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New Movies by Hunter Barnett and

Cade Mountain
Penguins of Madagascar (PG)
Four of the worlds greatest spies have
entered the theaters: the penguins of
Madagascar. This movie is about penguin super spies that are trying to save
the world from evil octopi.
Exodus: Gods and Kings (PG-13)
As it hit theaters in December, many
people flooded to see this film. The plot
follows the live of Moses (Christian Bale)
as he tries to take on a mighty empire.
As he rises up against the Egyptian
Pharaoh, Ramses, he sets 600,000 slaves
free and helps them escape Egypt and
its huge cycle of plagues.
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb

Get ready to laugh because this is the

wildest and most adventure-filled Night
at the Museum ever. Coming out December 2014, the plot follows Larry Daley
(Ben Stiller) as he spans the globe, on
the way uniting characters new and old,
embarking on a epic quest to save the
magic before it's gone forever.
Below Image credit: Denver Post

lymphoma, which is a form of cancer.

Chiefs trainer Rick Burkholder said that
Eric began to feel pain in his chest after an
away game loss against the Oakland Raiders. He was then examined by team physicians and then returned to Kansas City,
Missouri with his team. Afterwards, he
was taken to get an x-ray which tested
negative for lymphoma, but after some
more x-rays and blood work he was eventually diagnosed with lymphoma, which is
tragic for the Chiefs. Now it's my turn to
say something about this. Without Eric
Berry the Chiefs will definitely NOT have
a good season. He is the Chiefs defense
through and through. I hope he gets back
on the field soon. Via: Sportscenter
Kobe the Hog? Not So Much ...
By Logan Tallent
Kobe Bryant has reached 6,000 assists.
He's 26th on the All-Time Assist list, but
everybody thinks he's a ball hog. He takes
questionable shots, but he usually makes
them. Many fans don't blame Kobe because
his team is somewhat unreliable. When he
misses a game, they usually get blown out.
He had a triple-double on November 30th,
2014. If he gets the ball in his hands, he
can make plays for himself, and his team.
He's an assassin. Russell Westbrook is another example, along with Gerald Green.

Eric Berrys Fight by Kolton Stakely
The Kansas City Chiefs safety Eric Berry
has unfortunately been diagnosed with
lymphoma, which is a form of cancer.

TPJHS Roar Staff

Jason Ashburn, Hunter Barnett, Deanna
Belcher, Leah Duckett, Tyler Martin, Cade
Mountain, Kayleigh Smith, Kolton Stakely,
and Logan Tallent
Editors Ms. Mondone, Mrs. Johnson


Issue No. 3
January 2015




Paper Generously Provided by

The Advocate and Democrat


The current staff will be taking

a few weeks off. See you soon!

Email us:


Logo Created by Tyler Martin and Kolton Stakely




Smoke is Suicide by Tyler Martin


Ever think about taking a puff? I wouldn't. Did you know that smoking is the #1
cause of death in the U.S.? Each year, an
estimated 443,000 people die from smoking or from secondhand smoke, and another 8.6 million live with a serious illness, or injury caused by smoking. There
were 86,740 deaths due to lung cancer (caused by smoking) in men and
70,759 in women. Each year, over $96 billion is spent on cigarettes. Think about
how much money could be saved, and
used for better things such as college
funds, children hospitals, or just a new
house or car. So think about the next time
someone offers you a
smoke, and remember
what that can do to you.
So tell a relative or just
a friend to quit smoking, and live a healthy


Data Source:

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Kayleigh Smith

Geckos can hold

on to anything
tightly because of the sticky pads on the
bottom of their feet. Geckos can cling to
objects even when they're dead. On the
bottom of their feet, they have curved
hair-like structures called "setae." The
adhesive, on the bottom of their feet, is
so strong that people have been trying to
imitate it for years. Scientists have found
five geckos and have measured the performance of their ability to stick before
and after they're no longer living. Dead
geckos can enable the amount of stability
just as living geckos can. The death of a
gecko, does not effect the stability or posture of a gecko. Geckos can cling to anything without using energy. The reduction of the geckos adhesive can powerfully make geckos toes and fingers grow
longer. The animals that have adhesive,
on their feet, were most likely injured
before death.
Via: December 4, 2014
Photo Credit: UC Riverside


