Question Bank CN-2

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Computer Networks-2

Question Bank
1. Discuss about process to process communication? 6MARKS
2. List the features of TCP and discuss them? 5Marks
3. Sketch the segment packet format of TCP along with encapsulation? 6Marks
4. How a TCP connection will be established and further explain with a neat
diagram about data transfer in TCP? 10Marks
5. TCP uses two windows for each direction of data transfer? Explain in detail
about them. 6Marks
6. Explain about TCP flow control? 10 Marks
7. TCP provides reliability using error control justify? 15 Marks
8. What is Congestion window? Discuss three phases for handling congestion in
TCP? 8Marks
9. Brief about TCP timers? 6Marks
10.TCP headers can have 40 byes of optional information what are the different
possible options that can be included in the header explain? 10 Marks
11.Define TCB and discuss the fields included in each TCB? 6Marks
12.What are the services provided by SCP? Discuss in detail about them? 5Marks
13.List the features of SCTP and discuss about them.? 8Marks
14.Show the packet format of SCTP and different types of chunks?
15.Association Establishment, Association Termination, Association
Abortion do they have the same functionality as TCP or they Vary justify?
16.Flow control, Data control and congestion control are special features of TCP
how are they implemented in SCTP elucidate? 6 Marks

Computer Networks-2
Question Bank

1. Define client and Server and Explain in detail about Client server paradigm
with an example? 8Marks
2. Communication between process and operating system is done through list of
predefined function what are those function? Write the prototype for each
function? 8 Marks
3. Write an echo client and server program using UDP services? 10 Marks
4. Design and construct a flow diagram for connection oriented concurrent
communications and describe it? 8 Marks
5. Discuss in detail about DHCP operation on same and different network?
6. Define Name Space and Explain about DNS?
7. Compare and contrast TCP with RTP. Are both doing the same thing? 10 Marks
8. Elucidate in detail how streaming of stored audio/video is done? Is the
communication unicast or multicast Justify? 10 Marks
9. What are FQDN and PQDN? Determine which of the following are FQDN and
PQDN 6 Marks
10.How Audio and video digitized discuss in detail about them? 4 Marks
11.Discuss different Audio and Video Compression techniques? 10Marks
12.Explain how Real time Interactive Audio and Video characteristics? 8Marks

Computer Networks-2
Question Bank

1. Discuss different options and modes of operation in TELNET? 8 Marks
2. Illustrate File transfer in FTP with an example? 8 Marks
3. Discuss about Communication and Command processing in FTP? 8 Marks
4. Describe about five messages and their format in TFTP? 6 Marks
5. What is Sorcerers apprentice bug? Explain about it? 5Marks
6. How connection establishment and data transfer is done in TFTP? 8 Marks
7. What are the four scenarios used to explain the architecture of E-mail?
8. SMTP uses command and responses to transfer messages? Elucidate different
mail transfer phases? 10 Marks
9. What are two different message access agents explain? 5Marks
10.Discuss five headers of Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions? 8Marks

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