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Table of Contents

Letter from the President...................................................................................... 2

Annual Expenses..................................................................................................... 3
Sources of Funding................................................................................................. 3
Requirements for Members to go to Convention.
Fall Regional Conference Kansas City, Missouri November 06-08, 2015....5
42st Annual Conference Boston, Massachusets March 23-27, 2016............6
Your Support............................................................................................................ 7
Past Sponsors.......................................................................................................... 8
SDSM&T Chapter Executives ................................................................................9
2015-2016 Academic Year Goals........................................................................10
Events.................................................................................................................. 11
General Body Meetings...................................................................................... 11
Kickoff BBQ......................................................................................................... 11
SDSMT Student Activities Leadership Awards....................................................12
Professional Development.................................................................................. 12
Guaranteed 4.0 Workshop.................................................................................. 13
Community Service............................................................................................... 14
Engineering the Future.......................................................................................... 14
The Penny War...................................................................................................... 14

Letter from the President

Dear Prospective Corporate Sponsor;
My name is Anna Haydock and I am currently the President for the National Society of Black Engineers
(NSBE). I am reaching out to you today about sponsoring members of the SD Mines NSBE chapter, and
the chapter itself. NSBEs mission is To increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers
who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community. This organization
has certainly done that for me. Being from Fresno, CA, I have seen a lot of pain, hurt, failures, and
stereotypes within my community. However, being a part of NSBE and attending the National
Convention, my life was changed. To see many successful individuals, driven and goal oriented like
myself, made me want to become an engineer even more, and change the world around me, as well as the
views on my community. So, with the help, support, and donation from your company, this life changing
experience can be given to many more members of the SD Mines NSBE chapter. With your assistance in
securing a level of financial sponsorship as outlined in the next page, we will continue to develop
ourselves professionally which will be illustrated in the remainder of the packet. We are forever thankful
for your assistance in completing our missionTo increase the number of culturally responsible black
engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.

Thank you again,

Anna Haydock
SDSMT-NSBE Chapter President

a single sound or find a way out


Annual Expenses


Regional (see details on page 4)

National (see details on page 5)

General Body Meeting

o Refreshments

Mines Parade

Volunteering Events
o Penny War
o SD Mines Football Tutoring
o Martin Luther Day of Service
o High School Tutoring

Community Service






Sources of Funding

Student Organization Appropriations

o University Support


Corporate Support

Alumni Support


Necessary Corporate Support



Requirements For Members To Go To Convention

Registered as a National NSBE Member and on Mines
Attend volunteer activities and participate in NSBE events
Attend all NSBE chapter meetings
Reporting to an officer if they have to miss an event for
another commitment
Maintain at least a 2.75 GPA
Write 1-2 pages on why going to Convention would benefit
the member and the organization
Sign compliance agreement if selected to go and be funded
Pay For Performance

Fall Regional Conference Kansas City,

Missouri November 06-08, 2015
Expected Participants (4 Officers, 2 Senators, 2 Members, and Advisor)
Chapter Executive Officers
Collegiate Member



Hotel Costs
Per Night



Flight Tickets (Round Trip)



Total Cost


I am going to have a good time and I wish you the same. Farewell, my friend.

42st Annual Conference Boston,

Massachusetts March 23-27, 2015
Expected Participants (4 Officers, 2 Senators, and 4 Members)
Chapter Executive Officers
Collegiate Member
Hotel Costs
Per Night
Rental Van
Gas (Rapid City to Denver and back)
Flight Tickets (Denver to Boston)
Total Cost




$175.00 x 4 nights x 3 rooms


4 (days)



I hope that you are doing fine and wish you a wonderful rest of the day. Thank y

Your Support
All forms of support are greatly appreciated by the SDSMT-NSBE chapter.
All supporters will receive the following Bronze level incentives for their contributions of $500
or more:

Host of one NSBE General Meeting

Recognition on the SD Mines NSBE website
Certificate of Appreciation
Resume CD (If requested)
In addition to the above incentives, our other support levels are below:
Support of one additional chapter events of your

