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Once upon a time, there was a group of four baby pandas. Three boys and one girl; Ping,
Zac, Fang, and Mei. They all would play together and roll around because that is
something baby pandas loved to do. The only time they were apart was during meal time
with their mothers.
Their mothers thought it was adorable how Mei would trail after the boys and try to
prove she was just as strong as them. Ping was a sweetheart and would help Mei out if
she ever fell over or was very sad. Zac would challenge the other two boys to try to
impress Mei, usually winning against Ping. But Fang was the strongest and would put Zac
in his place. But when it came to Mei, Fang was shy around her as they all got older.

Once they were teenagers, they boys really kept an eye on Mei. They would push other
boys away from her. All three the boy's mothers knew their sons had crushes on Mei. Mei
was oblivious to it and told her mother how the boys were being so protective of her. Her
mother sat her down and told her that she needed to pick a boy to be with her as her
mate. Like how mom and dad were together. Mei was so unsure. She loved all three the
boys but did not think it would be fair to pick one. Mei's mother helped her come up with
a plan. Mei needed to pick the strongest boy. Mei was not to thrilled with this idea but it
would get her mother to shut up. Mei sat down with Ping, Fang, and Zac to tell them the
set up. All three accepted the challenge. They were to complete three strength tests Mei
and her father would create.

The first test who could throw a pile of bamboo the farthest across a field. Mei had come
up with this challege. Ping tossed the bamboo not very far. Fang threw it all the way
across the field. Zac tied with Fang.
The second challenge was if any of them could pick Mei up and carry her from one tree
to her father the fastest. Ping held Mei tightly and made it from the tree to her father in
25 seconds. Fang carried Mei in his arms and was really nervous to be this close to her.
It took him 30 seconds. Zac gathered Mei into his arms and kissed her ears making the
other boys jealous. Zac carried her to her father in 20 seconds.
The final challenge was who could pin Mei's father in a wrestling match the fastest. Mei
was not too thrilled with this challenge since her father was bigger then the three teen
boys. Mei's father created a padded ring for them to wrestle in. Mei and her mother
watched from a nearby tree. Ping went first against Mei's father. Ping got pinned by her
father but finally wiggled free and pinned him back. It took him three minutes. Zac went
next and circled Mei's father before tackling him full force and pinned him. It took him
two minutes. Fang went last. He really was afraid of Mei's father's size. He sighed and
tried to shuffle around and keep back from Mei's father. Finally he pinned Mei's father in
two and a half minutes.

Mei hugged all three boy pandas and told them that she would make her decision in the
morning. The boys nodded each kissing her on the cheek and heading home for the
night. Mei sat with her parents and had no clue who to pick. Her father wanted her to

choose Zac. Her mother wanted her to pick Ping. Mei was so confused. Her heart told her
one thing but her mind said another. She sighed and went to bed dreading the following

Early the next morning, Mei awoke to find all three boys sitting beside her bedding. Each
holding a flower for her. She smiled at them and accepted the flowers setting them
beside her. She sighed and looked to each panda. All three made her heart race. She
reviewed the previous day and then thought of them when they were younger. Mei finally
spoke up.
"I cannot possibly choose one of you. I love all three of you so much. Those strength
tests did not prove anything to me. Just showed me how much you all are passionate
about me. I think we all need to stay friends till we get older. We just became teens. Our
parents should let us figure things out. Maybe one day I will pick one of you. But until
then, can we all just get along like when we were kids? And worry about finding a mate
till later?"
The boys were a little saddened but finally realized Mei was right. They were still young.
Ping was the first to agree with her, hugging his friend and heading outside to play tag.
Fang blushed and hugged her before joining Ping. Zac picked Mei up and carried her
outside to join the fun. The four pandas played tag just like when they were little.

