Hole in The Sun

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The Hole in the Sun by D.

Elliott 2645 words

My name is Baal; I am a member of the Heavenly Host, rank Watcher. A watcher is an angel who

lives in Eden with the first humans & watches over them. Eden, paradise, a walled garden on

Earth where all humans live in peace with the Divine. It is a complicated relationship, which you

would all understand if there had not been the small matter of the Fall of grace for humans from

the Almighty. I will start at the beginning. The Master Divine Supreme created all, well he gave

the Heavenly Host the plans & we set out to build it. We built the flaming sun, which is where the

heavenly host resides, & we constructed the rest of the planets including Earth. The Lord wanted

a private garden & He named it Eden. Then he created all the creatures, well designed them, us

angels made them, except the first men & women, the Lord made them Himself, fifty of each

gender & he placed them in Eden to live. The angels were split into three groups; the first group

stayed with the Divine in Heaven & became known as archangels, the Masters personal

entourage. The second group were lesser angels who lived in the sun & were always on call for

the Divine. The third group became Watchers, they lived in the sun but traversed to & from

between the sun & earth to watch over the humans, caring for them, guiding them.

This way of life lasted for a few hundred years but a fellow watcher, Lucifer, & myself well

truthfully, we became bored with this. Actually I think Lucifer became a little envious of the


"They are so happy in their little pairs, as couples," Lucifer was saying as we watched a couple of

humans from afar, it was Adam & Eve, kissing & cuddling in a private moment on the riverbank.

"They worship the Lord & each other."

I nodded, agreeing but I sensed Lucifer's attitude was bitter.

"Why did the Lord not make female counterparts for us?" he asked me, almost in a whisper.

I shook my head slowly, not voicing my answer but it was a question that had crossed my mind


"Why do humans get to share love with each other & we do not have that opportunity? Do you not

wish you could feel that physical embrace that they share?

I nodded & sighed. "The women are beautiful."

"Why did the Lord not make us women?" Lucifer repeated.

At the next opportunity I flew back to the sun & went to the communications room to ask to speak

with the Lord. I was granted my request & protocol ensued. An archangel arrived; rarely one got

an actual private audience with the Master. It was Gabriel, appearing in all his glory.

"Watcher Baal, how may I be of assistance?" he asked as he came to rest, his arch wings folding

behind him.

"I have a question which I hope will not offend the master Lord, the Almighty," I lowered my head

as I spoke, when I raised it Gabriel held forth his right hand, fingers tips outstretched to me in the

sign to proceed.

"How come the angels do not have female counterparts?" I ventured.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow at me, then smiled. "Do you require a partner?"

I was a little taken aback by the question & was not ready with a reply.

"The Lord's Will is that what is...is." Gabriel said.

I remember feeling a fool as I stood with my mouth wide open feeling my question had not been

answered. Gabriel passed on the Lord's blessing & left.

"The Lord's Will?" Lucifer snorted. "What kind of answer is that?"

I had explained to him what had happened & he was not impressed with the reply.

"It is all the Lord's Will," Lucifer continued groaning. We were sitting in the library in the Garden of

Eden, a library to house all knowledge. It was our year to watch over it. Humans were forbidden

entry, for the Lord's own reasoning. The knowledge in the library was for the angels, for no one

could hold all knowledge in their mind except the Almighty. The Library had many functions,

including housing divine artefacts that had been used as tools to create the universe.

"I cannot get Eve out of my mind," Lucifer half groaned, half growled.

"You lust after her?" I asked.

"Don't you? All the watchers watch her & the other women."

I nodded, I knew there had been talk amongst the angels regarding the beauties of the women.

The Watchers, all male, admired them, as did the angels in the sun, there was much commentary

on the females & the women knew they caught our eye. They flirted & teased with us when we

were needed but they always returned, loyally, to their men. All this flirting was innocent at the

beginning but as time went on lust from both sides increased. The women admired the watchers,

we are handsome, our wings thrilled the ladies & were the envy of the men. And, of course, we

had knowledge; we prepared everything for the humans, from sanitation to sacrilege. Knowledge

is power & a great aphrodisiac.

