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Shtresa e aplikacioneve

Shtresa e aplikacioneve
Shtresa e Aplikacioneve sht term i prdorur pr kategorizimin e protokolleve dhe metodave n modelet
arkitekturore t rrjeteve kompjuterike. Si Modeli OSI ashtu edhe TCP/IP prmbajn shtresn e aplikacioneve.
N TCP/IP, Shtresa e aplikacioneve prmban t gjitha protokollet dhe metodat q hyjn n "mbretrin" e
komunikimit process-to-process prmes nj rrjeti t protokollit t internetit (IP) duke prdorur protokollet e shtress
s transportit pr t vendosur nj lidhje host-to-host.
N modelin OSI, definicioni i shtress s saj t aplikacioneve sht i cekt, duke ndar qartsisht funksionet shtes
mbi shtresn e transportit n dy nivele shtes: Shtresa e Seancave dhe Shtresa e Prezantimeve. OSI specifikon nj
ndarje t rrept modulare t funksionimit n kto shtresa dhe ofron implementim t protokolleve pr seciln shtres.
Shrbimet e zakonshme t shtress s aplikacioneve ofrojn konvertim skematik mes proceseve t bashkangjitura t
aplikacioneve. Shnim: Shembuj t shrbimeve t zakonshme t interesit t prgjithshm prfshijn protokollet e
skeds virtuale, terminalit virtual, batch proccesing (prpunimin n tuf) t transferit dhe manipulimit.

Shembuj t protokolleve
9P, Plan 9 from Bell Labs distributed file system protocol

AFP, Apple Filing Protocol

APPC, Advanced Program-to-Program Communication
AMQP, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
Atom Publishing Protocol
BOOTP, Bootstrap Protocol
CFDP, Coherent File Distribution Protocol
DDS, Data Distribution Service
DHCP, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS, Domain Name System (Shrbim) Protocol
ENRP, Endpoint Handlespace Redundancy Protocol
FastTrack (KaZaa, Grokster, iMesh)
Finger, User Information Protocol
FTAM, File Transfer Access and Management
FTP, File Transfer Protocol
Gopher, Gopher protocol
HL7, Health Level Seven
HTTP, HyperText Transfer Protocol
H.323, Packet-Based Multimedia Communications System
IMAP, IMAP4, Internet Message Access Protocol (verzioni 4)
IRCP, Protokolli Internet Relay Chat
LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LPD, Protokolli Line Printer Daemon

MIME (S-MIME), Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions and Secure MIME


Shtresa e aplikacioneve

NFS, Network File System

NIS, Network Information Service
NNTP, Network News Transfer Protocol
NTCIP, National Transportation Communications for Intelligent Transportation System Protocol
NTP, Network Time Protocol
OSCAR, AOL Instant Messenger Protocol
PNRP, Peer Name Resolution Protocol
POP, POP3, Post Office Protocol (verzioni 3)
Rlogin, Remote Login n Sistemet UNIX
RTPS, Real Time Publish Subscribe
RTSP, Real Time Streaming Protocol
SAP, Session Announcement Protocol
SDP, Session Description Protocol
SIP, Session Initiation Protocol
SLP, Service Location Protocol
SMB, Server Message Block
SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol

SNTP, Simple Network Time Protocol
SSH, Secure Shell
SSMS, Secure SMS Messaging Protocol
RDP, Remote Desktop Protocol
TCAP, Transaction Capabilities Application Part
TDS, Tabular Data Stream
TELNET, Terminal Emulation Protocol of TCP/IP
TFTP, Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TSP, Time Stamp Protocol
VTP, Virtual Terminal Protocol
Waka, an HTTP replacement protocol
Whois (dhe RWhois), Remote Directory Access Protocol
X.400, Message Handling Service Protocol
X.500, Directory Access Protocol (DAP)
XMPP, Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol

Lidhjet e jashtme
(Anglisht) Si punon Shtresa e Aplikacioneve [1]

[1] http:/ / learn-networking. com/ tcp-ip/ how-the-application-layer-works

Burimet e Artikullit dhe Kontribuesit

Burimet e Artikullit dhe Kontribuesit

Shtresa e aplikacioneve Burimi: Kontribuesit:: AXRL, Cradel

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

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