Only time would tell who would steal Mei's heart in the future. The End

Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
The Pandas Find a New Home

Deep in the bamboo forests of China lived two pandas, Yong-Hu and Ho-Shing. Yong-Hu
was rather plump, had black ears, legs and arms, and two large black patches around his
golden eyes. Ho-Shing looked much the same but wasnt as chubby as Yong-Hu. Yong-Hu
spent most of his days sitting among the bamboo eating. Ho-Shing, though he too liked
to eat, was more of a daydreamer. Hed watch the clouds for hours as they floated
lazily across the sky. He enjoyed looking at the flowers. Nothing pleased him more than
to be able to sniff them and inhale their fragrance. Tall mountains stood proudly
around the bamboo forest. They seemed to be reaching for the sky. Ho-Shing
wondered what was at the top of them.
"Ho-Shing, are you going to eat or not?" Yong-Hu interrupted. He looked down from the
top of the bamboo. "Ho-Shing, are you listening to me or are you daydreaming again?"
Ho-Shing heard Yong-Hu calling his name and looked up. "I was thinking about the

mountains. I wonder what is at the top of them?"

"Youre not thinking about climbing up there, are you? Theres probably snow falling,"
Yong-Hu said.
"There may be snow but there also might be some fresh, young bamboo forests up on
the top. Wouldnt you like to go and see if there is?" Ho-Shing asked.
Yong-Hu thought for a while. "Youre right. Some young, tender bamboo shoots sound
rather delicious. Ill come with you," he answered. Ho-Shing felt happy. He was very
curious about the mountain. If there was snow, the pandas would stay warm. They were
covered with thick black and white fur, and Yong-Hu had some extra padding of fat on
his bulging tummy. Yong-Hu climbed down from the bamboo tree and joined Ho-Shing.
They stood silently, gazing at the mountaintops. "You dont think there are any tigers
or leopards up there, do you?" he asked his friend.
"I dont think so. Well be careful. Just keep thinking bamboo, bamboo, bamboo," HoShin said, smiling at Yong-Hu.
"Bamboo? Theres plenty of it here, but, I dont want you to go alone, so off we go,"
Yong-Hu said.
The two pandas headed along the dirt trail that winded up the mountainside. Ho-Shing
noticed clouds swirling around the mountaintop. He hoped that it wouldnt rain. Because
he was rather plump, Yong-Hu was soon huffing and puffing. The higher they climbed up
the steep trail, the more difficult it was for him. "Ho-Shing, I dont think I can do this
much longer. Its hard for me and very steep. Can we walk slower?" Yong-Hu asked.
Ho-Shing didnt mind. They would walk slower. He was happy looking at the trees,
flowers, birds, butterflies and dragonflies. Panda bears walk on four legs, not two, like
some other bears. "Look at the beautiful bird," said Ho-Shing. "Its a yellow-bellied
"A yellow-bellied what?" asked Yong-Hu.
"Tragopan. They are very rare and found nowhere except China. We are indeed
fortunate to have seen one," Ho-Shing said.
"Are we going to stop and look at every bird we see?" asked Yong-Hu impatiently.
"We live in a beautiful country, Yong-Hu. We should enjoy everything around us," HoShing said.
"All I want to enjoy is the bamboo. Lets hurry," Yong-Hu suggested.

