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Jehovah's Witnesses

Unitedly Doing God's Will



We Wam 10 &ofHdp

4 Go,n Pu,~ Now kaclun!: In Chmn

6 The fnsl-Cc:mury Chrun,ln Con,rc~.oIfIon
8 Jehovah wlhcn ~nd EqUIps Hl$ Proplc for Work
12 CoIll'q~llOn. for lluildins Up ,n Lov~ md Unlly
14 M"fLng' for lucillng 10 love and F,ne Work.!
16 Cong'~llionl O'i~DLZM fw Pr<aching God'~ KlIlgdom
19 ReJOicing ~"d Pr.islng God., A~mbbel
20 r ..nhng Ov..$UH-Fdlow Woohn III Ihe Trulh
22 FullT,me MlIllltCfI SpC.UhCld Ih~ P'(1<hLflg WOIl<
24 ProduCIng BIble Lilcrll1m: 10 Prme God
26 Shtphtrd'll& God', Rocl< III UniTY
28 FuulKully SupponM by VoIunwy Conlributlon.
29 Peu>unl fOf RighTtOU'Dffi' sae
30 Unlled III Domg God's Will

Copy.i,h, C 1986

WATCI! To ... n BIIL!.<.NO SOClm Of r~"o;n~ANIA


W.,thl" .... S,,,,,,.nd T,... ~o':O"Y of N"", Yruk. ["" .
[nltnu,ion.LJ Bibk S,\L<koli Auoci;uioo



U_-"' .... ..w.......... . -........... ' .. "di..

.. I ....... " .

r ..... s.~..., ...."',..

AlU.U;.... t.$ .. I I c . - . I I.. , ~ N Y 11.!OI

MI,.,. .... UA. SoIIIO. I.......... N s..... I'"


CA .. ~t>A .... '100, 11._11.110 IG.o.." ..... I. o.."",I, ... n

L~G""."". rio.
y. T..oodoo 1''''7 I~N
.. ! .. U'A .... "lI.fO ... "I.M . .......
l .... Ups,,"
'111 U,,.M:, ,. 01. r 0 110. lO4'. M..b 2100
-'OUTK A. . ,CA.r. ..... a.I.~_ "'"

......... l _ _ .. _ ...... GJ, .................... ' .... 1

We Want to Be
of Help

T h" brochu'e h"

bc:-n provided 10

.acqu'lnt you bettcr with {ne Mllvll'.',-,""

,t..,,, .,-

\t'i,ne''''' .nd
r.ngcmtnu to !>tlp you In "II"".", in
Bibl. knowlcJ,. You m.y "..lVe h.ul
vi,it> by J"hO'".h', Wi"",,~,. or pt,.
h.p' you hJ'-. lJlkl ""',,h them 011
the Slr~' or othor pl.",,_ One of ,h.
W"n~ m.}" now be "udying with


Did rou kno .... ,h.l ,h.., 1ll<'>>ajI;<

.hour God'> Km~dom " be,n!: prod:nml worldwIde' Why' " " beause God. Our CIT.too. w.o" peopk
OUt of.1I o .. ion. to un". In worship'ng h,m . H. rowold rot OUt 1m,.:
-~bn) Pffipl.. ...-ill ecruinly go .",1
"'Y Come. you re<'plc. ,nd k. us ~o
up to 'he mounuin ofJrhonh . n the
h"",. ofth. God nfJ .nb:.nd he '1',11
""UUct us .bou t hI> w.p. ,nd
we w,lI in h i. IMth,,"-h...h
~ -l.


Th. """,-jry
)chonh" Witn ..... in rolling )"OU .bout God', w.Y' "
fulfillmcm of this popn",}"_ Tt.c
follow,rtt pal:C< will now wh, th"

.>e"'"r " ,mpon'nt now

pili un ~nd;t from iL



God's Purpose
Now Reaching Its Climax

God .. pu'po><: in "(~lIng ,h. (~r1h

.... 5 10 1",'( " ,nn. b".d by h.ppy

)XCpJ. j,vml; undo, IIghlWU. cond,tiom. In ord .. 10 conti nu. to 1Iv.,
""n kind ,"ould h.--. to ob.y God',

but the lim hum.ln


di .

ob.y.d lnd b.nm( sInn .... roll

dr"u,.d 10 d.. ,h. ThIS brought

.m md dmh


.11 of ,h. ;, off

spring._G.o<Y' IB,lS, !cI1I. 11: HI' ;

I!.om..o '" J 11

God, whos< n.m. isJ.hov.h, do,'

""nW 10 remove ,h w.! of dIKl"'dien,' . nd "" from lh rth . l" I,,,,.

h.lookrd .t' ,h uh ~nd ~w .mung
m.nkmd r.. thfu l m.Il, Ab .. m,
who,," Il,mell. to Abr.h'm .
God promili Abuh.trn In., hi. off.p"n~ would become gr , "",ion
nd Ih" rhroogh ,h'l MOon God
would provIde. ",rd by n"JJ" of
",bien .11 (.mll,., of , h ...,h
woulJ bios! lh.m",lw', _G<".~, II
I_J:ll II. ,,: H:II: P.. I.. Il II. H'b. ... ,
II ,11 .

N~.r Ih "d of II,. 161h C~nl u

ry B.C.E .. 110. of/spr ing of Ab"h,m,

J.'oo. or 1".. 1. h~d bnom.

Il l"btS i[Vllli ,n sIJvu) on E~)rl
Jehov,h ddiv .. ro I h.", I" hl.' from
Egypl."d fo rm llhcm tnl O" n.. ion.
Throu~h Mo"", ,I Mount SHU' h
g.'.~ thtm th~ (..:.w .1 ,htl' nloon.1
conWIUlion. J.hov.h "'.IS Ih." K",~,
)u,lg<, .nd S!3lut~G i v<,- Th. "."on
of lmd bt<.m~ God,
poopl .
h" wim., .... O'>.ed 10 uny 0"'
hll purp<:<. Through Ih. m would
<"Omo Ih o M."i.h. who would .",h
h;h .n Horl.;""g k,ngdom for Ih.
I>r".fil of prop!. of ,II ",110m, r.


"""' l ' .! . ; I (;h""," I" p, 7 l4, , x,", .

I,,~h J1.11; <1. \ 0_11; R....... fA, 1_


Ailor 15 muri ... or .. boUI 2Jl()(l

yOJ" . go. God "'" hi. on lybtgonon
Son t rom boo,.."
nh.!<> ho "'''''
ofl h. youngJ.w,;h VIf&,n M.. y. H
w., n.m.d)(,us.ncl w, s 10 ,"henl ,h.
Kmgdom Ih.[ God promlS.d hi, for<['Ihor D,vid_ At tho .g< of 30, Jom,
w" bJpl,~.d by John ,h. B.pl17.r .nd
I>t~.n .nnou"ci,,~ God" K,"~dnm,
By h.,hng Ih . sick, h. d(nlonm... cl
coming Ki,,~dom would



bl... m'm kind, Through illu.lmion

Jw, upulned what would b., ''''UIJ~
of ~ll who w~n'~ ~cft.." ing l,f<_
Th_n 'J"""
put to de.t" on ~
".h, hi. 1'<"[""1 hunu.n h[e b<romm~. '~n..,m for m.mkind __ Mmloow I
111'; l-llt.; ' , H-n; ,,'. 10; ,"'"", IJ;


:/(U'; Lo1o, ,l.-J?; 1; .. _ '_<1,".~, I,,.....

) " .; AL ... IO , J7_n

J...... 1ud oxpl.oiMd th,t th. M....

,nlc KIngdom w to b., ..,h~ In
.he f~r-di".n. fu'me, or 'he <ondusmn of the .yslem of thing,. At twt
,ime he would b., IlwlSibly p,... nt III
th~ he.J,cn ... 'he ""gning King .nd
would !lUk~ h" ",,,,,,,nce kno"'n by
d""""ng hlS ~tt~.,t"'" to tho "'lIh.
World ~'ent' ,ho ... that w~ b<w
liVIng In th;, t;"'" 01.,,,,, 1914 ...... Jnu,
fo.-ctold. the good """" of the Kingdom .. b.,mg p ..xh~ !hroughout.ll
the ~Jr!h~, ~ wHn ... toaU .,.:uion,. ~
,esult, pe<>plc out
all ..."ion. >r~
b.,in~ g>lhe'~ to th" .ilk of God',
Kingdom _ The....-ill rutvi,'e the end
of ,he prescnt 'P'''''' of thmg' ~nd
g~'n ~,~,I.o'h"g lif~ on ~'lIh un'
dcr the MC'SI~nlc K,ngdom._ M..


1...... '1.. .. '" H.od lS, ,.,. .. (.,,"" 7. '17.

1I.!.ny ~hmch .. claim '" b., domg

God', ,...n lodly. Bu! how c. n you
iden"fy ,he true eh"'l.. n cong'eption' By ex.mmin~ lh~ 5<:riptures
.bout ,iI< Ii rotcrmury Ch,;.!;"n COlI'
grcv'ion ~nd ,hen by seeing who
tocl.oy follow that .. m~ p>t1orn.

Aioalwa .uod ],...1 "l.!y"

,.. ......
1=0:., GoO',
......... '

...... dol

r....., >omplo/l br I", =="'"


'iIFhlt en"" .. "" ~ '. DUr' our




The First-Century
Christian Congregation

At ['cnt<emt

H CF., hoi)" 'p"i.

pou,O<! OUt on 120 d,<elpl .. of

1.,u" .nd m mJ!1Y ],, they

hogJn >pc.killg .oout Ih. "'''gniiic"n!
th ings of CW . Th" w,; Ih< toun Jing
of Ih. eh",{",,, colll;regJ!!on. About
3,000 new di<c,pb woro b,pti,oJ on
! hat dJ.y ._A<. h, '""r' 1

The congr'l'm"", 1Il d,lr.,,", 10"liti gr.,.. in num!>." the .p<)I,Ie. JnJ ot hen (Om mued 'pedking the
God ... ith I><,IJ,,<\,_ A, reco rded In Ih. boo\: 01 Act,. the
p,c~chmg ">On 'p,o.d throughoulll,,,
M,ditnr,n "
from Bdbylon
IT\J North Afric. 10 Rom. dod p<r
h.p, SpJln.-"o""" ' j t'l', CO',,,


,f ,

... n, U], I P",d ,j)_

Where,-cr people beedm. d"ClPirs,

they formed congfcg.n;{) n,_ Qu,liIi.d, ""ml< ",." " .... JPpOIIlred .,
eld.", or 0'"<'>", to m.m'.m tho
S!Jndard of "ghl t~J(hmg .nd con dun in the <;""grc~." '(}m_ But the)"
did nol <omtnul~' clergy d .. ,,; 'h~)"
WOfO 1I1I1l1"'" ~nd f.llow wO!l." fO!







