Group Discussion Topics - Freshers, MBA, CAT, Interview Etc

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Group discussion topics - Freshers, MBA, CAT, interview etc.

Latest GD
Should there be limitations on the way of celebrating a festival?
Reservations in education shadows merits and must be done away with
Poverty should be more important than extra-terrestrial intelligence!
Are the trial courts too liberal with death sentence?
Should Yakub Memon be hanged?
E courts Merits and Demerits
Interlinking of rivers in India Advantages & Disadvantages
M-governance: Will it be the panacea for all the problems of India in the next decade?
Politicians should not be allowed to show up in government advertisements!
Can India become the human resource capital of the world?
Social topics for group discussion

Management topics for group discussion

Economics and Business topics for group discussion

Political topics for group discussion

General Interest topics for group discussion

Creative Topics topics for group discussion

Education topics for group discussion

Sports topics for group discussion

Group discussion topics on current affairs

Group discussion topics for college students

Group discussion topics for engineering students

Group discussion topics for management students

Technical group discussion topics

General topics for group discussion

Group discussion topics for freshers

Group discussion topics for interviews

Group discussion topics for bank interview

Group discussion topics for cat

Group discussion tips

GD topics
Social topics for group discussion
English should be made the Official Language
Younger generation is more practical than older
Reservation for women would help the society
Live-in relationships should be encouraged
Joint family is a blessing in disguise
Water resources should be nationalized
Parents dont understand children

Arranged marriage is better than love marriage

Divorce and remarriage should be encouraged
Hindi movies are harming our society
How to deal with terrorism
Brain-Drain has to be stopped
Should euthanasia be legalized?
Daughters are more caring than sons

TV Commercials should be banned.

Journalism should be out of the premises of censorship
NGOs - Do they serve people's interests?
Universal Disarmament Is a Must
You have to break a few eggs to make an omellette
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to waste and destroy
Women shouldn't be offended if called "sexy".
Parenthood- only thing that makes a difference to everything in life?
Divorce - Wife should get 50% of husband's residential property?

Abortion and Euthanasia - Is it morally right for society?

Life imprisonment - alternative to capital punishment
Role of ethics in tobacco industry, liquor industry
Rules are made to be broken
A fool can ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in
seven years
Dolphins and Whales should get universal rights.
More films should be shot in Kashmir valley.
Blood test to reveal life span should be welcome.
That so few people now dare to be eccentric, is the chief danger of our

Freedom is the freedom to say 2 + 2 = 4. Once that is granted, everything

The validity of science lies in its power to predict
else follows

Management topics for group discussion

Managers are born, not trained
Women are good managers
He who knows how to be poor knows everything.
More management schools than primary schools
Women are better managers
Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from poor
Faith is to believe what you do not yet see, reward for faith is to see what
you believe
25% seats in private schools should be reserved for poor.
Law is the creation of the strong to rule the weak
If you give a man a fish, he eats it once. You teach a man to fish, you lose
a business opportunity
Nuclear power is a safe source of energy

Managerial skills learnt in the classroom

We need more management schools than primary schools
Winning is not the important thing, it is the only thing.
India's growth rate is bridging gap between rich and poor.
The test of a successful man is not an ability to eliminate the problem
before it exists, but to meet and resolve it whenever it arises
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative
Mothers should be listed as first guardians.
Education is what remains after one forgets what one has learnt in school
A man with words and no deeds is like a garden full of weeds
A closed mouth catches no flies
Women can demand divorce more easily now - a step towards women

Economics and Business topics for group discussion

Electronic media vs. print media
Corruption is the price we pay for democracy
Advertising is a waste of resources.

Impact of Globalization
Multinational corporations: Are they devils in disguise?
Privatization will lead to less corruption.

Should gambling be legalized?

Private companies in building up infrastructure
Technology Creates Income Disparities
IT boom and the growing pressure
Rising petrol prices - Govt. can control?
Smaller businesses and start-ups have more scope
China is a threat to Indian IT industry.
Multinational corporations: Are they devils in disguise?
Indian culture doesn't breed leaders.
Performance based bonuses for government employees should be
Celebrities should be welcomed in politics.
A permanent seat in the UN Security Council is neither necessary nor
sufficient for India to become a world power
For an idea to be accepted it has to be advertised by a good salesman
Fate of Apple after Steve Jobs
FDI in Retail - Will really affect the farmers of India?
US Debt Crisis - really has an impact on world market
Sanctions against Iran - right or wrong?
Depreciation of Indian Rupee has only negative impact on the economy
RBI can not control inflation with its temporary monetary policies
Gold: Best investment or a bursting bubble?