They climbed up the trail, stopping now and then to admire a rare flower and to rest. A
wide, but shallow stream flowed through the mountains. When Ho-Shing and Yong-Hu
came to it, they stopped. "How do you think were going to get across that?" Yong-Hu
asked. Not waiting for an answer, he drank some of the cold clear water.
"Well have to walk across it," Ho-Shing said.
"But its cold water. Our paws and legs will get soaking. Look into the sky, Ho-Shing.
The sun is lowering. It will be dark soon and I dont want to be wet. If those clouds
bring rain or snow, we will be very uncomfortable and I will be very unhappy," Yong-Hu
"Then we shall stay here for the night. Look, over there," Ho-Shing pointed. "There is
some bamboo. Its thin and short, but we can eat it. Well just have to sleep on the
ground, under some ferns." He walked towards the bamboo. "Come, Yong-Hu."
"These bamboo shoots and leaves arent too bad," said Yong-Hu. "In fact, they are
delicious. I wonder if the bamboo on top of the mountain will taste this good." He filled
his mouth with food.
Ho-Shing ate, trying to keep his strength up. It was still a long climb up to the top of
the mountain. He could see the peak from where they stood. "What is up there?" he
asked. Yong-Hu ignored him and kept eating.
After theyd filled up on bamboo, they lay down in the ferns and pulled some over them
for covering. No sooner had they done this than it began to rain. "Oh no," complained
Yong-Hu. "I knew it would rain. I knew it would. Now well get soaking. We might as well
have crossed the stream."
Ho-Shing didnt reply. He heard something moving on the other side of the stream. "Be
quiet," he urged Yong-Hu. "There is something moving around over there," he said,
"What is it?" Yong-Hu whispered. "Is it a tiger? Is it a leopard? Oh no!"
"Yong-Hu! Silence!" Ho-Shing demanded.
Just then a shadow appeared. Yong-Hu started to shake and whimper. "Its a tiger," he
softly whispered. "Its going to eat us. Oh no!"
Ho-Shing watched the striped animal as it walked up and down the banks of the stream.
The pandas could hear it growling and snarling. It wanted to cross the stream but all
the rain that had fallen, had made it more of a river than a stream. "It wont cross. We
are safe," Ho-Shing said quietly to Yong-Hu.

Yong-Hu, who had buried his head under the fern leaves, peeked out. He saw the large
tiger walking back into the trees. "Its gone," he said, relieved at those words.
"We had better sleep now. Cover yourself from the rain as much as you can," Ho-Shing
The night passed uneventful after that. Yong-Hu snored all night but Ho-Shing was too
tired to care. When the sun rose over the top of the mountain, the pandas woke up.
"Lets eat," Yong-Hu said, sitting up and grabbing another bamboo cane. He bent it over
to his mouth.
As he ripped the tender leaves off, Ho-Shing stood up and looked at the top of the
mountain. The sun was out, there were no clouds and he could see the trees and rocks
at the peak. "Lets go," he said to Yong-Hu. They both grabbed a few leaves to eat on
the way and went to the stream. The rain had stopped and it was back down to a calm
level. "The tiger wont bother us during the daylight," Ho-Shing assured his friend.
They crossed through the water. It was still cold and their legs and paws got wet, but
when they reached the other side, Yong-Hu decided that it wasnt that bad to be a
little wet. Soon the sun would feel hot to them. As they walked along the trail, going
upwards the whole way, they saw other animals. A few mountain goats clamored over
the rock piles. They saw many different birds, mice, rabbits, and even a few large bats.
At last they reached the top. Yong-Hu could hardly breathe. He lay down and rested,
huffing and puffing loudly. Ho-Shing walked to the rock that jutted out of the top. He
climbed up and stood silently. Before him lay the valley. He could see for hundreds of
miles. He saw the river meandering on its way to the sea. He saw orchards and farms.
The city looked like a small white dot among a green sea. "Yong-Hu, you must come and
see this."
"Do I have to?" Yong-Hu asked.
"Yes. It is worth the walk," Ho-Shing assured him.
Yong-Hu slowly got up. He climbed to the top of the rock. He looked down at the valley.
"It is quite pretty down there, but where is the bamboo forest you told me about?" he
Ho-Shing looked about. Not far from where the trail ended was a bamboo forest.
"There it is," he pointed. "There is your bamboo forest."
"Enough of the view. I want food," Yong-Hu said and climbed down from the rock. He
ran over to the bamboo canes and started eating.
Ho-Shing stayed where he was. An eagle flew past him, soaring through the air with

grace and beauty. "Yong-Hu?" he called.