I (.",",h,." U, "11, Cd,,,, ;,",

, 'I; I r,_k. J ;I _I~_ )I,b"., J: " 1 r,

,,, , H

The "I""tlo' ,m d othe r do,"", ",'wOfk.r<

JS jtOWIlHng body.
They 'ook 'he lc,d in 'he pfc.lchm~
work, Th~y resolv.d problem' In Ih~
J<ru ""lcm (,(l!1g,,~ .. tion_ Tho)" ,,""
qu, lihed broth." ro S"m,,,, .... nd An"""h 1o " r ,"~th.n new behow"
Ih .... Th.y h,ndlcd d i'pule .. boUI
ci,cumeu,o". ><ndmg O Ut theu d~CI
<i<J!' fOf ,II wngrq: .. ioTl ' to "b",rve_
y" th.", m~n w~" nOI m,,(ers 0\'"
",hor< but Woro
",d fdlow
""ork.,, of lh mire congr.g,"on.
_A", 'D, ,,1_1. ~;tJ!S. "nN:



IU Jl ; 10", \; I C",inlOum ),\-0.' I. Z.



The c.rly di<cipb wcr~ iJcn,ilil

be ins "lied ,u"h hy

.. en",,,.. ,,,.

d,,, ,n. prov,dence. They .II", hJd

I<"h ,ng' II,.., d"tl"~u,,hcJ ,h~m;
Ihe,"" W<T. c',lIed lho I".d ",,/; of th.
'1"",1<>. or ,h~ p.ltt<rn 0 1 he .. hhful

"'0<<1., Th" Scr'p,ur.lJ

"~(h"t~ wJl

Cbri .. i~n ... ~r ... ~I<ome in 'he

hom .. of f,lIo .. beheve ..
.. herever 'hey 'ranted

..Iso known as 1M ,n,uh_-}0100

Act! NI, 1101':
"11; 1 T_..,.
. ,: 0'1. J, l T,_~, let), 1 r.." l.l,

a-.. ..

They we , world wid l$oci1uon

of b,oth... umted '0 love. They
wowl.n In,erM( to ,h... fellow be
lieve'I'" Oth.,.
WI>." ""y_
,hili .brwd, fellow belicvm .....
rormd th.m In.o , hom ... Tbey
m"ou,nl high mruhrd of nlo!';ll
conduct, being ~ noly pwpk i<!'p1.m
fmm tt.. "'OIld. Tl>.y kept do.c ,n
mInd tl>. tune for tl>. day of jebov.h', p,,",nce .nd zalotHly matk
public dlarHlon of th.i, f.. ith,


-}olio lJ.}I. 15, U.I1-I', ....,,, \;'1, t1

11.19, ~om>"' 10.'. I~. lJ.ll, T;, .. I,II-I',
HtItwo (0,1): 1),11: I r.... 1 1'".2,'12,
l .,; I Pet" J, IH'; J}oIoo 14_

How ....., .. for.told,. ,reu ."",.

t ..y """'" '0 <kvdop n .1>. <ond
.nd thIrd cenluncs. Thl! f<$Uhed In
l>rg. enurch 'y",.ml t/ut did not
rru;nwn the punty Chul'
lI.. n cOIli'og.t;On al rog..dl teachl"l\,
conduct. O",,,,,,"on, .nd po.iflOn tow..rd .he WO.Id._Monbrw I)
1.)0. )7-<J: 2 n..-...~ d .,... 2_

Jesus foreroJd, thaugn, that th.,.

would be '0510'.. I;on of true wOr'


th. conciu,;on of the .,.... m

of thin,!, J.honh'! Witn ...... be.
h.v. this =.0...1100 c.n br feeT!
In th." wo.ldwide :acclivities in our
urn., about 1,900 y... n ~.., Je.u.'
prophecy. The followUlg p:tg.. w;11
expl>in why_

. llow .. " ,10. u,,,, ... _ " " ' _

f-adod, .,., ..,. dod " ...... '
Hoo. ...

IUt _ _ ............ '

. ..... , I ..... , . . . ", oIoot,~..t..d


.....,. c!I. ...,.... '

. _-..

.... il<.. -

. .. .


Jehovah Gathers and Equips

His People for Work

T hroughout the



Jpo5l~ly h~d

lprc.d throughout the

wlh The mon)' {hu,,)' d.nomm,,
li"nl hw wme Bible teachings but
momly followed hum." mdil ions
and molny CUllOml of he_lhm origin. Ex~U!lOns as 10 the ,e1urn of
Chmt were gcnmlly pUlhtd mto the
Ncksround.--C<>mp.>" M.",~, .. lU~-I(I.

C. T. Ru,,,,U in 1179

Howenr.Jclul h.. d l'Iid to hep on

Ihe ",."h for hll return! One group
dams th ,! ".... \ IOWN in AJleghen)'
(P1tt.hurgh), Pcnnlyiv'''IJ, U.S.A.

In the eldy 1870's Ch.rlcs T~zc RilltIl .nd some of hil ["ends brgln to
make ~ thorOllgh, no"""nom;,,. !,<m 1 study of the Bible with ,eprd to

Chrls!'1 mum. They llloO begm 10

July 1179


E.,I, Croup of Bibl.

S,u6 ", P,,,,bu,,h. P,.

seek Bible truth on m.. n), olhcr b.l$;'

'"-'Lhings. TI11! W.lS tbe !:..oglonlng of
th. mod.,n..d.Jy aCtlvl11eS of Jehov~h'l Witnel~s.-M.>"". 2"2
ThIS group nme to underst.nd
thlt the docn me of the TnnitY;1 no t
Bibli,.1 but Jehov.h ~lon. IS the .1mIghty God .nd Cre.tor; Jesus
Christ ;1 Hil lim cre.luon ~nd only,
begomn Son; ;lIld th. holy spun IS
not ;I perwn but IS God's onvisible
active fOle. _This group uw tlut the
soul is not ;mmort.1 but mom!. rlur
lb. hop<: for the de.d " r'lumcuon.
, nJ th, t tho punHhmenl (or unr.,
pent,nt widt"dncss is mil (ternil tor'
m.,u but .,,,,,h,buon.
J.,us ~,vmg h'l life ., ~ .. n->om fOf
mlnkind I'm S!l to b.o Bi
ble te.chong. Fim, 144 ,000 men and
women. chosen from the hrst century
down to our time. w,1I ~ redeemed
from the em h to be jOint hms with

ehr;,t III the heHenly Kin~dom.

Then through Jelul' .. n)Om bill",",
of m.mkond. the m.1lomy or whom
will be ~,urrecte<J from tho deJd.
will ,ltt.l iTT hum,ln pcrfwton wtlh the
prOlflC'C1 of (veriJ,long life ,m <.. rlh
undo, th~t Kmgdom ,ule.
RU!~11 .nd hi, .l>oc,.tt> .1..., \JW
that Chmt". plti<'Jlce W.l. 10 be In
visiblt. In spmt The Gentll. Tim cI.
duri!l~ which period God's 101'e(((gnty WJI not being <xprr,\~d
thmugh .ny government on the
emh. were to end in 1914 n..n
God's Kmgdom would be e!IJblrs~td
tn he,ven. Thc! INC hon~' .,r< ,,10m 1Ii,d wlih JehovJh" WIIlimeS lOOJ) .
Ru\sell Jnd hu comp.'n,on, In'
MunCt<! these truths f,r Jlld w,d. by
t~lks ~nd pllnted In July I ~79
RU'lcil btg~'1 to publosh lio~',
Walcb Towr(now c,lIed Tht Watch
10"''')' H< detelmlned th.t the
prNching JCl ivuoe, o( tbe Bible Sill'
dent) lhould depend cnmel)' upon
"olunrary cOlltrrbu(10n, ,lnd th.t no
collect ions would b.o uken. Alw, the
mess;tgc should be CJJcui;md throu~h
tn. unp. id, vohmwy ctfort- of tho~
who b.oheved. RU\i<'1I IIl",;.lf tOMtr ibuted from the n ns h. hJd ,lecumul.ted on bUlon",; up to th ,n !lme.
The Bible Studenll g.thcred to
/j<!lier III c!J."", " lhe;, congregJ'
!;On! were Ihen c,lIed. They "'>tm'
ble<J up to th ... !lmCS J wed. for
1"lks, Scripture study, and remmon)'
mw rn ~ . They "subdy elolted re o
spom,blc men ~\ dde .. to supen'i
the sporitu.1 ,cm>!I's of <"II c!J,s.
In IBM Z,on'l W.teh Tower Trm

Soul'~y w'! irl<orpow~ ~! ~ non-

prolil COlpoUlIon In P~nn.)'h~m.l. A

prn"dtnt (111M corporm(ln wu 10
~ dlrd .nnU.llly. Tnil p,ovidtd
.I I~I InmUml'nl, nOt dtPfnd~nl
upon IMI' hl~ of .ny Indi~JdU.lI, 10
,>fry fOn>'.rd Ih~ Sibk ~du,.non.1
work. Ch~rI'i T. R\lI~ll om elmf'd
prc,idl'llf . "J hu office wu loohd
to th~ he.ldqu.lllCrJ.
G,eJI ,from wtrt m.KIt 10 flp.lnd Ih~ wmk 10 othcr counlJlC". II
rea(bed Cln.w .nd Ellll.nd In 1M
wly 1830'1. In 1891 RU!MIIINIk.l
lour of Europe' ~nd ~hl' MIddle E.m
to coo.idt, w,,",1 could be. doo< to
(urth'" 1M IP'~ Iht m.uh Ihnl'.
In ,he uri, 1900'1, bnnch ofrltts of
th~ Society werl' tsl.lblilhrd In Brit
"D. Gc.m.ny,.,1d Aum.l~,
In 1909 Ihc hl'.dqumm of tht
W.lI,h Tower Soxicty W.lI movrd to
Brooklyn, Ntw York, to f\lrrh~rth.
up.lnsion of thl' p",hing work on
.In Kolle. Ir MC.lmt ntetsS;Ity 10 fotm .In .10(1.111' co.po,.non undl'l Nl'w York SWt uw,
whICh" now kl\(lwn .IJ the W.,ehlO"c. Biblt .nd Tr , Sot>ety ofNtw
Ymk, Inc In 191~ Ihe lDI~mmon
.1 B,hle Studtm. A"",,,mon "IS
formrd In London. EngUnd. 100 Iht a(lIv;lin. oof 1M B,bl. S~u
den,! ,hroughou, th. Bnmh Com
monwr.hh. AI p'ele"' \om~ 70
leg.lly fUlIned torpowlomand mer
cl.lllom In mmy COUlll"'. Jround
thl' "wid ... ~rvlng Ihl' pUrPO~l of
Ihc W.,.h Towl" 500:ieI1, All .lIe
phil.lnrhrop\c, be.ln8 .uppcmrd by
volunr.lrr (ontllbuuons .lnd volunleCl ...


