teacher is going to give him
___________ chance to pass it.
A. another
B. the other
C. the others D. others
E. other
Some people drink tea in the morning. ___________ have coffee. I prefer fruit
A. Another
B. The other
C. The others D. Others
E. Other
There are five digits in the number 20,000. One digit is a 2. ___________
digits are all zeroes.
A. Another
B. The other
C. The others D. Others
E. Other
Smith is a common last name in English. ___________ common names are
Johnson, Jones, and Miller. Others are Anderson, Moore, and Brown.
A. Another
B. The other
C. The others D. Others
E. Other

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