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Shanthan Jogavajala

Senior Java Developer

Ph# : 908-731-7867
Professional Summary :
* Sun Certified software professional with 8 years of experience and demonstrated ability to
successfully implement complex large-scale, N-tier, MVC, SOA architecturedistributed, real-time
enterprise applications.
* Experience in developing projects for e-commerce, Healthcare & Insurance, Media & Entertainment
and Telecom domains.
* Utilized the Agile based iterative methodology using scrum and Extreme Programming.
* Thorough understanding & involvement in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle.
* Understanding the object-oriented design, re-use, and component-based development.
* Good at Documenting and Understanding User requirements and System Specifications.
* Participated in Project Requirement and Planning meetings.
* Strong hands on experience in developing the Enterprise and Web applications on n-tier
Architecture using Java/J2EE and java based technologies such as Servlets, JSP, Hibernate, Spring,
Spring Web flow, EJBs, JNDI, Web services, XML, JPA, JMS and JDBC.
* Extensivelydeveloped the features provided by springframework in various projects for MVC
* Experience in working with XML technologies like XML, XSL, XSD, DTD, XSLT and parsing XML with SAX
& DOM parsers.
* Experience in Designing UML - for developing application specific Object model, Use Case
diagrams, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams & State diagrams.
* Good knowledge of Restfuland SOAPconcepts and implementation using Web services.
* Experience in frameworks like Spring MVC/IOC/JDBC/AOP/Security, Hibernate and Struts.
* Used iBATISframework with Spring Framework for data persistence and transaction management.
* Involved in issue tracking and agile project management using RALLY.
* Worked in service oriented architecture including universal description and discovery integration
(UDDI) lookups, web service description language (WSDL) using SOAP protocol and extended mark-up
language (XML) and java XML parsers such as JAXP, SAX, DOM.
* Development, testing and deployment of enterprise applications on Windows&UNIX platforms through
IDEs such as JBoss Developer Studio,Eclipse, Net beans.
* Worked withWeb Sphere Application Server,OracleWeb Logicapplication server, JBoss and Apache
Tomcat Application Server.
* Developed Multithreading/ con-currency and worked onJ2EE Design Patterns.
* Worked on implementing full life cycle of software development process (SDLC)in using version
control tools like GIT Stash, Rational Clear Case, Tortoise SVN, CVS (Concurrent Version System).
* Extensive work on implementing persistent architecture mechanism usingHibernate and EJB.
* Extensively used Node.js to optimize our application's Throughput and Scalability.
* Worked onJDBC, oracle, SQL server, MySQL PL/SQL Stored procedures, Functions and Triggers.
* Excellent analytical and critical thinking, creative problem solving, quick learning,
interpersonal and client interfacing skills.
* Assisted project manager in defining project scope, time&effort estimates and deliverable
Tools/Technologies :
Languages Java, J2EE, C, C++, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JQuery, SQL.
Operating system Windows, Unix (Linux).
Java & J2EE Technologies Java, J2EE, JDBC, Hibernate, JSF, XML Parsers, JSP Servlets, Portals, EJB, JMS, Struts,
Framework, Spring Web flow, Java Beans, Web Services, AJAX.
Framework Spring, Security, Tiles, AOP, Struts.
ORM Tools Hibernate, IBatis.
XML Technologies XML, SAX, DOM, XSL, XSLT, XPath, WSDL, SOAP.