$ 3,000 - more

Recognition on chapter website with a link
Recognition at end of the year (Banquet)
4 chapter T-shirts
Plaque with date of support
Chapter update/ progress by email
Recognition in Corporate sponsorship packet

Support of one additional chapter event selected by

the chapter
2 chapter T-shirts
Recognition on chapter website with a link
Certificate with date of support
Recognition in Corporate sponsorship packet

$ 500 - $ 1,999

$ 2,000 - $ 2,999

Support of one additional chapter event selected

by the chapter
Recognition on chapter website
1 chapter T-shirt
Certificate with date of support

The apple took the wrong route and ended up behind the most dangerous entity-- a human

Past Sponsors

SDSM&T Chapter Executives

Anna Haydock: President

Lek Ojoawo: Vice President

Mark Mazzucco: Treasurer

Faculty Advisor

Secretary: Carina Russell

Jesse Herrera: Advisor

2015-2016 Academic Year Goals

NSBES goals are centered on Academic Development & Excellence, Leadership, Career & Professional
Development and Cultural and Community Awareness.

Increase active membership by 50%, increase membership enthusiasm and educate members on
the history and vision of the National Society of Black Engineers

Ensure 100% of our qualified membership are able to attend national convention

Increase membership involvement by informing members of the numerous possibilities they may
pursue through the organization specific to their career interests in order to ensure academic
excellence and positive community impact

Continue to have a tutoring program at a local school and two major community service projects
every semester

Revitalize our weekly meetings by providing content focused on the collective career interests of
our members

Incorporate engineering principles, based on math and science, into our community service
activities that involve interaction with grade school children.

Preserve the relationship with current corporate supporters and appeal to a more diverse pool of
corporate supporters that represent and benefit all majors.

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a great day and I wish you the best
throughout your careers.

General Body Meetings
At least once a week the general body and the officers
meet to discuss the current status of the local
chapter, our Region V, and national
organizations directives and programs. These
meetings are designed to engage the students in
the inner workings of the club and push them to
become something more than just a regular mines
student. Not only to attain a phenomenal
education but as well as add to the campus and
community that surround and support them.
Each meeting is attended by 25-30 students with 18
meetings scheduled for the academic year.

Kickoff BBQ
At the start of each academic year, we start off with a simple BBQ. This allows new members to interact
with officers and chapter members in a more social setting. We form new friendships and interest groups
through this event.


SDSMT Student Activities Leadership

Each year students and organizations that perform
exceptionally are honored during the SALC awards.
Since its establishment in 2009, our NSBE chapter
has been awarded Outstanding Student
Organization of the Year award 3 times
consecutively. We hope to continue this legacy.

Professional Development
In order to prepare our students to the best that we can, we incorporate the following elements into our


Resume Review

How to research Companies

Preparing for interviews

During Conferences

Elevator Speech

Dos/Donts during an interview

Appropriate Dress and what to take


Dos/Donts after an interview


Guaranteed 4.0 Workshop

As part of a launch to our new academic initiatives, SD Mines-NSBE is working effortlessly to present a
Guaranteed 4.0 workshop not only for our membership but for the entire student body at the School of
Mines. The Guaranteed 4.0 Learning System is an innovative approach to learning and success! Our
system ensures academic excellence and professional growth both in and out of the formal educational
system. Results are said to be guaranteed and students who have followed this program to the T within the
NSBE network make all As!!

Hello there! I hope you are having a good day. Please, stop by and later on we can have a chat.

Community Service

Engineering the Future

This is a new outreach program which originated in
2012 from our very own region. The final goal of
this project is to get children in middle school and
High School engaged and interested in STEM
fields. A few chapter volunteers go out to schools
in the Rapid City area to do projects with kids.

The Penny War

New to the chapter, we introduced the Penny
Wars to the South Dakota School if Mines in
recognition of the UNs Universal Childrens Day on
November 22. All school organizations are welcome
to join and the winning organization is given the
opportunity to choose where the money that is raised
The SDSMT-NSBE chapter also organizes a clothes
drive at the end of the academic year. We also
participate in Operation Christmas Child and the
Martin Luther King Day of Service alongside other
campus organizations


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