"I think, in fact I know, that she lusts after me," Lucifer was saying. "And Lilith, wife of Seth, I see

the way you two look at each other."

I felt my face redden as he grinned at me. And that is how it started; that we talked each other

into getting these women for ourselves. Desire-lust-that is what was the cause of the Fall, initiated

by two separate species with the same father. We managed to get the ladies, Eve & Lilith, alone

one afternoon & we invited them to join as in the library. It took some persuading, they were

declining due to them being forbidden there but our charms worked a treat & the four of us met by

moonlight at the library entrance.

We seduced them in the first hallway, passions high, touching & loving each other all night.

Before dawn, Eve & Lilith ran back to their beds whilst Lucifer & myself sat stupefied in the library

at the emotions that flew through us after our lovemaking. We sat there till call to morning

prayers, where all were joined in adoration to the Lord. The four of us all fought to keep our eyes

off of each other throughout the service.

The illicit liaison had began & it continued whenever it could, almost every night, the four of us

together in a secret love affair.

It was a half moon night that Lilith & Eve arrived without prior warning through the secret entrance

that we had constructed for them. Both Lucifer & myself were taken by surprise, as they appeared

in the study where we were working.

"You foolish women!" Lucifer was angry. "What if we had not been alone?"

"We were careful," said Eve.


"We checked first," said Lilith, both were disappointed at our reaction. They had assumed we

would be pleased with their surprise visit. We were more shocked at what they had come to offer.

"We wish to leave our husbands & come & live with you as husband & wife," declared Eve.

A stunned silence again was not the reaction they had expected. Flattered we were but such

actions we ourselves had not contemplated.

"It is impossible," I had said causing Lilith to turn on me with a raised voice, something none of us

had ever heard.

"Impossible? Why? You love me, better than my husband Seth, You love me, Baal & I love you,

why should we not be together?"

"Because the Lord has not ordained it," I blurted out. "If He finds out about us, we will all be..."

"What?" Eve cut in. "He has done nothing so far."

"He does not know," said Lucifer.

"I thought He knew all," Lilith replied quickly.

Which was true & is, was the problem. Lucifer & myself had already realised this, discussed it &

worried over it. Why had He not said or done nothing?

The debate between the four of us raged all night; myself & Lucifer totally against the proposal of

the ladies. Eve & Lilith asked how we were going to stop them telling everyone about the whole

affair. These women were clever.

"I do not want to go back to Adam, I want to stay here with you," Eve protested.

"Give us time to think about this," I proposed, concerned that everything was about to be revealed

to all. I wanted to gain us time so that we could figure out how we would resolve this situation.

The Lilith came up with another idea, a better plan possibly, but it was to be to the women’s


"We will say nothing to anyone & not leave our husbands in return for something from you."

"Which is?" Lucifer leered at Lilith.

Lilith seemed to smirk. "Teach us the knowledge that is held in this library."

Now this was an intriguing proposal.

We had already performed acts with these ladies that had not been ordained for us angels, we

had also broken the rules by allowing them into the forbidden territory of the library on many

occasions. Now they showed an interest in the buildings contents, they needed teachers to guide

them through it.

We were flattered again to be their chosen ones.

We taught them how to read the heavenly language so that they would be able to open the scrolls

& books that contained All in words & pictures. They were eager pupils, hungry for knowledge

but their time by night with us took its toll. They lacked sleep & it showed in their daily actions.

People noticed & knew something was up.

Lilith & Eve had started to read books on the ways of the planet. The first books they read were

on birdlife, horticulture & the animal kingdom. They gasped at the wonder of the complexity of life,

how it was created by the Divine spark & joined together by the Divine spirit. Lilith delighted in the

books smell & texture, often just drawing her fingers over the pages & covers as if to get a better

feel. Eve delighted in the print of the words & the perfect works of art within the covers.

