A Bill To Divide Matrimonial Property

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10 PAGES 64

` 8.00

NEW DELHI 8-14 JUNE 2013


-- Vidhanshu Kumar
he sixth edition of Indian Premier
League (IPL) has been in news more
for off field activities than the actual
games played within the boundary ropes.
The six-week league saw some lusty hitting and lethal bowling spells but when on
a lazy May morning news of former India
player and currently Rajasthan Royals
player S Sreesanth's arrest flashed on TV
screens across the globe, it already confirmed what many people believed that
games were susceptible to the deep tentacles of spot fixing.
Players or officials of at least two IPL
teams were arrested on charges of 'spot
fixing' with more arrests likely in the near
future. The current scandal has raised the
demand for enacting new laws to deal
with fixing in sports. Presently Section
420 of the IPC deals with such malpractices but experts believe this section
alone has not been enough deterrent.
Feeling the pulse of sport lovers Union
Law Ministry acted swiftly and work has
started on a new bill that will deal with
'dishonest practices' in sports. The Law
Minister has said that the bill will be
tabled in the monsoon session of the
Parliament and that it will be neither too
soft that people can think they can get
away nor too hard that interferes with the
spirit of the game. While the new law is
likely in August, let's look at the legal provisions in various countries to deal with
fixing in sports.

The British Experience

After the Hansie Cronje scandal that
broke out in the early 2000, perhaps the
most daring fixing expose was that of few
Pakistani players who were caught in the

Legalise Sports Betting : FICCI

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) has called for
legalising and regulating sports betting in India. In a report submitted to the
Union Sports Ministry, it said the ban had failed to work, as a result of which
approximately Rs. 300,000 crore in black money was being used for betting in
the country every year.
"Despite several attempts to ban it, betting is continuing although in an
underground way and substantial resources have been invested into enforcing such a ban. Thus middle way out is it should be regulated in a way which
reduces this to an acceptable level. Hence, the government should think of
legalising and regulating betting," the report said. FICCI Sports Committee
Chairman Mr. Sanjiv Paul said for quite some time the organization was
pushing for legalising betting in a regulated manner. "The current problem
being faced is very different from betting. The country is faced with fixing
arising [out] of betting. Betting is not desirable just as gambling and smoking is not desirable. But banning it has not paid off and the issue keeps on
cropping up time and again for last many almost two decades," he said.
A study by auditing firm KPMG revealed that betting to the tune of Rs.
300,000 crore takes place annually in India. If this is made legal, then the
government would earn a revenue of Rs. 12,000 to 19,000 crore per annum
and eliminate the play of black money also.
The report has been authored by Mr. Carl Rohsler, Partner, Squire Senders,
Mr. Rajpal Singh, Head-Sports, FICCI and Mr. V. Singhania, Sports Lawyer.
The greatest advantage of regulating sports betting, according to the FICCI
report, is going to be accountability for large amounts of money transferred
through illegal channels and reduction in cases of match-fixing, money laundering and crimes. "If gaming and betting is regulated in India, it will benefit
the exchequer and could potentially fund sports development, social protection or welfare schemes and infrastructure development plans," it said.
FICCI has highlighted how a blanket ban on sports betting is impossible to
be sustained without proper regulation. It has also pointed out how different
countries had benefited by legalising betting.
"A system which seeks simply to prohibit rather than control gambling is turning its back on the problem. Ban cannot be implemented but sports betting
can be controlled with proper regulation to prevent further deterioration of
conduct of sports in country," the report added.
FICCI said it has realised the negative aspect of sports betting on society.
The question now is how to tax the money involved in gambling. We need to
devise a system which encourages betting operators to function openly.
(Source: FICCI Website)

