ALSA UNPAD - Text of Storytelling A Tale of Mahatma Gandhi - Ani Mardiani

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: Ani Mardiani


: State Polytechnic of Jakarta

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi is a figure of a piece,

In eighteen and sixty nine (1869), in Gujarat , West India, born a baby boy
from karamachand couple. His dad was a prime minister and Gandhi grew with a
mom, who was faithful and obidient to hindu trust.
But , who was Mahatma Gandhi exactly?
Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of india known as a figure of peace. In
eighteen and eighty three (1883), when he was 13 years old, Mahatma Gandhi
married with kasturbai makhanji. Based on their tradition, actually a wife had to live
away from her husband and stayed with her parent. In eighteen and eighty five
(1885), they had a child, yet only survive in a few days. Pathetically In that year,
Gandhis father also died.
A several years later Gandhi and his wife had 4 children again, named Harilal,
Manilal , Ramdas , and Devdasa. Even though Gandhi had married , Mahatma
Gandhi still received junior high school and senior high school education. And also
continued his education until college, on Samald, Gujarat absolutely with few
obstacles . During college, he werent allow to join on his own choice by his family,
because they wanted him to be a lawyer .
In eighteen and eighty nine (1889), When Mahatma Gandhi was almost 19
years old , He went to London for studying law at the University of London. In
London, Mahatma Gandhi maintained his promises to his mom in hindu abstinence
to didn't eat a meat , alcohol, and an unauthorized things. Based on hindu obstacles
that exalted a cow, His stomach couldn't eat a meat which were provided by some
restaurant. And he just searched some restaurant of vegetarian. But Mahatma Gandhi
still learning London habits, something like a dance and salsa. Sometimes a member
of theosophocal society, once recommended Gandhi to read Bhagavad Gita, and
Mahatma Gandhi learned on buddhist, hindu, christian, moslem, and other religion
The text of story telling Participant in ALSA UNPAD

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After his graduation from London, then Mahatma Gandhi back in India to work. But
he hadn't succeeded in Bombay as a lawyer. But in eighteen and ninety three
(1893), he received a long-term contract with a company in India yet, in a condition
for transfering him to Natal, South Africa as a lawyer.
How's gandhi travel?!
Good or bad?!
Of course not .
Not such as good travel.
A lot of problem he faced, one of them was, felt a discrimination for the India
state .His presence was rejected because an artheid idealism which divided someone
based on their ras. It happened, when on the train he moved from a class 1 to class 3,
eventhough he had the official ticket for a class 1. And many more, many more
problems that he felt about a discrimination as a people of India. Gandhi absent for
30 years opposed a discrimination with the other indian .With his preached, he said
and told about Ahimsa ( without violence) and Satyagraha ( resoluteness of the
truth). Gandhi opposed a oppression and violence with a love , patience , and
willingness, to bear all of consequence. Some people supported him and believed
him, As a person who asked him to deal with a conflict. Because of that his career in
Africa resulted him a luxurious life.
In nineteen and fiveteen (1915) Gandhi left all luxurious life, in South
Africa, and back to his land, Gandhi were welcomed by his people in India. He was
requested for stepping on the stage to harangue for India. But, his speech so short:
"Thank you for welcoming you all" said gandhi while greet the people of India.
One day Gandhi met with some poor people. They complained about poverty.
Uniquely, Gandhi didnt promise to give a food or money. But gandhi gave a question
about solicitation. Gandhi said, if all we had to do, can answer all the problems we
And in nineteen and foury seven (1947) on 15 august, India declared their
independence to the public. Gandhi's effort wasn't an effortless.
"The effort will result a satisfication, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory"
said gandhi.

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When India declared it to the public, the opportunity for getting a national
power were in his palms. But he didn't take it. He choosed to spend it in an Ashram,
than to live in the palace.
"Receive one degrees as wearing a spiny crown said gandhi.
But in nineteen and foury eight (1948) on 30 january, Mahatma Gandhi
What happened?!
Mahatma gandhi died because he were killed by someone. He were shot,
while he lead a worship. His killer was Nathuram Godse , an adherent of radical
Hindu, because he thought that Gandhi was a cause of India paid to pakistan .
When Gandhi died, all of India got sorrow. With his death , Gandhi was able,
to reach a peace and unity in india. Gandhi finally called as Father of India. The
world complimented him, as the spiritual leaders, with deal of all time. His
principles, had inspired democracy activist, and supporter in anti-racism. As the
memorial of Gandhi in New Delhi, contained a prasasti with his last word He Ram
or could be interpreted as Oh God.
It's the end of the story.
Conclution: All things can be solved without violence , by prioritison a peace and
the truth of this life. Because There is love , always There is life.- Quotes of
Mahatma Gandhi.

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