Amc Test Paper

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APRIL 2015

NAME : ____________________________________________
IC NO : _____________________________________________
DATE ; ____________________________________________

1. Complete the text. Put suitable verbs in the present simple or present continuous.
I ___________ in a small flat in the city. However, I ________________ a new kitchen.

So I ____________with my brother for a few days. I _________________ in the city so

normally ___________ to my office but this week I ______________ the bus, because
my brother _______________ near the city. However, I ______________ the week. I
_______________ my brother very often, and we always ______________ a good time
together. Actually , I _______________ to my office today. A colleague and I
_________________ a one-day management course.
2. Complete the sentences. Use the expressions in the box in the past simple.
get lost

get ready

get a new mobile

get to work

get a

get home

1. We dont __________________ to play tennis, but then it started raining

2. I _________________ from the bank manager today.
3. Im sorry were late. We _____________________
4. My boss was angry because I ____________________ late.
5. It was a great party. We finally ___________ at 3am
6. I ______________________ yesterday. Do you want to see it?
3. In your own words, answer these questions.
a) Do you usually get home before it gets dark?
b) What things are getting more expensive?
4. Complete the conversations using was, wasnt , were, werent
A: _______________ you at home last night?
B : No, I _______________ Micheal and I ______________at a concert
A : ________________ it good?
B : Yes it ______________ . Boris and Carla ____________ there too.
A: Oh, _______________ they with Carlas parents?
B : No, they ____________. Carla and her mother _____________ ill.
5. Complete the text with a, an and the.

Kristof is looking at _____________ new flat. Its on ____________ second floor of

___________ old house. ____________ landlord is showing her round. He lives on
_____________ground floor. ____________ flat has got four rooms - a kitchen,
_____________ bathroom, ____________ bedroom, and _______________ living room.
___________ bedroom is small, but ______________ living room is quite spacious.
______________ flat is furnished, so theres ___________ bed and __________ table
with four chairs in ___________ living room. ______________ house is near
___________city centre and is in one of _______________ most expensive areas, so
Kristof will need _______ flatmate to share _______________ rent.
6. Complete the sentences. Use present perfect tense.
a) He _________________ the bus. (miss)
b) The letter _________________. (arrive)
c) We ____________ lunch. (have)
d) I ______________ her name (forget)
7. In your words, complete the sentences about your life using future tense.
a) ______________________________ going to _____________________ today
b) ______ll probably ______________________________________tomorrow
c) __________ will probably wont ____________________________this week.
8. Complete the sentences using past perfect tense.
a) The car broke down. We arrived late.
We arrived late, because ________________________________________
b) I didnt take a key. I locked myself out.
I locked myself out, because ________________________________________

9. Change these sentences into proper English

a) I wanna go shopping, can or not?

b) I send you home lah
c) can I friend you?
d) hes fat already
e) you go out later, is it?

10. In 50-60 words, explain how much you use Google to search for information, and
what kind of information do you search for.

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