Paper 2 Patriarchy's Timeline

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Patriarchy's Timeline and making names

by Louise Gouffic

Developing language is a long slow process of making names, one at a time, to

communicate with others in our species. It took many centuries. Every name created answered a
need, initiated by the need to have "a name for-this-thing-not-named-before now."
To see what need is to name-making we view the timeline that afforded patriarchy the
opportunity to make names serving its interests. Over 10,000 names embed male-bias.[1]
Patriarchy's timeline gives us a bird's-eye view of the time patriarchy had to make these names.
1, 9,000 B.C.E. The Sumerians took the resemblance of the mushroom Amanita
muscaria to the erect penis to be a sign that the phallus was Creator God. John M. Allegro, a
linguistic scientist who learned to decipher the Sumerian language, shows how the Sumerians,
11,000 years ago, created names carrying the meaning of phallus-as-supreme-being.[2] They
made several morphemes naming Phallus Supreme Creator.
At the time belief in the magic-of-names to bring about the reality named, the names for
phallus-as-supreme-creator broadcast the message. Belief in Phallus was achieved with names.
The morphemes naming Phallus Supreme Creator were short one or two character names,
us, U, ab, el, and ah, etc. Making names for an abstract concept such as phallus-being-divine
was likely difficult in 9,000 B.C.E. But today these are embedded in the names of most of the
Supreme Creators people worship in words. (wor, L., man, male.)
9,000 years later the names would prompt the line, "In the beginning was the Word" in a
holy book claimed to be "The Word of God." This bridges patriarchy's beginnings with today:
from 9000 B.C.E. to 2016 C.E. The Bible starts with: John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Sanctifying the phallus by embedding us as in Phallus, Zeus, Jesus, masculus, deus,
Priapus, ah as in Yahweh, Allah and Jehovah, Yahweh, and U as in Manu and Jupeter, created a
veneration gap between the sexes. It was the first inequality-in-value between the sexes, decreed
by Phallus Creator. The male genitals had a higher-value set in language, in names to be used
and repeated ad infinitum for centuries, fulfilling the magic-in-names.
Sanctified power adding value to male genitalia gave him the wow! attribute of divinity.
Except for the need of the vulva, and uterus in reproduction, the not-male of the species had less
value. Bottom line: The sexes are unequal in value; the difference in their genitals divides them
in value. He's the name-maker, she's (his) name-user. The inequality-in-sex is inequality-invalue.[3] Details: 1, sexual organs, 2, male name-maker, 3, not-male, user of male speech, make
the inequality credible.

A name that relies heavily on communicating sanctified Phallus, to convey the highervalue of one sex, needs to be repeated ad infinitum to imprint it on the mind, to be believed as
Truth. The implication here is that repetition would be continued through the centuries to expand
Phallus in a set of organized names making people believe in the higher-value of the penis as
being natural, and even moral, as if "this is just the way things are."
11,000 years later a man named Freud would invent penis-envy.
Since the Sumerians named Phallus the sexes were made to follow divergent paths, one
sex as dominant species, the opposite sex, submissive subspecies of the male, leading to more
divisions in the species due to seeing more differences as time went on. That is, since 9000
B.C.E., when male sex became the determining factor in giving value, the process rolled along
on a saw-toothed track of differences=divisions=inequalities. The divide-to-conquer-axe cut the
minds of the masses into pieces with pure-gold male-biased shards embedded in names.
2, 3000 B.C.E. Ptah, 'ah' denoting him to be a Phallus, had a most marvelous tongue, so
marvellous He named it Hu. Hu said, "Let there be water, and lo, there was water. Let there be
land, and lo, there was land. Let there be... and lo, there was ..." The belief in the magic-ofnames to create is evident here. Patriarchy soon caught on to the idea that Phallus could be
expanded through names in language.
Control became the goal in high-valued males, Lords, the henchmen in patriarchy.
Language would be the thing wherein the mind would be made to believe in Phallus King.
3, 2400 B.C.E. Manu of the Hindi, claiming his Phallic Lordship, put 'the subjugation of
half the species to the male half' into law. Code of Manu. Sloka V. The law reinforced the
inequality established by Phallus in 9000 B.C.E. Illiteracy being high at the time the law was not
challenged or questioned.
The law however, begs the question of motive. Since Phallus had been sacred for almost
6000 years, did elite males, Lords, want free access to the vulvas on planet earth? As Lords, did
they want Phallus to be serviced? Was this a policy of free sex? Or was the law to free males
from the responsibility for their sexuality? Did Lords believe virility to be so holy that vulvas
just ought to be accessible to elite, and perhaps all, males, all the time?[4]
That the sex drive in males, touted to be stronger than in the not-male, first of all, is pure
conjecture, and second, not a reason to stealthily bring in the freedom from the responsibility for
male sexuality, as we suspect Manu's law of doing. But, from His law, the world-wide patterns
of male dominance and not-male submission, prescribed in name, language and law, emerged,

