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Codeword is a special crossword puz-

zle in which conventional clues are

omitted. Instead, answer words in
the diagram are represented by num-
bers. Each number represents a dif-
ferent letter of the alphabet but not
Volume 7, Issue 11 April 18 2010
all letters of the alphabet are used.
When you are sure of a letter put it in Abundant Life—Rolland Bouchard
the code key chart below. Four letters
have been entered into the code key ASSEMBLY TIMES John 10:9-10 says; “I am the gate; who- ple around us, and face death. He calls
to start you off. ever enters through me will be saved. this “the thief” who comes only to
Sunday Morning:
He will come in and go out, and find steal and kill and destroy. Death is the
10:00am Bible Class pasture. The thief comes only to steal destroyer of peace and comfort, it is
11:00am Worship and kill and de- the thief that steals
stroy; I have come our hope and
Thursday Evening:
that they may have wounds us. But Jesus
life, and have it to says, that if we come
7:00pm Bible Study
the full.” through him, “the
___ This is a beautiful Gate”, we will be
CONTACT INFO passage of hope saved from that
and promise. Jesus thief. More than
1 Christina Street in one of His many that, Jesus says that
Village of Kenosee Lake
“I Am” statements He has come that
tells His listeners “they might have
that he is “The Gate” to salvation. He life, and have it to the full!” The word
Box 184
speaks words that lead to life, that if “full” here is the Greek word perisos:
S0C 2S0
we enter or live through Him we will which means “more than what is
(306)577-2477 be saved, but from what? needed, or abundant.” The word gives
onthe- Salvation is one of those big religious the idea that the life He is talking words that, were one to ask why we about is superior in every way. Words
___ need it, confuses the best of us. What like extraordinary, remarkable, advan-
is our hope? Why do we need to have tage, more excellent are all included in
any hope, what do we need to be its definition. This is the kind of life
“saved” from? Well, the answer is sim- that Jesus came to give, one that ex-
Elders: ple, “DEATH!” ceeds all expectations, is greater,
Cameron Husband Death is the effect of life, I heard fuller, more abundant, and superior.
Harold Floyd someone say that from the moment That in him, we will be saved and
Dale King we are born we are terminal! Though brought to this incredible existence of
Jim Sedor harsh, and not often wilfully thought life that far surpasses all things. The
of, this statement is true. The one thief has nothing on our Jesus!
Minister: thing that most people fear, and refuse 1 Corinthians 15:55
Rolland Bouchard to acknowledge is that we all die! “Where O death is your victory?
(306)577-8418 What’s worse, is that we lose the peo- Where O death is your sting?”

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see and
Volume 7, Issue 11 April 18, 2010

THE LATEST NEWS AND UPDATES "I am the good shepherd. The WELCOME ASSEMBLY, March 28, 2010
good shepherd lays down TODAY: Rolland and Team 4
his life for the sheep. The We would like to extend our NEXT WEEK: NEW Team 5
THRIFT STORE DAYS BERNARD AND ALICIA SMALL GATHERINGS: hired hand is not the shep- warmest welcome to Sam
We will be working the thrift store Owen heard from Bernard this week herd who owns the sheep. So
Thank you to all who attended a when he sees the wolf com- and Paulette Hawkins. We Welcome and Announcements
April 27 & 29 about their experience with the LST ing, he abandons the sheep are very thankful that you
small gathering last Thursday My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less
May 18 & 20 team. After the team left, as a result and runs away. Then the
were able to join us this week-
evening. Your feedback on these
June 15 & 17 of their work there were two bap- wolf attacks the flock and Sing and Be Happy
events is essential so please scatters it. The man runs end to lead us into a deeper
July 13-15 tisms. Also, the backpacks that were Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
speak with Rolland about your away because he is a hired understanding about how to
More dates coming very soon. sent were distributed among five hand and cares nothing for Wonderful Words of Life
experience. cope with grief and loss. We
 school teachers that will hand them the sheep. "I am the good
What is it? shepherd; I know my sheep sincerely appreciate your gift
HOMEMAKERS CIRCLE out to the most needy students in and my sheep know me
The small gatherings are simple, to us. We Bow Down
Here is a list of upcoming Homemak- their classrooms. The team had op-
ers Circle events. For more informa- though they may look different John 10:11-14 Communion
portunity to build relationships with The Moose Mountain Church Family
tion talk to Judith. from week to week and place to Nobody Fills My Heart
many of the teens in the church
April - Public Speaker/ to be place. The express purpose of Unexpected Grief
announced. there , and the overall impact of their Message—Sam Hawkins
these gatherings is unified: Since 1988, I've enjoyed writing several Our Daily Bread articles each
May - Greenhouse. mission was great. Thank you all for GIFTS THAT CAN HELP US GO ON!
Relationship building. Your in- month. I've felt blessed to dig into Scripture, observe life, and provide
June - Tea house. your support for the LST team and spiritual help in this publication. Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand
The specific details will be an- put and ideas are necessary and
Bernard and Alicia. Sharing and Prayer
nounced as each activity comes up. welcome. But on June 6, 2002, I found myself unable to offer help. On the last
 day of her junior year of high school, our 17-year-old daughter Melissa
 If you were not invited to one
ANNOUNCEMENTS was killed in a car accident.
CHURCH SCRAP BOOK! this past week, or would like to
ejlpivV (el-pees)
Submit in writing by Thursday each In one horrible instant, everything we knew about God and the Bible
If you have any photos that you host one in your home, please
week to make sure your announce- and heaven was put to the test. We needed the Christian community to 1) expectation of evil, fear 2) expectation of good,
would like to be put into a church speak with Rolland. guide us toward hope as we stood at the funeral of a beloved young hope 2a) in the Christian sense 2a1) joyful and
ment makes it into the newsletter.
scrapbook please talk to Ronda. Thank you for your vision. woman who had touched so many lives with her smile, her godliness, confident expectation of eternal salvation 3) on
hope, in hope, having hope 3a) the author of
 her love of life, and her care for others.
hope, or he who is its foundation 3b) the thing
For many weeks, I couldn't write. What could I say? How could I find hoped for.
words to help others when my family—when I—needed so much? 1 Corinthians 13:13
Now, months later as I begin to write again, I can say that God has not
changed. He is still our loving heavenly Father, the "God of all com-
 Marie McMillan—Continued  Pamela King—General  Chris Cornforth—continued fort" (2 Corinthians 1:3). He is still the source of
Heal concerns prayers for Her well being health concerns. hope in the face of unexpected grief. I write of Him
with a renewed sense of my need for His touch, His
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard  Joe Fox—Surgery for His  The Lawrence Family—after love, His strength. Broken, I write of the only One
- Missionaries in Mexico knee and consequent unem- the loss of Bernice. who can make us whole. — Dave Branon FOR INFOMRATION ON HOW YOU CAN
 Brent Peterson—continued ployment.  All of those struggling with I have been through the valley of weeping, SPONSOR A CHILD THROUGH COMPAS-
The valley of sorrow and pain;
recovery  Our Shepherds—leadership grief. SION OR FOR A WAY TO SUPPORT THE
But the God of all comfort was with me, RELIEF EFFORTS IN HAITI VISIT and care  Our small gatherings. At hand to uphold and sustain. —Anon.

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