[n 1916 C"",,ln T.if RUIOtll dird,

.nd Joseph Fl.lnklin Ru'hf,ford ~U(
emlrd hIm ... p.~;,,,knt of th~ W~I(h
To,,~r Society, Dunn, ,ht (\05i",
y~U1 of WOlld Wu I. !he: Bibk StUd~nlS ,,'Clt ~Ytrcly !Cllro by pt"IIUIlon, drmu~ by Iht wrongful 1m
prilODn,~m of ~Ight brothel> 1<f"lOg
in I~IPOllliblc politionl with tht SoCICty'l htldqu .. ttfl In Am."". The
work of Iht BIble Studenll Ittmro
in )rop...dy, Ho....,vcr, In I'll '1r hut
brOlhm IIItrt rtln~ and uontut~ nd then: I\(IW bosln 8TUt"
up.lnstoo of ,he: prt.KhmJ work
Th.ouSh the Soc:icty'l he~dqu..1m, ,hI' UOlttd body of .Inolnred
Chnlr~n B.ble Stu(\rntJ conllnu~ 10
p.ovKit Ip'ff!wl food II .he ptopet
tinl. for.lI md"ldu.l[1 WIth
rht o'll'Di1 ion, Ju" II t ht (Ongreg.lIon of Illoimro Cltl1i11.1nl Ifl the fir!!
cent u.y conllllurro "Ihe f~lIhful .nd
diK'W Il"vo" m~nlloncd by JOUI, 10
roo the Jnuintro group of drdiwro
Bibk SIud~l1Il. rllglg~ In lhe: KUlg
dom work. nukts up "Ihe F.luhful ~nd
dil(l~1 Il",-." cLul III OUI lime. A,
Jnu,' mmi", 10 lOlpttl ,hI' con8"YIlOD. he found Ihll clus 100 be. prOO"ld
'"8 food foo. lhe domtsllCS of tht
IIou!(h old; he rhen .ppolOtrd JI
0 11 h.. be.lon~lOg\._M'''''''' l'
4!,'" 1Aolo.

...".p, IUt-l,.,.


M.> ... oIIi< ... \909."



Soon .fttf World W.r I, II ....1

dl'.lfly 111 th.r God'l KIngdom by
ChillI ).,UI h.d bcl'n ell.blllhed III
Ihe hl'lvenJ In ['114. So)rsU$' woordl
could I\(IW' IUYe thcir complete ful
fillment "Thil good ncw, of Ih.
kUl~dom WIll be. prl'.lChrd In .U rhe
mh.buttl I'."h I'or 01'1\ nCU ~o .11 Ihe

H,,~ ...

n... rr."'''.,

'''"'92 8roollyll. N Y

World he.dquartttl of

Jehov.h'. Wimr"n,
Brooklyn, N... York,
U.S .....
Upp<r HI:


UP1!":r ",b"

R."d,,,.. boHdi"I'
to.", Iof"

low" ",hI:
Sh;PP'"1 <on'"

n>nons; and then Ih. end will

come." JOi<'ph F. Rutherford took
lh. inili.lllv. to m.h thi. K,"~dom
m~$;Ig ".il,ble to on even SfMcr
nun\~r of Pffiple.-Mato"'" 2Hl .

HcnH. th. Society didrdlo do III

own pllntlng U-Im& v"lunlen worke!s
",ho wcre dedic.ut<! men, in Old" to
cnlUfO ronmo! production of Bible

hterature .t the IO"'til !X!ibl. COlt.

AU Bibl. Studentl wcre cncout1ged to
how. r.gul.! slIMe in pr chmg the
good news of the Kingdom. R.di"
b'(),ldnstmg of BIble ,"lks WJI uKd In
num~r of Wnm,iel
Pnor to 1918 the 8iblt Studenl!
undmtood th.t their purpolt


prc1chm& ""S to piner the rem,mlllg

ones of thOIUhOl<'n 10 M wllh ChIli!

In 1923 ~ [tudy of J" u.\' p... bl~ of

the lh~p and the go.!! .1 Mlllhcw
25'31-46 ;howcd th.1 rrior to Arm.
gcddon righlwu,ly dilpo~d pearl.
no! '" hnc fO/ !h. hN"eniy Kmgdom
would ~IIO &lin God'; ~PP10""1 .nd
would lul'll". Armogeddon. In 1935
furthn Iludy lhowcd rh~>c Ihrcphh
prople to be idcnllc~1 with Ih. grelr,
unnumbered crowd of people d.
ICribcd at Rtveblion 7:917. Thc>e
were to be "rhem! our of.1I nwon.
.nd would hive Ih. PIOlpeCl of lUI"i"ing rhe Gr ! Tribul'1I0n dnd
g.ming .".rl:lltmg li f. on .mh. Thll
undermnding gre" rmpeWI !O
lh. pre.ching work.-J<>hn ro,r.
In 1911 rhe Bibl. Studeml adopted
lhe rum. ]tho".h's Wimme!. Prior

jelu! in huven and to ..un th. world

of God's earning judgmcm. Linl.
thought w.s gIVen 10 g.thering tho>e
who would IUl"i". Ih. end of Ihc

th ... lo Ihey Wert known 'I Bihl.

Students, InlelDmOn.1 BIble SIU'
denu, Milknni./,l D.wn people, Jnd


.ven RUi 5clh tei .nd

Rutherfordnc.l. None of thue n.mel
properly id.ntr fied them. Whd. ,he Chml;.n, gIven (0 Je\u!' drICI'

wicked IYllem 10 li"e on

wlh. Thcn flom 1918 onword the "Millions Now lI"lng M.y Nt,,er O,e!" W~I widely presentl.

W.lch Tow.r people. They "'ere


1'1" by d,vme p,ov>.knu

thc liN
untllf)', lUI (w.mly .pplk.ble, It
"'.1 .l~ be>"; IIIof'd by ""m)' "roul"
101101'11"" 1.11<: te.. bm~\ To dtltln'
~U l lh I hen"d,'" frolll the ,,,,Ihom of
nom,,}.1 Ch,ilt .. n'. thc'c h.d w hc.
n.IlTK' lh.1 "oold dlllln,lil' idenlify
Chn'I"llTue lollo,.efl In Ihll oily.
'" lOm,UCIlU<)fI of lhc Su'ptura
m ..1e ,k.. thot ("o'tn .u Jthov.h h;od
e.llrd h" propk Isr.rl hll wnnCII<'I,
W hll ~plt~! the (OndUlion of lilt
')',IOm 01 Ihlll~l, WOO were dtt/i,.I
rd 10 m.kmll hll IIoIIIl\' .00 purposr
known, ~hou1d "lIhtl), be c,lIrd Jtho,.h\ Wnnn!'s. Th'l ! h., prop'
erl)' d"tUlgu" hed Jehov.h's lrue
Ch"ll!.!n wonh,pm from .11 olh
." ,.111) <lIOn> to Ix ell.", ... n HIdI)' ._1'>alaI IJ.l~. (,.,uI, ~ \


IB 11

In 19~2, durin" World W n.Jo'ph F Kmhettolu d,rd . nd N.lh.n

H. Knorr l"nrrtkJ h,m,l president
01 the W.tch Tower .'ioriet). The
p,ophcue' "crt now ittn 10 mdic.r.
ckuly Ih.t IhCfC "'ould be. post"'''
pl'flod 01 rei.>u'e pe.ot .nd f,ctdom
1h.t wuuld .lInw for ~rcll up;tn>lOl]
of the pr..,hing ,,'olk before the cnd
of thl' 'I',lem. In Fd>ru.r)' 1'I~3 Ihe
\l'lIchto"'tf Bihlr <;.honl of Gik~
..... nllbhshrd 10 I... n fullume min
11W1 lor m,ssion.H)' "'o,l on fom"n
<OUtlines. L"el Ih.l )'c. , . sp!(,.1
mi,,"l')' tr.lnln, pf~rjm ....1 .ddrd
to tht """kly n]""tin~ i<hrdule of
Jeoo,.h" \I' im~!.tl
I" 1950 ,he Soc"'I)' Mp" to re
Iwt )lQrtion$ of the l\!rv. Wor"
TrMml~flo~ of fhl 1I0ly Smp"m,.
nlOJtm-Englilh Bible tr.nlLnion
mld~ from ,ho o,,~m~II.n&u."t

le~tl. Th" auuwciy rendered. o"y

IG-undmund Bible, producnl ~t low
(Olt on the Society'l pl~1.CS. ~ bn
l ,rClt .id III the prt.>Chlnl .... or~
To dlIo. ovel 40 m,lhon copici h;o"c
I>n pubh\heri in 11 Il nl\u.~n.
By 1M ~nd 01 1'185. m(lle Ih.n
thr~ minion Jehov.h'l Witne""
were Ih.n"! on the preJthing ,.'O,k on
morc !!un 200 bndl ,00 'I!.nd. of
lhe se . For tht Memowl of CI\ln!"1
dellh, the m""WI~ .... i'h the gtWc.11
.l1endlncc of Iny held on Ih.,1 49,716
rongrq.lio'll du"n, 1985 lot.1 of
1,~2. 109 pc""nl ,.'ert p,uonl.
Th., God 'I truly u"n~ Jeho..h',
Wit H"!>:1 ,~ sn 111 theor conlOnUlll~
to k""p 'Clive on ht, "rvicc. in th."

,.'Orld.. Jd,c Un'I)', on 1M"

Ld .. bow ......" ... h,

J. f. h,lw,r",4

le.1 lor

upholdmg Jeho,.h, ,nd

p,(.~h,"~ hOi K,n~dom. ,n then
clt.n mOflllllnJJldl, 111 their .cetp
I. nee of the .nltrC Bible IS
II1f.llible Won! . nd tn thoir fTCCdom
flom luptmmon .ltd Ip'''lI1m.


TM {ollowll1~ 1<'000ru 1110.... ho...

you t.n bendlt from tnil le.lOrmon
of true worship ot God.

....K~'_" S"""r"'
....., po'''.

"9<, .. 1

bJ 001,.",."