Yong-Hu had his mouth full but answered, "Here."
"Yong-Hu, why dont we stay up here for a while. There is a cave that we can sleep in
when it snows or rains. The cold air feels good. There is plenty of bamboo for us to eat
and there are no tigers. The best thing is that every day we can see the beautiful
valley," Ho-Shing said.
"Okay," replied Yong-Hu. He didnt care. He was happy anywhere, as long as there was
food. So Yong-Hu and Ho-Shing made their home at the top of the mountain for a while
and loved every minute of it, even when it snowed.


Megan loved bears more than anything else in the whole world. She had a polar bear, a
grizzly bear, a panda bear, and even a koala bear. She had other animals too, but it was
only the bears that got to sleep in Megans bed at night.
Each night before bed, she gathered the bears around her and tucked them in. Before
she closed her eyes she told each of the bears to behave. And, normally they did. But
one summer night, the polar bear couldnt sleep.
Its too hot in here, he told the other bears. I wish I were in the North Pole right
Where is the North Pole? asked Panda.
Ill take you there if you want to go, said Polar.
Panda did want to go and Grizzly and Koala did too.
So, the four bears slid down the bedpost and headed off North. When they arrived in
the North Pole, Polar showed the other bears around. Koala did not feel very
Its too cold! said Koala. I could never live here.
We polar bears have two kinds of fur, Polar said, some that is woolly and keeps us
warm, and some that is spiky and keeps us dry. And even though we are as white as the
snow we have thick black skin that keeps us comfortable.
It was nice to meet your friends and family, said Koala, but I wish I were somewhere

So, the bears headed South, all the way down to Australia. Koala showed her friends
Is there something to drink? asked Grizzly. Its hot here, and Im thirsty.
Koala bears eat eucalyptus, said Koala. We get all the water we need from the
leaves. Koala shared some eucalyptus with her bear friends, and they all got sleepy.
But, just before they were about to have a nap, Grizzlys tummy began to roar.
Im still hungry, Grizzly said. I wish I were in the mountains by a nice cold stream.
So, the bears headed West, all the way to Canada. Grizzly showed his friends all of the
wonderful things to eat, like fish, and grapes, and even garbage left by nearby campers.
Panda was exhausted from all of the travelling.
I wish I were home where life is a whole lot slower, said Panda.
So, the four bears headed East to China. As they were travelling, Panda looked very
Arent you happy to be going home for a visit? Polar asked Panda.
I am, but Im afraid there wont be any pandas left, explained Panda.
When they arrived in China there were only a few other panda bears around. Panda and
his friends had to share one small bamboo stick.
Where is everybody? asked Koala.
Is this all there is to eat? asked Grizzly.
Im afraid bears like me have almost gone extinct, said Panda. And most of the
bamboo trees have been cut down so there isnt much to eat.
The bears were tired so they decided to head back to Megans house. All the way home,
the bears were very quiet. They had enjoyed their trip around the world, but they felt
sad that there were only a few panda bears left. When they had snuggled back in bed
with Megan, Panda lifted up his head and smiled.
Im so thankful to have other bear friends like you, Panda said. Friends dont have to
be panda bears. Other kinds of bears are just as nice.
The bears smiled and hugged each other and then closed their eyes and went to sleep.
A moment later Koala sat up again.

