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Module 3: Sorting and Randomized Algorithms

CS 240 - Data Structures and Data Management

Arne Storjohann
Based on lecture notes by R. Dorrigiv and D. Roche
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

Fall 2015

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Selection vs. Sorting

The selection problem is: Given an array A of n numbers, and 0 k < n,
find the element in position k of the sorted array.
Observation: the kth largest element is the element at position n k.
Best heap-based algorithmhad
 time cost (n + k log n).
For median selection, k = n2 , giving cost (n log n).
This is the same cost as our best sorting algorithms.
Question: Can we do selection in linear time?
The quick-select algorithm answers this question in the affirmative.
Observation: Finding the element at a given position is tough, but
finding the position of a given element is simple.

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Crucial Subroutines

quick-select and the related algorithm quick-sort rely on two subroutines:

choose-pivot(A): Choose an index i such that A[i] will make a
good pivot (hopefully near the middle of the order).
partition(A, p): Using pivot A[p], rearrange A so that
all items the pivot come first,
followed by the pivot,
followed by all items greater than the pivot.

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Selecting a pivot

Ideally, we would select a median as the pivot.

But this is the problem were trying to solve!
First idea: Always select first element in array
return 0

We will consider more sophisticated ideas later on.

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Partition Algorithm
partition(A, p)
A: array of size n, p: integer s.t. 0 p < n
swap(A[0], A[p])
i 1, j n 1
while i < n and A[i] A[0] do
i i +1
while j 1 and A[j] > A[0] do
j j 1
if j < i then break
else swap(A[i], A[j])
10. end loop
11. swap(A[0], A[j])
12. return j

Idea: Keep swapping the outer-most wrongly-positioned pairs.

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QuickSelect Algorithm

quick-select1(A, k)
A: array of size n, k: integer s.t. 0 k < n
p choose-pivot1(A)
i partition(A, p)
if i = k then
return A[i]
else if i > k then
return quick-select1(A[0, 1, . . . , i 1], k)
else if i < k then
return quick-select1(A[i + 1, i + 2, . . . , n 1], k i 1)

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Analysis of quick-select1

Worst-case analysis: Recursive

 call could always have size n 1.
T (n 1) + cn, n 2
Recurrence given by T (n) =
Solution: T (n) = cn + c(n 1) + c(n 2) + + c 2 + d (n2 )
Best-case analysis: First chosen pivot could be the kth element
No recursive calls; total cost is (n).

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Average-case analysis of quick-select1

Assume all n! permutations are equally likely.
Average cost is sum of costs for all permutations, divided by n!.
Define T (n, k) as average cost for selecting kth item from size-n array:
1 X
T (n i 1, k i 1) +
T (i, k)
T (n, k) = cn +


We could analyze this recurrence directly,

or be a little lazier and still get the same asymptotic result.
For simplicity, define T (n) = max T (n, k).

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Average-case analysis of quick-select1

The cost is determined by i, the position of the pivot A[0].
For more than half of the n! permutations, n4 i < 3n
4 .
In this case, the recursive call will have length at most 3n
4 , for any k.
The average cost is then given by:


cn + 12 T (n) + T b3n/4c , n 2
T (n)
Rearranging gives:

T (n) 2cn + T b3n/4c 2cn + 2c(3n/4) + 2c(9n/16) + + d
d + 2cn

Since T (n) must be (n) (why?), T (n) (n).

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Randomized algorithms
A randomized algorithm is one which relies on some random numbers
in addition to the input.
The cost will depend on the input and the random numbers used.
Generating random numbers: Computers cant generate randomness.
Instead, some external source is used (e.g. clock, mouse, gamma rays,. . . )
This is expensive, so we use a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG),
a deterministic program that uses a true-random initial value or seed.
This is much faster and often indistinguishable from truly random.
Goal: To shift the probability distribution from what we cant control
(the input), to what we can control (the random numbers).
There should be no more bad instances, just unlucky numbers.

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Expected running time

Define T (I , R) as the running time of the randomized algorithm for a
particular input I and the sequence of random numbers R.
The expected running time T (exp) (I ) of a randomized algorithm for a
particular input I is the expected value for T (I , R):
T (exp) (I ) = E[T (I , R)] =
T (I , R) Pr [R]

The worst-case expected running time is then

T (exp) (n) = max T (exp) (I ).
size(I )=n

For many randomized algorithms, worst-, best-, and average-case expected

times are the same (why?).
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Randomized QuickSelect

random(n) returns an integer uniformly from {0, 1, 2, . . . , n 1}.

First idea: Randomly permute the input first using shuffle:
A: array of size n
for i 0 to n 2 do
swap ( A[i], A[i + random(n i)] )

Expected cost becomes the same as the average cost, which is (n).

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Randomized QuickSelect
Second idea: Change the pivot selection.
return random(n)

quick-select2(A, k)
p choose-pivot2(A)

With probability at least 21 , the random pivot has position

so the analysis is just like that for the average-case.
The expected cost is again (n).


i <

4 ,

This is generally the fastest quick-select implementation.