act of spot fixing by a sting operation carried by News Of The World. In the Lord's
Test played between Pakistan and
England in 2010, a bookie Mazhar
Majeed was caught on camera accepting
bribe and informing undercover reporters
that Pakistani pacers Mohd Asif and
Mohd Aamer will bowl no balls at specific
deliveries. This inside information would
have helped betters to make calls on
those deliveries and derive undue benefits.
Cricket's ruling body International Cricket
Council (ICC) took cognizance and
banned three players Mohd. Asif, Mohd.
Aamer and skipper Salman Butt.
Meanwhile criminal case proceedings
were moved against these players at the
London Court. The Crown Prosecution
Service (CPS) charged the players of
conspiracy to obtain and accept corrupt
payments. The players were also
charged for conspiracy to cheat under the
2005 Gambling act. This case was
unique as the 2005 Gambling act was
largely untested in courts and hence the
outcome could provide a way to deal with
corruption in sports. After detailed hearings the Court convicted the three players
along with Mazhar Majeed guilty of
Conspiracy to cheat and also of accepting corrupt money. Two days later, Butt
was given a term of 30 months in jail, one
year imprisonment was handed out to
Mohd Asif and Mohd Aamer got six
months in jail. The book maker was sentenced for two years eight months.
Continued on page 63




-- Flavia Agnes

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istorically, we can discern three

important strands in women's campaign for legal rights the world over - the
struggle for the right to vote (or, in other
words, to political participation), the right
to divorce and the right to own property.
After a sustained struggle, women in
England secured the right to vote in 1928,
were awarded a limited right of divorce in
1857, and the legally separated married
women were awarded the right to hold
separate property in 1872.
In comparison, in India, the right to vote
and the right to equality were enshrined
within the Constitutional scheme in 1950
without much protest The Hindu woman
secured the right to divorce in 1955 after
a considerable struggle. The right to
property was the most contentious issue
during the Hindu Code Bill debate of the
fifties. Finally a watered down version
was enacted in 1956 which awarded
Hindu women a limited right of succession in the father's self acquired property.
This was an illusory right as the father
was also simultaneously awarded the
right to bestow the property upon his sons
through a will during his lifetime, and thus
subvert the legal provisions of the enactment. The right to ancestral (HUF) property was secured much later, in 2005,
after a sustained campaign of 50 more
Despite the gains secured through legislative reforms, women continue to be
deprived of the right of succession to
parental property through various means

such as will, gift, or wilful relinquishment.

Most state laws deprive women of the
right to succeed to agricultural property.
Of the three rights - vote, divorce and
property, the right to property appears to
be the least accessed by women, not only
in India but the world over.
In India, a misconception continues to
prevail that a woman loses her right to
parental and ancestral property at the
time of her marriage. Dowry is projected
as the Indian custom of awarding property to the daughter at the time of her marriage. Hence it is erroneously presumed
that thereafter, she loses her right to
claim equal inheritance in her natal home.
This misconception drives many married
women who are harassed for dowry to
suicide as they believe they have no
place in their parental home when they
are discarded from their husband's home.
We need to examine marital violence and
dowry murders in the context of denial of
property rights in the parental home.
When we examine the economic entitlements under the matrimonial statutes, we
are confronted with yet another yawning
gap. While women from most communities have a right of divorce, they do not
have a corresponding right to matrimonial property. Under the legal regime of
separation of property of the English
common law tradition, the property
acquired by the husband is deemed to be
his exclusive property. Hence divorce
renders most women destitute, devoid of
shelter, economic security and property

While superficially the notion that each
person is entitled to one's own property
appears to be a just and equitable premise, as we probe deeper into the ascribed
gender roles within marriage, it becomes
problematic. Our society views men as
the primary breadwinner of the family. In
order to facilitate this process, a woman
is expected to sacrifice her career and
dedicate herself totally to the task of caring for him. In this process, she is also
expected to take on the task of home
making, child bearing, child rearing and
caring for the sick. Even if she is required
or permitted to work, in most situations, it
would only be to augment the family
income. Her earnings are treated as supplementary income of the family. The contribution of the home maker spouse has
no economic value. In a recent ruling,
Arun Kumar Agarwal v National
Insurance Company (AIR 2010 SC 3426)
the Supreme Court has criticized the
2001 census enumeration which categorised 367 million home makers as 'non
workers' along with beggars, prisoners
and prostitutes.
Though the matrimonial property gets
accumulated through the active contribution of the home maker wife, the husband exercises exclusive ownership
rights over it. Hence when a marriage
breaks down, most women are rendered
destitute. A woman's right is confined to
a monthly maintenance dole. If the
continued on page 64