Web Technologies Java Script, HTML, CSS, SOAP, REST, Boot Strap, Angular JS, JQuery. Swings.
Servers Apache Tomcat, BEA Web logic, IBM Web sphere, JBoss.
Databases Oracle, DB, MSSQLServer, MySql, PostgresSQL.
IDE/ Testing Tools Eclipse, Net Beans, SOAPUI, WSAD, RAD, JBuilder, JDeveloper.
Database Tools PG Admin, SQL Developer, TOAD.
Concepts UML, Design Patterns.
Software Configuration Management Tools
SVN, WinSCP, CVS, VSS, Clear Case.
Build Scripts Maven, ANT, Jenkins, Hudson.
Methodologies Waterfall, Agile.
Defect Tracking Tools Bugzilla, Jira, Firebug.
Scripting Languages Java Script, Shell Script.
Others Log4J, JUnit, Ant, Maven, Lucene, Tika, Rational Rose, Umbrello, Putty, JBoss Fuse, JBoss BRMS,
XQuery, Hudson, Node.js, Groovy and Grails.
Education details:
Graduation: Bachelor of Technology.
Specialization: Computer science & Engineering.
University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India.
Additional Interests:
With the knowledge gained on different aspects on above technologies, I am managing a blog on
different concepts like Spring framework, Hibernates, Angular JS and Bootstrap introducing my
experiences and projects in my blog.
Professional Experience
Client: American Express, Manhattan, NY May 2015--Till Date
Role: API Developer
* Developed application using Agile/Scrum methodology.
* Implemented various design patterns like facade Design Pattern, DAO, DTO, Singleton, view
* This Application was developed using Spring-MVC, Spring Web flow, IoC/Dependency Injection,
Restful and SOAP webservices integrating different layers of the application.
* Communicating with different web Services by using Spring Integration.
* Wrote Interceptors, Validators and loggers using Spring MVC frame work.
* Wrote Hibernate classes, DAO's to retrieve & store data, configured Hibernate files.
* Developed Java Persistence API (JPA) through Hibernate
* Worked on Spring-JDBC in development of DAO Layer.
* Worked in establishing JMS for sending Reminder mails to Users for reminding the application of
Credit Cards using Cheetah Mail Service.
* Implemented various SQLqueries and assisted in writing Stored Procedure for Application field
validations, phone class assigned etc.
* Implemented REST Web Services within the application with the use of URI templates and content
* Application was developed using JBOSS Developer Studio IDE and STASH for version control and
deployed usingJBOSSServer in Windows environment.
* Performance testing, optimization of Throughput and increase of Scalability of the application
by using Angular.js.
* Used AngularJS MVC framework to create Models and Collections that includes logic to interact
with REST services.
* Writing SPA (Single Page Application) using AngularJS.
* Used ng-table, ng-grid and various types of Angular Directives.

* Provided production support for the release of the Projects.

* Wrote JUnit Test Cases for action classes and service layer classes.
Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring IOC/Dependency Injection, Junit,
Agile/Scrum, JPA, JDBC, JMS, JAXB, DB2 Server, SQLDeveloper, Log4j, REST and SOAP Web Services,
Maven, JBoss Server, JBoss Developer Studio, GIT STASH, Windows.
Client: Lumos Networks, Waynesboro, VA Oct 2014--April 2015
Role: Senior Java Developer
* Worked in Agile/Scrum development environment with frequently changing requirements and
actively participated in scrum meetings and reviews.
* Interact with team members and business users for requirements gathering.
* Adding new features to the existing application and modifying the existing functionality.
* Developed Angular factories, and used Angular promise API for making async calls.
* Used AngularJS framework to bind HTML (views) to JavaScript objects (models).
* Created Custom Filter, Custom Directive using AngularJS.
* Working with routing and developed login pages using AngularJS.
* Developed WebAPI using NodeJS and hosted on multiple load balanced API instances.
* Used Tiles, Struts Tag Libraries, JSP and HTML for User Interface look and feel.
* Used Spring framework, Spring-AOP, Spring-ORM, Spring-JDBC modules.
* Used Spring Inversion of Control (IOC),Setter Injection, Constructor Injection and Dependency
* Used Spring Validation framework for Validations.
* Used Spring JDBC and Hibernate Session Factory for DB Transaction Management.
* Used Hibernate Query Language to fetch data from PostgreSQL.
* Used database transactionsand transaction management along with Spring ORM and DAO
* Maintaining the session state in clustered environment and establishing the communication
between different java applications.
* Deploying the application to Web logic server.
* Consumed SOAP & REST based web services to receive membership, service data for users.
* Used XML parser APIs such as JAXP (SAX) and JAXB in the web service's request response data
marshalling as well as unmarshalling process.
* Used Log4j to provide central logging facility.
* Used Maven to build and deploy the application.
* Used GIT as the version control system. Performed merging, fixed conflicts and pushed code
commits to server.
* Implemented Responsive and mobile-friendly applications using Bootstrap.
* Used JIRA tool for task assignment, bug tracking and fixture.
Environment: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, Java Script, CSS, AJAX, HTML5, PostgreSQL, Angular JS,
Node JS, CRUD, SQL, JDBC, Apache CXF, REST, SOAP Web Services, Eclipse, Subversion (SVN), JUNIT,
Scrum, UML, JSP, Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL), Servlet, Maven, XML, JIRA, Jasper
Report, Log4j, WEB 2.0, SOA, JMS, Apache Tomcat, Windows Agile Methodology.
Client: Landis+Gyr, Alpharetta, GA Nov 2011- Oct2014
Role: Senior Java Developer
* Worked in Agile/Scrum development environment with frequently changing requirements and actively
participated in scrum meetings and reviews.
* Involved in translating Business Requirements into Technical Requirements.
* Involved in all the phases of SDLC including Requirements Collection, Design and Analysis of the
customer specification from the Business Analyst.