\II'''' boN. Bobk

" .. ""'" .lbtuIoI..""d.'"
.. ,,,,,,,~...
'II' ...........,.....J ........... ,..... ,...
WIt _

1;><,_ .... I'U'

,10. 1<""9 oj

....It "I'" ,,,,hi.!
..' ,. 101,.. ",... HIor

l~ , ... " bt ....t

""",",td B.,1t

... dl~'''' ,~



p'''r- _
" ..l l
,..,.._ ..,~''''"'
. ........... (..d',
'w ...-""'"

.... ......

. 11'.., , . . _ .... ,.., __ ~.~'

'" 11'100<"''" .... _

.. ,1\.0, Cod .. ' ............


s., .. W \d r" I......

~f ~ .bI,.

no'" robl".,J

'" II I'"J"'."


Congregations for Building Up

in Love and Unity
Y au



"tcnd~1 KIm. con.-

g ..,.lIon m.."mg' of Jehov,h', W lI-

"'j"', "'J'

wh." you I",. 1'(0'

pl. from .11 walk. of I:f.~famil)'

groups, . m1\[< pIplr. old .nJ young
_we .. th.". Thoy we all unll.d m
th." wonb,? .nd
Inr..r"cd on
helpmg oth,.,.
In .ny .".n~."'.nt w]-ere L.,rgr
numb<:. of peopk dwr. to work .,
unity, th." n=ls to k $Om. ,uP<"-;110!], God i, God of ard.r. hence,
rh. t ol<kr .hould b< ,dl."ro In tho
congrr~'Tion of hI) Pffiplt. A, in rho
lim n tury, JO tod.y, qwhfied. m. -


lure, .nd <xpcrlcnccd Chlllt1.1n me"

.r< d'''8n.1II dd.". or ov.,,,,,,,,
Thn. ,upc'.'''' Ih. <o"g"&OIioll .od
look .ft" it< .pirim.! nffil< . The)' .r.
..... ted by oth f.uhful n.n known
" miniS'e.",] ~rvmt . Thn. m.n',."
c.,vo no &.lUI)' Or oth .. tit",", ..1 bend;! but ", rYe, m ting
th ... Own 'XPC"~" u.u,II:1 f,o'" $<'Cub, emp!oymcn1._1

(;~ ,," ,h,,",

n . ~. rh, hpr ;'n> 1 I. 1 T "_~11,j.'


How ~'c ,h.", ",lee,,,,J? Thc~ n<~d

b< f.ithfu! ..,Y,n!, of God who
diiplJy ccm", Scuptur.1 qu.hfic.
tiono. Som. of ,h... ;ur: b<ing ' mod ewe m h,bi" . .outld ,n n"nd. ordorIy. ho'piu ble. qu,hfi",J '0 'o"h, .nd
..,I<)l\.bl.; nOt b<,ng lover 01 money; pfr.iding oyer hi , household in ,
Nne m."ncr; not b<ins 'lCwl~ <onm.n; h.Y,ng fin. ,emmony
fron, tho><: on ,he ou,.,do'; 'holdlng
firmly '0 th. f,ithful word .$ re
.prell ,h. ~f1 of fc.chmS.'-1 1,",_


01'1 J J t!; T'M 1,7'

,r< nm

The .. m.n
vo,,,,J mt o of
fice by lh. eon~ ..g'1Jon, where lh.
m'lority nughl often b< "ower eh",
t .. n!. IUth.r, ,hey
by m,{ure .nd uprflencod ",on who
Jr Iderl .lI1d who h,ve cllscernmellt
,! !O ,h. degr ... to wh,ch ,ho .. COilnl<<I"'~ the Scnp,utJl requi .. n,.nts. Then Jppo'ntmenti of
.IJ." ' IIJ m,nil,,,i. i ",rY,nll
m.d. und .. the , Up<"'1\10n of Ih.
Gov.""ng Body of )e),0,.h'5 Wi,




o.-n-,., ,n",..,.


.ODJKJ ....... uk. ,b, Iud m

pradu"" from ...........

hou ...

<"""",. by


ond up.oof wh." nndnl

n....... ,his follo";1\& ,ho pm.,n .."

by 1M Chrim.l" c<q1rplion ,n ,ht
fint cmtu'l
Thnr dd.... ,



ovrr .......

do 1101

rnn"Uu/< ..
el.... ,hty,~ noc
m...." .. 0"'" O\h .... AI}""I !old,:any
",ho"k.,h.l d mu" be ,h l.av..


.U. In ,h. CO"Itq:llIon of J.ho ... h'.

Wilnen. ,It.: ,1<1<" n. truly fdlow
..",un for the Ki",dom of God
-M ......... 10.10. 21. 1l,11I. ~_,
U-I: I
I,), '.1. 1. c~'_ _

c.. ..._

' , . I n - "'''.. loIl14

A. onnttl"l, ,hey .... ptrvi~ 'M m'tructlon provided .It mun;, ..nd
uk" ,he kId In It.. pKKhi", ,,"v;,y.

P,.xhm, ,"" ,000 _ . of ,h. K,,,,dom ,h1Oll;"0", iu ~ntd I.m'ory

is .. I>';m"y ob~iyt of 1M COG-

0............. ho Jf'rv. 0,
,hoph"d., vi.;,i", _mbon of ,""
co",r~."on '0 cncou,.sc tMm ...
n~od, M",1>.w RIO; ",-" 1.1. I Tko-

.. ~. :,11. 11. ) ,]4, II: 1 Tn_In- I

"-1 . lid" I)-Pel-I-Il'.; , ' ' ' "
, H

Tlw.kItts .1.., Iu... ,ho. mponsibd

"J' '0 "'PIOV' ~nd .odmlnlS'~ dlJci.
pli ... 10 ~n y ..I>o .... J' bo (ollow,,,, ~
wro",(lIl COIII"'.md ..1>0 =1 prac.m
dong '0 ,h pln, ....1 .nd """'31
<k.n~~.OO tho IIn;,y of I h. cong .....

c..--. ....


I. '. " " .

R~I.&, ~"",,"UOD .'IIh ,h.o 00<1.

)'01J 6M follow

,"p"Qn will g,n

,hIp .nd m."J' .plfi.....1 bondit .

-,..... J' ", _~, 10
. , . _,",,,, .Iot dI_ 01 ...t. .o..t
q ....' - ,
1,; ............ ,,, ......... __ ..10<",1'

Wb _


,.... '


Meetings for Inciting

to Love and Fine Works
lit ~Jrly Chrllll.lnl mel to,:Clhtr.
ulwliy In p", home" to KrelH
mmU(llCln ~nJ cn"... urbu'IJ'n~ td-

"'''''.hlp. TodIv . un~r~'t'onl of Jrh<',h', Wl!n~1C1 mC'tllhrl'f IImel J

"'k You ~r. mnlt<! to ~u.nd Jny ot
thne ~!lngl, 111.11 moc1'''I!' no!
rII\UltSlI<. bu1 they torul on diYu~


""',>"on ConMJtlOll munl,.n:

o~nfd .nd d<ttl ... uh !.On~ .nd
P'Jyt'r Aucndlncc IS (rH . 00 no
rollliolll m' ,.ken._At" 4,lJ.J I; 14

EId ... ,"""ooc,;",

.....,,_, Su,cI,.

u...". S,,'"

:2. tl ll. )1, l-.. ... "'\; CoIo>, .... , ~II

I'crlupllht hru ml'fung 111.1 1 )'00

411<11<1 w,1I br the 43 mmutc public
[.Ik, dullng wilh lIibk uxhi"gi.


or (ounlfl on Chrllt ... n

FolJo .... mg Ih,! ull, Ih.,. 'S

ituJy of Ih. Blbk. UllnS ." .rud. '"
Tbr WIlI(~IQlI'lr flul is <spec.., lIy deIljtnro for ,on~rC~'IIO" Mudy. The
IIUd) fotio"'l rha iilrnlll; A pm
gllp), from T1JI 1f'~ lIbluwr II le.d,
~nd tht co"dunor PIOp<lUlld l q Lltlloans 00 Ihr ""It'''') Ih~1 Ih o~ in Ih~
ludicn,c m.y "OIUnICCI 10 lnswt,
by rlisi"g ther l ),." d. UiUl ll y loI'vcrJ)


1'0, ..

B.... rth. T, .... u.s .......

boo;], ' .... d.." by

J.h<>v.h', '1',,"".....

commcnn lie g,,tn on <J<h 1"'".

gllph. Thr m~lIng lim one hour.
Lnel on in rho: ",'~k. 1"'0 other
45 'm1nUlr m~llngi .Ire htld Onr II
rho: ThrocwlC Mmlilry Sl-hool It
provl.ltr ll.mrn~ On ho .. to gl/her
.......;,,1 o n Biblo sub"" . . . nd . n

IrJ,h II dfccrllrI}'. Follo"'mg 11

mmuros of 1pC'C",1 instruction. IIU,
dtnu .. hn l1'< .'II/tllt'd In .dv.Bo,r
give lhon prt1tnWIOn!. Mr., .l,h
IChool 1n!lrudor
glvu coonwcllhowmg how rhe "utkn, =)' impron. ,x"'.'.lltutbookl
hivt ~n prrl"',,'d fot u!ot '" ,h"
IChool. ThoK who l~ul."ly lllr"J
mtlngl 11\.1) enroll. pm.,.idrd ,hey


.Ire bvtOg to.I tlIJI jnortf, wllh

Chm,,,," p"",ipl.5.
TIl. mwmg Ihol fol low! II [.llIed
Ih. Ser"ict Mer ling. It consi,!> ot'
Ihroe 01 fO Ul p.rrr . Ih.lI de. i "',Ih
prtltntlng tht good n. ...1 from hom.
TO hou~'1 wtll '5 other f lulei of
tilt mmillry. These PH!> .I'e pr"",m
ro '1I.llh. drlCuIlJOn!. Or dtmoolttJ'


IV.II,dom Ih ll .;11
yon.... ' COUII,n .,

,ions, .. i,h oom< ~ud,<n<o ""nod",,

lion. MlKh of the P'OS"'" .. b.a~
on ",,,,, .. I found In 0.,
,"'" M'MtJrry four-pooge uutruclion shw publishod n,oll,hly by
w.tch Towtr So"e'y.
The thud m,i"l II we.kly
.rudy hold In u ..... ]]" ,roups, IISu.oJIy ,n p"""e hornn throu,hout .he
eongrog.t"on', ,rttory. Thelludy il
b.a..d on ,h. B,bl nd. rem book
publi,h.d by ,h. 500;:,.ty. Sme. the
,'OUp IS smoll.r, tho,~ IS beltt!
opponuni,y for .11 '0 ~'" in ,h.
d'KuUlOn, .nd ,h.r. il' filM' opportunny (or those ,n .nend.>na ,0 ,.,
ben.r ocqu.i",.d .. nh one .no,h .
Molt <ongrt,."on, hold thm
mewn" ,n' Ki~'" H.n built hy
J.hov.h, Witn ........ Tho CO$II If"
rov.,ed by rolunt ., contribution,
from ,h. WII"e, ..s themsd vtl, .nd
i ll n,OIl ('1'1 the wo,k "don. wi, h
out lh, by volunt. wor ke,..
Contribu,ion bous 'f<' .v~iubLt at
.U munp for ,h. u.. of those who
w"h 10 conl"bo.t".
Conllrcgmon mungs hdp J.hav,h', Wit ".~I'O (QUow the coun ..1
at H.b,.wslQ:24. lS: "Lt. uHonlid., OIM' ,JIO{h 10 'rKil. 10 loT. and
filM' wo,h, not (on,l,"1 ,be p'M"
"" of oun.lvc:s IOS<ther, ;II 50=
h,ve th. omom. bUI oncou..,i"l
on. ,,,mhcr . nd .U,h. more .0 . 1



lwei behold ,h. <I.oy dr.wln, nu ."

