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Pediatric Ward

Hello, my name is Mustika Suci Susilastuti. I am a student of School of Nursing

in Diponegoro University. After I finish my study in my campus, I want to study abroad
in Europe. Over there I will take child specialist. And then I want to work in Hospital. I
love children so much so I intend to work in pediatric ward. Pediatric ward is the ward
in hospital which provides in taking care of child patients. The patients who get services
in pediatric ward are infants from 1 month, children and adolescence until 18 years old.
Therefore If I am in pediatric ward, I can give treatment that consisted of prevention and
child problem management.
Pediatric ward is classified into several classes. This class consisted of class
number 1 until 3, VIP class and VVIP class. Pediatric ward in each class is same. One of
the differences in each class is the facilities. VVIP class has a lot of facilities than the
other class. Even though, each class in pediatric ward is usually designed in appropriate
with the development of child. Pediatric ward usually equipped with beautiful scenery.
It appears from so many pictures in there. Besides that this ward equipped with the dolls
and toys. The pictures, dolls and toys can make pleasant atmosphere and not scary for
the children. Sometimes, there are several facilities like television, air conditioner and
refrigerator to make the children more comfort.
In the Pediatric Ward, Nurse has some role. Nurse is facilitator for children.
Nurse should have a plan to give treatment with regard many aspects like child
nutrition, elimination, dental care and school discipline. Nurse can also guide the
parents to prevent problem possibility in their child. Nurse is family advocate. Nurse
has responsibility to ensure if family knows all about health services available. Nurse as
advocate can be showed with give explanation about treatment procedures. Nurse is
health educator for child patient and family. The example of health educator is nurse
give education about treatment of stomachache.
The other roles nurse in pediatric ward is counselor, researcher and
collaborate with the other medical profession. Nurse help patient to find solution of
their problem so nurse has done their role as counselor. Nurse is researcher. Nurse can
use their experience to discover something. If the nurse discovers something so that it
can develop nursing science. And the last pediatric nurse should collaborate with the
other profession like doctor and nutritionist to give the best treatment for child patient.
The example, nurse collaborate with doctor to determine drug dosage for the child

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