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Missouri coach Gary Pinkel
spends Tuesday making an
50 cents
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

County registration is unusually low

Voter registration numbers in Boone County 16,000 for the first nine months of souri. Republican candidate Sen. John other parts of the state, where election
2004. McCain has also made tracks across officials are struggling to process new
down compared with same period in 2004 Missouri traditionally has been posi- the state, and his campaign has also
tioned as a bellwether state. Its voters targeted unregistered voters.
voter registrations by the deadline.
According to state law, new voter reg-
have selected the presidential winner Noren said she’s not exactly sure why istrations must be processed within
By JUANA SUMMERS retary of State Robin Carnahan, the in every election since 1904, with the voter registration is lagging in Boone seven days. state’s top election official. exception of the 1956 election. This County, but she thinks the energy sur- “We’re just barely keeping our
JEFFERSON CITY — While thou- According to the Boone County year, the state is again up for grabs, rounding the 2006 U.S. Senate race heads above water,” said Rich Chris-
sands of new voter registrations have Clerk’s office, 22 percent fewer vot- and campaigns have targeted unregis- could have something to do with it. mer, election director for St. Charles
rolled into Missouri’s largest counties, ers have registered in the county this tered voters as prime territory. “In 2006, it was quite a bit higher County, one of the Republican strong-
in Boone County, which has one of the year than during the same period in Democratic than in the nor- holds in the state.
state’s highest concentrations of stu- 2004.
dents, the number of new voter regis- “2004 was our record year,” said
presidential can-
didate Sen. Ba- SMARTDECISION08 mal off-year elec-
tion, because we
The county has hired temporary
staff to help process all the new voter
trations has dropped with just 43 days Boone County’s clerk, Wendy Noren. rack Obama’s The deadline to register in Missouri is had a big Senate registrations. Chrismer said the coun-
left until the November election. “But for the last several months, it campaign set Oct. 8 to be eligible to vote in the Novem- race, so there are ty has more than 237,000 voters reg-
It’s just the opposite statewide. hasn’t been quite as much.” a public goal not as many peo- istered, the largest number of regis-
About 200,000 new voters have regis- As of Tuesday, more than 13,000 of registering ber election. Absentee voting for the ple to register.” tered voters the county has ever had.
tered since the start of the year, said new voters had registered in Boone 75,000 additional November election begins today and will But the picture
Ryan Hobart, a spokesperson for Sec- County, compared with approximately voters in Mis- continue through Nov. 3. is different in Please see VOTERS, page 3A

Gas prices
A man, a plan gouged,
and 3 cottages some say
Residents complain Mo. gas

By MOLLY HARBARGER Q stations are charging too much

above the wholesale price of fuel.

mir Ziv wants to change the way By JENN HERSEIM
After Hurricane Ike threatened the Gulf Coast
Columbia treats the First Ward. After all, oil industry a little more than a week ago, com-
plaints of price gouging started rolling into the
the ward includes downtown, eclectic com- Missouri attorney general’s office.
John Fougere, a spokesman for the attor-
ney general, said last week that his office had
PHICS DESKmercial and residential
3 areas and
' /0 & 232 it’s home to$5!.
3 2 many of
2 %
 received 200 complaints about price gouging,
mainly in Southeast Missouri. Gouging is the
Columbia’s low-income residents.
ame: &
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Layout Slug:
   ERIK SHOOKMAN/Missourian
unfair practice of marking prices above the
market price to take advantage of an individual’s
ve Location:"2-/
+(, !'#

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3.363 23  Dimensions:
Amir Ziv 

describes his upcoming project hardships turned by extreme conditions, he
0*-2. Phone: said.
Yet, Ziv thinks the area and its homes are /0.1-3/
“I like to think I’m pretty creative, and I asSlug:
Online a social experiment. “It’s never been
“Attorney General Jay Nixon has started an
date:  Section/Page:
neglected by the city.  ,,,,, ,,,,, done
got into real estate kind of on a whim,”  

