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Polarizing Microscope

A petrographic microscope is usually a modified compound microscope, although stereo

microscopes can also be altered to achieve polarization. This microscope differs from others
because it contains the following components:
A polarizer and analyzer
A circular rotating stage
Special plates or filters placed between the object and light path.
Bertrand lens
A polarizer only allows certain light waves or vibrations to pass through it.
An analyzer, often a second polarizer located above the sample, determines the amount
and direction of light that illuminates a sample.
At its most basic, the polarizer focuses the different wavelengths and vibrations of light
onto a single plane.
The relationship of the polarizer and analyzer, in addition to possible filters added,
determines the amount of light absorbed, reflected, refracted and/or transmitted through
the microscope.
A polarizing microscope can employ transmitted and reflected light.
Transmitted light refers to the light diffused from below the specimen. This light is often
passed through a condenser, which allows the viewer to see an enlarged contrasted image.
Reflected light, sometimes referred to as epi- or incidental light, is best suited for opaque
samples, such as metals, alloys, composites and mineral oxides and sulfides.
Polarized light microscopy is often utilized by geologists to study naturally occurring minerals
and rocks in thin sections, and by mineralogists and ceramicists for research in industrial
environments. A polarizing microscope is also heavily used by scientists who study the various
phase transitions and textures exhibited by liquid crystalline compounds, and polymer
technologists often make significant use of information provided by the polarized light
Thus polarizing microscope is an extremely exceptional device that utilizes a polarizer and an
analyzer to view substances under polarized light. The stage revolves around along with special
plates placed within the light path; you are able to evaluate the angles of brightness and color and
from a chart of recognized specimens, determine your current sample. Theres a lot of specimen
that appears extremely magnificent beneath polarized light.

Components of a Polarizing Microscope

When compared to a typical microscope, a polarizing microscope has a new structure with the
following added components:

A polarizing condenser: A polarizing condenser has the following 3 characteristics:

1. Built-in rotatable polarizer,
2. Top lens out construction when parallel light illumination at low magnification is
required, and
3. Strain free optical system, like the objectives.

A rotating stage: This allows the position of the specimen to be set. Rotate ability of the
polarizing stage and center ability are fundamental 360 degree angle. A universal stage

with multiple rotating axes may also be used to enable the observation of specimen from
many directions.
Polarizing objective (strain-free objective) for polarized light: polarizing objective
differs from ordinary objectives in a respect that it possesses a high light polarizing

A center able revolving nosepiece: This enables optical axis adjustment for the
Analyzer: The analyzer can rotate 90 degree or 360 degree.
Bertrand lens: It is used for observing the objective. It is located between the analyzer
and eyepiece for easy in and out of the light path.

A test plate: The test plate is a phase plate used for verifying the double refractivity of
specimens, determining the vibration direction of pieces, and for retardation

Compensator and Retardation Plates - Many polarized light microscopes contain a

slot to allow the insertion of compensators and/or retardation plates between the
crossed polarizers, which are used to enhance optical path differences in the specimen.
In most modern microscope designs, this slot is placed either in the microscope
nosepiece or an intermediate tube positioned between the body and eyepiece tubes.
Compensation plates inserted into the slot are then situated between the specimen and

the analyzer. The most common compensators are the quarter wave, full wave, and
quartz wedge plates.

Eyepiece with crosshair: It has a built-in focusing plate containing a crosshair. By

inserting the point pin into the observation tube sleeve, the vibration direction of the
polarizer and analyzer can be made to agree with the crosshair in the visual field.
The petrological microscope can be set up in two arrangements depending on viewing purposes
and optical properties of the minerals. They are,
1. PPL arrangement (Plane Polarized Light) - analyzer is out, Bertrand lens is out
2. CPL arrangement (Cross Polarized Light) - analyzer is in Bertrand lens is out.

Function of Polarizing Microscope

The polarized light microscope is designed to observe and shoot specimens that are visible
primarily due to their optically anisotropic character. In order to carry out this job,
the microscope must be equipped with both a polarizer, positioned in the light path somewhere
before the specimen, and an analyzer (a second polarizer) placed in the optical pathway between
the objective rear opening and the observation tubes or camera port. Image contrast arises from
the interaction of plane-polarized light with a bi-refringent (or doubly-refracting) specimen to
produce two individual wave components that are each polarized in mutually perpendicular
planes. The velocities of these components are different and vary with the transmitting direction
through the specimen. After exiting the specimen, the light components become out of phase,
but are recombined with constructive and destructive interference when they pass through the
analyzer. Interference is the addition of two or more waves that result in a new wave pattern.
Constructive Interference occurs where two identical phases meet and combine to create a
wave with a greater amplitude. Destructive Interference occurs where two opposite phases meet
and combine to create a wave with a lesser amplitude.

