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March – June 2009 – Semester 3


Prepared by
Ili Mohamed
Sound & Music Design Academy

NOTE* Please READ & RETAIN this Module Handbook for reference throughout the semester.

Diploma in Sound & Music Technology


Credit Hours
Successful completion of the module earns you 2 credits

Module Duration
15 weeks
30 class hours

Pre Requisite Module


Miss Ili Mohamed
Sound & Music Design Academy
Inovasi 1-1, Jalan Teknokrat 1/1
63000 Cyberjaya
Tel.: +603 8317 8678

Class Guide and Courtesy

As courtesy to both facilitators and students, please
refrain from using your mobile phone or set it to silent
mode when class is in session.

Absence from class requires a legitimate medical

certificate or consent letter from parent or guardian.

80% of attendance is required in order to pass this


All students are required to be punctual for classes.

There is a 10-minute grace period, for after which
students will be marked as late, and after 20 minutes,
students will be marked as absent.

The lecturer will be available for any questions or

assistance at the staff faculty located at the Plaza, on the
3rd floor.


Module Overview

This course is designed to expose students to the theoretical and practical

aspects of career management and development in the music industry. It will also
expose studenst to the many career opportunities available in the music industry hence
guide students on the many roles of the different occupation in the music industry

Module Objectives

In this course, student will be:

 Exposed to the importance of music in the marketplace
 Guided on the music business system and career planning development

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
 Analyze how the music industry works.
 Analyze the professionals/compartments in the music industry.
 Analyze how a record label works
 Analyze music business development and career planning and the development.



Recommended Reading Books

1. David Baskerville, 2006, Music Business Handbook & Career Guide, Sage

2. Josquin des Pres & Mark Landsman, 2004, Creative Careers in Music, Allworth

3. Donald Passman, 2008, All You Need to Know About the Music Business,

Additional Reading Materials


1. Carty, Donald G., 2004, Your Personal Road Map for Success: How to Get Where
You Want to Be. USA: Personal Development Institute,

2. Richard James Burgess, 2001, The art of Music Production, Omnibus Press

3. Marty Neumier Brand Gao, 2006, The Brand Gap: how bridge the distance
between business strategy and design, Prentice Hall

4. Roy Shuker, 2005, Popular Music- The Key Concepts, Routledge

List of Required Materials

Stationery items such as specific pencil, ruler, paper etc. or Digital Storage such as
DV tapes, CDRs, DVDs etc


The Brief
The projects assigned for the students are designed to test each students’
understanding of the syllabus. These assignments would give an advantage in gaining
knowledge and prepare students for the related field of job scope prior to the student
graduation. It is compulsory for the student to take each practical/assignment/project
seriously so as to gain the necessary knowledge for their own benefits.

Printed Report
Minimum of 1500 words and not more than 2000 words
(not including title, index and references)

Duration of Assignment (effective from briefing date)

11 Weeks

Assignment Deadline
Week 15

Learning hours
1. Theory Learning Hours

Assignment 1 – Career Management – Research Essay (Individual Assignment)
Please submit the necessary assignment for assessment:

 Total Marks - 26%

 Description
Research Essay (1500-2000 words) on one of the following titles:

1. The development of music industry and its impact on the creative job
market. Use examples if you want to to illustrate your points.
2. Pick a career in the music industry that you’re interested in and write
down a basic ‘map’ on how you’ll go about to achieve that dream
career. You can use a present prominent figure in the industry as an
example to help explain.
3. Copyright, publishing and royalty. Define these terms and how they can
be interconnected.

 Duration – Eleven (11) weeks

 End Date – Research Proposal Week 9 (27 April 2010) ***

Research Essay Week 15 (8 June 2010)

***Research Proposal deadline (300 words describing your hypothesis and the
supporting theories + Bibliography*** (reference your theories) )

***see POLICIES below.

 Submission

The submission deadline is during the class hours at the specified week
stated above, for late submissions it will be a penalty of 5 marks reduction

 Submission Format -

o Print Out on A4 paper.

o Digital on MS Word.

