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Subject /Class


Year 6

(60 minutes)

Subject /Class

Year 6

(60 minutes)

Focus: Listening and speaking.
Theme: World of self, family and friends.
Topic: 2. Appreciating Others.
Learning Standards: 1.2.4, 1.1.3
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1.2.4 Able to participate in a conversation with peers.
1.1.3 - Able to listen to and respond to a given stimulus by using appropriate
words, phrases and expressions with the correct stress, rhythm and
Teaching Aids: flash cards, text book.
CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences, Contextualise
1. Teacher greets the pupils and gets the pupils to respond. Refresh pupils
memory to previous lesson.
2. Displays some pictures of some individuals they know and ask them the
way to appreciate others.
3. Teacher displays the flash cards and gives some explanation about the
difference between gift and donation and way to appreciate others.
4. Teacher asks pupils to refer to their text book pg. 13.
5. In pairs, teacher asks pupils to answer the given questions
6. Pupils share their answer with the whole class and discuss the matter
with teachers guidance.
7. Class drilling the words and identify the genres and the meaning
Focus: Listening and speaking.
Theme: World of self, family and friends.
Topic: 2. Appreciating Others.
Learning Standards: 1.2.4, 1.1.3
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1.2.4 Able to participate in a conversation with peers.
1.1.3 - Able to listen to and respond to a given stimulus by using appropriate
words, phrases and expressions with the correct stress, rhythm and
Teaching Aids: flash cards, text book.
CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences, Contextualise
1. Teacher greets the pupils and gets the pupils to respond. Refresh pupils
memory to previous lesson.
2. Displays some pictures of some individuals they know and ask them the
way to appreciate others.
3. Teacher displays the flash cards and gives some explanation about the
difference between gift and donation and way to appreciate others.
4. Teacher asks pupils to refer to their text book pg. 13.
5. In pairs, teacher asks pupils to answer the given questions
6. Pupils share their answer with the whole class and discuss the matter
with teachers guidance.
7. Class drilling the words and identify the genres and the meaning


Attendance: __/__
___/___ pupils
were able to
achieve the

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson
will be carried
forward due to


Attendance: __/__
___/___ pupils
were able to
achieve the

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson
will be carried
forward due to

Subject /Class

Year 5

(60 minutes)

Focus : Writing
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends.
Topic: 2. Saving, Sharing, Spending
Learning Standards: 1.1.4, 1.2.4
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance.
1.2.4 - Able to participate in guided conversation with peers.
Teaching Aids: flash cards, text book.
CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences, Contextualise
1. Teacher greets the pupils and gets the pupils to respond. Refresh pupils
memory to previous lesson.
2. Displays some items and ask pupils to talk about the price and consider
all the items between needs and wants.
3. Teacher displays the flash cards and gives some explanation about the
difference between needs and wants.
4. Teacher asks pupils to refer to their text book pg. 13.
5. In pairs, teacher asks pupils to answer the given questions
6. Pupils share their answer with the whole class and discuss the matter
with teachers guidance.
7. Class drilling the words and identify the genres and the meaning


Attendance: __/__
___/___ pupils
were able to
achieve the

Teachers action:

*Todays lesson
will be carried
forward due to

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