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Science page 242 -248

Q28. How do liverworts, mosses and hornworts differ in appearance? Liverworts

are flat and ribbonlike. Mosses have many small leaflike structures.
Hornworts grow flat leaves on top of each other.
Q29. Why do you think nonvascular plants cannot grow very large or tall? They
have no true roots, stems and leaves that can transport food and
materials to different parts
Q30. Examine Figure 14a. Can you explain how it earned its name? It has big
leaves and it is tall almost reaching 1st floor of the building
Q31. How will Azolla help rice if they are grown together in fields? They will
provide usable nitrogen to plants or serve as natural/organic fertilizer.
Q32. Give other uses of ferns in your locality. Some serve as food, or used in
making handicraft items.
Q33. Where in the Philippines would pine trees likely grow? In cool, elevated
Q34. How would uncontrolled cutting of pine trees, for example, affect the forest
ecosystem? Less oxygen will be available. There will be erosion, less timber,
no home for birds and other animals.
Q35. Which plant leaves are arranged alternately, radially and opposite each other?
Alternate cashew, radial garlic, opposite coffee
Q36. In terms of leaf venation, is santan a dicot or a monocot?


Q37. How about bamboo? Monocot.

Q38. Make a list of the uses of coconut that you know. Food (meat and juice),
cleaning implements, oil, etc.,
Q39. Describe how birds, butterflies and spiders benefit from members of the
angiosperms. Home for birds, provide seeds for food, nectar for butterflies,
leaves food to worms, etc.
Q40. What is the greatest contribution of plants to living things on Earth?
Production of oxygen, food for other organisms
Q41. What harm can weeds do to crops if they grow together? Weeds, which
often grow along with food crops, compete for nutrients needed by the
latter. Such competition results in decreased harvest.

Q42. Animals react quite rapidly to stimuli. (act fast, move fast)
Q43. Sea fan, sea pen (enumerate those in sand ). Jelly fish, etc.,(enumerate those floating in
Q44. They feed on digested food.
Q45. Two.
Q46. They have a single shell. Bivalves have two shells.
Q47. Bivalve, univalve, bivalve.
Q48. Arthropods have exoskeleton, echinoderms have endoskeleton.
Q49. For protection.
Q50. Arachnids.
Q51. Arachnids have four pairs of legs, insects have three pairs.
Q52. The adult A. aegypti has white spots/bands on its body and legs. It has three body parts:
head, thorax and abdomen. It has a pair of wings, three pairs of legs and pair of antenna.
Q53. It breeds in clean, non-flowing or standing water.
Q54. Possible places in the home where Aedes mosquito can breed include: containers with
water placed under the tables legs, flower vases, old tires left outside which can collect
rainwater, roof gutters which can retain rainwater, containers placed under flower pots that
collect excess water, tin cans, bottles, and plastic cups left outside which can collect rainwater,
uncovered water containers like drums and pails, tree holes, bamboo posts of fences around
the house. Breeding places in the school can be flower vases, containers placed under flower
pots, plastic cups or bottles left in the grounds which collect rainwater, and also tree holes and
bamboo posts.
In the surroundings, it can be animal food containers, clean stagnant waters in canals, potholes,
and any container or items that can collect and retain water.
Q55. It will die.
Q56. Water is important to Aedes mosquito because it is where they reproduce. If there is no
clean, nonflowing water available, no egg will develop into adult mosquitoes
Q57. Reproduction of Aedes mosquito can be stopped by removing all possible breeding places
of mosquitoes. The following are some ways to do this:
changing water in flower vases once or twice a week,
regular cleaning of roof gutters which can retain water,
draining water from unused old tires, flower pots, tin cans, bottles, and plastic cups and
keeping them in areas where they cannot collect water,
draining water from containers placed under flower pots or table legs from time to time,
covering water containers like drums or pails, and
draining water from tree holes or bamboo posts
Q58. Insects because it has three body parts: head, thorax and abdomen. It has a pair of wings,
three pairs of legs and a pair of antenna.
Q59. Skeleton of the shark is made of cartilage, that of tilapia is made of bone.
Q60. Toad and tree frog.
Q61. Caecilian.
Q62. Sharp hooked beaks bite, cut or tear prey into pieces,
Q63. Only the legs of birds have scales.
Q64. Possible answers: hunting for food or income, kaingin
Q65. Whales, dolphins, dugong and manatee live in salty waters.

Q66. Some answers are: humans have the ability to walk erect, they have well developed arms
and hands, nails in fingers and toes, lemurs, monkeys and apes live in trees, humans have
Q67. Mammals differ from other animals in that they have mammary glands that produce milk to
nourish their young and most have hair or fur.
Q68. It has a single or few number of species.
Q69. The answers will depend on the pictures shown.
Q70. Low diversity.
Q71. Many of the banana plants will be affected/damaged or die.
Q72. Banana plants will be toppled down, some may be washed to other areas, or whole
plantation will be wiped out. Small animals living in the plants will also die.
Q73. Farm helpers will have no income (cannot be paid by owner) and owner will lose his
harvest and consequently his profit.
Q74. There are corals, fishes, sponges, algae, molluscs, seastars, sea anemone etc. (Students
may give other answers as long as they should be organisms associated with a coral reef)
Q75. Fishes come to the coral reef to breed, molluscs eat the algae present, sponges will feed
on the floating algae near the reef, clownfish feed on leftover food of sea anemone, etc.
Q76. Crown of thorns may eat all the algae in the reef that provide oxygen to the other animals,
leading to death of these organisms.
Q77. With high biodiversity, the risk of damage from pest infestation is minimized leading to
better income or profit, low input of pesticides because different pests feed on different plants,
various soil nutrients will be available to different plants because of presence of other organisms
or nutrients are recycled, it can support more organisms
Q78. Competition among organisms is less as there are more choices for food, more shelter
and water available to organisms, balance of consumers and decomposers, less possibility of
species extinction, support more organisms. Biodiversity is importance to ecosystems because
of interdependence of organisms to one another.
Q79. Cornfield, ranch containing grass and cows only, coffee plantation,
Q80. Actual students answers. May include: cure for illnesses, food for all people, etc.
Q81 to Q84. Actual student answers.
Q85. Examples of acceptable answers: Bantay Dagat, Clean Air Act
Q86. DENR, Local government units, PAWB, BFAR
Q87. Actual student answers.
Q88. Actual student answers.

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