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CCCNJ Weekly Prayer Requests

Scripture: "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been
given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew28:18-20)

Weekly Theme: “The Mission Ministry”

1. Pray God to provide church leaders with heavenly visions to understand God’s will, to have a
commission for the development of God’s house (church), and to have a view of expanding God’s
2. Pray God to equip more of His people for a breakthrough and good discipline in prayer,
preaching, mission and teaching.
3. Pray God to lift up more coworkers full of faith and fear, and to send down the holy spirit to us so
that we can have more power to preach and reach out those unbelievers.
4. Pray God to help us to have a watchful and prayerful heart for the mission organizations,
missionaries, seminary students, and the mission ministries that CCCNJ supports.
5. Pray for the Mission organizations﹕ Village Gospel Mission; Missionaries﹕ 曹 三 強 牧 師 ,
and Seminary student﹕ Jim & Ruth Lemaster; also pray for the peace and safety of those brothers
and sisters who are on overseas short-term missions.

---English and Youth Ministry: Please pray for

1. Chris Chu and Ray Lee as they preach and chair respectively this coming Sunday.
2. Taiwan mission trip as they start planning and preparing and the members of the Kyrgyzstan as
the trip has been cancelled due to safety concerns.
3. High school seniors as they decide which college to attend in the fall.
4. Fellowship groups especially the leaders.
5. People attending the Christianity in America Sunday School may sense God’s hand in their life.
6. Preparations for Memorial Day Retreat, speakers Rev Currie, Rev Han, and Trip Lee.
7. Elder installation at 11AM, God’s presence with the Elders in serving Him.
--- Children Ministry: Please pray for
1. four-year-old Sunday School teacher: Anna Chang; assistant: Yue Fang and five-year-old Sunday
school teacher: Xin Yang. May God give them strength as they plant the seeds in children’s faith.
2. all parents as they build good characters in their children, the Lord will give them wisdom and
--- People: Please pray for
1. Healing for: Mauro Mordini, Bob Condon (stent April 20), Janiene’s recovery from
panendoscopy, Wu Yi Jian’s recovery from surgery and starting chemo in future.
2. Tim Chia: went back to work…don’t know what will happen in his job.
3. Shannon: getting China paperwork done & with no problems, in a way that God is glorified.
4. Ding Rong: peace and safety as she lives by herself.
5. Sister FT: bothered by spirit in Southeast Asia.
6. Winston, Carol, Jacob, Joshua Young
7. Lenny and Angela Voo
--- National: Please pray for
1. Political situation will stabilize in Kyrgyzstan (and other countries) and people can have peace.
2. Rescue of victims of Qinghai earthquake and comfort to those survived.
3. Nebraska new law abortion going to the right.

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