 Presentation -
 Use Times New Roman, Calibry or Arial, font size 12
 Each page must be numbered.
 Clearly presented so it has an easy reading flow.

 Stay close to the title subject without giving a lot of emphasis to
irrelevant material.
 Appropriately written bibliography.
 Use of double space.
 Must include Cover Page *


Assignment 2 – 15 (fifteen) minutes Power Point Presentation of the chosen

research essay’s title.

 Total Marks – 26%

 Description
Present your findings from the Research Essay.

 Duration - Eleven (11) weeks

 Execution & End Date – Week 15 (8 June 2010)

 Submission

The submission deadline is during the class hours at the specified week
stated above, for late submissions it will be a penalty of 5 marks reduction

 Submission Format -

o Presentation.
o Slides used in presentation must be printed out on A4 to form a booklet.
o Digital Submission of Power Point slides & MS-Word Notes.

 Presentation -
 Neat
 Clearly presented so it has an easy to understand flow.
 Stay close to the title subject without giving a lot of emphasis to
irrelevant material.
 Involvement of audience.

Assessment 3 –Career Management – Final Examination (Objective / Subjective
Please be punctual and follow the module requirements:
 Total Marks - 24%
 Description
o Introduction to Music Business
o The Publishing & Recording Business
o Career Development
o Creative Careers
o The Music Industry
o Career Management
 Examination Week- Week 16
 Duration – 90 minutes
 Submission Format -
o Answer Paper (Objective / Subjective)
o Student Information
 Name, Batch, Student ID, Contact number, Lecturer, Module
Name and Code

Assessment 4 – Career Management- Quiz 1 (Objective / Subjective Paper)

Please be punctual and follow the module requirements:
 Total Marks - 7%
 Description

o Introduction to Music Business

o The Publishing & Recording Business
o Career Development

 Examination Day – Week 5

 Duration – 30 minutes
 Submission Format -

o Answer Paper (Objective / Subjective)
o Student Information
 Name, Batch, Student ID, Contact, Lecturer, Module Name and

Assessment 5 – Career Management- Quiz 2 (Objective / Subjective Paper)

Please be punctual and follow the module requirements:
 Total Marks - 7%
 Description

o Creative Careers
o The Music Industry

 Examination Day – Week 11

 Duration – 30 minutes
 Submission Format -
o Answer Paper (Objective / Subjective)
o Student Information
 Name, Batch, Student ID, Contact, Lecturer, Module Name and

Students are to strictly follow module requirements for Quiz / Examination for these


Materials Needed
Stationeries, A Universal Bus Pen Drive or External Hard Drive, Word Processor,
Compact Disc – Writable (CD-R), creativity, ideas and interest.

Individual Project Assignment

 Hard Copy on A4 paper when applicable, as well as digital copy of word
document, power point.
 The highest quality should be attained at all times.
 The final format to be adhered to the requirement needed.
 Assignment are to be submitted on the dateline given and directly to the

Quiz / Examination
 Student is expected to be in the classroom / examination hall 15 minutes before
the paper starts
 Stationeries and scientific calculator are self provided by student
 Student is refrained from any form of communication during examination hour
 Student is to be remained seated until the examination time is over
 Student must inform if should not be able to attend the examination at least 48
hours before examination dates with valid reason (in written, signed by
parents/guardians). Failure of attending an examination without valid reason
will result to disqualification of assessment and no percentage will be given

The manner of submission will represent and send a strong message to others about
your self. For those who are serious about the industry, it is important that this should
be understood and this presentation plays an important role in people’s perceptions.
Please make sure that all submissions are accompanied with the proper labels
so as to identify the owner of the package. All this should include:
1. Name
2. Batch
3. Student ID
4. Date
5. Contact
6. Project
7. Lecturer
8. Format information
9. Other relevant details

Submission requirement for group / individual based assignment:

Hard Copy format Submission

 Printed on A4 paper
 Digital submission of word documents, power point presentations e.t.c. on CD’s,

Digital Format Submission

 The required format should be selected so as to provide a ‘Plug & Play’ format
 The medium that is required, such as CD or DVD should be checked for error
after the burning sequence is completed.
 Label all material accordingly.