he before. It’s the first one,” he said.
investigation,” Fougere said. “No legal action has
“(Columbia) should be rehabbing them, said. “I just looked into it, started buying been taken yet.”
(Columbia) should be helping, but they some houses and some rentals.” duplex zoning to a planned-unit develop-
ment that would allow for the three small In 2005, following Hurricane Katrina, the
don’t. It’s just neglected because it’s lower- Now Ziv has turned his attention to an attorney general brought 11 lawsuits against
income,” Ziv said. “And I’m going to try to idea that could change Columbia’s views houses.
“I just kind of came to the conclusion that gas retailers in the state. And after the Sept. 11
turn that around the best I can.” and rules regarding affordable housing. attacks of 2001, there were 48 lawsuits against
As a freelance TV sound technician, Ziv The “Cozy Cottages,” as his plan is called, the only way for a developer like me, who
wants to fix up Ward One and start knock- Missouri gas retailers. In total, the state has
has worked with camera crews for ABC, would consist of three small houses built received $69,000 in fines as a result, Fougere
NBC, National Geographic and ESPN. That together around common areas on a double ing some of these old houses down, the only
way for us to do it is to build more than one said.
job only occupies about 100 days out of the lot on Ridgeway Avenue. According to him, AAA Missouri representative Michael Right
year, so he started doing real estate in his the cottages would be as efficient as pos- house on these lots,” Ziv explained.
Mike Martin, a writer and blogger who said every attorney general “is looking to catch
free time. Ziv is not only looking to create sible, using PolySteel for the structure and someone engaging in price gouging, but what
more affordable housing, but he also wants rain barrels and gardens for storm-water also owns homes in the north-central city,
praised Ziv’s creativity, noting that he has they are really getting is consumer angst about
it to look nice. He wants to use different management. paying higher prices.”
colors and building materials than what is To start the project, though, he must have already built a moderately priced home out
of PolySteel, which maximizes insulation, Chris Dwyer, who keeps track of petroleum
typically seen in the First Ward. the Ridgeway lot changed from its current prices, said he noticed last week that the retail
on Alexander Street. Ziv said it is easy to
locate because it’s “the best-looking house price he was paying at the pump was almost
on the block.” $1.30 above the reported wholesale price. He
ZONING FOR A COTTAGEE COMMUNITY “This is not the first time Amir has Please see PRICES, page 4A
brought a new building design to Columbia,”

Council to
Cozy Cottage Company is attempting to WORLEY
rezone property on Ridgeway Avenue to a MAP AREA ST. Martin said.
public urban development area to build Martin and Ziv met each other from their
70 West Boulevard common interest in rehabilitating old homes
affordable cottage community housing. School
Neighbors are worried the new development in the First Ward for low- and moderate-
Ridgeway income buyers.

weigh in on
might ruin trees and cause unsightliness. Cottages
63 Ziv lives in a rehabilitated house that
other developers once considered worth-
ASH S less. After gutting the building, he rebuilt
T. N
the inside to look like a New York loft, with
500 FEET exposed brick, hardwood floors and wide-

new garage
open spaces.
Unimpressed with what he calls the “stick
houses” built by non-profit organizations
Cottage house 1 such as Habitat for Humanity, Ziv wants to
5,231 sq. feet build “cottage style” affordable homes with-
320 sq. feet
Tract out grants or city money. The plans include leasable retail
“If you rely on the city, then there are too
320 sq. feet
many ties, too many things that you have to
space in the 10-story structure.
lawn comply with, and I just don’t want to do it,” By CATHERINE MARTIN
space he said. “I want to do it as a developer, as an
Common area for the community to develop entrepreneur, just as somebody who wants The parking garage planned for property at

and use, within guidelines. to help the area and not rely on the city to Fifth and Walnut streets would be 10 stories,
5,069 sq. feet give me money.” stand 110 feet tall and offer nearly 13,000 feet of
The city can help, Ziv said, by allowing retail space, according to designs submitted by
Cottage him to build his houses and then assisting architects for the project.
house 2 the low-income family buyers. Those designs will be the subject of a public
5,367 “The city does have some really great hearing before the Columbia City Council at 7
sq. feet first-time homeowner programs, and that’s p.m. Oct. 6 at the Daniel Boone City Building;
where it’s really more important. Because 701 E. Broadway.
Cottage house 3 I can build these things all day long, but “There will be two elevations, with the side on
5,200 sq. feet if they don’t sell and people can’t get into Sixth Street reaching 95 to 100 feet and the side
Garage them, especially in today’s market, then it on Fifth Street reaching about 110 feet,” said
320 sq. feet doesn’t do anybody any good.” Mike Kurz of Walker Parking Consultants.
N First Ward Councilman Paul Sturtz sup- The plans also include 12,814 square feet of
10 FEET ports Ziv’s project, saying it has good den- retail space on the ground level. That space will
sity and design. be available for lease and, depending on who is
“When it comes down to it, it’s not a par- interested, could be leased to either one or multi-
* 7 '/. '++#" '%(&. ERICK WARD%
2 ple businesses. Kurz thinks the amount of space
Please see COTTAGES, page 4A lends itself to more than one business.
Chris Davis of Peckham and Wright Archi-
Please see GARAGE, page 3A

Outside today Getting it right Index


Stay granted on Ga. man’s execution Our 101st year/#11

2 sections
JACKSON, Ga. — The U.S. Supreme Court gave a Today: Partly cloudy and warm, The Missourian’s policy is to check all local Abby 7A Lottery 2A 16 pages
reprieve to an inmate less than two hours before his chance of thunderstorms. stories for accuracy before publication. If Calendar 2A Opinion 5A
scheduled execution Tuesday for the 1989 slaying of Temp: 83° you are a source of information, and we Classified 5B Second Front 6A
an off-duty police officer. Advocates of Troy Davis have Tonight: Partly cloudy. don’t double-check it with you, let us know. Comics 7A Sports 1B
called for a new trial as seven of nine witnesses have Temp: 58° If you spot a mistake, let us know that, too. Life Stories 6A Sudoku 7A
recanted their testimony. — The Associated Press Page 2A Call Tom Warhover at 573-882-5734. 6 54051 90850 3

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