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Department of Physics


FLORES, Arvin Christian S.

2012100142 ME-2 Group 5


Engr. Ericson D. Dimaunahan

January 29, 2016



This experiment is about the concept of Linear Expansion, which a beam will increase
depends on the change of the temperature. The place were using vastly affects our
experiment because Linear Expansion will only take place if there is a change of
temperature, because our place is fully air-conditioned, the coldness in the room will
conflict the hotness which the steam generator brings which also can possibly lead to a
large amount of percent error.

Laboratory setup for Linear Expansion

The approach in this experiment is to be familiar with the concept, apparatus and the
set-up of the experiment so that excessive percent error and false data can be
minimized. First thing we did is we measured the (Lo) of Aluminium tube. Then we put
the metal tube in the expansion base and we attached the thermistor lug at the
expansion base with the use of a thumb screw. The problem starts is when we found the
resistance of Thermistor at Room Temperature and Initial Temperature of the tube. This is
where the external factor start to take place because we performed this experiment in a
very air cooled classroom. After the steam generator was set up, a rag was also
necessary at the end of the tube so it can catch water that drops in the tube. When the
steam began to move, the dial gauge began to move too. As the thermistor resistance
steadied, we recorded the data, also the change in length was also recorded. At first we
pulled an unbelievable 100% + error, it is my first time encountering such absurd
percent error. We started to sort out what when wrong in our performance in the
experiment until we gave up and we repeated the procedure thoroughly and carefully.


( 1.25 mm )
=3.28 x 105
Lo t ( 695 mm ) ( 54.75 C )

The Experiment Value we got in this experiment really gave us a large percent error
because the experiment was done in an air-conditioned room and also the steam did not
reach boiling point so it contributes a large amount of percent by just being in an airconditioned room. I recommend that if this experiment will be done again by other fellow
student, it should be in a warm room so that the percent error will be minimized.

In the experiment we have done, the objectives has been answered because it
shows the coefficient of copper tube is less than the aluminium tube. Also it proves that

aluminium has a more change in length than copper which can already be concluded
that the experiment was a success. The factors affected the

L in thermal expansion

was also determined because the % error of the copper and aluminium is very large
because the surroundings where the experiment was performed is very cold due to
because the room was air-conditioned. Which lead to the tube didnt reached the boiling
point that vastly affected the experimental values of coefficient of Linear Expansion.
Some of our percent error came from being inexperienced of using the apparatus, and
also some misalign of measurements made in the experiment. After doing the
experiment I concluded that it is only theoretically possible to reach the Actual
coefficient of Linear Expansion, which is impossible in our world because of great
involvement of the outside factors.

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