Media format

 All media format that is required are to be respected and any changes that
have to be made by the student should inform the lecturer and the reason
should be justified.


 Power Point Presentations should be arrange and organize accordingly

 Any accompaniment of Audio and/or Video must be in working order
 All presentation should be done in a professional manner
 It is also recommended that the proper attire to be adhered to when
presentation is being done.
 Label all material accordingly.

Each work should be attached with the corresponding written proposal or
journal specifying work progression and rationale write-up. These write-ups MUST
serve as your work’s ‘blueprint’ which maps the entire thought process that leads up to
the final work submission. Failure to submit these prints would result in forfeit of

Final presentation submission on CD-R (Compiling of all submissions in Digital Form

(CD or DVD))

1. Please compile all your work and burn it on a CD
2. Please label all of your folders accordingly on the CD
3. Submission MUST be by your own hand to your lecturer and no one else.
4. Ensure that you receive a receipt from the lecturer when submitting your work.
5. Also, ensure that you have completed and submit your Archive (CIRA) form to
your lecturer at the end of the semester.

Mark Grade GPA Grade description
range &CGPA
Unreserved praise. A rare performance. Highest
possible level in quality, originality, progress,
80 – 100 A 4.00 application and attitude. Scholarship material.
Worked beyond expectations.

Worked to high standards and expectations with

competence but with perhaps a slight lack of
75 – 79 A 3.67 imagination, technical ability or application.
Superior, consistent, does demonstrate some
professional capability

Excellent but not brilliant, perhaps not consistent.

Demonstrated personal involvement and
70 – 74 B+ 3.33 commitment. Does have originality and application.

Shows promise of ability to attain higher levels. Has

intelligence and is conscientious. Has no difficulty
65 - 69 B 3.00 with the given work.

Have some momentum and the ability to develop.

Wide range of ability and experience but perhaps
60 - 64 B- 2.65 lacking in development or originality. More than

Have talent and some ability to make use of it. Can

understand concepts and develops them.
55 - 59 C+ 2.33 Sometimes show flashes of insight but lacking a real

Average ability but not extended in any direction.

Understands. Slightly better than average. Could
50 - 54 C 2.00 have more self – motivation.

Have some ability and some application. Average. A

45 - 49 C- 1.67 little uninspired. Has some difficulty.

Either does not understand or has little ability to

demonstrate that understanding. Does have
40 – 44 D 1.00 application or does demonstrate talent.
Reservations about future performance.
Failed, does not understand the concept of the
0 – 39 F 0.00 project or handed in an utterly inadequate effort.

Grade GPA & CGPA Description
EXP - Exempted
PC 2.00 Pass Conceded
X 0.00 Outstanding Supplementary Assessment
PX 2.00 Pass (Supplementary Work Submitted)
P 0.00 Pass
Def 0.00 Deferred
PP 0.00 Pass Provisional
DNA 0.00 Did Not Attend
DNC 0.00 Did Not Complete

Assessment 1 –Research Essay (Individual Assignment)
 Research Proposal (5%)
 Research Content (10%)
 Research and Writing Structure (6%)
 References (5%)

Assessment 2 – Presentation (Group Assignment)


 Use of Power Point and Student’s Appearance (6%)

 Good Knowledge of the matter (8%)
 Clearly Presented the subject (8%)
 Involvement of Audience (4%)

Assessment 3 - Final Examination (Individual Assignment)


 Introduction to Music Business 4%

 The Publishing & Recording 4%
 Career Development 4%
 Creative Careers 4%
 The Music Industry 4%
 Career Management 4%

Assessment 4 – Career Management Quiz (Objective / Subjective Paper) 7%

 Introduction to Music Business 2%

 The Publishing & Recording 3%
 Career Development 2%

Assessment 5 – Career Management Quiz (Objective / Subjective Paper) 7%

 Creative Careers 4%
 The Music Industry 3%


Attendance 5%

Participation 5%

Total Accumulated Percentage 100%


Late Assignments / Extensions

Work that is submitted after the time it is due for assessment will be penalized.