Stand Up and Stop by Tyler Martin

How do you feel about bullying? You might say
Well, bullying is getting better." Well it isn't;
it's only getting worse. Did you know that over
160,000 students stay home from school each
day because of bullying? That's not all, over
4,000 minors have either attempted or died
from suicide this year because of bullying.
ABC News has stated that 30% of students are
either bullies or victims. You might say that
you're not a bully, but just think of the little
things you have said or done. Every little thing
matters just as much as the big things, because those little things can build their way
up. Sometimes it's better to just stay out of
other people's business. Honestly, you don't
know them. You don't know whats going on in
their life. Sometimes its just better to say
something nice, or just give someone a compliment. So go up to someone and say something
nice, or give them a compliment. I promise
they'll appreciate it.
Advice by Leah Duckett
I've heard of many types of bullying at our
school. Verbal, physical, cyber bullying, etc.
Why would someone want to hurt someone
else's feelings or injure them? I believe that
the person who bullies you, if you are in this
situation, most likely does it just because they
think it's funny, when really it's not. Maybe
they do it just because they may be going
through a hard time. That's something to
think about. What if the person who bullies
you or others is going through the most tragic
time of their life and they just don't know how
to act to others? What if they're depressed and
they're taking out their bad thoughts and feelings on others? If you are being bullied, try to
be the bully's friend. Don't let them bring you
down. Try to bring them up! Maybe they'll realize that being nice isn't so bad after all.
Maybe you'll change their life. If, for some reason, this method doesn't work, stand up for
yourself. Most bullying occurs not in person,
but just online or starting as a rumor on a

small, crumpled up note. If that is the case for

you, you can then at least feel good enough
about it to know that they're too scared to say
it to you in person. How do you react to this,
though? You should, in my opinion, confront
them. No, don't say anything rude to hurt their
feelings back, just tell them that they should
really stop, or maybe tell them that being
mean won't get them anywhere in life. If, however, you are a bully, think about the following
questions and statements:
1. Why are you hurting other people?
2. What kind of reputation will bullying give
3. How would you feel if someone you know
today started pushing you against lockers
and calling you names you didn't like to be
4. Your braggadocio isn't impressing anyone.
Your tyranny only hurts others.
5. Consider being nice. It's much more fun
than browbeating.
6. Be a benevolent friend to others and you
will form amicable relationships with
them, guaranteed.

Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Yates

by Logan Tallent
I met with the 7th and 8th grade science teacher
Mrs. Yates and asked her a few questions. Mrs.
Yates said her job is high stress, because she
feels responsible for the success of all of her students. She also said middle-school students get
off-task easily, so if she doesn't do a good job engaging them, they lose interest. Mrs. Yates' job
consists of knowing standards, writing lesson
plans, classroom management, assessing students, being available to help students, grading,
and preparing labs, etc. When I asked her how
she feels about the changes to TPJHS, she said
she likes the new rules, and she likes the specific
accountability. She also said the shortened transitions between classes make it hard to get students in the door and ready to work. This is Mrs.
Yates second year at TPJHS. She is also a
mother of three.


A Side of
Melissa McCarthy
By Kayleigh Smith
Melissa Ann McCarthy was born
in Plainfield, Illinois on August
26,1970. She is 5'2" and was
raised on a farm. She has a husband
named Ben Falcone, also an actor, and two
children named Vivian and Georgette who
were born in 2007 and 2010. She graduated
high school from St. Francis Academy. She
starred in T.V. shows and movies such
as, Gilmore Girls as Sookie St. James, Mike
and Molly, The Heat as Shannon Mullins,
and Tammy. It turns out she did three episodes, of the famous kid show, Kim Possible.
Image and Info Via:

Fun Facts By Deanna Belcher

Halo 5: Guardians (Beta)

By Leah Duckett
Halo is a series of games developed by
343 Industries. The newest game in the
series is titled Halo 5: Guardians and is
set to be released in autumn of 2015. The
Beta, however, is running from December 29th, 2014 to January 18th, 2015 to
give a first experience to any who may be
interested. The multiplayer beta is going
to feature seven maps and three game
modes. New armor sets will also be
available to customize the characters. If
you participate in the beta, you will be
able to interact and give feedback about
the game. Maybe the game developers
will take and use your suggestions for
the game. The beta is accessible on the
game Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
Have fun, gamers!

Did you know 8% of people have an extra rib?

Did you know if you try to say the alphabet
without moving your lips or tongue every letter
will sound the same?

Whats cubbing up
NexT by Jason Ashburn
January 14 PTO meeting at 3:30 pm
January 19 No School
January 20 JV Home Basketball Game &
Report cards go home

LOL by Jason Ashburn

Why did the robber take a bath?
So he could make a clean getaway!

Crazy Laws by Kolton Stakely

It is illegal to fish with a lasso in Tennessee.
TN Annotated Code 70-4-104 specifies that
fishing can only be done with a rod, reel,
and hook. What other crazy laws are out
there on the books? Via:,

Image credit:

One Republic:
By Deanna Belcher
2013 and 2014 were two huge years for
One Republic. they had many huge hits
that went viral including Counting
Stars, Love Runs Out, and I
Lived. In April 2014, they released
there 3rd album Native. If you like this
group, you may also want to check out
Ella Henderson. The lead singer Ryan
Tedder helped the British singersongwriter debut "Ghost" which is now a
popular new release on the radio and
Image and Album Info:

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