WIwo I",.." of .... ..,. Chn __ ......u..>

<..... _

......... Jfo ...... ~

...r t _!

o.r.......bOI ~ ........rd,ho....."", ,h_

... "'" hold


. ..... -.."" .................... '




Congregations Organized
for Preaching God's Kingdom
W h.n

on omh, j<IUl Ch,"1

the KIngdom of God, ~omg

hom ,;lll,. !CI vill.1g. lnt! from city

to CIty. H. .. Iw Wined and ~nt out
h,s drlerpl to do the loOm. work.
Strm. ' KrndillJ 10 h.""cn, hr comm.lndtd hll folJowm 10 nuke d'KI'
~ of prople of III tho IUlionl_ From
III HI}' In'pllon, the <early Chmtun congr~llOn ....., orglmU'd fo,

prr.chmlt the good n.wl. Whelen.

,h. dll{ ' rl~ ..<m, rhq would \)(
found pr chlng lh. Kingdom of
Cod, """ .... qr,ll; 10,'-11; tu~. ZO,
L.... "J . ~. '1, 1~:It; M" I:'; 0.)1,

PI. 1:11, ,t,l. :U),.IO. li.


" In, j '

In Jnul' prophtcy on [h. conch.,

11011 of Ih.,yil('m of Ihlng~. h. mIni
"ThH Itood m"l of ,h. kingdom will
~ prc,I,hcd In ~II tho inluhitC'd nnh
for .. wilneS! 10 llllh, mllom; .. nd
,h.lllh. cnd .. ill rom.: This pr~Jch"
'"I il ~ pumHy ob ligllHm of

tilt Chrlit..,n
_M..'''''-I '

p..och,nl God',
K.iD~dom In .."iou.




101 .... 11, 10

WOl'ld ....x, III COIIllCJ-1UOIIS of

JthoVlb', WIUl<~ lrt orgMUud 10
covcr lhc" 1oc~1 '"'~ SYIICITUUCllly

wllh Ih. prt.chlng of til. good new,

arCad', Kin~oo",_ So lb.t il will bt
done In In orderly ITUn nel. ,n 'J,h
coun lry the br.nch olb,t of the
W.lch Tower SOUtt)' uilgnl 10
.very cOII,rq.mon .n H fO\' wn"
nClio"g. Tht con~"g.>1 '011 d,vidu
tNt wrnory ~"mtnt Into im.lltr
ponionl. wh"h 3ft Ihtn ,~slgncd 10
Iho~ who w;ll llke tho rtlpons,b,lil)'
10 l thJt lht propl r. ".lIell on.
I c",,",hu",


Th. WIlnn!<1 1I111,lIy conl.K I pocob~ gOing from houl. 10 hou~,

Al Ih." cOIIgrtg.luOll mttungl, Jt
Witn~1 Nv. oon ""ncd
10 rn.>kt lhon pr.~nl'li()111 ot lil<




Kmgdom m(!501&t ,t tht doors, IIlmg

th~1r 8tbln. Tilt: Witnmes r~rry Bi
bit IMmllr~ to !r,ve wuh tm: hou~
hol&u who WWl 10 ~'m gte'ter
knt)w]rdgt of God'i WOI'd
In OI'&r to Si.~ everyone 10 Ibe
mTllory ,n opponunuy to m:~r the
,mparr,nr Km&oom m(w.,t;e, lhe Wit
ne~1 krep. dmilrd rfCord 'Ilhey 10
from hou.\( to hou.\(, mdic,"n~ where
prople werc "ot ~t Irome Ot where for
some olher rtJson il '0'" not pa~lb]<
to gIve. Ihor()u~h "'lineS!. A e.JI ... ill
be- nude U moth"" lilT\(' Where ,merest U. IIto_n, ItIlI II norrd, .nd the
Wilnmn retu." to provtdt.>ddliroru.l
Su'ptur,r Inf<)f~lIon_ rf rlourd,

~uw Bible ... tll bi: conduetl'd.

AU 01 Ihtl il done fr of ch,lfge.
Jdl<),.h'~ WII"mn ,Iso offer m'gnmn to ~1t'1$by on 1M "'''.TI. In
thll ""y they ue .ble to (OnU(1="Y
prople IMy might nor find" home.
,\ ".1 rfi"not " ,m,t. to ,rId, Ollt to
everyone who wtll h ,._",,, 11:17,
"'.. LlI .... I'", 7; II, 17.
Why do Ihe WilncliCI kp c,Uing
when thc m'IOflly do not show .ny
inlerell~ It "'I bn found llul tM
.IIWlion of mdJvodwls oflen clungel
.nd they rnponJ pcKit,,'d)' on .noehe, Villi, or JOfIIt' oth., penon of
the hwit'hold ""'Y M mel who .in
$ho ... IntCrell.
Jnul Aid 10 h" dtM:lrkl: "Kp on.
then, !k'rIJ fim lhe kl~oom .nd
hi! nlhlrot.llllffl." The preachm, of
COO', KIngdon' pl.;ryr "iul p.>rt in
our Iktnll lim Ihe Kingdom. md
Jehov.h', WJtr~ISCS In,ke lhls, \'Cry
,mporunl objet-live "1 thell 1t,,"1.
-~"' ...... .

.'), 1 f.-tl, II
....., _k <III.... ' .1OtI , .... , .... 0.-..".,,,

.... "".....&.:I ro lit . . . .1-., .. _ 40,'

......... _"""'"

11000 .. U. 1"......... "".",

~ "" ,Iw ., .....,

of,. ..u,

I"',........ poopJr

" . . . ,'" ...., , " ' ..... 00 ........ '

Rejoicing and Praising God

at Assemblies


F rom 'M .,fly 1880', .he B,bl. Stu-

"Ib, d,,,uninn., .nd truc-,o-Irf.

p"''''Dl.. ",n, (".IIn.! d.mon.",!>on.,
p...... nr-d by tr.v.h~ ovc,..,.." .nd
'lU.hbod Wnnn.on from cong'cpV~ ..o... 0 .... abo rd...... up... cncn abou, how ,bey u. m"~ 1M
cluJlt",. of liv",,- Ch ... u.. n. W
I.... United SUI.nd b,... godlm ",'oo-Id 0. whot ......111 thc-y ...
IJQ hom c"rud.I. T...... '""cr. prriod. h"'Ing to .he ""n""l'_ A, d,mKt
of 'p,,,,u.ol .cf.mmc... , for kVc .. 1 cOnvcn,,,,n, ,hcT' i, .n .ddu;",.. 1
doyo inltn,i,-. Bibk tn<tNcuon wu f .. ml._hv< pr...,n, io", in .he
form of B,bl. dr>1IUS Of d,. ..... in
p'O\'odcd, .nd.1I enJOYed I dd'lIhuu1
modcm-dl)' W1.tmgl. dcpKung how
intnr"'n~. of mc"'~,",.m.nt 8.optum of ....... bdinte,. broom rq:- eh"" ... n. cop< wnh problem. ,hey
f.ICc ,od'l'_
.. L" feat ..... t (OnHOllon', ConnnllOnl We" .1.., !lot<! to gi,..,
AI ... ",.. I nd
hmc"" .lIe
more,ivc .. nn<U to the publIC. provided. fn ....... 11 contribulion
Th ...110"" for <,,)O).bl. r.lloww"p
Tocby Jehovah"s WlInen enJOy when m"np .... no<'n >Clo>lon, All
''I;uJ.. ~mblin._ U..... lly <!bout 18 the ...or); Involnd In optr>lIn, ,I>c,c
to lS oo~,~tiom ar. ,,"ouptd ,0- .'........ done b)' volun'tfl$ r,om
~ ... "" In who, = c..tltd c;tnti,.,
'1l10III Jcl\ov.b, 11'"'>C<On. The cO>(
whICh .,. ""uo:<l. or It'.....d. by tr... of .hc f. cllllia .nd Olhcr UPO"'" ...
Ionll O".r~.". TWKe , y. eir- COV<Ted by volun .. ry contribu'ron .
(un .SSI'mblio .r< urlU~cd .. h.r. Admiu .. n ij f..... ~nd no roll<' ...
the (O"''''PIIO''' In
01 !WI .rc
<it<u; .......... '''Inh., on SatYou un find our from ,he 1001
urdoy.nd Sund.y_
conl'"",lIon of J'bor-.u.', W,,~...
Once ~ Y''''. Iargn .h., Of four- "'b." .nd wb. .. ,""" p,hc"np ...
do)' (OII\"(nli011', c~lJc.d
coa- ",hcdulcd In rou ..... lnfo.n .. "o"
'<"II"on . .I ..... r.JI1.n! In eh coun- ... ,11,1 ... bc providnl.abou, .ny ,u.d
whc .. Ihou .. nds <:.n be ~.lIh.rrd "'n~cm~n". ~ ...ell .s hew .0 obtOj:t1h<, ., on. plM:e. Th .... '011V.n
' .. n 'OOm"l~ .lC<omtnnd.>uom .
ion. providr
upbujldln~ fo,
T ...........mblr.. .>nd (On,'CnllOm
Jd",,.h', \li'"..... .rnr:I OIh.n W,ft- help ~ho,.h, W",JC<>c< ... nd aU .......
.... n! '"
K,m.IO,.nd .....y .ho c:U.tu.. ....lIh ,hc", .0 ..... bo-yond ,bnr
lo'\"(' publit ..-n ..... {O"6rtylron .>nd .0 .pp...... ,,,
Thor p'''Il,.m for .hnor ....,mblie$ ,he ... hoIe """'LlII')fI of .herr bloch.nd con,.".ion. " prep,,,ed by d .. cr, In 1M .. orld.~l P....-: 11,
Govc,nmg Bod)" of J.hov.h', Wu0 """,, _ . " dod ,10< ..... WoIot ~ ....... ,.
fIC<"' ... oJ " b.a...d on
n<), of ,II.
Il"'"UM'''''' world ..idr. It (00"'10 of on .... --W .......... ~,~, , ...... _

j;lW ,h.t. in .dd;,i,," 10 Ioc~J

mc-cung'. II wouk! Ix" bondi<i.oJ fot
' .... m 10 hom~ ;K'QU.,ntM wj.h
, .... " ftl1o ... bebevn. from 01 .... '
.n;n So thory' ~n !O~".nll. yo.dy
","ymUOn. of Biblt Studtnu from












... ..,,,...