Extensions can only be granted if a student can show adequate progress towards
completion of the assessment and there are extenuating circumstances preventing
them from delivering the assessment on the due date.

In the case of a request of an extension due to medical circumstances, students must

produce an original medical certificate. The lecturer will only give extensions for a total
amount of time not exceeding the equivalent number of days the medical certificate
considered valid.

Plagiarism is a breach of intellectual property; the act of using or copying someone
else’s idea or work and trying to present it as your own. It is taking and using someone
else’s work without proper attribution.

Intellectual Property involves:

 Another person’s idea, opinion, or theory
 Any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings—any pieces of information—that are not
common knowledge
 Quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words
 Paraphrase of another person’s spoken or written

Issues of intellectual property extend beyond the written word of course. Bear in mind
that the use of still images, moving images, audio or any other content which you have
not created yourself, and which you do not have the appropriate permission to use, is
an serious offence resulting in a FAIL grade for the subject.

Using Internet Sources

The World Wide Web has become a popular source of information for students’ papers,
and many questions have arisen about how to avoid plagiarizing these sources. In most
cases, the same rules apply as for a printed source: when you refer to ideas or quote
from a WWW site, you must cite that source.

If you want to use visual information from a WWW site, many of the same rules apply.
Copying visual information or graphics from a WWW site (or from a printed source) into
a paper is very similar to quoting information, and the source of the visual information
or graphic must be cited. These rules also apply to other uses of textual or visual

information from WWW sites.

Referencing guide for students

Books / Electronic Books:
 Author Surname, Initial Year, Book Title, Publisher, State e.g. Werder, B 2007,
Interactive Structures, Mayfair Books, London
 If there are 2 authors or more e.g. Werder, B & Volz, M 2007, Interactive
Structures, Mayfair Books, London
 If the source is from electronic books (ebooks), take note of the date e.g.
Fodder,P 2007, Sound Design, Alpha, Michigan. Retrieved January 15, 2007,
from Limkokwing University Library Database

Internet Sources:
 If the source has an author e.g. Dawson,M 2001: 3D techniques and modeling,
 Sources without author e.g. 3D techniques and modeling,
 Images from the web e.g. Jana 3D Model [Image] 2002,

Audio Visual Sources:
 If the source is a video recording or film e.g. Spiderman 3 2007, film, Warner
Brothers, Hollywood
 CDROM sources e.g Dr Brain thinking games 1998, CD-ROM, Knowledge
Adventure Inc., Torrance, California.

Harvard Referencing 2007. Retrieved on March 1st, 2010, from


Week Date Lectures Tutorials / Lab

Course Overview
 Introduction to Public Relations
1 1-5  Art Versus Commerce
MAR  The Arts and Entertainment Industry

Course Overview
8-12  Getting Through the Maze
 Music Business in Higher Education
 The Music Industry in Transition - Future

The Publishing & Recording Business

 Major Labels & Independent Record
15-19 Labels
3  The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Approach – A
Career On Your Label

The Publishing & Recording Business

4 22-26  Copyrights and Royalties
MAR  Publishing Deals

Career Development Quiz 1

 Making a Name for Yourself – Earning a
29 Reputation
MAR- 2  Professional Help – Lawyers, Managers,
5 Agents, and Others

Career Development
6 5-9 APR  Professional Help – Lawyers, Managers,
Agents, and Others
 Career Options

12-16 Creative Careers (Part 1)
APR  Professional Songwriter

 Lyricist
 Composer


Creative Careers (Part 1)

 Arranger
9 26-30  Music Editor
APR  Music Copyist

The Music Industry

3-7  Scope of the Recording Industry
10  Record Promotions, Distribution and
MAY Retailing
 Record Market

The Music Industry Quiz 2

10-14  Music in Radio
11  Music in Television
MAY  Dramatic Scoring for Motion Pictures &

The Music Industry

17-21  Music in Advertising
MAY  Music and Theater
 Business Music & Production Libraries

Career Development
 Defining Goals
24-28  Climbing the Ladder
MAY  Finding Work

14 MAY- 4 Final Revision

15 Presentation and Essay Submission

16 14-18
JUN Final Exams


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