Employment News 8-14 June 2013

ver wondered why we have such
elaborate rituals in marriages? Are
you boggled about how the monetary
system came into existence? Have you
always marvelled why we live the way
we do? Yes? Then welcome to the
world of Anthropology. This is the world
that will satiate your curiosity.
Anthropology is the study of human
evolution. It is a holistic science that
strives to understand human beings
and their actions in the biological,
social, cultural and economic contexts,
across time and space. It finds its application to everything that relates to man
- family, society, politics, religion, economics, law, administration, education,
technology or medicine. It covers the
formation and transformation of all
these features of human life. The study
and research of Anthropology leads to
the solutions to a variety of problems
and challenges facing mankind.
Anthropology is ever evolving, just like
its subject, the human. Traditionally,
the study of Anthropology was limited
to studying tribes, relics and fossils.
However, modern anthropology studies
man without the labels of 'primitive' and
'modern'. Today, a whole lot of specialised areas have emerged, namely
Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology,
Anthropology, Economic Anthropology,
Forensic Anthropology, Organizational
Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology,
Anthropology, Ecological Anthropology,
Digital Anthropology and so on.

As an option for study

Mr. G.V. Suresh, Director - Human
Resources, SonicWall Inc. says,
"Anthropology is slowly gaining sheen

as a good study option. Till a few years

back, lack of exposure to the subject
and lack of literature that can be used
as study material pushed it to the end
of the list. But the recent developments
in human history are making people more
conscious about the need to study themselves." Mr. Suresh did his post graduation inAnthropology, Public Administration
and Business Management.
There are several universities across
India offering courses in Anthropology.
These courses range from Bachelor's
degree to Ph.D. At postgraduate level,
Anthropology is offered under both Arts
and Science groups. The MA degree
deals with the humanities aspect of
anthropology, concentrating more on
culture, society and linguistics. As a
science degree, Anthropology is combined with pure science and deals with
Anthropology are open to students
from varied academic streams, though
preference is given to those from the
relevant stream. Some of the specialisations
Anthropology, Physical Anthropology,
Pre-historic Archaeology and Applied
Prehistoric Archaeology deals with the
study of antiquities and relics using
geological and paleontological evidences.
Anthropology is about physical or biological aspects of human beings.
Socio-Cultural Anthropology studies
the socio-cultural dimensions of human
living. Applied Anthropology is putting
the anthropological data and information to practical use.
According to Shriram Venkatraman,
Department of Anthropology, University
of Madras, "The uniqueness of anthro-

At least 29 people, including senior Congress Leader Mahendra
Karma were killed and many others injured including former Union
Minister VC Shukla when heavily armed Maoist ambushed a convoy
of party leaders in side dense forest in Bastar district of
Chhattisgarh. Mahendra Karma was the founder of Salwa Judum,
an anti-insurgency operation in Chhattisgarh aimed at countering
the Naxalite violence in the region.
Indian Air force will provide day and night helicopter sorties to provide logistical support to ani-naxal operations from a new helicopter
base at Nagpur.

pology lies in its scientific approach and

methodology involving intensive field
work and participant observation." So,
apart from learning various topics
under the curriculum, applying theories, employing methodologies, formulating and testing hypotheses and
developing extensive sets of data
through careful observation, interviewing and ethnographic studies, are integral to the study. Many universities provide opportunities to students to work
with NGOs among various communities in tribal, rural and urban areas as
part of their course curriculum.
A postgraduate degree in Anthropology
is the eligibility requirement for M.Phil
or Ph.D in the subject. With the developments in the field and its extended
horizons, research prospects are quite
promising for aspirants.

The most important criterion to get into
Anthropology and succeed in it, is an
intense curiosity to learn about various
aspects of human life. Students should
be passionate about the subject. Thirst
for knowledge, undying enthusiasm
and adventurous spirit are some traits
of a good anthropologist. They should
be inquisitive, keen observers and
champions of humankind. Patience
and perseverance are essential for
venturing into research. Strong oral
and writing skills, decent knowledge of
primitive languages and strong knowledge of local language, provide the
extra edge for fieldwork. One has to be
prepared for physically and mentally
exhausting fieldwork while studying
ethnic groups, antiquities or excavating
for relics. Willingness to stay on the
site, whether it is a remote village,
desert or even underwater is important
to stay afloat in this career.