* Implemented various Java design patterns like Front Controller, Singleton, DAO and DTO.
* Designed, Developed and analyzed the front-end and back-end using JSP, Servlets, HTML, CSS,
* Developed a single page, mobile-first, cross-device/cross-browser web application for real-time
location sharing utilizing AngularJS, JavaScript API.
* Integrated the Java code (API) in JSP pages and responsible for setting up AngularJS framework
for UI development. Developed html views with HTML5, CSS3, bootstrap and Angular JS.
* Developed custom directives, Factories and Services in AngularJS.
* Using AngularJS created Responsive Web Design (RWD) and did data manipulations to display data
in company standard format in UI.
* Used NodeJS to implement and deliver customer-facing solutions.
* Utilized NodeJs Grunt plugin to manage build process for minification, concatenating, sass
* Analysis and Design of various modules using Java and J2EE.
* Worked on Spring framework for dependency injection, transaction management and integrated among
different layers of the application.
* Worked on Spring MVC framework controllers for designing controllers in the MVC.
* Worked on the development of SOAPWeb Services using Apache Axis 2 to extract customer related
data from databases.
* Developed Web services to allow communication between the applications using REST Webservices.
* Implemented Business Logic using POJO's and used Apache Tomcat to deploy the application.
* Experience in configuring build tools like Maven and ANT for the development and deployment.
* Implemented various complex SQL,HQLqueries.
* Worked with Testers in resolving various defects in the application.
* Worked on Client side validations using JQuery and JavaScript.
* Implemented Hibernate for data persistence.
* Working with the JIRA tool for Quality Center bug tracking.
* Utilized Mongo database management system for keeping user generated data.
* Implemented Java Persistence API (JPA) through Hibernate 3.0.Created connections to database
using Hibernate session Factory, using Hibernate APIs to retrieve and store data to the database
with Hibernate transaction control.
* Application was developed using Eclipse IDE.
* Developed various JUnit test cases for Unit and Functional Testing respectively.
Environment:Java, J2EE,JSP, JPA, Servlets, IBM, Eclipse, Angular JS, Node JS, Apache Axis 2, Spring,
Hibernate, Apache Tomcat Server,JDBC, XML,SOAP, Rest Web Services, Mongo DB, jQuery, MAVEN, ANT,
JIRA,JavaScript, Log4J, Agile,JUnit, SOAP UI, MySQL,SVN, Jasper Reports, Windows.
Client: Hartford Financial Services, CT Dec 2010-Oct 2011
Role: Java J2EE Developer
* Used Agilemethodology and actively participated in Scrum meetings to produce quality
deliverables within time.
* Responsible for creating Use Case diagrams, Object Model diagrams, Class diagrams, Sequence
diagrams and deployment diagrams using Rational Rose.
* Developed the presentation layer using HTML, DHTML, CSS, Java Script, JSPs and XML.
* Apache Lucene (Search Engine) Configuration and Business Objects XI Reporting with SiteMinder
* Designed and implemented application using JSP, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations,
Spring AOP, Spring Transactions, Hibernate, JDBC, SQL, MAVEN, Oracle.
* System built using Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Implemented the application using
the concrete principles laid down by several design patterns such as Composite View, Bean Factory
, Singleton, Data Access Objectand data transfer object.
* Used Hibernate framework for back end development and spring dependency injection for middle