China market - a threat to Indian market

Commercialization of Medical services - Good or bad?
India should be reorganized into smaller states.
Black money in tax heavens - declared national property
Government should give up the control on CBI.
Developing countries need trade, not aid.
Should agricultural subsidies be stopped?
Business and Ethics do not go together
Futuristic Internet connected glasses - A technology overdose?.
Ditching the Kyoto Protocol - Is India's objection on EU justified?.
Winning is what matters, whatever may be the cost
Life has become dangerous in this unipolar world
India - really the NexGen superpower
Viral Marketing should be encouraged
EU Zone Crisis - reason for rising value of dollar
Should central government provide West Bengal a moratorium on loan
Speculation is an art of life
Nokia and Microsoft are a planned alliance or desperate move?
Is Inflation always harmful?

Political topics for group discussion

Freedom of press should exist
Role of UN in peacekeeping
The role of NGOs in economics and politics
The rise of regional political parties is a threat
Tainted ministers not be allowed to contest
Is coalition politics here to stay?
Corrupt but efficient politicians are better than honest
Political parties' promise for free laptop to students will benefit the
Only Lok Sabha members should become prime ministers.
Abolishing Haj subsidy - justified?

India needs a strong dictator

Media is a mixed blessing/How ethical is media?
Politics and economics go together.
Right to reject
Mid term polls - Should taxpayers pay for it?
FDI in Indian retail should be welcomed.
Good economics is bad politics
NGO leaders should stay away from politics
Delhi will halt if Bihari's don't work.
The 2G scam - has shaken the trust of world business in India

Rahul Gandhi - Remote control to congress in UP

General Interest topics for group discussion

Global warming
Satellite channels are creating cultural erosion
Fire overweight policeman and physically unfit politicians?
Death or life term for Kasab?
India should practice "Swadeshi"
Food Bill - Is it really something India needs?
Death or life term for Kasab?
US war on Iraq-justified or not?
Should doctors be tried in Consumer Courts?
China - A threat to India?
Indian villages - our strength or our weakness?
It is better to be born lucky than rich
Patience is a bitter plant but bears sweet fruits
When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail
Permanent colony on moon is the future.
Education is a progressive way of discovering your ignorance.
Low cost diamonds for teenagers will help meet their aspirations

Should Surrogate advertising be allowed?

The pros and cons of having a credit card
Computer viruses are good
India's huge population - bane or boon?
The government should stop funding IIT's and IIM's
Will India really be the superpower of 21st century?
Television in India
Nuclear power good for increasing power demands
Quality is a myth in India.
Detaining Shahrukh at US Airport was just a matter of security check
Mobile phones - requirement of the day.
Cursing the weather is bad farming
If you want peace, prepare for war
Good things always arise from good thinking
Great spirits face violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Happiness is a mystery like religion, and it should not be rationalized

Creative Topics for group discussion

Capital punishment should be banned
Celebrity Brand Endorsement: Effective Advertising?
Yoga - not limited to Hindus
Former Bollywood actresses should make a come back to the industry.
Texting affects the vocabulary negatively

Beauty contests degrade womanhood

If you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem
Contemporary music is no music.
Need of censorship on social media
True happiness can be got only when you make the others feel that they
are responsible for it

In business, the rear view mirror is clearer than the windshield

Education topics for group discussion

Sex education
Examinations - has it killed education?
The medium of teaching in schools should be English.
B-Schools should aim at creating entrepreneurs
Increasing no. of Engg. Colleges is a boon to society
E-Learning is good for the education system and society.
Should burqa be banned in classrooms and exam halls?

Technology consultant
The medium of teaching in schools should be English
Should GD/PI be a part of selection process?
A room without books is like a body without soul.
Educated Indians lack national commitment.
Should we change present system of education?
Social networking on Internet is a boon.

Hard work or Smart work - Which is important?

Education industry is a business these days.
Indian universities vs Foreign universities.
Wisdom does not come with age.
A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in
MGNREGA : A key to increase employment in the country
teaching the students
Facebooking : A time pass actitivity

Sports topics for group discussion

Sachin Tendulkar's retirement - A matter of his choice?
Rotation policy in Indian cricket team makes the team better.
Sports psychologists should find a place in IPL
Mixed Martial Arts League should be welcomed in India

Performance enhancing drugs should be legalized in sports

Cricketers are overpaid.
Virat Kohli is world's best ODI batsman.
BCCI - Sahara relationship: A tragic end.

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