Job Opportunities
Job opportunities for anthropologists
are bright in government, private and
Anthropological Survey of India provides research opportunities for anthropologists. ASI extends facilities to
promising scholars to carry out
research activities through its fellowship programme. There are four cate-

gories of fellowships, namely Junior

Research Fellow, Senior Research
Fellow, Post-Doctoral Fellow and
Visiting Fellow. All research fellows are
encouraged to register themselves for
Another good option is taking UPSC
examination and getting into civil services. Other government organisations
where anthropologists can find opportunities are Planning Commission,
Commission for Scheduled Castes,
Tribes and Other Backward Classes,
Departments, Census of India, National
Institute of Nutrition, National Institute
of Rural Development, Centre for
Economic and Social Sciences and
Pondicherry Institute of Linguistics and
Culture and Folklore Research Centre,
Chennai. The roles offered include
Archaeological Technician, Development
Architectural Historian, Public Historian
and Historic Structure Review Specialist.
International organisations that hire
anthropologists are WHO, UNICEF and
UNESCO. Educational institutions,
social service organisations, museums,
publishing houses, crime detection
agencies, forensic laboratories and
corporate houses also employ anthropologists.
A background of Anthropology provides
a strong foundation to pursue a career
in other fields also. Whether it is journalism, social work, pedagogy, public
relations or even human resource
development, a degree in Anthropology
improves the candidate's chances of
getting hired. According to Mr. G.V.
Suresh, "Business organisations have
realised the value of the contribution of
anthropologists and started working
with them. In fact, sometimes, candidates with Anthropology background
are preferred over MBAs. Recruiters,
engagement managers, CSR executives and ethics managers are some
roles. Thus, the future for anthropology
students is definitely bright."
So, what are you waiting for? Enquire
whether the university in your area
offers a course in Anthropology. Study
human evolution and there will be no
looking back in your career.

Colleges and Courses

A Group of Minister (GoM) has approved a bill to setup an independent regulatory authority for the coal sector to address issues
like pricing, supply and quality.
The Union Government is preparing a draft legislation to curb dishonest practices in all sporting events.
In a rare gesture, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Sing presented
Padma Shri award to eminent Japanese Tamil language scholar
Noboru Karashima for his outstanding contribution in the field of literature and education during his official visit to Japan.
Founder Director- General of the National Information Centre Dr. N.
Seshagiri (73) passed away, after a brief illness. Dr. Seshagiri, a
recipient of Padma Bhushan was architect of NICNET, and was also
the author of various software and hardware polices of the government.
Noted Director and actor Rituparno Ghosh died of heart attack. He
was 49. His widely acclaimed films include Dahan, Asukh, Unishe
April, Chokher Bali etc. Rituparno Ghosh also acted in the films
Memories In March and Arekti Premer Golpo.
Veena Mazumdar, Chronicler of the Indian women's movement and
pioneer of women's studies passed away. She was 86.
Mumbai Indians (MI) won the world's richest T20 league for the first
time by beating Chennai Super Kings at Eden Gardens, Kolkata. MI
won the 6th Pepsi IPL (Indian Premier League) final match by 23

[The wirte up is contributed by TMIE2E Academy Career Centre, Secunderabad.

e-mail : faqs@tmie2e.com]

Employment News 8-14 June 2013


Government of India

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Continued from page 1

Australia Leads the way

In Australia a new law was enacted in
2012 that has made match fixing or game
tanking a criminal offence with provisions
for prison up to 10 years. The Australian
government acknowledged that corruption in sports is rising dramatically and
steps need to be taken to protect the
integrity of sports.
With this in mind the Australian government
compiled National Policy on Match Fixing
in 2011 to deal with fraudulent practices
in sports. The policy has laid out detailed
guidelines for government, sport organizations, betting agencies etc. The policy
aimed for 'nationally consistent' legislation
to deal with match fixing or spot fixing.
According to some media reports in India,
the Australian laws and policies would be
studied in detail to prepare the new legislation. Various other countries already
have legal provisions against fixing in
sports. For example countries like
France, Germany, Denmark and Sweden
deal with such fraudulent practices under
the Criminal Code. Imprisonment range
from 2 years up to 10 years and there is

a provision for fine that may equal the

money offered as bribe as in the case of
Spain, or up to 75,000 Euros as in the
case of France.