layer development.
* Used Spring Aspects for implementing functionalities like logging functionality.
* Configured JPA to use Hibernate as ORM tool.
* Implemented different types of spring controllers as per application requirements.
* Extensively used SpringIOC, configured Application Contextfiles and performed database object
mapping using Hibernateannotations.
* Spring Validators, persistence layer, DAO and service layer components using Spring/Hibernate
API and Spring/Hibernate annotations. Extensively usedHibernate Query Language.
* Developed Web services to allow communication between application through SOAP over HTTP.
* Used JBoss Application server to deliver a new class of enterprise applications that enhance
business interactions and transactions between a company and its key constituencies.
* Wrote Database objects like Triggers, Stored procedures in SQL.
* Interacted with the users and documented the System.
Environment:Java1.6, J2EE, JSP, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, JSP, EJB3.0, Servlets, Rational
Rose, JBoss Application server, JBoss,UML,REST Web services,SOAP, Hibernate 3.0, JPA,JDBC, Spring
Framework, SVN, SQL Server,PL/SQL, Agile, MAVEN, Jasper Reports, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat and Linux.
Client: Liberty Mutual Group, NH Sep 2008- Nov 2010
Role: Java Developer
* Collected the information for User Requirement Specification and requested insufficient
information and helped clearing ambiguity in requirements document.
* Designing user interface using JFC/SWINGS and HTML.
* Developed web-based customer management software using JSF and spring.
* Developed STRUTS forms and actions for validation of user request data and application
* Developed JSP's with STRUTS custom tags and implemented JavaScript validation of data.
* Design and Development of software components like Interface, Action Handlers, client side
scripts using JAVA, JSP, and JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
* Built web-based applications using Spring MVCarchitecture suitable for Apache Axis-2 framework.
* Implemented Hibernate for data persistence.
* Used Log4J as a logging tool.
* Created an XML configuration file for Hibernate for Database connectivity.
* Implemented Java Persistence API (JPA) through Hibernate.
* Defined persistent classes that are mapped to database tables based on the analysis of the
business domain.
* Developed stored procedures (developed in SQL) at the back end.
* Wrote hbm mapping files and POJO classes which contain business logic to map database tables with
java objects.
* Worked with Web sphereas application server and Tomcat as web server.
Environment: JAVA 1.6, J2EE, Spring Framework, Struts, Servlets, EJB 3.0, Spring, Hibernate,SOAP Web
Services, REST , HTML, JavaScript, Swings, JPA, JSF, JDBC, SQL, XML, UML, UNIX, Log4J, Oracle 10g,
Websphere Application Server, Tomcat, Maven, SVN, Jasper Reports, Unix, Shell Script.
Trigeo Technologies Pvt Ltd, India. Aug 2007-Aug 2008
Role: Java J2EE Developer
* Responsible and active in the analysis, definition, design, implementation, management, and
deployment of full software development life-cycle of project.
* Designed Use case diagrams, Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams using UML.
* Developing User Interface and implementing business process using JSP and Servlets.
* Developed the front end User Interface using HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, JSON, JQuery.
* Worked on the development of presentation layer and GUI framework in JSP. Client Side

validations were done using JavaScript.

* Developed an API to write XML documents from a database. Utilized XML and XSL Transformation for
dynamic web-content and database connectivity.
* Wrote Servlets programming and JSP scripting for the communication between web browser and server.
* Worked on Strutsframework and Struts Action Classes to service the requests from the UI layer and
populate business objects and invoke EJBs.
* Responsible for coding SQL Statements and Stored procedures for back end communication using JDBC.
* Generated Jar files are deployed on Web logicServer and Eclipse as IDE tool.
* Worked on code reviews and mentored the team in resolving issues.
* Participated in weekly design reviews and walkthroughs with project manager and development
* Used Tortoise SVN for the concurrent development in the team and for code repository.
* Used Log4J for debugging the application.
* Provided technical guidance to business analysts, gather the requirements and convert them into
technical specifications/artifacts for developers to start.
Environment:HTML, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, UML, JavaScript, CSS, JSON, JQuery, JDBC,Struts, Log4J, Web
Logic, Eclipse IDE, XML, XSL, Tortoise SVN, Umbrello, Windows.
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