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November 28, 2015


According to 26th General Assembly of International Union of Geodesy
and Geophysics conducted on June 22 to July 2, 205 in Prague, Czech
Republic, Philippines is among the list of developing countries. The
development of a country is measured with statistical indexes such as income
per capita or per person or gross domestic product or GDP, life expectancy,
the rate of literacy, et cetera. As compound indicator that being developed by
the United Nations and that is the Human Development Index. This is to
gauge the level of human development for countries where data is available. 1
This will determine on how far does the Philippines growth in terms of
economy, employment with the used of its natural resources available.
The Philippines as presented in the issue at hand considered that despite its
growing economy, it is entwined with relatively low in employment. In fact, the
population now of the Philippines is 100 million. Every year, many graduates
are jobless and some hopelessly lining up to seek for employment abroad due
to lack of opportunities. Relatively, peace and order situation in Mindanao
most likely contribute the image of the country in terms of multi-international
company to pour out investment in the country. This most probably trigger the
idea of having less opportunity employment from urban to rural areas.
Observation and Discussion
As presented in the paper, the problem that triggered the slow rate of
employment growth despite growing economy, are the following:

Population. As of July 1, 2014, the Philippines has growing population

of 100,096,496. It is equivalent to 1.38% of the total world population. How
could equilibrium be obtained if more population and less open work
opportunity are open for all citizens who are qualified to fill in the job vacancy.
Number of population in ones country is pivotal to determine its development.
The population must not necessarily be equal to number of jobs to be

provided but it must be considered that the more populated the country is, it
must have more jobs open to be offered to its populace.
In order to obtain this, national government should not limit its linkages to
other neighboring countries where to send overseas employment abroad.
Indeed, the reason why we have a growing economy because of the
remittances of our OFW from foreign land to our country. Objectively, no
opportunities in our country today that generates more jobs than going
abroad. The solution for this as suggested that our head of state should invite
multi-international business investors to put in investment so that employment
will gear into the higher level.

High Value of Education. Nowadays in the Philippines, it is not sufficient

that a bachelors degree has been obtained. It is highly important to obtain
more in masters degree because of many graduates facing with high career
competition in the market today. Filipinos culture gives high value to education
no matter how it cost. Unfortunately, no matter how high quality it is if there is
no opportunity open in the country, still it will add to low rate of employment
and more graduates have no jobs resulting to high rates of unemployment.
The nations progress is often directly correlated to the quality of education it
offers. The higher the literacy rate the more people enrolled and the more
progressive and successful a country.2
3. Low jobs available. Reason for low availability of jobs under the Aquino
administration is that low investment poured out in the country from multi
international business companies. Our national leaders should invite more
investors but not delimiting the tax incentives to some industry but it must also
be open to issue more licenses, permits, and join venture agreements to
mining industry. A mining company can generate not less than 3,000 workers
during mining operation with an average size of 2,000 hectares mining
tenement depending upon its mineral reserved. Fifty percent of this job
workers are the locals where the mining area is located covering the
barangays. This will not result to the flock of migrants in the cities particularly

in Metro Manila, where most of the migrants are from different provinces in
countryside to look for better sustenance for work, in order to provide its basic
needs: food, shelter, education, medicines, etc.
Furthermore, our country is rich in natural resources with vast track of
lands are in. Our government should set an endeavor that will fully develop
our agricultural lands in order to produce more food and employment for all.
Our legislature can offer tax incentives to multi-international agribusiness
foreign companies just to beef up employment to rural areas. The local
government leaders can facilitate a more peaceful entry of these international
big companies in their respective area of responsibility. The Secretary of the
Department of Agriculture can advocate these matters for the rural
development of our countryside. Setting a goal for this matter will alleviate
poverty and jobless people in our country.
On those conditions set to have equal economic development parallel
on more jobs opportunity, definitely Human Development Index (HDI) equally
increases together with the Gross National Product (GNP).
Hence, if there is development there will be a reduction or elimination
of poverty, inequality and unemployment within the context of growing
economy. In this context, our national and local leaders should be serious in
reaching the goal towards development in the country as a whole. If this
achieved, equality and freedom will be fully enjoyed by all.

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