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Worst-case linear time

Blum, Floyd, Pratt, Rivest, and Tarjan invented the medians-of-five
algorithm in 1973 for pivot selection:
A: array of size n
m bn/5c 1
for i 0 to m do
j index of median of A[5i, . . . , 5i + 4]
swap(A[i], A[j])
return quick-select3(A[0, . . . , m], bm/2c)

quick-select3(A, k)
p choose-pivot3(A)

This mutually recursive algorithm can be shown to be (n) in the worst

case, but its a little beyond the scope of this course.
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QuickSelect is based on a sorting method developed by Hoare in 1960:
A: array of size n
if n 1 then return
p choose-pivot1(A)
i partition(A, p)
quick-sort1(A[0, 1, . . . , i 1])
quick-sort1(A[i + 1, . . . , size(A) 1])

Worst case: T (worst) (n) = T (worst) (n 1) + (n)

Same as quick-select1; T (worst) (n) (n2 )

(best) ( n1 ) + (n)
Best case: T (best) (n) = T (best) ( n1
2 )+T
Similar to merge-sort; T (best) (n) (n log n)
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Average-case analysis of quick-sort1

Of all n! permutations, (n 1)! have pivot A[0] at a given position i.

Average cost over all permutations is given by:
T (n) =


T (i) + T (n i 1) + (n),



It is possible to solve this recursion directly.

Instead, notice that the cost at each level of the recursion tree is O(n).
So lets consider the height (or depth) of the recursion, on average.

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Average depth of recursion for quick-sort1

Define H(n) as the average recursion depth for size-n inputs. So

1 + n1 i=0
max H(i), H(n i 1) , n 2
H(n) =
Let i be the position of the pivot A[0].
Again, n4 i < 3n
4 for more than half of all permutations.
Then larger recursive call has length at most 3n
4 .
This will determine the recursion depth for at least half of all inputs.
Therefore H(n) 1 + 12 H(n) + H(
 3n 4 ) for n 2,
which simplifies to H(n) 2 + H( 4 ).
So H(n) O(log n).
Average cost is O(nH(n)) O(n log n).
Since best-case is (n log n), average must be (n log n).
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More notes on QuickSort

We can randomize by using choose-pivot2, giving

(n log n) expected time for quick-sort2.
We can use choose-pivot3 (along with quick-select3)
to get quick-sort3 with (n log n) worst-case time.
We can use tail recursion to save space on one of the recursive calls.
By making sure the other one is always smaller, the auxiliary space is
(log n) in the worst case, even for quick-sort1.
QuickSort is often the most efficient algorithm in practice.

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Lower bounds for sorting

We have seen many sorting algorithms:
Selection Sort
Insertion Sort
Merge Sort
Heap Sort

Running time
(n2 )
(n2 )
(n log n)
(n log n)
(n log n)
(n log n)
(n log n)


Question: Can one do better than (n log n)?

Answer: Yes and no! It depends on what we allow .
No: Comparison-based sorting lower bound is (n log n).
Yes: Non-comparison-based sorting can achieve O(n).
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The Comparison Model

In the comparison model data can only be accessed in two ways:

comparing two elements
moving elements around (e.g. copying, swapping)
This makes very few assumptions on the kind of things we are sorting.
We count the number of above operations.
All sorting algorithms seen so far are in the comparison model.

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Lower bound for sorting in the comparison model

Theorem. Any correct comparison-based sorting algorithm requires at
least (n log n) comparison operations.
A correct algorithm takes different actions (moves, swaps, etc.) for
each of the n! possible permutations.
The choice of actions is determined only by comparisons.
The algorithm can be viewed as a decision tree.
Each internal node is a comparison, each leaf is a set of actions.
Each permutation must correspond to a leaf.
The worst-case number of comparisons is the longest path to a leaf.
Since the tree has at least n! leaves, the height is at least lg n!.
Therefore worst-case number of comparisons is (n log n).

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Counting Sort
Requirement: Each A[i] satisfies 0 A[i] < k; k is given.
counting-sort(A, k)
A: array of size n, k: positive integer
C array of size k, filled with zeros
for i 0 to n 1 do
increment C [A[i]]
for i 1 to k 1 do
C [i] C [i] + C [i 1]
B copy (A)
for i n 1 down to 0 do
decrement C [B[i]]
A[C [B[i]]] B[i]

Time cost: (n + k), which is (n) if k O(n).

Auxiliary space: (n + k), can be made (k)
counting-sort is stable: equal items stay in original order.
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Radix Sort
Requirement: Each A[i] is a string of d digits xd1 xd2 x0 ,
and each xi satisfies 0 xi < k.
Example: integers between 0 and k d 1
radix-sort(A, d, k)
A: array of size n, d: positive integer, k: positive integer
for i 0 to d 1 do
Call counting-sort(A, k) with each xi as the key

Time cost: (d(n + k))

Auxiliary space: (n + k)

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Summary of sorting

Randomized algorithms can eliminate bad cases

Best-case, worst-case, average-case, expected-case can all differ
Sorting is an important and very well-studied algorithm
Can be done in (n log n) time; faster is not possible for general input
HeapSort is the only fast algorithm we have seen with
O(1) auxiliary space.
QuickSort is often the fastest in practice
MergeSort is also (n log n), selection & insertion sorts are (n2 ).
CountingSort, RadixSort can achieve o(n log n) if the input is special

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