"- ,


Traveling OverseersFellow Workers in the Trut h


Ch""LlO COflI:'flmon Olf

1M." we." Ir.,-d,,,!


""U~ (Olllrt&~IIORi
10 buIld ,h"m up. Thtylavc of ItKmxlva, not 5kinl ptnorul ~In, ,1\.1,




,hey might htlp ,host in Ihc conll'''_

,.,ionllO conlinue .... lk,n8 wOllhily
of God.-...." l(,nll, Inl.ll, jU2.
l~'I.lHl, Ph,I ,N'''"' H6.U./!, I TIl.... '
"",=, Ull.

Tod.Jy ,he'llonl of JdlO'

y.h'l WitnHltS .IUI ,oec,v< 1M b(n-

di,. of ' nhn, ow/seen. Thnt

men 1\.1'1. INOY re.n of upe".nc.

In ,''',,,, .n,"I11". of Jeho h', Wi,n...." .nd IS ov.nrs.

Th~ frml ,hem... I"n Olf !.C(ulo.
wOfk .nd hooJCoold .HponlJbihlln
so .hor!My Cl)U1d off th.n'JCI."llIl
Ihe Cull-time minimy. FOII~ ..1Io
m.rried, ulu.l!y the ""Vts luve
l l.., ,h.,td on ,h. monilrry lull ro",.
wi,h Ihm husbmds.


A CltOIl'

ove, ...c,

II '1!I,nl'd 10

e, for. circuit ",uh .bou, ]8 ro 25

[); ... ic, O' '''S'
. dd' hIU' r;Kwi.
.... m bly

~ ..... ~OO ~h

,..., lil'St century.

<o"S"s.uion . H. VU'l< e~h cong

,~!lon '" ,he circu" ~bou, ,wic. ~


'wo o h," yeJU II

to .molher circuI, ]n Ihl!

<ong~lIons Un bench.
V"Y"'II upc,,.,n..e ~"oJ .b,l

from lhe
'lin of d,ff... nl mn", On,,",,.
The UICun ov.. """ d,kl 11110
Ih p"itu.1 condillOl1 ollh. (0118'"
I.t.ltion .nd ill ~Cllv'ly. He ~IYCI sev
Cf.II.lki 10 ,h. cong'("j!'!lon .1",1.1><,
mnt. with Ih. dd,f1; .nd mln",.".1
se,,'.ol, 10 con",ltr how Ihey ""
,mPI"Q\" ,h." Ie'V,,' 10 lhe "onj(""

Dunn~ lhe wk bofh he .00 hll

w,fe, If hell """...t, aaomp""y tI,.,
Joe.] Wnnnsn. helping .hem 101m
pro,'. ,n lhei. houK-I()ohou-c m,n,,
Iry. He .00 lill wlf. w,lI .II", ",t"
"",,Iy mmn,cd propl. 10 encouf"8"
them ,n ,h. [,1i,h. You (.In .Ilk fOf
,uch .. ,'"It,
The dLsttiel overseer Ii.. ''"111.1,
!piruu.1 qUJllfic.ltio", .nd b"k
~,(lund nf "pc"ene. He lr.vds
from ci,cuitto (lfrUII, .ende"ng se.
v, e"h ",rtk ,n con""" ..nn ... "h

d '
Ci",_il 0.... .. &i-.
,,,mue,ioo in p,ueh,,,, ffOOI
hou .. ' 0 hou ... ,.Ik to
con~"J .. ion tid .. , . i,i, 8ibl.
"udi with n ..vly in"'.iI.d
on .. , .ddr... con&"",,"on,
.h '''CIIl! ~ ...n,bh _ H.
~IIO work In . ' " lidd

Jnd ),,,
wi,h .h.t W"rlnln ,n on. of ,IK

. . ,r.


cong,e,.';o" s of
meull h. " viI_
"'ng. ! k JUpt'v"., tho 1i",,1 P'CI"'."
lion of the cor""U ..~mhly pf("f.m
.nd lI,yn Kv.r~ 1 ulh du,,", the .,_
",mbJy. IncludIng ,h. pUblk ulk

When rh.t !f.n!!n, ovrrs.ccnluve

conc1udtd ,h.i, villt In cong'cgl_
lion Or 0 circUli. ,h.y contInue on
10 ""'U .noth.t., follow,"" 'M "'Me'
Khfduk. until III con_.e&luonJ Or

."rult! h.I ... ~n v",ned In .bout .. ~

mon,h" ,htn ,hoy bq;ln over '8'1"
In m.ny coun,,, .. ,he m,cling
Ovclitt" tf. .d by en o. uot publir
u.nsport.uon In mI.., eO\ln'nel
, ... y ....1",.. .. '*=yd. Or e"en .... lk.
The Socor,y rov." ,h. ,,,nspo'lauon
<xpo:nses of ,h. n ..rJt118 OV.r .... ' .nd
.bo provideo hIm .nd hi, wife widl
InI.. 1I .110"'.".< for ,h... ptnoru l
nm:iJ UI .... JJy .he u,,"eh"/I OVe"",
.nod hi. w,t ", provodcJ wllh rOOm
Ifl~ .Kconllnod...uons ~nd 1fK~1. by
mcmbtn of c~(h CO"I''1'lio".
This ."VICC .. II. for spiril of
"'I{ ...,,;fi,. Tht u,vchng OVClStI
3nd l!of" WIVtl ... dol<rmlntd 10
"nd", , h." ...... i<. '0 ,Iw """P"5-"
110m wnoout pIKI"1 .n nprn.jv<
burden On \hom._1 n..-Ioo.~ ...


, Wh." ." ''''1''''_ .. "'''"-"1 .."..,,'

.. ,'" l"~ ... "." Clu,~". ''''''l,,_1

, 'Ioor .... " ................. ,o.J., .... _
............ ".011.. kit ,... _'"'~
D.."obo ,100 .... M. 01 ,100 .""......

4u<, ...........

,.Dd _ ,...., ....

""_ _~""~~


Full-Time Ministers Spearhead

the Preaching Work
P o,bly ,he h", nne (.1 JdlO",h\

boul'J or

Wlintun!O "U On you ..... IIdl

11m. PI()1l' ""0ISl" or million

~ .... ~ in il ... l!. TM full-II"'" n""'''el

.fY _StnCC Jchonh's W"r.,o,c, Jo "'" p.llll m'">lffY. you O"y h.".
WQrnkrrd Ill)'" 1II"", p<'<lrlr <ould .n

g", 10 ,h. ",,,,,my f ull 'Ime

All oneha" ,h', Wlln~"1 who .r.

d.d i<"rd .od b.JP" lo:t!.t<:
bu. the gr re! numbC'r h,. f. m,iy
or mh .. obl'gJwJn. I ~ " prr"rnr


lhMt rrducnl,"pm~ ..,!b p.>n-llmr

work .00 ,hen devote J,COO hou" or
OIlor yr., 10 'M IIl1o'lIIy.

lof" Gil.. d 5<11001

<I. ,,'oom.
8rooklyn,I'l v"

Ri~h t:

turh,nl Cud', Wurd
in P.pu . l'l~ .. Guin..

True. th. fulH,mr I'",'n, """".

lef! do nol n.V( .1 muc~ mon.y 10
Iptnd On rhem", I"<I. b.! In rh<m
rh" II w. y of k.k ",~ j"'t G,Id',
KH, ~dom And thf)' r(,tiv( mlny
bh,mg'. JUSt bo:'n~ .bl< to to
mhm .1>001 Goo's Wonl lor 'KI

mon,h". hno uP<"-

'mp'm... hUlk,n In Iht m"ml'l ,00

.Iso tu.. lit. unK 10 follow up on
,nlorr" pt'Qp<,ly. Th .. p,oduce, vely

,nuirl. ':'h<y hJv. ",hJI

II1.y Ilri m.o,uily nd lh.y .p.

I"WJtf "(ry much "hJt rhry bJ'.,


them d.,'ollng nlO ,lLIn. few

houri ....... ~ 10 ,hoi, ml."U)', Hnw.
eYe'. t hou""nd~ of Wxnnk' ,h.
h.". CuI b.J:k on 1M"
,umbrd of 11",",.0 Ihor c.n '0".'


M. "I~."Jl


In Frbru.,y 1'143. ,h. WJtch To,,'c"Jbli ,bnl the W'II h,,,,,-


., B,bl. Sthool Ot GtI.,.1 Th.

pu,p<!" ..." 10 "JIn uptfi.nCfd
lull" ..... poono:...- m'"Mr" 10 .... " .... ,
m,I1,On.lrt ... on fo'''g~ {Qunlt,. . Th.
h.'monlh COU, .. COI1l,m of (on
CflltrATed "udy 01 Ihr, 8,ht.
h,,,o.y, Jrhov.b '. o.(,mf..11 ,nn . nod
rcl.lro lubl('CU til prf~ulion lor ~r
Y'H "'. for(,gn lirld
The Soc'<'Y pays I.Jnsf'OfI.u,on 10
,h. nm,ion,,)' ."'gr",.m .nd pro
y"lrl wnolr\()m< mr d, Jnd m,xl."
hv,n~ ,om modJ , in", '"
ho",,,, It
'"pph.. ,J,h ,n"'100
"Y "'ttl! m.11I .11c.... n'. 10' pt"



Pi ....... ",in.. , .., and

",i.';ooui<. prcachio, God',
W",d io ~";OUI coun,ri..

wn.ol u~n""_ The m'....., ... ri ..... k~

Ililn in ,he o~,."on of .Ilt
hom~ by .hoppmg, p'~p.mng "",.Is,



W,th .hn ,",ruble:



c... tb. rn","orw, ..

