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Production and Operation Management

Prof. Abhishek A Khadtare

IMP:- For types of Maintenance students also need to refer reference books as it given
briefly in reference books.

Introduction to Maintenance
Maintenance is an important factor in quality assurance, which is another basis for the
successful competitive edge. Inconsistencies in equipments lead to variability in product
characteristics and result in defective parts that fail to meet the established specifications.
Beyond just preventing break downs, it is necessary to keep equipments operating within
specifications (i.e. process capability) that will produce high level of quality.
Good maintenance management is important for the company cost control. As companies go
in for automation to become more competitive, they increasingly rely on equipments to
produce a greater percentage of their output. It becomes more important that, equipments
operate reliably within specifications. The cost of idle time is higher as equipment becomes
more high-tech and expensive.
Dependability of service is one of the performance measures by which a company can
distinguish itself from others. To establish a competitive edge and to provide good customer
service, companies must have reliable equipments that will respond to customer demands
when needed. Equipments must be kept in reliable condition without costly work stoppage
and down time due to repairs, if the company is to remain productive and competitive.
Many manufacturing organizations, particularly those with JIT (Just-In-Time) programs are
operating with inventories so low that, they offer no protection in the event of a lengthy
equipment failure. Beyond the cost of idle equipment, idle labour, and lost ales that can result
from a breakdown, there is a danger of permanently losing market shares to companies that
are more reliable. Maintenance function can help prevent such as occurrence.
Organizations like airlines and oil refineries have huge investments in the equipment.
Equipment failure will be disastrous for such companies. They need proper maintenance to
keep the equipment in good condition.

Maintenance Management

Production and Operation Management

Prof. Abhishek A Khadtare

Impact of Poor Maintenance

Maintenance operations include all efforts to keep production facilities and equipments in an
acceptable operating condition. Failure or ml-functioning of machines and equipments in
manufacturing and service industries have a direct impact on the following:
1. Production capacity:
Machines idled by breakdowns cannot produce, thus the capacity of the system is reduced.
2. Production costs:
Labour costs per unit rise because of idle labour due to machine breakdowns. When machine
malfunctions result in scrap, unit labour and material costs increase. Besides, cost of
maintenance which includes such costs as costs of providing repair facilities, repair crews,
preventive maintenance inspections, spare parts and stand by machines will increase as
machines break down frequently.
3. Product and service quality:
Poorly maintained equipments produce low quality products. Equipments that have not
been properly maintained have frequent break downs and cannot provide adequate service to
customers. For example, air craft fleets of the airline, railway and road transport services not
maintained well can result in poor service to customers.
4. Employee or customer safety:
Worn-out equipment is likely to fail at any moment and these failures can cause injuries to
the workers, working on those equipments. Products such as two wheelers and automobiles,
if not serviced periodically, can break down suddenly and cause injuries to the stress.
5. Customer satisfaction:
When production equipments break own, products often cannot be produced according to
the master production schedules, due to work stoppages. This will lead to delayed deliveries
of products to the customers.

Maintenance Management

Production and Operation Management

Prof. Abhishek A Khadtare

Objectives of Maintenance Management

The following are some of the objectives of maintenance management:

Minimizing the loss of productive time because of equipment failure (i.e. minimizing
idle time of equipment due to break down).

Minimizing the repair time and repair cost.

Minimizing the loss due to production stoppages.

Efficient use of maintenance personnel and equipments.

Prolonging the life of capital assets by minimizing the rate of wear and tear.

To keep all productive assets in good working conditions.

To maximize efficiency and economy in production through optimum use of facilities.

To minimize accidents through regular inspection and repair of safety devices.

To minimize the total maintenance cost which includes the cost of repair, cost of
preventive maintenance and inventory carrying costs, due to spare parts inventory.

To improve the quality of products and to improve productivity.

Types of Maintiance:

Corrective maintenance: The set of tasks is destined to correct the defects to be found in
the different equipment and that are communicated to the maintenance department by users
of the same equipment.

Preventive Maintenance: Its mission is to maintain a level of certain service on equipment,

programming the interventions of their vulnerabilities in the most opportune time. It is used
to be a systematic character, that is, the equipment is inspected even if it has not given any
symptoms of having a problem.

Predictive Maintenance: It pursues constantly know and report the status and operational
capacity of the installations by knowing the values of certain variables, which represent
such state and operational ability. To apply this maintenance, it is necessary to identify
physical variables (temperature, vibration, power consumption, etc.). This maintenance it is
the most technical, since it requires advanced technical resources, and at times of strong
mathematical, physical and / or technical knowledge.

Maintenance Management

Production and Operation Management

Prof. Abhishek A Khadtare

Zero Hours Maintenance (Overhaul): The set of tasks whose goal is to review the
equipment at scheduled intervals before appearing any failure, either when the reliability of
the equipment has decreased considerably so it is risky to make forecasts of production
capacity . This review is based on leaving the equipment to zero hours of operation, that is,
as if the equipment were new. These reviews will replace or repair all items subject to wear.
The aim is to ensure, with high probability, a good working time fixed in advance.

Periodic maintenance (Time Based Maintenance TBM): the basic maintenance of

equipment made by the users of it. It consists of a series of elementary tasks (data
collections, visual inspections, cleaning, and lubrication, retightening screw) for which no
extensive training is necessary, but perhaps only a brief training. This type of maintenance
is the based on TPM (Total Productive Maintenance).

Maintenance Management

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