Applications of a Polarizing Microscope

Geologists use this type of microscope. Geological specimen to be studied is placed on a

slide on a rotatable specimen stage. The specimen is then illuminated by a light source
under the specimen stage.
They also are being used in medicine.
Polarizing microscopy can be used both with reflected and transmitted light.
Reflected light is useful for the study of opaque materials such as mineral oxides and
Sulphides, metals and silicon wafers.
Polarizing microscopes are extremely useful for specialized medical and industrial
applications, such as identifying crystals or fibers suspended in liquid, identifying
minerals in core samples and detecting defects in semiconductors or finding stress points
in metal, glass and other materials.
The objectives used in a polarizing microscope are required to be strain free.

Alignment the microscope

In polarized light microscopy, proper alignment of the various optical and mechanical
components is a critical step that must be conducted prior to undertaking quantitative analysis
between crossed polarizers alone, or in combination with retardation plates and compensators.
Several essential components must be correctly positioned with respect to both the microscope
optical axis and to other mechanical and optical components. The series of alignment steps
outlined below are intended for general use with polarized light microscopes and should be
applicable to both student and research-level instruments.

Polarized Microscope Alignment Procedure

The first step in polarized light microscope alignment is to establish proper Khler
illumination with both the polarizer and analyzer removed from the optical pathway. Place a
bright field (stained) specimen on the stage and rotate the 10x objective into the observation
position. Focus the specimen with the objective and close the field diaphragm iris to its
smallest setting. Bring the partially closed field diaphragm into sharp focus in the same
plane as the specimen by adjusting the condenser height. Use the condenser centering
screws to translate the image of the field diaphragm iris opening to the center of the
eyepiece crosshairs, and then open the diaphragm until the leaves are just outside the view
Before inserting the polarizer and analyzer, the 360-degree circular rotating stage should be
centered to the 10x objective so specimens will remain in the exact center of the view field
when they are being rotated. Centering of the stage and objectives is also an important step
for quantitative analysis of birefringence and optical path differences. A majority of the
circular microscope stages pivot on three adjustable pins, one at the front of the stage for
correct positioning and the other two equally spaced at 120-degree angles near the rear of

the stage. The stage can be centered with minute adjustments to the rear pivot pins by
turning the centering screws. Start by locating a small circular feature on a relatively simple
bright field specimen in an area devoid of other distracting structures. Next, relocate the
chosen feature to the center of the view field in the eyepiece crosshairs (see Figure 2(a)).
Rotate the stage through 180 degrees until the centered specimen feature is overlapped by
one of the vertical eyepiece crosshairs (Figure 2(b)). Using the pivot screws, relocate the
specimen feature to a distance approximately half way back to the crosshair center (Figure
2(c)). Finally, move the specimen feature back to the center of the crosshairs (Figure 2(a))
and repeat the alignment sequence. After a few cycles, the specimen feature should be
centered in the view field as the stage is rotated.

After the stage has been centered with respect to the microscope optical axis with the 10x
objective installed in the optical train, the other objectives (4x, 20x, 40x, and 100x) should
be sequentially centered to the stage. Microscopes having center able objectives contain a
pair of Allen (or a similar drive) setscrews in the nosepiece that translate the objective
laterally within its seat. Each objective can be centered using the procedure described above
for the circular stage by using the objective centering tools provided by the manufacturer.
Accurate centering of the stage and all objectives is paramount to quantitative analysis in
polarized light, and avoids the operator losing sight of specific features in the view field
during stage rotation. After completing the centering procedure, review the steps to ensure
all of the objectives on the microscope are accurately centered before continuing.
Establishing Khler illumination and centering the microscope stage and objectives is easily
accomplished in bright field mode (but can also be undertaken with a birefringent specimen
in polarized light mode, if necessary). To continue with alignment of the polarizing
components, install the fixed or rotating polarizing element in the condenser or a housing on
the light source exit port in the microscope base. Many polarized light microscopes are
equipped with a fixed polarizer that has a transmission vibration axis oriented East-West, or
left-to-right when standing in front of the microscope. Other microscopes have polarizers
that can be rotated through 180 or 360 degrees, and are often mounted into frames with
graduated increments ranging from 1 to 90 degrees. Ensure that the polarizer is correctly
secured into position and either permanently fixed into its holder or placed in the zero
position. The polarizer transmission vibration axis must be set to the East-West orientation
in this step.