VOte at 1 .lJ, 1'10 I>ou" month ' 0
p'e..;hmS h _ 10 hou. . .nd
CondUClln, Bible .. uditt ... i,h in, ..
ested prople.
M.ny of thes<: mmlO""rics are '1.;gnod thous.nds of mil ... way from
hom. and family, They h.lvo ""d 10
adiult '0 a d,fforenl livlfI& ""ndard
and cuhu.., 10 new c."'" """".', to
a ddT", cJ1J1Ule, .nd '0 .pakm&

.nothe.I'flIW,e They a.. doiflllhi.

work be"u .. Ihey lov~ I'fflple ond
hal', SHong d .. irc 10 help them 10
I... n .bot" God', K'flIdcml,
From 1943 throu,b 1985, ,b.
WJ1ch,owCf Bibl. School of Gilud
condu,lod 80 el...... nd "'" "'" OU,
mOre ,b.n 6,000 m'~'O"'''''. Under

Ih. ,upervi~ion of th. Soci.,)"


.... ve spe.rh..dcd ,he npan5lon of

Bibic oduc:aUon Ihl'OUJhou' Mnu,
Comral and Sou.h Ameria, the Ori
en., and ,h. South Pacinc,.nd ,hey

have .ccomplishod much ,n Europe.

Whcth., Jehov.h', Wnn ....... n
Pie llt Ihe m,rumy fun lime" p ....
DCCtI Of .. mISSION"" Or
they iCtv. . . ."houl n""",,;..)


They arc .pendi,,! of .heu o"n time

and money, .nd of .hem",lv"" '0
help o,h... get .h. knowlodg. tha,
I..d. ,0 ."trLutiflllif. -~ 11,)


tw. an _ of }dooo-"" 111'_ ,M. ..

"""'. , ... ~ loll , _ ... , ... _ . " ...... b,
010 , .... 010 ...... '
. I~


... """",.n " ..... 10< , ... _ _



'''' .... ... op ....


"'1'1""''' .. ,... ~

Producing Bible Literature

to Praise God


'J W IIn...n ~.r wdl kn<;l'Oo'n

lor 1m" p",... h"" ot' God', Ji.'''J'
Volun! .." pt'.form,n, <lorn by ~anl of 1M I'''nl~ I"go
,uk I.I,d 10
~,"a 1920 ,he ~'.I(h To ... , Sou",odu(!ion of 8,bl.
Ius ull!d .."IUlltl'C' w{I.hfl from
hl ...,U" a, (.<lo.y.
Wirn<Iw.. In p,ooua
hOM., "fIl . ond
hook. lor d,m,
fum, In 8rooklyn .nd


W.llkilt. N ... Yo, k.


bunan, Th,. h.u !lftn 10 ,nIU"

d<Pfndlbl. prooucriiln of IlIeW Ur.

th.lo,,cst poi$;hl. (001.

For ",me 60 yr.,.. ,h" Socl<'Y ho,

drvdopnl ""d .~p..ndtd III produ,

1100 of Bible Ii"r.tu",,, fi.\1 In Brook

Iyn .nd ,hen III othn (ounHrn. All

1M wOfk hu bn done by an IIIU",'''I suIT of volumn.
By II..: 1.1,< 197(l', 'h, mdUl()fU1
of procOll"l .nd P""""1t
l.ll .... '" btillll plulC<l 0111 on r,vor


of (Omplll.r p.oxnllng. [>hOlll1ypc

><I!m~ .nd off..." l'"n(ln3' Tilt prob-

I,m heu "''' llu, .. .,lIble tOm me!

equlpmenl could pr<)Ct>' nllly ~
limnrd number of LoI1~",l~rs How
'V"'. Ihe SocOCIY ""'1 ,I,..~dy pnx!u,'-


Int. ht.,.tu .. In .1>0.11 1110 LonJw,n

nd 1M........ ~ 10. mor.,

,-oIum ..... ,..... ulloJ on 10

d.v.lop ~ rnuhiun&w, k..lrtlnl"
1'"IlIOlypoloOum, lyslom, TIIr Inuh,
".,. Jwif)''"~' Th. nowry lh,
,,,,,.1 bl kthloughs w.,. m.J. ,Ind.

' t-on")', lllrnl",,,,ion. JnJ photl)(YJX'loOl1,"~ I)"".m. [,llied MEI'\ ",It

dovdopod, Thi, , .. n prtxt" no
lOO I.nt.u.~",. Mor. un bot .ddftl,
Tod>y M[P~ leU '''Uy .nd g .. ph
141 unlll. rrodu(<d by J<h",'~h" Wi,no In uloO '" 25
.nd mo..... pLonnrd for. Volunr ...,
""Ihn rrom Ih<.'SC' (OIlnt"~' n.,'.
ho.:n ",lInN to OJIO'." .nd n,.,nwn
lh" equlpmrn, Tho .'i<... ",y " now
produuo\l. m:.I~'''lC'' In 01" .. In.n
100 l.n~u.gOl 11\ 36 ((lunWH. Jnd I~
5 oj rhos. counln.. l>ound bool\ .nd
Bibltl UO lisa bein8 p.odu\cd
To do Ill!! 10'(1); 1111"'" I,,"'pk
-w,it.... tr.nd."lIS. I'roofre.lJc ..,
p"mm, bookbindrn . nd ,h'PI'IIlj!



Vol,,"... pformi"a
UriOl" .uk. di,ccdy 0'
indi',d, ' DvolvC'd in

pfOdu,"on of Bibl.,. .nd

Bible lite .. ,""


,",u,ke... Oth.n. mu" h..\ndk

'pon(\(n,. "';Ih ,he co",,"V,"oru.
Some produce food, meal.,
do ciunon" I.u ndry, .nd "" forth
All 01 dIll i. h.mdled by volum.
wOfkcr. who rn..k Ihcm~lv.. .
.ble on ,he
(ounlrotS, Around
.h. wolkl durin, 19a5, ,hr,. . .etc
8.U8 voluntr w",k.f! ~rvln, .,
,','oou' offiCe', (K' O" , hom"
nd (.,m .




t~ f"'OPle? Thr)' ".
OMn.OO women. "n&1c.nd "",,,,ed.
you", .nd oId 1I dedlC.,ed J.bov.hs


W;'t>(IW" Some luvo bn In

wo.k ~O. SlI . nd .ven 6{1 yUr<, They
<p<nd. n ,Ive .. of . 1 I.... 44 hour<
w..k.1 .h.If wOfk "'"gnmcn", wnh


CItr. um .IS txtdro. Evrnmgl .md

wkend re devoted 10 preac;hinl
,he good ntW, ffOm hou~ '" hou~,
. 00 '" o,her ron~ rcg .. io" ."ivitin.
Arou nd ,h. world ,h... workers
. re proviJ<d ,..lth moden foomlng
.00 mull " one of the Soo;icly'.
hou!!n, ;n"itul ions, c.llod Ikthd
Homn. In xiditoon ,hey rctVe
mod ..1 .1I0w.n<:<: to rov", ,.. vel . s
pen"" in ,heir m",; lIry .nd .. , m.1I
amoun! In. 1"'..... )11.11 ned .
Sime 1910, the .. ~olunl..,. work
luve produced oYe. n,ne billion
Bibln, boob, n"',UlnC'>, and
phlct. til .hout ZOO I.n,u",,,,,
worldwld. dimibut;on. T hey u e doing tht .. j>'rt !IO lhol the enrl' ll;n,
,oad t1Cw. c.n be dttbred &LI


"dtnS' 10' n.1IIon ,nd ",be ~nd

,onJue ,00 pcople.-kfflK_ ,.... >
'l'j,., 1"'''''''' .... ,.. _ ...... ,)" '1'",.
!;(,c "'~ ", . . , "' .. b, '
'1'00 do .D ,'''' """~, ......... do IIo<r h.. '


P, ... i<I<n" of ,b,

W", b T".., Soo ... ,

Shepherding God' s Flock

in Unity
S om. alk: 'How II Ih. world"Kk
con,r.,.l!Ion of j.ho,.h 'I WitnosloI's
g,,-.,nl)' W. Inlw.r Tho gavr!1lIIlg foilowl Ut p,luorn
of tho Chm' .. n conli'''g.lIion of ,he
11m conlury.
In 1M 1870's Ch.o.lti T. RUIl(U
mel lui ~o<':;"lti 10010: Ih. ,n'[tllI"c
m lpro~ina 1M ltiults of 'hm B,ble
lIudy by munl of ulks ad pnnlttl
nunt . AtOlmd the COUnlry . tho5e
who chos.r to moc'atc "'il~ lhil work
loo ked 10 RUlIcll ~nd hil ,10l0I' mo
c;"t.,:IS lhe: body 01 men Dlalt ,Ipe'
".nd III dorng Lord'i work .nd
from whom they could ~k counltl
pertammg to their ~tj,'ilta
In 1814 ZIOn's Watch To ...., Tu"
Society ..... , 'ncorpowc-d under the
10.1.., of Ihe Common", hh of Ptnn
Iyl".no. Run.1I .nd hll r6pollllble
.1$0(:;"10' wcr. tlolol'ly Involved w,th
d"eclInS this Soc,el)' .u ... dl .s tho
KltVtltti of the Bible SIU(\(nli. In
1909 they mo"tt1 thr" hadqumm
10 Brooklyn, New YOlk, Through
1M ycm lhe: drrtclon of Ihe W.lch


Tow Soc ..I) and other cJ"""ly .mo'

, .. ttd, 'plritlUUy qu.lihtd, .nOlmed
men h.n bn !.tryin,,,. ,ove,",",
boody fot )oho,.h\ W;'n.\\eS.
Th. Co".,mng Body COnllll1 01
group of a"",mtd Chmt .." men
(IJ in [986). mduding 7 \olv'ng on
lhe boon! of dirc<lon of tho W.tch
T0".1 _Thc!.c plC"J. oYer Ihe
wor[J",,,k "tIVII", of)rho".h, Wit~It' They m nol IIllputd by God
Ind htn,c.rr not ,"1111iblt, but Ih.y
~Iy on God's inf~llible Word., the
hishe~t JutOOr;IY on elflh, .nd hne.
hfetu.... of espe"cn,;c In lubmlltu~
10 God', will. EKh h.o\ I rOrd of
mort Ih.on 40 ~m In lhe lullm...
mmlllry wilh ).hoy.h's Il'lInti'ln.
Th. Gonrn'", Body IUpt'''''!.t1
",h'l the: Soci.ty publtlhtl Wh.t 11
""ilIOn is b.o...d Oil obItrYin~ thc ,pir,
lIu.1 nt!'dl of Iht /lock '00 II Iht
re,ult of proyerfu l Ind thonlugh
lIudy md muteh '010 God's Word.
AI thelol' mtn cont'"uc to ~Iudy the
Bible 100 obstrve lhc PfO!.,..,tYf OUI"'U.k,,,, ot God's J' Ihc ful,

Au ....... ""'"".... "',. ...... 'If

_I (;001',

nU .... nt of proph..:y III wo.1d 'V'"" .

nd ,h( .,.w.Uon of God', f'<'Ople ."
the wo,ld hey ""' y at "rnes find n
n..:.. ..,ry '0 m.h <nligh ..ntd .diu,,m.,," .n the undcm.ndm& of ",me
'e.(hmg', In th" ..... y. kno,..lcdll< o(
trutl> b..:omn evc. mOf hun.unt.
_P" .... 7 11.1'o>o<t\w.. It. 0.-111-'

The Go';crn,ng Body hu .ppmn.