grew, practiced to this day. The explosion of brothels explains a lot. As does rape. Porn. Sexual
harassment. Lower salaries, and ...
4, Circa 1400 B.C.E. The Hebrews gave their Phallus the name Emmanuel. Also as
Immanuel, el, the, manu (em/im) in (us). Manu, his law, and Phallus are all honoured in name
and reinforced, repeating that the male is divine and sacred, confirming to the masses that males
are higher-in-value because they are holy-by-association. The broadcasting of male divinity
creates deeper belief in sexual inequality as being an attribute of the species due to the nature in
the sexual differences between the male and the not-male, as prescribed by Phallus. Circularity is
one of patriarchy's greatest talents.
5, Circa 200 B.C.E. The Romans put "the authoritative control of the husband over the
wife," into law, called "The Manus." (us - Phallus.) See 'Manus marriage'[5] The law and the
historical belief in sanctified virility in higher males, holy in the Holy Roman Empire at the time,
again, deepened belief in the inequality of the sexes. By now the 10,000 year-old history of
institutionalized inequality due to difference in sex, prescribed by Phallus, transmutes the belief
into knowledge: inequality is indeed the plain and simple Truth.
The Roman law came on the heels of Aristotle's pronouncement that "Women are by
nature inferior to men, and must therefore be subordinate to, and ruled by, men." (Italics mine)
Half the mind of the species muted, their bodies defined as son-bearers, made servile to harddrive virility, because Phallus is Supreme Creator.
6, The common Latin name 'manus', hand, with its 'us' suffix denoting holy-in-Phallus,
was everyday currency before "The Manus" came into law. Ignorance at the time stopped the
illiterate and uneducated masses from looking at the differences between lower case manus and
higher case Manus. The sleight of hand magic between lower case and higher case is repeated in
word and Word, 'wor', L., man, male. Using high case and low case characters with names was
not understood by the uneducated masses. Even today few are aware of the practice. But the
lower-case manus, hand, and higher-case Manus, law, is the slick trick prescribing the male hand
of control, absolute.
We can now suspect why us, a divine-denoting morpheme embedded in Phallus, is today
used as a third person pronoun. "For us men and our salvation," in the Lord's Prayer. Holy
Politics are as mysterious as they are tricky.
From this, the Romans confected the Truth of 'One in the Man-head', which became
religion's 'One in the Godhead', God (16th C) now a euphemism for Phallus. The term encephalic,
in the head, would come from the Sumerian belief in Phallus. In the phallic intelligence of Lords

who entitled themselves to be the name-makers, phalic -> phallic, like mater -> matter. Lords
confidently manipulated and fixed language in their own self-interest. The masses be damned.
Up to the 11th Century though the members were fem and wer, and their sexes, maal and
feme. In this century, patriarchy renamed wer, man, and fem, (wo)man.
7, In the 13 Century patriarchy adds 'hu' to man, presumably to include two men of
opposite sexes, brilliantly excluding fem as fem. A poet coins fe+male out of feme to make his
couplet rhyme with male. Patriarchy accepts this mutilation. In the 16th Century the name God is
coined. Was Phallus becoming too obvious?
8, Around 1789 C.E. Le Droit de l'Homme et le Citoyen is drafted in France, The Rights
of Man by Thomas Paine in 1791, Great Britain (homme - Fr. man, male)
9, In 1948 The United Nations adopts The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Man
is two men of opposite sexes is a fact. Don't even question it.
Systems of feudalism with slavery, under the control of elite fathers as Lords, the sum of
which defines patriarchy, were practiced until about 1843 C.E. and even to 1960, with 'illegal'
slavery practiced to this day.
The morpheme man is in eight of the events in history. Begun with the a/man/ita
muscaria as the sign that Phallus has divinity. When only the male has a penis.
Being man in reality entails only being male.
10, From the 13th Century on the prescription was Man consists of the male, man, and
the female, woman, as human. It is the political identity of the species 10,000 years after the
Sumerians named Phallus. In the prescription, man is used four times, male twice. No evidence,
premises, records or etymological information explain how man and male reflect what the two
members and the species are in their respective categories.
The timeline tells us a great deal about elite self-sanctified males in control of language
and the masses at every event. Male-bias is normal; this is the way it is.
Eventually the political state of the name man came to override any relevant facts or
evidential state seen in reality about what the species actually was as a species, which, in reality,
is a speech-using and speech-making one.
Instead, patriarchy recklessly bulldozed all evidence to make two men of opposite sexes
called man(kind), imposing with cocksure confidence that man was the correct name for the
whole species. The grammatical law when speaking of an unidentified gender, the pronoun he.
The speech-using animals were put on the saw-toothed single track of two opposite male
beings developing the species along the saw-toothed single track called man. This may be what
feminists labeled as linear. Linear circularity is patriarchal logic.

Patriarchy would define the species by difference in genitals, not by what we could do
with our minds, such as make true-to-reality names to develop language and knowledge.
Patriarchy would dumb-down the masses with differences=divisions=inequalities.
Patriarchy's damage to the mind is as serious as global warming. Almost beyond repair.
The Lords-in-power had no checks and balances; they were free-from-all rules and regulations to
make names, language, law, and lie. They gave some men the go-ahead sign that get-obscenelyrich schemes are, OK, ... all the way to a crisis in global warming, unknowingly brought about
by a species rendered almost dysfunctional with belief in bias. 2016
1 Louise Gouffic. Breaking the Patriarchal Code. Knowledge Ideas & Trends, Manchester Ct.
2 John M. Allegro. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross. Gnostic Media, UK. 2009.
3 Jacques Marcireau. Le Culte du Phallus. A. Lefeuvre. Nice, France. 1979.
4 Emmanuel Reynaud. Holy Virility. Pluto Press, London. 1983.
5 William A. Hunter. Introduction to Roman Law. Sweet and Maxwell,
Limited, London. 1955.

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