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# 01: Assignment

(Lecture- Introduction)
1. Spend time on observing the effect of light in various manmade conditions. The especial effect of
light has helped to enhance the quality of work. Light and Shade plays interesting effect in various
manmade conditions. Take at least five (05) photographs of the following categories and analyze their
unique characteristics(A) Light in Architecture,
(B) Light in Performing Art

#02: Assignment
(Lecture- Color Theory)
2. Create a set of four compositions with- water color, pastel, paper material and collage with
the emphasis on Color Harmony.
#03: Assignment
(Lecture- Subtractive & Additive Color)
3. Subtractive and Additive Colors have two different application in 2D works. Use suitable
techniques and create two compositions based on Subtractive and Additive Color Theory.
#04: Assignment
(Lecture- Color Intensity)
4. Color intensity is one of the important factors that may have effect in viewing the object or
display. Apply color intensity to create required effect for the viewers.
#05: Assignment
(Lecture- Symmetry and Asymmetry)
5. Symmetry and Asymmetry in Design maintains desired balance in any composition. Use
mixed-media to create a design composition with the help of symmetry and asymmetry
elements in design.
#06: Assignment
(Lecture- Piet Mondrian- Minimalist Design)
6. Minimalism has played important role in modern design. Design four household product
based on the minimalist theory and write short note on your design justifying the philosophy
and its merit comparing with other traditional products.
#07: Assignment
(Lecture- Perception of Color)
7. Color can be perceived in many ways. Psychologically color creates various effects on our
mind. Design at least four 2D & 3D (each two) product design showing different sensations
may be experienced. Write a short note with relevant explanations.

#08: Assignment
(Lecture- Color Communication)
8. Color speaks. It communicates with people with different meanings based on various
socio-cultural conditions. Create four 2D compositions that would reflect various sociocultural ethoses and communicate with the societies. Write in short about the power of nonverbal communication with the help of your works.
#09: Assignment
(Lecture- Color in Nature)
9. Color in nature has various purposes. Use photography (your own) to show natures
application of color in various conditions and justify with a short note. (You must include the
date, time and context of your photographs clearly.)
#10: Assignment
(Lecture- Color & Emotion)
Do you think color has link with emotion? If so, choose readymade household products and
write a short note on the above issues. And create one virtual design which would reflect the
emotional content of color through the color.
(Note while designing remember to include- age group, social conditions, tradition, heritage
and cultural ethos)

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