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Health Issues

Jizza Z. Bultron
PPS Number: 1399184LA

What is health? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Health is a state
of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity (1948). It is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a
living organism. In humans, it is the general condition of a person's mind and body,
usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in "good health" or
Generally, the context in which an individual lives is of great importance for both his
health status and quality of their life. It is increasingly recognized that health is
maintained and improved not only through the advancement and application of
health science, but also through the efforts and intelligent lifestyle choices of the
individual and society. The main determinants of health include the social and
economic environment, the physical environment, and the person's individual
characteristics and behaviors (World Health Organization, 2011).
There are a lot of types of health issues common with many people across the globe.
Disease is one of the most common. According to, approximately
36 million people die each year from non-communicable (not contagious) disease
including cardiovascular disease cancer, diabetes, and chronic lung disease (Moffett,
As for communicable diseases, both viral and bacterial, AIDS/HIV, tuberculosis, and
malaria are the most common also causing millions of deaths every year.

Factors Which Influence and Contribute to Good Health

Exercise. Exercise at least five times a week for one-half to three-quarters of an
hour. One of the best forms of exercise is walking because it is low impact,
cardiovascular and inexpensive. The importance of exercise cannot be
overestimated, as it is a critical element in maintaining good health and wellbeing.
Rest. Set aside some time every day just to do nothing except relax and breathe,
even if it is only for 15 to 30 minutes. Place a priority on getting enough restful sleep
(7 to 8 hours every night). Sleep time before midnight is the most beneficial. Taking
naps during the day is also recommended.
Nutrition. Eat whole foods and organic foods. Eat a variety of whole grains,
vegetables and fruits. Vitamins and minerals are helpful in supplementing the diet,
even if the person is eating organic foods. Drink half an ounce of water per pound of
body weight a day to stay fully hydrated (about eight eight-ounce glasses a day).
Emotional Balance. There is nothing wrong with having feelings. They give us
valuable information about what we may need to change in our lives to be happy.
Emotional imbalance becomes an issue when feelings are allowed to either create
internal harm to the self or external harm to others. If either of these extremes is true,
take measures to identify and balance emotional patterns. Choose to cultivate joy,
love and a sense of humor to nourish your ecosystem ("The Ten Elements of Good
Health", 2014).
Genetics. Inheritance plays a part in determining lifespan, healthiness and the
likelihood of developing certain illnesses. Personal behavior and coping skills
balanced eating, keeping active, smoking, drinking, and how we deal with lifes
stresses and challenges all affect health ("The Determinants of Health", 2014).

General Effects on Health


Stress can be positive, keeping the body and mind alert and ready to avoid danger.
However, stress becomes negative when a person faces continuous challenges
without relief or relaxation between challenges. As a result, the person becomes
overworked and stress-related tension builds. Stress that continues without relief can
lead to a condition called distress a negative stress reaction. Distress can lead to
physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure,
chest pain, and problems sleeping. Research suggests that stress also can bring on
or worsen certain symptoms or diseases. Stress also becomes harmful when people
use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to try to relieve their stress. Unfortunately, instead of
relieving the stress and returning the body to a relaxed state, these substances tend
to keep the body in a stressed state and cause more problems ("The Effects of
Stress on Your Body", 2014).


The choices people make about how they live can have a significant effect on their
health. Eating a healthy diet, doing regular exercise, not smoking and not drinking
too much alcohol can help individuals stay well and enjoy a long healthy life. No one
is too young or too old to switch to a healthier lifestyle. Children who learn healthy
habits at a young age will benefit from them throughout their life. And giving up bad
habits can improve your health at any age ("Choose to Live Well", 2013).


The environment in which we live can be considered as having three fundamental

sets of components: Physical; and Biological. Hazards can present themselves in
various ways (e.g. air, water). The influence they can exert on health is very complex
and may be modulated by an individuals genetic makeup, psychological factors and
by perceptions of the risks that they present. Associations between an exposure and
an adverse health effect do not, on their own, prove that the former is the cause of
the latter. Important issues concerning physical hazards include those relating to
health effects of electromagnetic radiation and ionizing radiation that may impair
general wellbeing. Recreational water which is heavily contaminated with pathogens,
notably coliform bacteria has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of
gastrointestinal and other infectious illness, usually self-limiting (Agius, 2007).
Maintaining a healthy environment is central to increasing quality of life and years of
healthy life. Globally, nearly 25 percent of all deaths and the total disease burden
can be attributed to environmental factors ("Environmental Health", 2014).


A healthy diet gives the body the nutrients it needs to perform physically, maintain
wellness, and fight disease. Diet heavy in saturated fats, partially-hydrogenated oils,
refined carbohydrates, and highly processed foods in combination with a sedentary
lifestyle, large portion sizes, and high stress, is blamed for the increase in obesity
and associated diseases. Diseases associated with obesity include type 2 diabetes,
high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease,
osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, and certain cancers, including
breast cancer in women. In short, what we eat is central to our health. Food acts as
medicine to maintain health, as well as prevent and treat disease (Leonard, 2014).


A serious physical illness can affect every area of a person's life: relationships; work;
spiritual beliefs; and how they socialize with other people. A serious illness can make
people feel sad, frightened, worried or angry. For some people, the emotional impact
of a serious physical illness can be overwhelming. Cancer or heart disease, for
example, can make people very anxious and depressed. It can stop them from doing
the things they need to do in their daily lives. People feel out of control of their body
and our situation and may feel that there is nothing that they can do. They also feel
lonely and isolated from family and friends (Timms, 2014).