I have a secret to tell you, she said. Im not really a bear at all. I wish I were a bear,
but actually Im a marsupial. I hope youll love me just the same.
None of the bears said a word. They were already fast asleep. But, just when Koala
thought her secret was still a secret she heard a tiny voice.
I love you just the same as all the other bears, Koala, Megan said. And, sometimes I
wish I were a bear too.
Todays generation could never ever imagine in their wildest dreams about the world,
ages before, when there were no computers or any other technologies. So much we
have advanced that now every information is just a click away and is in your hands 24/7.
All this advancement was possible only with the introduction of a small device called the
Basically, computer is a device that accepts the message by the imputer and processes
this message and stores the information at the storage devices and later gives an
output of the message through the output devices.
A simple explanation of the computer. Normally, a computer consists of a processing
unit called the Central Processing Unit or the CPU and a form of memory. In the years
between 1940 and 1945 were the first electronic digital computers developed. The
initial sizes were as big as a room and consumed power as much as todays personal
Initially, computer was related to a person who carries out calculations or computations
and as such the word computer was evolved in 1613 and continued till the end of
19thcentury. Later it as re-described as a machine that carries computations.
The early computers were limited in their functions. It was the fusion of automatic
calculation and programmability that produced the first computers that were
recognized in 1837. Charles Babbage in 1837 was the first to introduce and design a
fully programmed mechanical computer, his analytical engine. Due to limited finances
and inability of resisting tinkering with the design, he could not complete his work and
it was later completed by his son Henry Babbage who made it into a simplified version
of the analytical engines computing unit.
The original objective of inventing a computer was to create a fast calculating machine.
During the World War II, it became very essential to understand and locate the
direction and speed of the enemy weapons. Calculations had to be done accurately and
mathematically and without an advanced machine it would not be possible. To defend

the enemy , the front line soldiers required firing tables and only a computer could
produce such firing tables with speed and accuracy at that time.
To produce the technology then, high sums of money and brain power was required. The
first computer was produced by the Moore School of Engineering called the ENIAC, on
behalf of the US Army which was in 1946. The ENIAC was able to produce the firing
tables, by carrying out large number of calculations accurately.
Over a period of time computers have evolved and toady with the Artificial Intelligence
technology, we use the most advanced kind of computers that have helped man in every
sectors of life. At every generations of the computers or in fact during the evolution,
each time computers are being launched that are lighter, smaller, speedier and more
powerful. The computers have been a dominating factor since the 1970`s and today it
has conquered almost all walks of life.
Computers are being used for various purposes today like weather forecasting,
machinery operations, guidance of spacecraft and technology. Apart from these in the
medical sector, it provides a great helping hand in storing information that could be
referred later, in space technology, automation in banks, ticket booking through the
net, traffic control, and even games could be played in computers on and many more. All
these are possible only because of the characteristics that a computer posses like
speedy, accuracy, reliability and integrity. It could executive over a billion instructions
per second without committing any mistakes is completely reliable. The memory of the
computer is so vast that it could hold in a large amount of data.
To run a computer, it is the programming that decides and it should be run in a
computer. Programming is defined as a set of instructions allotted to the computer
that accepts it in order to solve a problem. There are many different languages that
are being used to program a computer. Some of the languages are BASIC, COBOL, C, C+
+, JAVA are a few to name.
With the introduction of computers, attaining information has become a lot more
easier. Computers have become the backbone of Information Technology and a major
application in this sector is the Internet. With the Internet, nothing is impossible
today. Apart from acquiring information, one could stay connected to friends and
family, a great platform for business expansions, purchasing, studying and the list just
goes on, it is endless.
Computerization in almost all sectors, have created job opening for thousands.
Computer education has been introduced at school levels and in primary classes, as such

is the importance of acquiring the knowledge of computers. Every year there are
thousands of students step out from universities and colleges across the globe into the
world of computer technology and this youth is what is tomorrows assets in getting
technology into the next level of advancement.
The computer has proved in all roles that it has been assigned. A great helping hand, in
every sector that has been applied with computers. Telecommunication and satellite
imagery are also computer based, which is added to the long list of applications
computer holds in other fields.
With every positive, there is a negative and the same is applicable with computers also.
With all the positives that one could acquire and seize, the negative side is also large.
The increase in Cyber crime, pornographic websites, false identity leading to trapping
of youngsters and many more. Yet , the advantages are more outnumbered and there
are many preventive measures also introduced to stop the negative aspects.
The world would not have been what it is today, had there not been an entry to this
great machine even though in the crude form, ages before us. Computer has a great
future and we just have to keep a watch and mark the changes coming to it.
Computers make our lives completely different. Our current significant development is
due to computers in many areas. Examples of these areas are business, medicine,
environment, technology, education and also our daily lives. Computers are one of the
most important elements to make our modern society. In this essay, I would like to
address the development of computer technology by using brief history which is the
transition of computers, and the significance of computers by examining their use in
the areas of our daily lives and in business world.
First of all, I would like to describe the developing history of computers because we
use computers almost everyday and personal computers are one of the most important
tools to make our lives more convenient. Personal Computers have the greatest
influence to our daily lives. However we got Personal Computers only a few decades ago.
Therefore I think it is necessary to introduce the history of computers before we get
PC. According to Cheryl Price*, there are four major generations of developing
The first generation began in 1946 when the ENIAC system became operational.
ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator and was built by the
University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC is the significance because it is the first general