Need for Exclusive Law

Most of these countries have some provisions specially fitted in to deal with corruption in sport, but according to leading
sport organizations they are not enough.
In countries like Italy and Brazil, match
fixing have been proved in court but
largely the punishments have been
meted out to the players who have faced
bans or jail terms.
Football's ruling body FIFA has consistently maintained that just booking players and giving them harsh punishment is
not enough to root out the problem. FIFA
argues that those who are luring players,
or offering bribes often roam scot free
and unless they are brought under control
this malaise is not going to die down. It is
in this context that the need for exclusive
law dealing with match fixing is strongly
felt and the world may be curiously looking at the Indian legislation.
Discussions are already underway on the
draft and the Law Minister has assured
that the government would consult all


Central Arid Zone Research Institute

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Jodhpur (Rajasthan) 342 003
F. No. 4A-101/Rectt./RRS,Leh/2012/Admn-I
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following posts at CAZRI, Jodhpurs
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PB-3: 15600-39100
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PB1: 5200-20200
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GP: 2800
T-3 (Field Assistant)
PB1: 5200-20200
01 (One) Reserved for ST
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GP: 2800
T-1 (Field Assistant)
PB- 1: 5200-20200
04 (Four)
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GP: 2000
01 -Reserved for OBC
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01 -Reserved for SC
T-1 (Computer)
PB- 1: 5200-20200
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Exam Passed
Div & % of Marks
8. Professional Qualification. If any
9. Experience, if any
Name of Unit Post
Period From
Description of work
10. Present Postal address for correspondence:
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12. Any other relevant information ;
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(c) Employment registration number
I do hereby declare that the statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to
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Signature of the applicant
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4. Date of Written Test/Interview
Gaz. Officer
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7. All documents/testimonials in original regarding Date of Birth. Category, Qualification, experience etc. will have to be produced at the time of the Trade test/interview, failing which the candidature is likely to be cancelled.
(Left Hand Thumb Impression of the applicant)
davp 10203/11/0020/1314

political parties and other stake holders to

make a comprehensive law. This broad
based legislation would cover all sports and
would not be focused on cricket alone.
"Dishonest practices" will be defined properly so that seemingly innocent gestures
like tucking in the towel or a particular celebration doesn't miss the ambit of law.
Besides national and international players, the law would also be covering bookies, corporate, and criminals.
Sport today is a multi billion industry and

Signature of the applicant

EN 10/128

passionate sport lovers often regard their

favorite games like football or cricket as
their religion. But with instances of frauds
at rise, it is only natural for the paying
public to feel cheated. Combined with
stakes in sports that is rising considerably, it is only proper that an effective law
takes place that may act as deterrent to
fixing in sports.
[The author is a sports journalist,
E-mail vidhanshu@hotmail.com]

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Employment News 8-14 JUNE 2013


-- A. Rajesh
oday India is the second fastest growT
ing economy in the world. The Indian
construction Industry is an integral part of
the economy and a conduit for a substantial part of its development investment.
The construction sector is poised for
growth on account of industrialization,
urbanization, economic development and
people's rising expectation for improved
quality of living. One of the biggest driver for growth is the aspiration of India's
middle class to own homes.
Construction accounts for nearly 65% of
total investment in infrastructure in the
country. Investment in construction
accounts for nearly 11% of India's GDP.
The Planning Commission had proposed
an investment of around US $500 billion
in the Eleventh Five-Year-Plan period
(2007-2012). This outlay has been made
for infrastructure development projects
such as development of bridges, dams,
power plants, roads etc. In addition to this
outlay, the Indian government has taken
a number of initiatives to encourage the
construction industry such as easing the
FDI norms, doing away with the urban
land ceiling act etc.
The construction sector mainly comprises
of work related to constructing, demolishing and renovating engineering structures. The industry employs various people from different qualification backgrounds. Any construction project
requires both skilled labor as well as
qualified professionals working together
to complete complex projects. The construction Industry has multiple segments.
The segments are usually defined by the
type of construction. Construction industry segments include Residential,
Commercial, Industrial, Infrastructure
projects etc.

