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Basic Cable Hat

US 7 16” circular needle
US 8 16” circular needle
Cable needle
Stitch markers

Worsted weight yarn


With smaller circular needle, CO 96 sts.

Join and work in k2, p2 ribbing for 1 ¼ to 1 ½ inches.

Change to larger circular needle.

**Rnds 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5: *K2, p2, k6, p2; rep from * to end of round.

Rnd 6: *K2, p2, c6f, p2; rep from * to end of round.**

Rep from ** to ** 4 more times.

Rep rnds 1 and 2 again.

Divide sts between 3 dpns, 32 sts on each.

Dec rnd 1: *K2, p2, k1, k2tog, k2tog, k1, p2; rep from * to end of rnd—80 sts.

Rnds 2, 3, and 5: *K2, p2, k4, p2; rep from * to end of rnd.

Rnd 4: *K2, p2, c4f, p2; rep from * to end of rnd.

Rnd 6: *K2, p2, k1, k2tog, k1, p2; rep from * to end of rnd—72 sts.

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Basic Cable Hat

Rnd 7: *K2, p2, k3, p2; rep from * to end of rnd.

Rnd 8: *K2 tog, p2tog, ssk, k1, p2tog; rep from * to end of rnd—40 sts.

Rnd 9: *K1, p1, k2tog, p1; rep from * to end of rnd—32 sts.

Rnd 10: *K1, p1, k1, p1; rep from * to end of rnd.

Rnd 11: *K2 tog; rep from * to end of rnd—16 sts.

Rnd 12: K.

Rnd 13: *K2 tog; rep from * to end of rnd—8 sts.

Break yarn, leaving 12” tail. Draw tail through rem sts to the inside and secure.


Weave in ends.

Round Note Done

Ribbing 1 ½ -1 ¼ inches Ribbing
1 *K2, p2, k6, p2; rep from *
2 Repeat
3 Repeat
4 Repeat
5 Repeat
6 *K2, p2, c6f, p2; rep from * to end of round. Cable
7 *K2, p2, k6, p2; rep from *
8 Repeat
9 Repeat
10 Repeat
11 Repeat
12 *K2, p2, c6f, p2; rep from * to end of round. Cable
13 *K2, p2, k6, p2; rep from *
14 Repeat
15 Repeat
16 Repeat
17 Repeat
18 *K2, p2, c6f, p2; rep from * to end of round. Cable
19 *K2, p2, k6, p2; rep from *

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Basic Cable Hat
20 Repeat
Round Note Done
21 *K2, p2, k6, p2; rep from *
22 Repeat
23 Repeat
24 *K2, p2, c6f, p2; rep from * to end of round. Cable
25 *K2, p2, k6, p2; rep from *
26 Repeat
27 Repeat
28 Repeat
29 Repeat
30 *K2, p2, c6f, p2; rep from * to end of round. Cable
31 *K2, p2, k6, p2; rep from *
32 Repeat
Dec rnd 1: *K2, p2, k1, k2tog, k2tog, k1, p2; rep from * Dec.
2 *K2, p2, k4, p2; rep from * to end of rnd.
3 Repeat
4 *K2, p2, c4f, p2; rep from * to end of rnd. Cable
5 *K2, p2, k4, p2; rep from * to end of rnd.
6 *K2, p2, k1, k2tog, k1, p2; rep from * to end of rnd. Dec.
7 *K2, p2, k3, p2; rep from * to end of rnd.
8 *K2 tog, p2tog, ssk, k1, p2tog; rep from * to end of rnd. Dec.
9 *K1, p1, k2tog, p1; rep from * to end of rnd. Dec.
10 *K1, p1, k1, p1; rep from * to end of rnd.
11 *K2 tog; rep from * to end of rnd. Dec.
12 Knit to the end of rnd.
13 *K2 tog; rep from * to end of rnd. Dec.
Cut. Draw tail through rem sts to the inside and secure.
Weave in ends.

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