Bullying in the work place

Bullies are stressors, but so are coworkers who do nothing when you expect them to
help. Stress is the biological human response to stressors. However, bullying is often
called psychological harassment or violence. What makes it psychological is
bullying's impact on the person's mental health and sense of well-being. The
personalized, focused nature of the assault destabilizes and disassembles the
target's identity, ego strength, and ability to rebound from the assaults. The longer
the exposure to stressors like bullying, the more severe the psychological impact.
When stress goes unabated, it compromises both a target's physical and mental
health. Sometimes, the violence is turned inward. When the "way out" seems
unattainable and no alternatives can be imagined, some people contemplate suicide
(" Being Bullied?", 2012).

Manual Handling

Manual Handling is a physical activity that takes place in every workplace, and in
some cases the activity does not pose a problem. However it can be a potential
workplace hazard when an employee for example is required to handle heavy loads,
which could result in a back injury ("Manual Handling: An Overview", 2014).
Ideal Menu and Lifestyle to Encourage Good Health
Healthy Eating Plate by Harvard School of Public Health

Use healthy oils (such as olive and canola oil) for cooking, on salad, and at
the table;

Limit butter and avoid trans-fat;

The more vegetables and the greater the variety the better; potatoes and
French fries should be limited;

Eat plenty of fruits of all colors;

Drink water (8 to 10 glasses); tea, or coffee (with little or no sugar);

Avoid sugary drinks;

Limit milk (1 to 2 glasses) and juice (1 small glass);

Eat variety of whole grains (such as whole-wheat bread, whole-grain pasta,

and brown rice); limit refined grains (white rice and white bread); and

Choose fish, poultry, beans, and nuts; limit red meat and cheese; avoid
bacon, cold cuts, and other processed meats.

Ideal Lifestyle to Encourage Good Health

Physical activity
Exercise and physical activity are not only good for you, they're also a fun way to
spend time a chance to unwind, to be outdoors, to get social or to simply do
something that makes you happy. Find a physical activity you enjoy and do it every
day (Zeratsky, 2014).
Breathe deeply
It's best to gently breathe in and out through the nose. Shallow breaths deprive the
brain, blood and cells of oxygen, affecting concentration and can make one tired,
cranky and stressed. It stimulates the body's natural fight or flight response. Just
taking a few deep, purposeful breaths can help switch off the response, and make
you instantly calm and vibrant (Richardson, 2014).
Get to bed early
It's important to be in bed before detoxifying of the body. It is to allow the gallbladder
and liver to do its job. To do this effectively, the body needs to be horizontal because
when you're up and about, the liver directs blood to the parts of the body needing it
the liver energy is diverted from its important physical function of cleaning and
renewing the blood (Richardson, 2014).
Manage stress
Find ways to handle stressful situations that flare up without warning. Develop
positive coping skills, such as meditation and visualization, and look for activities,
such as yoga or exercise, to keep baseline stress level in check. For example, after
a stressful meeting, run up and down the stairs a few times to burn off anger, or

retreat to a bathroom stall to take a few deep breaths and refocus ("Healthy Living",

My Diet and Lifestyle

Breakfast Time (Around 9:00 to 10:00 AM)

1 cup

times per week

Boiled Egg

1 piece

times per week


3 pieces

times per week

Lunch Time (Around 1:00 PM)
Sandwich (Tuna)

2 pieces

times per week


1-2 pieces

times per week


1 cup

times per week

Dinner Time (Around 6:00 to 7:00 PM)

2 cups

times per week


1-2 pieces

times per week


1 small bowl

times per week

Sweets (Candy)

1-2 pieces

times per week

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity. It is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency
of a living organism. In humans, it is the general condition of a person's mind and
body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain. The main determinants
of health include the social and economic environment, the physical environment,
and the person's individual characteristics and behaviors. Health related factors to
good health includes: exercise, rest, nutrition, emotional balance, and genetics. Risk
factors to good health include: stress, lifestyle, the environment, the diet, illness,
bullying in the work place, and manual handling.
An ideal healthy menu comprises of healthy oils, avoiding trans-fat, eating more
vegetables with greater variety, eating plenty of fruits of all colors, drink plenty of
water while avoiding sugary drinks, eating a variety of whole grains, and choosing
fish, poultry, beans, and nuts over red and processed meat.
An ideal lifestyle includes exercising and physical activity, breathing deeply, going to
bed early and having adequate hours of sleep and relaxation, and managing stress.

Agius, R. (2007, May). What effects can the Environment have on Health? Retrieved
November 26, 2014, from
Being Bullied? (2012). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from
Choose to Live Well. (2013, October 28). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from
Environmental Health. (2014). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from
Healthy Eating Plate vs. USDAs MyPlate. (2011, September 14). Retrieved
November 26, 2014, from
Healthy Living. (2009, February 3). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from
Leonard, B. (2014). How Does Diet Impact Health? Retrieved November 26, 2014,
Manual Handling: An Overview. (2014). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from
Moffett, T. (2013, August 16). Top Ten Reasons for Poor Health. Retrieved November
26, 2014, from

Richardson, O. (2014). Five healthy habits for life. Retrieved November 26, 2014,
from relationships/wellbeing/five healthy habits
for life,13347.
The Determinants of Health. (2014). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from
The Effects of Stress on Your Body. (2014, June 24). Retrieved November 26, 2014,
The Ten Elements of Good Health. (2014). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from
Timms, P. (Ed.). (2014, May). Coping with Physical Illness. Retrieved November 26,
2014, from
World Health Organization (2014). Retrieved November 26, 2014, from
Zeratsky, K. (2014, January 22). The 12 habits of highly healthy people. Retrieved
November 26, 2014, from

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