"Why are us humans not allowed to read, write & make such art?" Lilith asked.

"I do not know," I replied. We both lay together between stacks of shelves, admiring a book on

the stars.

"Eden seems so boring now, when I know that there is the possibility one can read all this," she


The thirst for knowledge tickled at the back of her mind. She was turning the pages & talking to

me as I caressed her hair. "This book is hard to read but I think it explains the movement of the

planets which has an effect on all parts of the universe & all creatures in it, I wish I could

understand this book so that I knew what....."

"Whoever understands this book would have great power," I whispered into her ear. I leant an

arm over & shut the book intent on kissing this woman when there was the sound of a divine

trumpet. This was the signal that a member of the Heavenly Host was coming. I panicked, we had

little time.

"Do not move from here," I said to Lilith so sternly I saw her visibly shake.

"That is an arch angel...." she began.

"I know," I snapped. I rushed out to the hallway & headed for the main entrance hall, my wings

faster than my legs.

I arrived just as Lucifer did, also in a panic. Neither of us was expecting a visit & we definitely did

not want one when Eve & Lilith hid in the building. They could not be found here.

It was night-time in Eden & those who had not been awaken by the trumpet call would have been

by the blinding light that Michael, the head of the Heavenly Host & his cohort of lesser angels had

arrived on. Gabriel was by his side. They came to the library & the main doors flew open to let

them in.

Michael descended before us. We bowed our heads.

"The men Adam & Seth are looking for their wives," Michael said, straight to the point.

Before we could answer Gabriel stepped forward. "You are to come with us."

There & then, without time for objection, the lesser angels escorted the archangels & us to the

sun, directly to the main hall.

"We have never had anything like this happen before," Michael said. "Defiance of the Lord."

We stood before him & Gabriel in the red hall that now roared with fire.

"We are sorry to have displeased the Lord," Lucifer began. "We should never have touched the


Michael waved a hand to silence him. "It was not your touching them that has displeased the


Gabriel stepped in. "Though I will add the Lord is displeased with your liaisons with the women

that is not the main charge. The main cause of concern is that you have disobeyed an expressed


I looked up to hear & see Michael read the charge out. "You gave forbidden knowledge to the

women, you taught them the heavenly language & gave them access to the scriptures of the

Lord. That is your crime."

"They were bored," protested Lucifer.

"And that gives you the right to break heavenly laws?" asked Michael.

Apparently it was not.

"This is the damage you have done," Michael showed us.

A giant flame roared forth & became a screen, it showed Lilith & Eve running through the main

entrance hall of the library & out through the doors. Between them they carried books & scrolls.

"They steal what they can," said Michael in a disappointed tome.

"Stop them & get them back," exclaimed Lucifer.

Michael shook his head.


"The Lord has deemed you both responsible for this situation," Michael declared. "You are to be


And then the Lord used His powers to show His magnificence.

The night became day & all humans turned their eyes to the sun. Inside it Lucifer & myself

prepared for our punishment, the first ever to be dealt out by the Lord & Master to anyone.

Halfway between the earth & the sun a void was made a dark, empty void. We all watched it


"For a thousand years it will be your home," said Michael.

Before either of could speak we were lurched that very instant from our spots. We were pulled

with such velocity though the air & flames of the sun, traversing its breadth so that we were pulled

through its inner walls with such a force that we did not feel the impacts immediately. We hit the

outer wall head first & dragged through it, its heat almost suffocating, we had not time to gasp,

the flames ravaged our bodies, our clothes were incinerated in an instant, our wings were alight &

our skins roasted. The agony cannot be explained well enough.

As we came out the other side we were pulled through the outer flames with such a force. I was

on my back by this time & I could see my legs & feet were blisters & bone, in the sun outer wall I

could see a two holes where our bodies had been extracted from, dirty black in the heat of the

sun. Flames jumped up & licked the holes away as we were flung into the dark & empty void, the

lid slamming down on us, locked for a thousand years.

Watchers © D.Elliott 2005

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