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A monthly rag about what’s

going on at TI.

It’s called TmI…

but can you ever really get too
much information around here?
So let me start this first issue by asking
for some help.

I don’t have a staff of paparazzi to

follow you around, so if there is
something going on in your life, please
email me. And send a picture!

Whether it’s the new product you’re

helping to roll out or maybe a baby
you’re about to spit out…no topic is
taboo in TmI.
Talk about being brave…Deb Ingersoll has left TI to work in Haiti. Deb
and her husband adopted a young boy several years ago from Haiti. They
have decided to dedicate their time by helping the people of Haiti recover
from the devastation of the earthquake. In her own words:

My husband (Al) and I have been volunteering in Haiti since 2003. He is a

Prosthetist (fits artificial limbs) and has worked to create the Orthotics and
Prosthetics lab for Healing Hands for Haiti in Port au Prince. Pre-earthquake it
was one of just a few Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation clinics in the country
and was on its way to being completely run by a Haitian staff.

Since the earthquake, many organizations have come into the country to do work
with the newly disabled. Al has been recruited to help the Prosthetics and
Orthotics sector organizations work together on a sustainability plan within the
country. Ideally, all of these aid organizations will work themselves out of jobs
by hiring and educating Haitians to do the work.

I am talking to the NGO's (non-Governmental Organizations like UNICEF,

International Committee of the Red Cross, OXFAM, and American Refugee
Committee International) that are currently working on post-quake development
programs in Haiti to find my next role.

While I'm really looking forward to this next phase of life, I will miss all of the
people I've met and really enjoyed working with at Tribune!!

Dir of Digital Strategy & Training

Welcome to Chi-town…for real! Linda Schaible
(finally) moved to Chicago. Cheers, Linda, and hope
you enjoy our two seasons…winter and construction!
Hopefully Linda can find a wide open space to ride!

VP Product
The first “Pure-Bred” TI baby is on its way! Congrats
to Maria and Padraig Doherty! Baby Doherty is
expected to make an appearance sometime in August.
Name recommendations are still being accepted
although “Funky Winkerbean” and “Chief 6-of Bud”
have already been turned down.

Maria – Product Manager

Pad – Sr Designer
Wedding bells are ringing…Kristin Focht is planning
her June wedding! She’s getting married in Columbus
and then it’s off to Aruba. New last name will be
Schwallie. That’s an awesome name!
Sr Analyst

It’s also worth noting Matt Wenc's recent transfer from

Campaign Specialist in OMFG to Market Liaison in

VP Product
Lucy Jacobson is taking point as market liaison for
Schurz Communications and is serving as the face of
Tribune Interactive to our new customers as they build
their websites. Market Liaison

Matt Franklin has just

recently been engaged.
Account Rep

Josh Jones gets married on

July 31st.

TRG Team Lead

Allison Bourn celebrates
her 5 year anniversary here
at Tribune.
Account Rep

Tanja Jaksic just

celebrated her 4 year
anniversary here at Tribune.
Account Rep
Catherine Robinson just returned from maternity
leave, and although she loves her new son Tyler, she
is relieved to have adult conversations again that
don’t necessitate using a high squeaky voice.

Dir Online Tiffany Welchko returned from her wedding and

Fulfillment honeymoon last month – We’re sure that St Lucia
paled in comparison to the historic halls of Tribune
Tower…right?? Look for her new name to start
cropping up in Triblink soon: Tiffany Kosartes.

Design &
Optimization Mgr
Sharon Goldsmith took her daughter to Florida last
week for a Disney World adventure – and now
Sharon needs a vacation to recover from her vacation!

Tommy Mendoza has a new dog and within the first
week the dog has caused hundreds dollars of damage
in the house. Also, Tommy was surprised after a trip
to the Vet and found out the dog needs eye surgery as
well. Tommy needs some love. Please give Tommy a
hug if you see him.
Ad Trafficker

Eric Hill has a wife that’s an impulsive shopper. She

was shopping and saw a cute bunny at the pet
store. Just because the bunny was cute; she got
him. However, she didn’t take into account that the
cute rabbit that they already have might not like the
Trafficking new addition to the family. BINGO!!! The two don’t
Manager get along and Mr. Hill spends his evenings refereeing
fights and cleaning up marked territories.
Elizabeth Eufemi is the OMFG resident
foodie, expert chef and baker. Just
recently, she dedicated an entire weekend
to discovering the art of fine cuisine at
renowned restaurants Alinea and Schwa.
Lately, Elizabeth has taken up the hobby
of mastering pastry décor. Her cupcakes
Campaign and cookies taste just as delicious as they
Optimization Coord look!

Matt O'Malley is tying the knot this

summer!! Does that mean his “Wife of
the Month” collection that is currently
decorating his cube (and has for the last 2
years) will have to come down?
Key Accounts
Cristina Byots is training for the Warrior Lead
Dash which is taking place in Joliet this
June. She will conquer extreme obstacles
while sporting a dashing Warrior helmet.
Go Treats!!!

Campaign Specialist Sarah Belleau is a huge Lady Gaga fan.

Sarah and her dad even danced a Poker
Face routine at her wedding. Hopefully
we can get some video of that!

Campaign Specialist

Molly Davis – signed up to run

her first 5K race. Way to go,
Video Producer
Rob LaFrentz – speaking to
journalism students at Columbia
College. Awesome, Rob!
News Innovations Dir

Destiny Gdalman – finishing her

MBA with University of Phoenix
in July. Hang in there!
Content Producer

Stephanie Williams – training to

run a DuaThon – 18 miles biking,
10 miles running – on May 22 in
Galena, IL. I get tired just
thinking about it…way to go!


John Lawrence – just

finished 3 part grammar
class. Ain’t he smart!
Interactive Producer/
Brandi Larsen – in
Florida for her baby
Simone’s official “Baby
Naming” ceremony.
Content Director

Andy Friedman –
doctor says he is brain
dead but will continue to
live, at least for a while!
Content VP

Talk about a small world…Tom

Comings is planning his wedding
for this spring, and he is marrying
Kelly Jourdan’s childhood friend!
What are the odds??? Good luck
to both of you!

Senior Engineer Doreen & Kelly Grade 6

for pictures, you can stalk these newbies
thru Triblink

• Diana Romero – OMFG • Joel Davis – TRG

• Maliya Scott – OMFG • Sade DeRamus – TRG
• Yvette Quintanar – Product • Sarah Dziekan – TRG
• Shaila Islam – Metrics • Shari Holly – TRG
• Eli Schiff – Metrics • Samantha Kozyra – TRG
• Josh Koenigs – Metrics • Marianne Aurelio – TRG
• Rhonda Strauss – Research • Mike Pelton – TRG
• Sean Cooley – Syndicate • Curt Walker – TRG
• Matthew Nemer – TRG • Charlie Madsen – TRG
• Jana May Johnson – TRG • Matthew Rossi – TRG
• Noel Rivera – TRG • Nannette Patterson – TRG
• Benjamin Ulik – TRG • Mark Thomas – TRG
• Patrick Tobas - TRG
You may have seen the signs…we are going through pop
and coffee like it was free or something (oh wait, it is
free). We want to keep it all free but won’t be able to if
people are taking more than their fair share. And if you
notice we are out of supplies like cups, coffee, plastic-
ware, feel free to email and we’ll
be sure to get on it.

Keep an eye out for info on our Cinco de Mayo
celebration on May 5th on LL1. We will shut down at
4:30, bring your maracas!

Don’t forget to send me the scoop and a picture if you have one for the
next TmI newsletter, coming out on May 15th. Until then, some final
words of wisdom:

He who laughs last, laughs slowest!

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