Employment Scenario
The construction industry is the second
largest employer in India. The construction industry includes allied industries
such as steel, brick manufacturing,
cement manufacturing etc. Any large
scale infrastructure investment such as
the one by the Indian government triggers
a boom in employment not just in the core
construction industry but also in allied
industries. This boom is resulting in multifold employment opportunities arising in
both Indian and Global organizations.
Global majors such as JLL, Demag
Properties, UAE Rackeen amongst others have made significant investments in
India and are looking to hire talent. Indian
construction majors like Gammon, DLF,
Hiranandani etc. are not far behind in
their need for skilled manpower.
Taking a que from the governments ambitious projects lined up during the 11th
plan period the demand for construction
is expected to grow by at least 8-9% with

more 2.5 million employment opportunities per annum are expected to be generated. The industry has a need for the full
spectrum of employees from directly
linked professionals like civil, mechanical
engineers and architects to per day wage
construction workers.
The construction industry is continually
Construction industry is looking for skilled
talent across all levels starting from
masons, plumbers, electricians etc. to
architects, site managers, etc.

Availability for Construction
Shortage of skilled workers hinders the
progress of work there by delay in meeting deadlines i.e. timely output. There is a
vast difference between the business
need and the skill set possessed by the
workers in the Industry today. Most of the
gaps in the skill sets are in areas of core
knowledge and skill required to undertake
relevant job role as part of a construction
project. The biggest challenge faced by
Industry today is that most talent available for key construction activities like
masonry, carpentry, brick work etc. is
unskilled or has crude skills with limited
job relevant knowledge.
The problems get compounded at the
supervisor levels. Most organizations hire
supervisors with diploma in civil engineering or a degree in civil engineering. These
graduates are hired from the various
poly-techniques. While these students
have a very high level of theoretical
knowledge, they have limited practical
knowledge and tend to struggle on site. In
addition to the challenge of employability
of graduates there is also a significant
demand and supply gap for talent at
supervisor level and above.
The lack of basic skills can result in a
number of large scale problems. In proper analysis of work, poor communication
etc. can result in poor quality of work output. In the construction sector poor quality invariably can lead to fatality.

Addressing the Skill Gap

Construction Industry
The crisis of poor skilled output can only
be uprooted when the skill set is intelligently and efficiently improved from grass
root levels. The one who is involved in
construction i.e. civil engineer , carpenter
,draughtsman or labor, has shortage of
skill set due to poor training and an education system that struggles to create job
ready talent.
In order to achieve good standards in
construction sector the Indian government along with the Construction industry



continued on page 1

woman has an independent source of income, she

is denied even this meagre amount. During divorce
proceedings, substantial sums can be secured to
the wife only through negotiations during court proceedings in the event that husband is desirous of a
hasty divorce.
Though the recently enacted Domestic Violence
Act has protected the right of residence in the husbands home, for women who would rather be free
of an oppressive marital yoke, this is of little solace.
To make matters worse, in 2010, the government
proposed introduction of, irretrievable breakdown
of marriage (or no fault divorce), which could make
way for hasty divorces as the parties do not have to
prove a matrimonial fault against the other. The
reasoning is that several Western countries have
incorporated this ground into their matrimonial
statutes. But the government overlooked the fact that
these countries have also simultaneously introduced
the notion of division of matrimonial property.
When the Bill was sent to the select committee several women's groups appeared before the committee and pleaded that introduction of this ground will
take away the bargaining power that women have
during divorce proceedings filed by their husbands
and will render their situation even worse as it will
drive them further into destitution. The Joint Select

has set up Construction Industry

Development Council (CIDC). According
to CIDC figures there is approximately a
shortage of 33% in specialized workforce
in construction sector.
For the development of the industry the
council has taken up initiatives, to name a
Advice the government on policy formulation
Training manpower in order to produce skilled workers at various levels
in the industry.
Workers welfare
Promote new technologies by interacting with international organizations.
The main aim is to promote awareness
among the manpower to improve their
efficiency by understanding the need. In
addition to this a number of Industry leading organizations are investing heavily
into skill development of their workforce.
They are setting up training institutions
and working with number of skill development agencies to train their workforce on
the ground. The growth rate can be
ascending only when enthusiastic and
efficient workers maintain the sector.