purpose electronic computer system and also it was used for research, not commercial
applications. The first computer was costing $US400.000 to build, funded by the US
government. Also ENIAC weighed around 30 tones and stood two stories tall. It
operated using 18.000 vacuum tubes and could perform 500 basic arithmetic functions
per second. Moreover it had difficulty in handling alphabetic information and was
programmed through an external plug board and it did not have the facility for
magnetic storage. This meant that if the program needed to be changed it could only be
done with great difficulty - almost like rewriting the machine itself. Those difficulties
could be hard to imagine for us, because nowadays we can buy computers, which even
carry everywhere cost only $NZ3.000.
Other computers followed ENIAC, but in 1951 this first generation of computers was
improved dramatically because of inventing UNIVAC I. There were some computers
between ENIAC and UNIVAC I, but UNIVAC I had the greatest difference between
others, because it was the first machine purpose-built for commercial electronic data
processing. It still operated using vacuum tubes, (therefore it clarified in the first
generation) but was capable of handling numeric and alphabetic information equally well.
Another advancement was the input was via magnetic tapes and a primitive magnetic
storage device was used to store the program. Those were the biggest problems for
The second generation started in 1959 when transistors became commercially available
until 1964. Transistors are much smaller than vacuum tubes, greater reliability and use
less power. These properties resulted in smaller, more powerful and faster computers,
about twenty times faster than ENIAC. Then, the third generation came in the late
1960s when silicon chips were used instead of transistors. These early computer chips
were the equal of hundreds of transistors. Technology kept improving with the
equivalent of thousands of transistors on one chip.
The forth computer generation was created during the 1970s, however there is no
clear date as to when this took place or clear technological distinction between third
and fourth generations. The identifying feature of this generation is the number of
circuits that can be packed into a single chip - several hundred thousand on each. This
technology has led to the mass usage of personal computers, a great increase in the
power of the computer and dramatic reduction in cost.
Those impressive development of technology above allows to us have personal
computers today. Also, the computer technology has still been improving right now. The
future generation is anticipated to be able to make logical decisions for itself, learn
from its mistakes (artificial intelligence) and to carry out several processes at the

same time within the one central processing unit (parallel processing). In the fifth
generation, computers process data with light pulses instead of electrical pulses.
Therefore, computers literally operate "at the speed of light" and process data
hundreds of times faster than the computers of today. Besides the fact everyone can
have personal computers nowadays, the communication style is also changing
significantly. It is the common to use the Internet and E-mail to communicate each
other for people in today. It is easy to understand the importance of the Internet in
our daily lives. Because most of us use it almost everyday, it can be showed that the
Internet is the most efficient and economical way to communicate with others.

