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PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology,

Design & Manufacturing, Jabalpur.

(An Institute of National Importance)

Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab-II (ME-594).
Experiment No. 2: Modelling and Creating Component by using RP Machine.

Submitted by:

Submitted to:



Dr. H. Chelladurai,

Animesh Kumar Amar


Assistant Professor,

Ankit Kumar



Perumalla Sateesh Kumar 1510334

Prashant Meshram


Ranjeet Singh Kaurav


Shashank Kumar


Suhas S Aralikatti


Yadav Nagesh Kumar



Modeling a 3D solid model by using a CAD Software.

Convert this solid model into STL format.
Using fused deposition modeling machine create a component by Rapid Prototyping

Prototyping or model making is one of the important steps to finalize a product design. Rapid
Prototyping (RP) by layer-by-layer material deposition started during early 1980s with the
enormous growth in Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technologies.
Rapid prototyping technology aids this process. Rapid prototyping automates the making of a
prototype. It builds a prototype part from a three-dimensional (3-D) CAD drawing. Other terms
used for rapid prototyping: Desktop manufacturing, Automated fabrication, Tool-less
manufacturing, Free-form fabrication and 3D printing.
RP models can be used to create male models for tooling, such as silicone rubber molds
and investment casts. In some cases, the RP part can be the final part, but typically the RP
material is not strong or accurate enough. When the RP material is suitable, highly convoluted
shapes (including parts nested within parts) can be produced because of the nature of RP.

Why Rapid Prototyping?

The reasons of Rapid Prototyping are

To increase effective communication.

To decrease development time.

To decrease costly mistakes.

To minimize sustaining engineering changes.

To extend product lifetime by adding necessary features and eliminating redundant

features early in the design.

Basic Principle of Rapid Prototyping Process

RP process belong to the generative (or additive) production processes unlike subtractive or
forming processes such as lathing, milling, grinding or coining etc. in which form is shaped by
material removal or plastic deformation. In all commercial RP processes, the part is fabricated by
deposition of layers contoured in a (x-y) plane two dimensionally. The third dimension (z) results
from single layers being stacked up on top of each other, but not as a continuous z-coordinate.
Therefore, the prototypes are very exact on the x-y plane but have stair-stepping effect in zdirection. If model is deposited with very fine layers, i.e., smaller z-stepping, model looks like
original. RP can be classified into two fundamental process steps namely generation of
mathematical layer information and2 generation of physical layer model.

Steps of Rapid Prototyping

Typical process chain of various RP systems has following steps and is shown in Figure 1.
1. Creation of Geometric Model
2. Tessellation
3. Determination of optimum orientation
4. Slicing
5. Support generation
6. Tool path generation
7. Part Fabrication
8. Post Processing

Figure 1: RP process chain showing fundamental process steps

Fused Deposition Modelling

Objects created with an FDM printer start out as computer-aided design (CAD) files. Before an
object can be printed, its CAD file must be converted to a format that a 3D printer can
understand usually .STL format.
FDM printers use two kinds of materials, a modelling material, which constitutes the finished
object, and a support material, which acts as a scaffolding to support the object as it's being
During printing, these materials take the form of plastic threads, or filaments, which are
unwound from a coil and fed through an extrusion nozzle. The nozzle melts the filaments and
extrudes them onto a base, sometimes called a build platform or table. Both the nozzle and the
base are controlled by a computer that translates the dimensions of an object into X, Y and Z
coordinates for the nozzle and base to follow during printing.

In a typical FDM system, the extrusion nozzle moves over the build platform horizontally and
vertically, "drawing" a cross section of an object onto the platform. This thin layer of plastic
cools and hardens, immediately binding to the layer beneath it. Once a layer is completed, the
base is lowered usually by about one-sixteenth of an inch to make room for the next layer
of plastic.
Printing time depends on the size of the object being manufactured. Small objects just a few
cubic inches and tall, thin objects print quickly, while larger, more geometrically complex
objects take longer to print. Compared to other 3D printing methods, such as
stereolithography (SLA) or selective laser sintering (SLS), FDM is a fairly slow process.
Once an object comes off the FDM printer, its support materials are removed either by soaking
the object in a water and detergent solution or, in the case of thermoplastic supports, snapping the
support material off by hand. Objects may also be sanded, milled, painted or plated to improve
their function and appearance.

Figure 2: Schematic model and working principle of Fused Deposition Modeling Process

Machine and Its Specifications

In the IIITDM Jabalpur, FDM 400mc is available. The specifications details of the machine is
given below:

Figure 3: FDM 400mc

A. System Specifications
Table 1
Envelope Size

14 x 10 x 10 in
355 x 254 x 254 mm
Upgradeable to 16 x 14 x 16 in

Model Materials
Available Tips

406 x 355 x 406 mm

For ALL materials: T12/.007 (.178 mm) &

(Slice Heights)

(.254 mm)
For ABS, ABSi, PC-ABS, & ABS-M30:
T10/.005 (.127 mm) plus
For ABS & ABSi, & ABS-M30: T20/.013
(.330 mm)

Support Structures

Water soluble release supports for ABSM30, ABS, ABSi, PC-ABS. BASSTM


breakaway support for PCISO and PPSF.

Models are produced within an accuracy of
0.005 inch (.127 mm) up to 5 inches (127
mm). Accuracy on models greater than 5
inches (127 mm) is 0.0015 inch per inch


(0.0381 mm)
Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows

Network Communication
Power Requirements

10/100 base T connection. Ethernet protocol.
230 VAC 50/60 Hz, 3 phase, 16A/phase


(20A dedicated circuit required).

FDM 400mc: 50.25 in. (1277 mm) wide x
35.25 in.


(896 mm) deep x 77.25 in. (2197 mm) high

1600 pounds (726 kg) shipping weight
Maximum Environmental Temperature:


85F (29C) Maximum Dew Point: 78F

Clearance Requirements

FDM 400mc:
Minimum vertical clearance: 28 inches
(71.12 cm). Minimum side clearance: 30
inches (76.29 cm)
(required on each side)
Minimum front clearance: 36 inches (91.44
Minimum back clearance: 12 inches (30.48

B. Liquefier Tip Specifications

General Information

1. The head assembly uses a support liquefier tip and a model liquefier tip.
2. There are 4 tip sizes available - T10, T12, T16, & T20
3. For soluble support material: For FDM 400mc: Use the T12 SR tip for support when
using modelling tips T10, T12, T16, & T20.
Tip Compatibility and Selection
For FDM 400mc Table 2 shows the available material and tips. Table 2:
FDM 400mc Available Tips

C. Material Build Temperatures

Table 3 shows the material build temperature values for the different materials



Letter 7

Figure:4 Solid Model of a Cube

Almost any shape or geometric feature can be produced.
Reduction in time and cost (could range 50 90%. Wohler)
Errors and flaws can be detected at an early stage.
RP/RM can be used in different industries and fields of life (medicine, art and architecture,
Discussions with the customer can start at an early stage.
Assemblies can be made directly in one go.
Material waste is reduced.
No tooling is necessary.
The designers and the machinery can be in separate places.

The price of machinery and materials.
The surface is usually rougher than machined surfaces.
Some materials are brittle.
The strength of RP-parts are weaker in z-direction than in other.



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