"" Bf."eh Commtll": or .hr~ 0'
mO ,PlfllUlUy qu.hfl od m.n ;n
el> or the mOr< ,lun 90 br.neh..
I"h wod. 10 .uperv;St x liv"i.. in
mO" th.n 200 I."d nd i,l.nd
groups. T ... "'..1<00 rommun;",,,.
w;lh th. ro"g.".,ion. undo. ,hoi
upervi'lon, Thef' " r.gou, corn
mun.e."o" betwn Ih. Govcrmn8
Body .nd
Sranch Comm itt ceJ
nd membc .. of the Governing Body
pe.",,,... lly visit m.lny br.ncher e.>Ch
ye .0 .. to k~p .n touch with
TheSt men .re not """'f' o,'or tho
(.;,h 01 other< bu re m,mste""'ho
wo.k ..... d ,., t .... t 01"''' "
k n .bou. God', Word. Th<y do not
.. rvc 1'0. firunc:ul p"'. but ther luve
th,,, rn"o' "I n<"". pro,-;dcd the .. me
.. do .11 ot her me",be., of Beth el
(.",iIi ... Proof th.1t tm,y . r< $Cr.'ing
f.ithfully ij In in the z.,l. unlly,
h>gh mor.1 .und.rd.nd Ioy.lty 10
Bible t ...hif>g' di.pLayro by J't.o.
Wn" ..... worldwode. -t c:;;,.,.,.



,h,,", l,S-' :' '.1 . lCc. ,.,h"., 1.1<, ).-I-l:

...., ............
,tor..,,_ ......,... '

, P.. " 5,J.1

"""" J""" ......., ........ ' . . .Iopo<'


0.1 ..... , ...

I ...... ,,,. _ "

...... .

'"ro'.,...... - . laado'


Financially Supported by
Voluntary Contributions
A ll tht
,,,,bn! IS


p, de
""pponN by volunl'
wOlken. ,hul lttp,n~ ,"''' <10 ...,
Th. hou~u>-hou,.. rnon"Uy Jnd dll,nOOnon of Io'r 'u " doM yoluo'.111)' by Jd\QVJh', \'1;''111<:''''' TMy
P-IY for .Iw! 0"-0 upo:nl<!" T.... dd.,! who jUpt'.v;", the lOn~ g.
lions. 'SlalN by [h. on,,,,n.11.I1 $("
,-.nil.ive no p.ymrnl for th.i,


They co,'., .11 ,h." 0"'"


Enn , ... memlx" of ,h.


'11i Body .nd.1I olh." who wo,l lull


... -

11m. on the P'.p"Juon .lnd p,(ldu<

lion of B,bl oo Bibl. Iir.rJ,ur. , ....
",Y. only rh." .oom .nd 0".1, .nd

.. small .IIOWln,. 10 COV.' upt'''''''.

Th. urn. II lru< 01 lh. full-111M my-

.1'"8 0""<"
Th. mod." to"",hulion. '(e(,v.d
for lo'o"lu" for ,h. m<YO! P"rt covc.
only the "'SIC CO<I. of nw, ... is, pro'

duct ion . nd ,hippi"._ All olh"


..e covered by volunt .. y

finmci.ol comribuliom nl.ldt by Jthov~h'l Wl1nffia Il>c:m~I".,. Ihrough
don.lllon 0, by Iq,ll .. ,II.
A, .11 mot,in!;, of Jd>ov.h, w".
n'tl. whtlhrr 10<.1 or.1 .... mbiles.
IMr I t coDuibullon box... ",iubl.
1m IIH:>so who .. ISh 10 m.ol, lOnl ,,1Iu
".,"'_ No collecTion\ ... ,.ktn. Tht
,e no tlU'1 0. m~, Ih.1! h.,Vt 10 b.
IUid A. ui<! down In ,h .xriptu,t1.
toeh Ont c.n contribuf' " h. h.l
, ...,Ivtd ,n hll h rt.-l C.,nn,h".,
I II. ':1
11_ ".U.ho ...-"." ... ),,,", . ,

... , ........".,"'" o.... ~II '

Persecuted for
Righteousness' Sake
Y ou lIUy h , /tom f".nd, .lId

,.1.1, ",'" rho, )_h",'.II', Wit...".." s<'

Inro uoubl. wnh rht t. ..., 111.11 .My

.. r. blnnw by <OIM [tovcrnmo:nll, Of
,II., rhq .re o,hcrw,!C' tuJ propk
Why ,h" >ntrory ,.Ilk




the WnnnK! du
I.a .. but b.u,", 'h<")' fol
k>. In the foolll<'" ofJesUj .J..... , "lid
to hll d'Klplrs thor me n would IepfO.I(h ,h tm, !lrnc(utc th."" .nJ
II II 1101

'r<pt'll 1M

IY"'5Iy ... y rVNy I<JU of w;dcd rh'"8

'5"n', them. Th;... Ilfc.u!(' God',

chltf opJ'<>ltr, s,mn.
god of ,hd
world, .nd he .... ould I.h to lurn


mtn .... y from .uv,nlt


, .... \ 10 jj. 10:1.11. III', N-'. 10. Joluo

II 1l-1'-J, I Timo,h. Ul, j r"" l.I, ~ .
rt.. """ II 11
When ,h. a~!ln ...r.


.wei uhn to COUll, " .... not btt.Ul('

Il>ty .er. ",""lUI. "",n of vlOlrnu,
or I<d,uon'\!5. If , btu",", rhey
Wtrt pr."hln~ ,h. good n . ... ' When
rhe .p<tlc r.ul "PI""kd his
(ou ....


it ""



10 <kt~nd .00


1q:.1I) fmbl"h Ih~ f1ghl of ChrIS'

IUlll 10 prt.Kh Ih. lood l1""l.. A..!>


Tod. y. J.hov.h'l Wirn'llu .r.


Chrtlll.n! who P'},

Inn .nd !h"", ,ptet for rhos. In
"/lOOm)-_ They P'Y b.>rk
r~lfII:' ro Uts.-or.nd God's rhlng! 10
God, IJ rh.y tuv (Onflm "'Jlh .ny
~ov'Ulm.nul JUlhollly. II n brc.u,,"
lh. ,1o...,"mOll l don nOI .ftognil(
pI.Khl", .... ork. or /:I.USl" of
,h." nrolf.1 It.nd In .ff~lf$ bt' .....,n
,ho n.mOll', 8U1 In Ih" J.ho".h\
\J:'irnc'stl mul' r.h 1M ... m. f'O'!!llOn
., dId rio posrlt<..... ho ~1l!.d; W.


' '.If

muu obey God ...ukl whor lturr


m.n."-A.." ,1'; /oWl. Il,l: lulu> II


T, .. , J I. I

).hO\'.h', Witno..u do not ~~

pel'Ulion bur would p for to Iud.
~.Im ,nd 'Iure,1 lit._ Ho,... vrr. If bt
<. Ust of rb.i, follo ... in&God l l, ..... nd
tho <LlmpJ. of Je.u, Chrlll th.~ lI.
penut,"", thoy ..t h.ppy to .ndu,. it._ loUj,,,"" IIQ.ll. A.. .. ,.0, ~I.
Coo,",~,.", ~
I~. 15..-11-1.

II. IT_h. 1-1; I

r.. .. 1

T~r '" J<ho h, ........' "r"'" b.~ "d

'I"~, do jd.....h'. 'l'" ...... "'..."",..
.... ' ........ul.., ""h .... ,,~ ..
_ ....,,"" .. do<! , ... ~". '.-oln

"- .... "'-'-.k, ............... ,.. ...."

Je'.' .... h.led

btfo,' Pi!., nd rh.

.polil. I'.ul ....

;mp. i.on.d httalU<"

of "",acll;na God',

United in Doing
God's Will


rh~ mtO.m.IIIOn p.CrhlS brochurr .Ix",! 1m,

m1",\I.y, m~lIngl, .nJ o".nlZ,,"'"
of }cho".h'j Wir,,~ ... ,11 cncw
hopt ,h.l

I<'nlro In

gc you the rc.lkr 10 ',IOU.. l. more

fu lly with ,hen, ,n ... o"hip,,\~ Cod.
We ,"";r,, you 10 le.,n .bout the
Wunr<1<'1 fi",h."d hy perlOn. lly"
KlCl.tmg wLth .. (o"~r"ll'llOn ot Je-

hov.h's Wunnlu .nd


'M;' .""mbhel. Th'l 10',11 contribute much ro ),00. un<k,j.w... hn~ of

God'! ..ill "' ,h,\ I Imc. - to., I-II I~
AI you (o"(orm your hfe 10 riot

Biblc', M.n.brd of lint wolh. you

.,m.11O luvc rbt p,,.,k!c of 5h...",
.'Itb Jehuv.h" Wirnrutt 'n ,h.II;>CUy'u .... In . ddtuon 10 ."IOY"'~ lilt
..:urn fellowshIp of .. wo.klwiJr
brothm. you Will be .hle



10 look fO[l.wd to) lurv~v lng the end

of the prcsel" I)'IW" of lhm&1 1010'
!leW SYMcm ,,'hctc PUlC ,00 will dwdl -I r.... HJ

Vi .... ftom 18 of .h~ "'01.

than 200 bnd, ~ .. d "bnd,
of th~.u ..lttt. J.ho... h\
lVilnn>e> ate un;,cd.n
dOlO, God', will

"And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in

all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations. It
- Mal/hew 24:}4.

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