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NRD Van (tcp/ip)

■ NRD Kit (News Reality Development Životopis:
NRD Van (New Re-
Kit) je mreæni alat za proizvodnju i ob-
ality Development
javljivanje medijskih sadræaja. NRD Kit Van) je privremeno
takoer educira svoje korisnike i recipi- utočište identiteta s
jente sadræaja o razlici izmeu reprezent- također privremenim
acije podataka i podataka samih, kao i o boravkom u prostoru
vaænosti poznavanja i pristupa izvornom protokol usvojen je
programskom kodu. kao vojni standard
Korisnici NRD Kita su proizvoaËi (MIL STD) 1983. go-
vijesti i priËa. Oni koriste NRD Kit kako bi dine. TCP/IP baziran
je na Open System
na osobit naËin pridobili paænju obiËnog, Interconnect (OSI)
dobrohotnog korisnika interneta. NRD Kit Reference Modelu,
je vrlo jednostavan za koriπtenje i unos standardu za opi-
novih sadræaja. sivanje strukture i
funkcije podatkovnih
Dominantna kultura interakcije Ëovjeka komunikacijskih
i stroja pogoduje i postavlja za svoj cilj protokola. Razvijen
neznanje obiËnog korisnika, a zajedno sa kako bi omogućio
njegovom neutaæivom glau za senzacija- pouzdanu komu-
nikaciju i u gotovo
ma ostvaruje preduvjete za predvidljivu re- nemogućim uvjetima
cepciju sadræaja formatiranih NRD Kitom. totalnog rata TCP/IP
Za formatiranje svojih sadræaja NRD Kit protokol ne poznaje
koristi adresni prostor i izgled postojeÊih koncept državnih
granica, kao ni bilo
internet stranica. Kredibilitet, vjerodosto-
koji oblik diskrimi-
jnost, objektivnost i neutralnost reprezenti- nacije baziran na
rane njihovim izgledom i imenom pruæaju razlikama u pogledu
prostor za igru i kreaciju NRD Kit koris- rase, boje, spola,
jezika, vjeroispov-
nicima. MoguÊ­nost njihovog meusobnog
ijesti, političkog ili
hipertekstualnog ispreplitanja, vrlo rijetka drugog mišljenja,
u stvarnosti, pruæa i moguÊnost potpuno nacionalnog ili
novih doæivljaja identi­teta tih etabliranih društvenog porijekla,
imovine, rođenja ili
veliËina. Za posrednika u tom procesu
drugih okolnosti.
izabran je najkoriπteniji web preglednik Kada ne bude grani-
na najkoriπtenijem operativnom sustavu ca NRD Van će rado
danaπnjice. postati Volkswagen
NRD Kit je slobodan softver objavljen
pod GNU GPL-om na URL:
razvijen na GNU/Linuxu, pisan u Pythonu, a
baziran na Twisted network frameworku i
Nevow template engineu. Dodavanje novih
predloæaka u bazu promjenjivih internet
stranica trebao bi biti relativno lagan zada-
tak i za poËetnike u web tehnologijama.
Prva interaktivna priËa u bazi je NRD
Van-ov ‘homage’ subverzivnoj medijskoj
umjetnosti, njenoj teorijskoj artikulaciji, te
prije svega hakerskoj kulturi uopÊe. PriËa je
82 nastala u veljaËi 2001.
NRD Kit (verzija/version 2005)

The noun van has 4

1. avant-garde, van-
guard, van, new
wave - (any crea-
tive group active
in the innovation
and application of
new concepts and
techniques in a
given ∫eld (espe-
cially in the arts))
2. vanguard, van -
(the leading units
moving at the
head of an army)
3. van, caravan - (a
camper equipped
with living quar-
4. van - (a truck with
an enclosed cargo


● NRD Kit (New reality Development Biography:

NRD Van (New Re-
Kit) is a network tool for production and
ality Development
publishing of media contents. NRD Kit also Van) is a temporary
educates its users and content recipients sanctuary of identity
on the difference between representa- with a temporary
tion of data and data per se, as well as on residence in TCP/
IP space. TCP/IP
importance of knowing and accessing an protocol has been
original program code. adapted as a military
NRD Kit users are news and stories standard (MIL STD)
producers. They use NRD Kit in order to in 1983. TCP/IP is
based on the Open
speci∫cally attract attention of an ordinary, System Intercon-
benevolent internet user. Regarding the nect (OSI) Refer-
use and input of new contents, NRD Kit is ence Model, which
very simple. is a standard for
describing structure
Dominant culture of interaction be- and function of data
tween man and machine favours - and communication pro-
aims at - ignorance of the ordinary user. tocols, developed in
Working together with his/hers insatiable order to enable reli-
able communication
hunger for sensations, it creates prerequi- in almost impossible
sites for predictable reception of the con- conditions of a total
tents formatted via NRD Kit. war. TCP/IP knows
To format its contents, NRD Kit uses the no concept of state
borders or any form
address space and layout of existing pages.
of discrimination
Credibility, authenticity, objectivity and based on race, col-
neutrality represented by their layout and our, sex, language,
name provide space a of play and creation religion, political or
other worldview,
for NRD Kit users. Possibility of their mutual
national or social
hypertextual intertwining, actually very origin, possessions,
rare, also provides a chance to experience birth and other cir-
these established bigwigs’s identity in a cumstances. When
borders cease to
completely new fashion. The most popular
exist, NRD Van will
web browser running on today’s most pop- gladly turn into a
ular operative system has been selected to Volkswagen Caravan.
mediate in this process.
The noun van has 4
NRD Kit is freeware published under
GNU GPL at URL: and
has been developed at GNU/Linux, writ-
ten in Python and based on the Twisted
network framework and Nevow template
engine. Adding new models into the base
of updatable internet pages should prove a
relatively easy task even for the beginners
in web technology.
The ∫rst interactive story in the base is
NRD Van’s ‘homage’ to subversive media
art, its theoretical articulation and ∞ above
84 all ∞ the hacker culture in general. The
story begun in February 2001.
1. avant-garde, van-
guard, van, new
wave - (any crea-
tive group active
in the innovation
and application of
new concepts and
techniques in a
given ∫eld (espe-
cially in the arts))
2. vanguard, van -
(the leading units
moving at the
head of an army)
3. van, caravan - (a
camper equipped
with living quar-
4. van - (a truck with
an enclosed cargo


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