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Department of Electrical Engineering

Electrical Circuits II
Laboratories 3 - 4

1. Introduction
The configuration of a Wheatstone Bridge has been used for accurate measurements
of resistance values. Similar configurations can also be used in instrumentation in
which one or more arms of the bridge are substituted by actual sensors, such as
thermo-couples for temperature sensing.

In this laboratory experiment, we shall investigate the behavior of such an instrument

bridge in terms of its linearity and sensitivity.

2. Preparatory Work (to be done by students before Lab session)

(a) For the resistance bridge circuit shown above, derive an expression of Vo in terms
of resistance values and Vs. If the bridge is balanced, show that

2 1

(b) If all the resistance values are R ohms and Rx is a sensor whose resistance is R(1 + ),
Show that
V0 = Vs

4(1 + 0.5)

(c) Plot the relationship (Vo/ Vs) on a linear graph paper for between -2 and 5. Note that the
graph is non-linear, i.e. y values are not directly proportional to x values.
(d) For small values of , the relationship can be approximated by a linear function. For
between -1 and +1, plot (Vo/ Vs) again on expanded scales and superimpose a linear
approximation on it at the origin.
(e) Over what range of would the error be 5% or less, if the function is approximated by a
linear relationship? Calculate this range by analysis and confirm it on the graph.
(f) For an instrumentation bridge, find a definition for the sensitivity of this instrument.
Think of other configurations with which the sensitivity of the bridge can be improved.

3. Laboratory Measurements
(a) Set up the bridge circuit using resistance boxes provided. If each box is set to 5 K ohms,
this should correspond to = 0. Measure the voltage value Vo. If this value is not zero,
explain why. This error is known as offset. Use the digital multimeter for your
measurements. Please read Appendix A for instructions on how to use the digital multimeter.
(b) Change the values of Rx between 0 to 10K ohms at 1 K steps, this will give you other
measurements corresponding to a wide range of . Tabulate your results showing the variation
of (Vo/ Vs) as Rx is varied. Taking the offset errors into consideration, tabulate and plot the
results of Vo/ Vs versus on a graph paper. How does this plot in comparison with the
theoretical plot?
(c) Now you want to focus on the linear region around the origin. This can be done in your
setup by putting in series with the 10 box with a 1 box for Rx. Make voltage
measurement to find out the values of at which there is no more than 5% deviation from
linearity. Compare your measured values with the theoretical calculated values and explain
any discrepancies.
(d) Define the term sensitivity in relation to the resistance bridge when used for
instrumentation. Suggest how the bridge can be modified to double its sensitivity using the
same values of Vs. Verify your circuit by setting up the circuit and making a few
measurements. When the sensitivity is doubled, for every value of you should now get twice
the voltage Vo when compared with your first circuit.
(e) Extend the concept of modifying the bridge arms and come up with a circuit with both
good sensitivity as well as good linearity of operation. Again set up your designed circuit and
briefly make a few measurements to verify your design.

5. Post-Laboratory Work
Tidy up your lab book. Put your name and student number on the front. Rework the ideas
and calculations if necessary for your pre-lab and lab work. Tabulate properly and plot all
your results. Summarize your observations and write conclusions.

Appendix A: Suggested recording in your lab book:

1. Draw a circuit diagram for each laboratory setup. Label all the components on your
2. For the resistive bridge circuit, you should measure each resistance value instead of relying
on the label on top of the box and record your results in the following suggested way:

Rx used
in circuit


Vo Measured

Vo Calculated from
the equation



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