Secondly, I would like to mention about other kinds of computers in our daily lives. It is
very easy to find computers around our daily lives because they are used everywhere in
this modern society. In general, people tend to think that "Personal Computer" is the
representation of computers. However it is just one type of computers. There are many
types of computers supporting our normal lives. It can be said that people think without
using computerized products, they cannot live like they think normal. It is showed that
many people are under the care of computers so naturally. For instance, you might wake
up by computerized alarm clock, which turns on the time you have set last night. Then
you could have a breakfast, which is heated by microwave. Most people might not
realize those products, which have microcomputers inside, however there are many
utensils with microcomputers. It is easy to find one of them in your house, once you
look through your living room. In addition, there are more understandable examples in
many modern houses. More and more houses have security systems recently and air
conditioning systems too. Those high-tech computer systems are essential for many
peoples' safer lives. Most people obtain the many kinds of benefits from computers
everyday but sometimes we use them without notice. They are the obvious evidence
that those computers are too close to our daily lives.
Thirdly, I would like to state the role of computers in business world. It could be said
that our modern business world is based on computing systems a lot. On the contrary, it
is hard to find the companies, which have never used computers. In general, most
associations use computers for accounting because computers are especially good at
dealing with figures or numbers it is easier and more efficient to introduce computer
systems in a long view. Computers contribute business worlds run faster and more
effective. There are many different areas using computers in business world such as
word processing, presentation, network systems and managing information, which are
relevant for the company. Therefore I would like to mention about the significance of
computer networks in business.

Nowadays, it is becoming more common using network systems in many companies. It

can be said that LAN is one of the fundamental methods for most associations, not only
big ones, but also there are plenty of practical uses for small organizations. LAN (Local
Area Network) systems can provide great effects for companies because they link
many different types of computers each other. It can be said that LAN is similar to
the Internet because both of them are networks, which are built for connecting
independent computers. There are many kinds of protocols to consist networks such as
the star network, the ring network, the bus or liner network and so on. The network
systems produce marvelous effects for companies because it enables them to share the
CPU (Central Processing Unit), as in a shared logic system and also share files and data
and the ability to send electronic messages from one terminal to another. Those
sharing of the important information in companies contribute valuable time and work
forces in the business world.
In conclusion, those examples, which I mentioned above, shows computers play the
significant roles in our society. It can be said that our modern lives cannot exist
without computers. Even though computers participate actively and play more and more
important roles in our world, they are still one of the useful tools for human beings so
far. However, computers are developing right now and in the future, to be sure, it will
be difficult to imagine the performance of computer in the future.
Great advancement in the field of science and technology has resulted into the
invention of numerous devices, which have made our life easy and comfortable. Among
the devices, which are widely used in the present time, is computer. Indeed computer
has become basis need of modern people. There is a symbol of modernity.
Despite this fact computer like other devices has pros and cons. Having computer
certainly has disadvantages but there are some good aspects of it too. Computers are
useful in business, in education and home. The use of computer has reduced time span
of many works. Any works can be done sitting in a place and pressing few keys. It has
enabled people to know happenings of the world shortly after it happens. Computer has
made it easier for people to communicate in addition to saving time and money.
Formerly, operating business used to be totally manual work. Because of payments to be
made for workers, goods used to costly. The use of computer has surely reduced cost
of goods. Moreover, a chance of miscalculation is very less if done with computer than
with a human brain. The use of computer in education sector has brought changes in the

age-old teaching materials. Way viability of materials allows teachers to use them for
effective educating. As in business and education computer is useful at home. Leisure
time of family members does not become burden. They can si at a place and spend time
watching any movies they like. Computer puts a stop to writing letter, posting it and
waiting for the reply. Needless to say computer has numerous advantages. Nonetheless
it has disadvantages too use of computer results into unemployment as computer can
perform the duty that might need nearly six to seven workers. Unemployment is likely
to result into crimes. Continuous work with computer causes loss of eyesight in the long
run. Internet, which is widely used to see pornographic scenes, corrupts the mind of
teenagers. Due to it, sex- violence increases rapidly. Computer has direct impact on
culture of any nation. The eventual impact of computer in society is uncertain, but they
are likely to cause total disorder in society. Computer has disadvantages, but
advantages are not less. Faults are not inherent: they are man made. As defects are
man-made, they can be reduced and computer can be used for the benefits of human

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