Building a Career in the

Construction Industry
The lower rung jobs in the construction
sector are mostly temporary for the labor.
If a major project work is taken up by the
contractors in different cities, they tend to
opt for labor in the local regions leaving
behind the experienced workers related
to previous project. Low rung jobs
require semi-skilled and skilled labor
across key trades such as carpentry,
masonry, plumbing, painting etc. These
trades form critical steps in any construction process. Most low rung jobs are procured through contractors who act as
staffing agents for large construction
firms. Though low run jobs are extremely
critical, most of the people that take up
these roles are provided with very limited
job security. It is common for most workers not to even have accident insurance.
This is slowly changing with firms focusing more on safety and welfare of workers and taking a number of positive steps
in this direction. Most construction site
today emphasis on PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment's) and also has
health officers who regular visit their sites.
Skilled resources eventually become
supervisors. Most diploma graduates
from civil engineering also join straight as
supervisors. A supervisor's role requires
a great level of people management
skills. Most construction sites have workers from diverse backgrounds. Workers
come from different parts of the country
and hence speak different languages and

Committee of the Parliament, in its 45th Report

submitted to the Rajya Sabha in March, 2011,
urged the Government to consider introduction of
the principle of 'division of matrimonial property'
into our matrimonial statutes. This was sort of victory to women's organisations who have been campaigning for this right for a long time.
It is ironic that at one level, women are denied the
right of inheritance in their parental home due to
cultural constrains despite statutory rights, at
another, they are denied the right to matrimonial
property due to lack of statutory protection. Caught
in this double blind, women become extremely vulnerable and susceptible to domestic violence. So
it is a welcome move by the government to act on
the recommendations of the select committee and
draft a law which will ensure property division at
the time of divorce.
Defining 'matrimonial residence' and 'matrimonial
property' will not be an easy task as the law has not
dealt with these concerns earlier. Principles
evolved in Western countries may not apply to conditions prevalent in India, for various cultural factors. Many times, the matrimonial home is not a
nuclear household, it may be a family home owned
by parents-in-law. Secondly, the prevalence of a
large amount of unaccounted money in our economy makes determination of personal wealth of the
husband a difficult task at the time of divorce. The
third question is if the wife has her own property

have different cultural attributes.

Supervisors are expected to effectively
manage these differences and deliver
against project deadlines.
Slightly senior roles in the construction
industry include those of site managers,
safety engineers, site engineers, project
managers etc. Though these are management function, unlike other industries,
stakeholders in these roles are expected
to be a lot more hands on and directly
engaged in activities. These roles are
extremely challenging as most construction projects are complex and are of very
high value.
As far as fresh graduates are concerned
the construction industry presents a
unique opportunity to grow rapidly while
impacting the development of the nation.
It would be ideal and wise to join a leading Indian company or an MNC with a
local presence even at a starting level as
there is significant scope for training and
rapid upward movement through ranks
for talented individuals. The largest players in the construction industry are DLF,
Godrej, L&T, Unitech, GMR, etc.
The construction Industry also has multiple role that require human resources to
build deep expertise and procure globally
accepted certifications. Such roles
include those of Safety Engineers,
Building Automation Design Engineers
etc. In addition to specialized roles, that
advent of information technology has
opened up multiple avenues for individuals
seeking to make a career in this vertical.
The advent of multinationals and the
growth of the infrastructure in country are
resulting in India becoming a hub for
some really large scale global projects.
Those who leverage the opportunity to
work on such projects of a global scale
can aspire to work on multiple global projects across the globe. India is trying to
achieve global benchmarks in the construction industry this will only open up
more global avenues for the Indian workforce in the construction Industry.
For those looking to make their careers in
construction, there is a unique opportunity to ride a wave of industry growth to
achieve career aspirations. The opportunities in construction industry lie across
various skill sets and various levels. The
critical success factor for anyone looking
to make a career in this industry is the
same as that with any other industryPassion & Perseverance. Those with a
passion for construction and the perseverance to strive hard are bound to see
success in this industry.
[The author is Head, Employment and
Placement Wing, Manipur Global
Education Services.
Email : rajeshar@irize.in ]
(With this article we conclude our series on
Skill Development and its related fields.)

will she be eligible to the husband's property. Rather than acting on

impulse and opposing the Bill there is a need to give a careful consideration to these tricky questions so that the legislation will serve
to protect women's rights and at the same it will be just and equitable.
[The author is a matrimonial lawyer and Director of Majlis
which provides legal advocacy and litigation help to women.
Email : flaviaagnes@gmail.com]


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Printed & Published by Ira Joshi, Additional Director General, on behalf of Publications Division, Ministry of I & B, Govt. of India, New Delhi and Printed at Press Amar Ujala Publication Ltd., C-21 & 22,
Sector-59, Noida-201301. Published from Employment News (Ministry of I. & B.) East Block-IV, Level-5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066. Editor, Nalini Rani

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