Insert the analyzer into the microscope nosepiece or intermediate tube. Virtually all
research-level polarized light microscopes have a rotating analyzer mounted in a rectangular
frame that enables rotation of the element through 180 or 360 degrees. Student microscopes
often have a fixed analyzer (as well as a fixed polarizer) to ease the burden of crossed
polarizer alignment. Rotate the analyzer while examining a birefringent specimen on the
stage with the 10x objective. When the transmission axes of the analyzer and polarizer are
crossed at a 90-degree angle, maximum specimen birefringence (equivalent to maximum
specimen brightness) should be observed on a very dark background (a condition that is
termed maximum extinction). Under crossed polarized illumination, the vibration axis of
the analyzer should be oriented North-South or front-to-back while standing in front of the
microscope. A critical assessment for maximum extinction can only be accomplished while
observing the background intensity through the microscope eyepieces. Keep in mind that at
this point, maximum extinction only indicates that the polarizers are crossed, but does not
guarantee that their transmission axes are perfectly oriented East-West and North-South. The
latter aspect is addressed in the next step.

Calibration of the polarizer and analyzer axis alignment can be accomplished by one of two
methods. Many manufacturers provide a polarized light microscope orientation plate with
their research-level microscopes to assist in alignment of the crossed polarizers. These plates
contain a perfectly cut rectangular thin birefringent crystal having an optical axis that is
parallel to the long edge of the crystal (see Figure 3). The crystal is mounted flat on a
microscope slide and designed specifically for use on circular polarized light microscope
stages. When the long axis crystal is oriented at a 45-degree angle to the polarizer and
analyzer transmission azimuths (Figure 3(a)), maximum birefringence is observed in
polarized light. Rotating the crystal towards the polarizer axis progressively reduces the
level of birefringence (Figure 3(b)) until it is eliminated when the long axis is exactly
parallel to the polarizer transmission azimuth (and the horizontal eyepiece crosshair; see
Figure 3(c)).
At this point, the crystal birefringence is completely extinguished and should be
indistinguishable from the background. Note that the outline of the crystal is artificial in
Figure 3(c), and is included only to demonstrate that the long axis is parallel to the polarizer
azimuth. If the polarizer and analyzer are not positioned exactly in a East-West and NorthSouth orientation (respectively), then the long axis of the crystal will not be parallel to the
eyepiece crosshairs when the birefringence is completely extinguished. In this case, rotate
the long axis of the crystal until it is parallel to the horizontal microscope crosshair, and then

rotate the polarizer until minimum birefringence is observed in the eyepieces. Next, rotate
the analyzer until the crystal birefringence is completely extinguished.
If a Bertrand lens or focusing telescope is available with the polarized light microscope,
alignment of the polarizer and analyzer transmission azimuths can be performed using one
of these optical components. Without a specimen on the stage, cross the polarizers and insert
the eyepiece telescope into the observation tubes or swing the Bertrand lens into the optical
pathway. Focus the telescope or Bertrand lens on the objective rear aperture. A dark
polarization cross can be observed at maximum extinction (Figure 4(a)) with brighter
regions flanking the arms of the cross, which should be oriented vertically and horizontally.
In most cases, the horizontal and vertical components of the polarization cross are wider in
the center of the field and narrower at the periphery.

The polarization cross geometry originates from the depolarizing effects of spherical lens
surfaces in the condenser and objective, and may vary in size and shape depending upon the
quality (strain reduction or elimination) of the lens systems. However, the presence of a
polarization cross is normal in most microscopes and can not generally be considered an
artifact. The cross should be centered in the view field (when superimposed on the eyepiece
crosshairs) and appear perfectly aligned in a North-South and East-West direction. If this is
not the case (as illustrated in Figure 4(c)), the polarizer and analyzer should be rotated in
combination until the proper orientation is achieved. As discussed above, perfect alignment
of the polarization cross (thus, the polarizers) with a transmission axis at zero degrees is
essential for performing quantitative measurements of birefringence azimuthal angles with
or without a retardation plate or compensator in the optical pathway. The polarization cross
reference calibration is also useful if a fixed polarizer or analyzer becomes misaligned in the
The final step in polarized light microscope alignment is to adjust the condenser aperture
diaphragm so the bright outer regions of the polarization cross that are visible at the edge of
the objective aperture are blocked. Figure 4(b) illustrates a properly adjusted condenser
diaphragm. This step dramatically improves the extinction factor of the microscope optical
system, and the field will appear maximally dark when viewed in orthoscopic mode
(without a Bertrand lens or focusing telescope). After the microscope has been aligned and
the polarization axes calibrated, it is ready for quantitative analysis of birefringent

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